European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 282, issue 3, 2020
- Irregular packing problems: A review of mathematical models pp. 803-822

- Aline A.S. Leao, Franklina M.B. Toledo, José Fernando Oliveira, Maria Antónia Carravilla and Ramón Alvarez-Valdés
- Heuristics for packing semifluids pp. 823-834

- João Pedro Pedroso
- Automatic Algorithm Design for Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling Problems pp. 835-845

- Pedro Alfaro-Fernández, Rubén Ruiz, Federico Pagnozzi and Thomas Stützle
- A branch and price algorithm to solve the Quickest Multicommodity k-splittable Flow Problem pp. 846-857

- Anna Melchiori and Antonino Sgalambro
- Generalised accelerations for insertion-based heuristics in permutation flowshop scheduling pp. 858-872

- Victor Fernandez-Viagas, Jose M. Molina-Pariente and Jose M. Framinan
- Matheuristics for slot planning of container vessel bays pp. 873-885

- Aleksandra Korach, Berit Dangaard Brouer and Rune Møller Jensen
- A branch-and-cut algorithm for the inventory routing problem with pickups and deliveries pp. 886-895

- Claudia Archetti, M. Grazia Speranza, Maurizio Boccia, Antonio Sforza and Claudio Sterle
- A branch-and-cut algorithm for an assembly routing problem pp. 896-910

- Masoud Chitsaz, Jean-François Cordeau and Raf Jans
- Pricing and hedging in incomplete markets with model uncertainty pp. 911-925

- Anne G. Balter and Antoon Pelsser
- Handling negative data in slacks-based measure data envelopment analysis models pp. 926-935

- Kaoru Tone, Tsung-Sheng Chang and Chen-Hui Wu
- Monotonicity properties for two-action partially observable Markov decision processes on partially ordered spaces pp. 936-944

- Erik Miehling and Demosthenis Teneketzis
- The multilinear model in multicriteria decision making: The case of 2-additive capacities and contributions to parameter identification pp. 945-956

- Guilherme Dean Pelegrina, Leonardo Tomazeli Duarte, Michel Grabisch and João Marcos Travassos Romano
- Adaptive consensus reaching process with hybrid strategies for large-scale group decision making pp. 957-971

- Ming Tang, Huchang Liao, Jiuping Xu, Dalia Streimikiene and Xiaosong Zheng
- Weighted committee games pp. 972-979

- Sascha Kurz, Alexander Mayer and Stefan Napel
- Measuring efficiency in a general production possibility set allowing for negative data pp. 980-988

- Chiang Kao
- Lean holistic fuzzy methodology employing cross-functional worker teams for new product development projects: A real case study from high-tech industry pp. 989-1010

- Omer Faruk Yilmaz, Gokhan Ozcelik and Fatma Betul Yeni
- From one-class to two-class classification by incorporating expert knowledge: Novelty detection in human behaviour pp. 1011-1024

- Dieter Oosterlinck, Dries F. Benoit and Philippe Baecke
- A fuzzy cooperative game theoretic approach for multinational water resource spatiotemporal allocation pp. 1025-1037

- Dehai Liu, Xiaoxian Ji, Jiafu Tang and Hongyi Li
- Optimising lung imaging for cancer radiation therapy pp. 1038-1052

- Michelle Dunbar, O’Brien, Ricky and Gary Froyland
- Compulsory licenses in the pharmaceutical industry: Pricing and R&D strategies pp. 1053-1069

- Archita Sarmah, Domenico De Giovanni and Pietro De Giovanni
- The effect of monetary policy on bank competition using the Boone index pp. 1070-1087

- Anthony J. Glass, Karligash Kenjegalieva and Thomas Weyman-Jones
- Designing a rural network of dialysis facilities pp. 1088-1100

- Michael G. Klein, Vedat Verter and Brian G. Moses
- A note on the regularity of a new metric for measuring even-flow in forest planning pp. 1101-1106

- José M. González-González, Miguel E. Vázquez-Méndez and Ulises Diéguez-Aranda
- A novel minimal cut-based algorithm to find all minimal capacity vectors for multi-state flow networks pp. 1107-1114

- Ding-Hsiang Huang, Cheng-Fu Huang and Yi-Kuei Lin
- A multi-objective Monte Carlo tree search for forest harvest scheduling pp. 1115-1126

- Teresa Neto, Miguel Constantino, Isabel Martins and João Pedro Pedroso
- Does risk aversion affect bank output loss? The case of the Eurozone pp. 1127-1145

- Mike Tsionas, Emmanuel Mamatzakis and Steven Ongena
- Estimating the term structure of commodity market preferences pp. 1146-1163

- George Christodoulakis
- Technical, allocative and overall efficiency: Estimation and inference pp. 1164-1176

- Leopold Simar and Paul Wilson
- Quantile Stochastic Frontiers pp. 1177-1184

- Mike Tsionas
- General lattice methods for arithmetic Asian options pp. 1185-1199

- Anna Maria Gambaro, Ioannis Kyriakou and Gianluca Fusai
Volume 282, issue 2, 2020
- A review of operational spare parts service logistics in service control towers pp. 401-414

- E. Topan, A.S. Eruguz, Wanglin Ma, M.C. van der Heijden and Rommert Dekker
- Inverse optimization for the recovery of constraint parameters pp. 415-427

- Timothy C.Y. Chan and Neal Kaw
- Fixed point quasiconvex subgradient method pp. 428-437

- Kazuhiro Hishinuma and Hideaki Iiduka
- A standard branch-and-bound approach for nonlinear semi-infinite problems pp. 438-452

- Antoine Marendet, Alexandre Goldsztejn, Gilles Chabert and Christophe Jermann
- An exact algebraic ϵ-constraint method for bi-objective linear integer programming based on test sets pp. 453-463

- María Isabel Hartillo-Hermoso, Haydee Jiménez-Tafur and José María Ucha-Enríquez
- Shared processor scheduling of multiprocessor jobs pp. 464-477

- Dariusz Dereniowski and Wiesław Kubiak
- Flow shops with reentry: Reversibility properties and makespan optimal schedules pp. 478-490

- Tae-Sun Yu and Michael Pinedo
- Machine scheduling with soft precedence constraints pp. 491-505

- An Zhang, Xiangtong Qi and Guanhua Li
- A branch-and-cut algorithm for Mixed-Integer Bilinear Programming pp. 506-514

- Matteo Fischetti and Michele Monaci
- The multi-visit team orienteering problem with precedence constraints pp. 515-529

- Saïd Hanafi, Renata Mansini and Roberto Zanotti
- Stochastic mixed-model assembly line sequencing problem: Mathematical modeling and Q-learning based simulated annealing hyper-heuristics pp. 530-544

- H. Mosadegh, S.M.T. Fatemi Ghomi and G.A. Süer
- The Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem with three-dimensional loading constraints pp. 545-558

- Andreas Bortfeldt and Junmin Yi
- Combating product label misconduct: The role of traceability and market inspection pp. 559-568

- Shiqing Yao and Kaijie Zhu
- Should a manufacturer sell refurbished returns on the secondary market to incentivize retailers to reduce consumer returns? pp. 569-579

- Andrea Borenich, Yanick Dickbauer, Marc Reimann and Gilvan C. Souza
- Considering emissions in the transit network design and frequency setting problem with a heterogeneous fleet pp. 580-592

- Javier Duran-Micco, Evert Vermeir and Pieter Vansteenwegen
- Minimizing expected discounted cost in a queueing loss model with discriminating arrivals pp. 593-601

- Babak Haji and Sheldon Ross
- On double-boundary non-crossing probability for a class of compound processes with applications pp. 602-613

- Dimitrina S. Dimitrova, Zvetan G. Ignatov, Vladimir K. Kaishev and Senren Tan
- Bounded rationality in clearing service systems pp. 614-626

- Pelin G. Canbolat
- Organizational vulnerability of digital threats: A first validation of an assessment method pp. 627-643

- Roland W. Scholz, Reiner Czichos, Peter Parycek and Thomas J. Lampoltshammer
- Variable selection in Data Envelopment Analysis pp. 644-659

- Antonio Peyrache, Christiern Rose and Gabriela Sicilia
- Maximum excess dominance: Identifying impractical solutions in linear problems with interval coefficients pp. 660-676

- Chunling Luo, Chin Hon Tan and Xiao Liu
- Optimal acquisition and retention strategies in a duopoly model of competition pp. 677-695

- Shuhua Chang, Zhaowei Zhang, Xinyu Wang and Yan Dong
- Learning and pricing models for repeated generalized second-price auction in search advertising pp. 696-711

- Wei Yang, Baichun Xiao and Lifang Wu
- Units of measurement and directional distance functions with optimal endogenous directions in data envelopment analysis pp. 712-728

- Niels Christian Petersen
- Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms for strategic deployment of resources in operational units pp. 729-740

- John H. Drake, Andrew Starkey, Gilbert Owusu and Edmund K. Burke
- Scheduling surgery groups considering multiple downstream resources pp. 741-752

- A.J. Thomas Schneider, J. Theresia van Essen, Mijke Carlier and Erwin W. Hans
- Peer-to-peer electricity market analysis: From variational to Generalized Nash Equilibrium pp. 753-771

- Hélène Le Cadre, Paulin Jacquot, Cheng Wan and Clémence Alasseur
- Proactive and reactive strategies for football league timetabling pp. 772-785

- Xiajie Yi, Dries Goossens and Fabrice Talla Nobibon
- An ordinal classification framework for bank failure prediction: Methodology and empirical evidence for US banks pp. 786-801

- Georgios Manthoulis, Michalis Doumpos, Constantin Zopounidis and Emilios Galariotis
Volume 282, issue 1, 2020
- Advances in Bayesian decision making in reliability pp. 1-18

- David Rios Insua, Fabrizio Ruggeri, Refik Soyer and Simon Wilson
- Coupled task scheduling with exact delays: Literature review and models pp. 19-39

- Mostafa Khatami, Amir Salehipour and T.C.E. Cheng
- A robust optimization approach for humanitarian needs assessment planning under travel time uncertainty pp. 40-57

- Burcu Balcik and İhsan Yanıkoğlu
- Empirical orthogonal constraint generation for Multidimensional 0/1 Knapsack Problems pp. 58-70

- Thomas Setzer and Sebastian M. Blanc
- Under what conditions can an application service firm with in-house computing benefit from cloudbursting? pp. 71-80

- Li-Ming Chen and Wei-Lun Chang
- A dynamic auto-adaptive predictive maintenance policy for degradation with unknown parameters pp. 81-92

- E. Mosayebi Omshi, A. Grall and S. Shemehsavar
- Coordination mechanism, risk sharing, and risk aversion in a five-level textile supply chain under demand and supply uncertainty pp. 93-107

- Arnab Adhikari, Arnab Bisi and Balram Avittathur
- Capacity and assortment planning under one-way supplier-driven substitution for pharmacy kiosks with low drug demand pp. 108-128

- Gohram Baloch and Fatma Gzara
- A lexicographic minimax approach to the vehicle routing problem with route balancing pp. 129-147

- Fabien Lehuédé, Olivier Péton and Fabien Tricoire
- Measuring and mitigating the effects of cost disturbance propagation in multi-echelon apparel supply chains pp. 148-160

- Priyank Sinha, Sameer Kumar and Surya Prakash
- Cybersecurity investments in the supply chain: Coordination and a strategic attacker pp. 161-171

- Jay Simon and Ayman Omar
- Aggregation of inputs and outputs prior to Data Envelopment Analysis under big data pp. 172-187

- Valentin Zelenyuk
- Competitive location and pricing on a line with metric transportation costs pp. 188-200

- Claudio Arbib, Mustafa Ç. Pınar and Matteo Tonelli
- On preference elicitation processes which mitigate the accumulation of biases in multi-criteria decision analysis pp. 201-210

- Tuomas J. Lahtinen, Raimo P. Hämäläinen and Cosmo Jenytin
- Competitive bidding in asymmetric multidimensional public procurement pp. 211-220

- Panos L. Lorentziadis
- On the learning patterns and adaptive behavior of terrorist organizations pp. 221-234

- Johannes G. Jaspersen and Gilberto Montibeller
- Pricing of reusable resources under ambiguous distributions of demand and service time with emerging applications pp. 235-251

- Xuan Vinh Doan, Xiao Lei and Siqian Shen
- A practical approach to the shelf-space allocation and replenishment problem with heterogeneously sized shelves pp. 252-266

- Tobias Düsterhöft, Alexander Hübner and Kai Schaal
- On the importance of variability when managing metrology capacity pp. 267-276

- Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès and Michael Hassoun
- A generalization of the Aumann–Shapley value for risk capital allocation problems pp. 277-287

- Tim J. Boonen, Anja De Waegenaere and Henk Norde
- Multi-period orienteering with uncertain adoption likelihood and waiting at customers pp. 288-303

- Shu Zhang, Jeffrey W. Ohlmann and Barrett W. Thomas
- An unpunctual preventive maintenance policy under two-dimensional warranty pp. 304-318

- Xiaolin Wang, Lishuai Li and Min Xie
- Measuring and decomposing productivity change in the presence of mergers pp. 319-333

- Pablo Arocena, David S. Saal, Takuya Urakami and Michael Zschille
- Shortest path tour problem with time windows pp. 334-344

- Luigi Di Puglia Pugliese, Daniele Ferone, Paola Festa and Francesca Guerriero
- Optimal dynamic reinsurance policies under a generalized Denneberg’s absolute deviation principle pp. 345-362

- Ken Seng Tan, Pengyu Wei, Wei Wei and Sheng Chao Zhuang
- American step options pp. 363-385

- Jerome Detemple, Souleymane Laminou Abdou and Franck Moraux
- Weak comonotonicity pp. 386-397

- Ruodu Wang and Ričardas Zitikis
- On the denominator rule and a theorem by Janos Aczél pp. 398-400

- Rolf Färe and Giannis Karagiannis
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