European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 280, issue 3, 2020
- How much to tell your customer? – A survey of three perspectives on selling strategies with incompletely specified products pp. 793-817

- Jochen Gönsch
- On the maximum small-world subgraph problem pp. 818-831

- Jongeun Kim, Alexander Veremyev, Vladimir Boginski and Oleg A. Prokopyev
- Dynamic traveling salesman problem with stochastic release dates pp. 832-844

- C. Archetti, D. Feillet, A. Mor and M.G. Speranza
- A decomposed branch-and-price procedure for integrating demand planning in personnel staffing problems pp. 845-859

- M. Van Den Eeckhout, Mario Vanhoucke and B. Maenhout
- Scheduling with release dates and preemption to minimize multiple max-form objective functions pp. 860-875

- Jinjiang Yuan, C.T. Ng and T.C.E. Cheng
- Temporal hierarchies with autocorrelation for load forecasting pp. 876-888

- Peter Nystrup, Erik Lindström, Pierre Pinson and Henrik Madsen
- A supply chain network economic model with time-based competition pp. 889-908

- Jun Ma, Ding Zhang, June Dong and Yiliu Tu
- Robust empty container repositioning considering foldable containers pp. 909-925

- Sangyoon Lee and Ilkyeong Moon
- The shelf space and pricing strategies for a retailer-dominated supply chain with consignment based revenue sharing contracts pp. 926-939

- Ju Zhao, Yong-Wu Zhou, Zong-Hong Cao and Jie Min
- The parallel stack loading problem minimizing the number of reshuffles in the retrieval stage pp. 940-952

- Sven Boge and Sigrid Knust
- Recovery management for a dial-a-ride system with real-time disruptions pp. 953-969

- Célia Paquay, Yves Crama and Thierry Pironet
- Pricing and equity in cross-regional green supply chains pp. 970-987

- Daqiang Chen, Joshua Ignatius, Danzhi Sun, Mark Goh and Shalei Zhan
- As simple as possible but not simpler in Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding: the robust-stochastic level dependent Choquet integral approach pp. 988-1007

- Sally Giuseppe Arcidiacono, Salvatore Corrente and Salvatore Greco
- Unsupervised quadratic surface support vector machine with application to credit risk assessment pp. 1008-1017

- Jian Luo, Xin Yan and Ye Tian
- Automating the planning of container loading for Atlas Copco: Coping with real-life stacking and stability constraints pp. 1018-1034

- Jonas Olsson, Torbjörn Larsson and Nils-Hassan Quttineh
- Optimizing drinking water distribution system operations pp. 1035-1050

- Bruno S. Vieira, Sérgio F. Mayerle, Lucila M.S. Campos and Leandro C. Coelho
- A two-stage solution approach for personalized multi-department multi-day shift scheduling pp. 1051-1063

- Sana Dahmen, Monia Rekik, François Soumis and Guy Desaulniers
- Pattern-based models and a cooperative parallel metaheuristic for high school timetabling problems pp. 1064-1081

- Landir Saviniec, Maristela O. Santos, Alysson M. Costa and Lana M.R. dos Santos
- Optimising cargo loading and ship scheduling in tidal areas pp. 1082-1094

- Noémie Le Carrer, Scott Ferson and Peter L. Green
- Improving fairness in ambulance planning by time sharing pp. 1095-1107

- C.J. Jagtenberg and A.J. Mason
- Competing trade mechanisms and monotone mechanism choice pp. 1108-1121

- Eberhard Feess, Christian Grund, Markus Walzl and Ansgar Wohlschlegel
- Attacking and defending multiple valuable secrets in a big data world pp. 1122-1129

- Kai Konrad
- Optimal consumption and investment strategies with liquidity risk and lifetime uncertainty for Markov regime-switching jump diffusion models pp. 1130-1143

- Zhuo Jin, Guo Liu and Hailiang Yang
- Combining guaranteed and spot markets in display advertising: Selling guaranteed page views with stochastic demand pp. 1144-1159

- Bowei Chen, Jingmin Huang, Yufei Huang, Stefanos Kollias and Shigang Yue
- Shortest paths with ordinal weights pp. 1160-1170

- Luca E. Schäfer, Tobias Dietz, Nicolas Fröhlich, Stefan Ruzika and José R. Figueira
- Effects of proactive decision making on life satisfaction pp. 1171-1187

- Johannes Ulrich Siebert, Reinhard E. Kunz and Philipp Rolf
- A Bayesian approach to continuous type principal-agent problems pp. 1188-1192

- A. George Assaf, Ruijun Bu and Mike Tsionas
Volume 280, issue 2, 2020
- A survey of hybrid metaheuristics for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem pp. 395-416

- Robert Pellerin, Nathalie Perrier and François Berthaut
- Solving policy design problems: Alternating direction method of multipliers-based methods for structured inverse variational inequalities pp. 417-427

- Yaning Jiang, Xingju Cai and Deren Han
- Dual control Monte-Carlo method for tight bounds of value function under Heston stochastic volatility model pp. 428-440

- Jingtang Ma, Wenyuan Li and Harry Zheng
- Convexifiability of continuous and discrete nonnegative quadratic programs for gap-free duality pp. 441-452

- N.H. Chieu, V. Jeyakumar and G. Li
- Combining lithography and Directed Self Assembly for the manufacturing of vias: Connections to graph coloring problems, integer programming formulations, and numerical experiments pp. 453-468

- Dehia Ait-Ferhat, Vincent Juliard, Gautier Stauffer and Juan Andres Torres
- Optimal production-inventory policy for the multi-period fixed proportions co-production system pp. 469-478

- Hengyu Liu, Juliang Zhang, T.C.E. Cheng and Yihong Ru
- A robust disaster preparedness model for effective and fair disaster response pp. 479-494

- Gökalp Erbeyoğlu and Ümit Bilge
- Order release planning by iterative simulation and linear programming: Theoretical foundation and analysis of its shortcomings pp. 495-507

- Hubert Missbauer
- Interactions of competing manufacturers’ leader-follower relationship and sales format on online platforms pp. 508-522

- Jie Wei, Jinghui Lu and Jing Zhao
- Green product development under competition: A study of the fashion apparel industry pp. 523-538

- Shu Guo, Tsan-Ming Choi and Bin Shen
- Decision support for strategic energy planning: A robust optimization framework pp. 539-554

- Stefano Moret, Frédéric Babonneau, Michel Bierlaire and François Maréchal
- Price optimization with reference price effects: A generalized Benders’ decomposition method and a myopic heuristic approach pp. 555-567

- Seyed Shervin Shams-Shoaaee and Elkafi Hassini
- RobinX: A three-field classification and unified data format for round-robin sports timetabling pp. 568-580

- David Van Bulck, Dries Goossens, Jörn Schönberger and Mario Guajardo
- Introducing multiobjective complex systems pp. 581-596

- Tobias Dietz, Kathrin Klamroth, Konstantin Kraus, Stefan Ruzika, Luca E. Schäfer, Britta Schulze, Michael Stiglmayr and Margaret M. Wiecek
- Dynamic competition over social networks pp. 597-608

- Antoine Mandel and Xavier Venel
- Consistency of returns-to-scale characterizations of production frontiers with respect to model specification pp. 609-620

- Victor V. Podinovski and Tatiana Bouzdine-Chameeva
- Mixed integer formulations for a routing problem with information collection in wireless networks pp. 621-638

- Luis Flores-Luyo, Agostinho Agra, Rosa Figueiredo and Eladio Ocaña
- Optimal bidding of a virtual power plant on the Spanish day-ahead and intraday market for electricity pp. 639-655

- David Wozabal and Gunther Rameseder
- Formulation and a two-phase matheuristic for the roaming salesman problem: Application to election logistics pp. 656-670

- Masoud Shahmanzari, Deniz Aksen and Saïd Salhi
- Multistage stochastic demand-side management for price-making major consumers of electricity in a co-optimized energy and reserve market pp. 671-688

- Mahbubeh Habibian, Anthony Downward and Golbon Zakeri
- A dependent project evaluation and review technique: A Bayesian network approach pp. 689-706

- Johan René van Dorp
- A stochastic planning framework for the discovery of complementary, agricultural systems pp. 707-729

- Hector Flores and J. Rene Villalobos
- Recursive lower and dual upper bounds for Bermudan-style options pp. 730-740

- Alfredo Ibáñez and Carlos Velasco
- Nested Conditional Value-at-Risk portfolio selection: A model with temporal dependence driven by market-index volatility pp. 741-753

- Alessandro Staino and Emilio Russo
- Technical change and the von Neumann coefficient of uniform expansion pp. 754-763

- Rolf Färe, Daniel Primont and William L. Weber
- Optimal dynamic marketing-mix policies for frequently purchased products and services versus consumer durable goods: A generalized analytic approach pp. 764-777

- Hani I. Mesak, Abdullahel Bari and T. Selwyn Ellis
Volume 280, issue 1, 2020
- Decision support models in climate policy pp. 1-24

- Haris Doukas and Alexandros Nikas
- Analysis of flow shop scheduling anomalies pp. 25-33

- S.S. Panwalkar and Christos Koulamas
- Generating hard instances for robust combinatorial optimization pp. 34-45

- Marc Goerigk and Stephen J. Maher
- Semidefinite programming lower bounds and branch-and-bound algorithms for the quadratic minimum spanning tree problem pp. 46-58

- Dilson Almeida Guimarães, Alexandre Salles da Cunha and Dilson Lucas Pereira
- The case for the use of multiple imputation missing data methods in stochastic frontier analysis with illustration using English local highway data pp. 59-77

- Alexander D. Stead and Phill Wheat
- On interactive sequencing situations with exponential cost functions pp. 78-89

- Alejandro Saavedra-Nieves, Jop Schouten and Peter Borm
- Controlling distribution inventory systems with shipment consolidation and compound Poisson demand pp. 90-101

- Lina Johansson, Danja R. Sonntag, Johan Marklund and Gudrun P. Kiesmüller
- Designing a two-echelon distribution network under demand uncertainty pp. 102-123

- Imen Ben Mohamed, Walid Klibi and François Vanderbeck
- Maintenance policy for a system with a weighted linear combination of degradation processes pp. 124-133

- Shaomin Wu and Inma T. Castro
- Agency selling or reselling: E-tailer information sharing with supplier offline entry pp. 134-151

- Shichen Zhang and Jianxiong Zhang
- Modeling past-dependent partial repairs for condition-based maintenance of continuously deteriorating systems pp. 152-163

- K.T. Huynh
- Exact solution of the soft-clustered vehicle-routing problem pp. 164-178

- Timo Hintsch and Stefan Irnich
- Predictive modeling of inbound demand at major European airports with Poisson and Pre-Scheduled Random Arrivals pp. 179-190

- Carlo Lancia and Guglielmo Lulli
- Estimating Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall using the intraday low and range data pp. 191-202

- Xiaochun Meng and James W. Taylor
- Allocation planning under service-level contracts pp. 203-218

- Konstantin Kloos and Richard Pibernik
- Meta-frontier analysis using cross-efficiency method for performance evaluation pp. 219-229

- Lei Chen, Yan Huang, Mei-Juan Li and Ying-Ming Wang
- Global sub-increasing and global sub-decreasing returns to scale in free disposal hull technologies: Definition, characterization and calculation pp. 230-241

- Amin Mostafaee and Majid Soleimani-damaneh
- A conic relaxation model for searching for the global optimum of network data envelopment analysis pp. 242-253

- Kun Chen, Wade D. Cook and Joe Zhu
- Dynamic multi-priority, multi-class patient scheduling with stochastic service times pp. 254-265

- Antoine Sauré, Mehmet A. Begen and Jonathan Patrick
- A risk-based modeling approach for radiation therapy treatment planning under tumor shrinkage uncertainty pp. 266-278

- Gino J. Lim, Laleh Kardar, Saba Ebrahimi and Wenhua Cao
- Filtering for risk assessment of interbank network pp. 279-294

- Majeed Simaan, Aparna Gupta and Koushik Kar
- Project schedule performance under general mode implementation disruptions pp. 295-311

- Jeroen Burgelman and Mario Vanhoucke
- Operational asymptotic stochastic dominance pp. 312-322

- Rachel J. Huang, Larry Tzeng, -Yan Wang and Lin Zhao
- Profit allocation in investment-based crowdfunding with investors of dynamic entry times pp. 323-337

- Yunshen Yang, Gongbing Bi and Lindong Liu
- Discovering heterogeneous consumer groups from sales transaction data pp. 338-350

- Haengju Lee and Yongsoon Eun
- Direction selection in stochastic directional distance functions pp. 351-364

- Kevin Layer, Andrew L. Johnson, Robin C. Sickles and Gary Ferrier
- Are solar panels commodities? A Bayesian hierarchical approach to detecting quality differences and asymmetric information pp. 365-382

- Johannes Mauritzen
- Price dynamics in the European Union Emissions Trading System and evaluation of its ability to boost emission-related investment decisions pp. 383-394

- Maria Flora and Tiziano Vargiolu
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