European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 293, issue 3, 2021
- Portfolio decision analysis: Recent developments and future prospects pp. 811-825

- Juuso Liesiö, Ahti Salo, Jeffrey M. Keisler and Alec Morton
- Partitioning a graph into balanced connected classes: Formulations, separation and experiments pp. 826-836

- Flávio K. Miyazawa, Phablo F.S. Moura, Matheus J. Ota and Yoshiko Wakabayashi
- Minimizing total late work on a single machine with generalized due-dates pp. 837-846

- Gur Mosheiov, Daniel Oron and Dvir Shabtay
- Solving the maximum edge disjoint path problem using a modified Lagrangian particle swarm optimisation hybrid pp. 847-862

- Jake Weiner, Andreas T. Ernst, Xiaodong Li, Yuan Sun and Kalyanmoy Deb
- System optimal routing of traffic flows with user constraints using linear programming pp. 863-879

- E. Angelelli, V. Morandi, M. Savelsbergh and M.G. Speranza
- Supply chain game theory network modeling under labor constraints: Applications to the Covid-19 pandemic pp. 880-891

- Anna Nagurney
- Integrated Laycan and Berth Allocation and time-invariant Quay Crane Assignment Problem in tidal ports with multiple quays pp. 892-909

- Hamza Bouzekri, Gülgün Alpan and Vincent Giard
- Decisions and coordination of retailer-led low-carbon supply chain under altruistic preference pp. 910-925

- Yuyan Wang, Zhaoqing Yu, Mingzhou Jin and Jiafu Mao
- Long-term resource planning in the high-tech industry: Capacity or inventory? pp. 926-940

- Dina Smirnov, Willem van Jaarsveld, Zümbül Atan and Ton de Kok
- Levelling crane workload in multi-yard rail-road container terminals pp. 941-954

- Arne Schulz, Malte Fliedner, Benedikt Fiedrich and Christian Pfeiffer
- The collaborative consistent vehicle routing problem with workload balance pp. 955-965

- Simona Mancini, Margaretha Gansterer and Richard F. Hartl
- A simulation-based decomposition approach for two-stage staffing optimization in call centers under arrival rate uncertainty pp. 966-979

- Thuy Anh Ta, Wyean Chan, Fabian Bastin and L’Ecuyer, Pierre
- Universal distribution of batch completion times and time-cost tradeoff in a production line with arbitrary buffer size pp. 980-989

- Ruth Sagron and Rami Pugatch
- Type II failure and specification testing in the Stochastic Frontier Model pp. 990-1001

- Alecos Papadopoulos and Christopher Parmeter
- Exponential distance function and duality theory pp. 1002-1014

- Walter Briec, Hirofumi Fukuyama and Paola Ravelojaona
- Identifying and responding to outlier demand in revenue management pp. 1015-1030

- Nicola Rennie, Catherine Cleophas, Adam M. Sykulski and Florian Dost
- Managing competitive levers in a collaborative distribution channel pp. 1031-1042

- Ehsan Bolandifar, Zhong Chen and Kaijie Zhu
- Multiplier dynamic data envelopment analysis based on directional distance function: An application to mutual funds pp. 1043-1057

- Ruiyue Lin and Qian Liu
- Optimal in-store fulfillment policies for online orders in an omni-channel retail environment pp. 1058-1076

- Rita Maria Difrancesco, Isabelle M. van Schilt and Matthias Winkenbach
- Locomotive fuel management with inline refueling pp. 1077-1096

- Ahmad Kazemi, Andreas T. Ernst, Mohan Krishnamoorthy and Pierre Le Bodic
- Optimizing carpool formation along high-occupancy vehicle lanes pp. 1097-1112

- Nils Boysen, Dirk Briskorn, Stefan Schwerdfeger and Konrad Stephan
- An efficient column generation approach for practical railway crew scheduling with attendance rates pp. 1113-1130

- Janis S. Neufeld, Martin Scheffler, Felix Tamke, Kirsten Hoffmann and Udo Buscher
- A generalized true random-effects model with spatially autocorrelated persistent and transient inefficiency pp. 1131-1142

- Ioannis Skevas and Theodoros Skevas
- Conflict resolving – A local search algorithm for solving large scale conflict graphs in freight railway timetabling pp. 1143-1154

- Julian Reisch, Peter Großmann, Daniel Pöhle and Natalia Kliewer
- A model of investment under uncertainty with time to build, market incompleteness and risk aversion pp. 1155-1167

- Laura Delaney
- Optimal bundle composition in competition for continuous attributes pp. 1168-1187

- Kenneth Page, Juan Pérez, Claudio Telha, Andrés García-Echalar and Héctor López-Ospina
- Pricing American drawdown options under Markov models pp. 1188-1205

- Xiang Zhang, Lingfei Li and Gongqiu Zhang
Volume 293, issue 2, 2021
- Taking stock of behavioural OR: A review of behavioural studies with an intervention focus pp. 401-418

- L. Alberto Franco, Raimo P. Hämäläinen, Etiënne A.J.A. Rouwette and Ilkka Leppänen
- Metaheuristics for the online printing shop scheduling problem pp. 419-441

- Willian T. Lunardi, Ernesto G. Birgin, Débora P. Ronconi and Holger Voos
- An iterative dynamic programming approach for the temporal knapsack problem pp. 442-456

- F. Clautiaux, B. Detienne and G. Guillot
- Single-machine scheduling with an external resource pp. 457-468

- Dirk Briskorn, Morteza Davari and Jannik Matuschke
- Effects of corporate social responsibility activities in a two-stage assembly production system with multiple components and imperfect processes pp. 469-480

- Rung-Hung Su, Ming-Wei Weng and Chih-Te Yang
- Contracting for technology improvement: The effect of asymmetric bargaining power and investment uncertainty pp. 481-494

- Ali Shantia, Sam Aflaki and Andrea Masini
- Optimizing routing and delivery patterns with multi-compartment vehicles pp. 495-510

- Markus Frank, Manuel Ostermeier, Andreas Holzapfel, Alexander Hübner and Heinrich Kuhn
- Modelling dynamic freshness-keeping effort over a finite time horizon in a two-echelon online fresh product supply chain pp. 511-528

- Chao Liu, Weidong Chen, Qian Zhou and Jing Mu
- Optimal scheduling of emergency resources for major maritime oil spills considering time-varying demand and transportation networks pp. 529-546

- Lingye Zhang, Jing Lu and Zaili Yang
- Simplified stochastic calculus with applications in Economics and Finance pp. 547-560

- Aleš Černý and Johannes Ruf
- Preemptible queues with advance reservations: Strategic behavior and revenue management pp. 561-578

- Jonathan Chamberlain, Eran Simhon and David Starobinski
- Efficient optimization algorithms for surgical scheduling under uncertainty pp. 579-593

- Shing Chih Tsai, Yingchieh Yeh and Chen Yun Kuo
- Joint pricing and inventory decisions for substitutable and perishable products under demand uncertainty pp. 594-602

- Fei Fang, Tri-Dung Nguyen and Christine S.M. Currie
- On sales effort and pricing decisions under alternative risk criteria pp. 603-614

- Xiang Li, Xiangtong Qi and Yongjian Li
- Non-dominated sorting genetic-based algorithm for exploiting a large-sized fuzzy outranking relation pp. 615-631

- Juan Carlos Leyva López, Jesús Jaime Solano Noriega, José Rui Figueira, Jun Liu and Diego Alonso Gastélum Chavira
- A hierarchical consensus reaching process for group decision making with noncooperative behaviors pp. 632-642

- Ming Tang, Huchang Liao, Xiaomei Mi, Benjamin Lev and Witold Pedrycz
- Time-consistency of optimal investment under smooth ambiguity pp. 643-657

- Anne G. Balter, Antje Mahayni and Nikolaus Schweizer
- Active learning strategies for interactive elicitation of assignment examples for threshold-based multiple criteria sorting pp. 658-680

- Miłosz Kadziński and Krzysztof Ciomek
- The facts on the ground: Evaluating humanitarian fleet management policies using simulation pp. 681-702

- Liyi Gu, Ilya O. Ryzhov and Mahyar Eftekhar
- A risk-constrained time-dependent cash-in-transit routing problem in multigraph under uncertainty pp. 703-730

- Hamid Tikani, Mostafa Setak and Emrah Demir
- Efficient formulation for transportation scheduling of single refinery multiproduct pipelines pp. 731-747

- Hossein Mostafaei, Pedro M. Castro, Fabricio Oliveira and Iiro Harjunkoski
- Goal programming models with interval coefficients for the sustainable selection of marine renewable energy projects in the UK pp. 748-760

- Negar Akbari, Dylan Jones and Farzad Arabikhan
- On coincidence of feedback and global Stackelberg equilibria in a class of differential games pp. 761-772

- Guiomar Martin-Herran and Santiago Rubio
- Achieving a sustainable cost-efficient business model in banking: The case of European commercial banks pp. 773-785

- Oleg Badunenko, Subal Kumbhakar and Lozano‐Vivas, Ana
- Bayesian Value-at-Risk backtesting: The case of annuity pricing pp. 786-801

- Melvern Leung, Youwei Li, Athanasios A. Pantelous and Samuel A. Vigne
- Note on the dominance rules in the exact algorithm for the container pre-marshalling problem by Tanaka & Tierney (2018) pp. 802-807

- Bo Jin and Mingzhu Yu
Volume 293, issue 1, 2021
- Typology and literature review on multiple supplier inventory control models pp. 1-23

- Josef Svoboda, Stefan Minner and Man Yao
- A novel embedded min-max approach for feature selection in nonlinear Support Vector Machine classification pp. 24-35

- Asunción Jiménez-Cordero, Juan Miguel Morales and Salvador Pineda
- Ellipsoidal one-class constraint acquisition for quadratically constrained programming pp. 36-49

- Tomasz P. Pawlak and Bartosz Litwiniuk
- Maximizing perturbation radii for robust convex quadratically constrained quadratic programs pp. 50-64

- Pengfei Yu, Ruotian Gao and Wenxun Xing
- Solving integrated operating room planning and scheduling: Logic-based Benders decomposition versus Branch-Price-and-Cut pp. 65-78

- Vahid Roshanaei and Bahman Naderi
- Single-machine hierarchical scheduling with release dates and preemption to minimize the total completion time and a regular criterion pp. 79-92

- Rubing Chen, Jinjiang Yuan, C.T. Ng and T.C.E. Cheng
- Real-time bi-objective personnel re-scheduling in the retail industry pp. 93-108

- Rachid Hassani, Guy Desaulniers and Issmail Elhallaoui
- Branch-and-cut approach based on generalized benders decomposition for facility location with limited choice rule pp. 109-119

- Yun Hui Lin and Qingyun Tian
- Manufacturer encroachment and product assortment under vertical differentiation pp. 120-132

- Ting Zhang, Xiaohui Feng and Ningning Wang
- Pessimistic evasive flow capturing problems pp. 133-148

- Aigerim Bogyrbayeva and Changhyun Kwon
- Joint optimization of container slot planning and truck scheduling for tandem quay cranes pp. 149-166

- Lingrui Kong, Mingjun Ji and Zhendi Gao
- Warehousing platform’s revenue management: A dynamic model of coordinating space allocation for self-use and rent pp. 167-176

- Ye Shi, Yugang Yu and Yuxuan Dong
- A Win–Win strategy analysis for an original equipment manufacturer and a contract manufacturer in a competitive market pp. 177-189

- Yuwen Chen, Gulver Karamemis and Jiayuan Zhang
- Robust multi-product newsvendor model with uncertain demand and substitution pp. 190-202

- Jie Zhang, Weijun Xie and Subhash C. Sarin
- The effect of measurement errors on the performance of the Exponentially Weighted Moving Average control charts for the Ratio of Two Normally Distributed Variables pp. 203-218

- H.D. Nguyen, K.P. Tran and K.D. Tran
- Selective linearization for multi-block statistical learning pp. 219-228

- Yu Du, Xiaodong Lin, Minh Pham and Andrzej Ruszczyński
- Online incentive-compatible mechanisms for traffic intersection auctions pp. 229-247

- David Rey, Michael W. Levin and Vinayak V. Dixit
- A Bayesian learning model for estimating unknown demand parameter in revenue management pp. 248-262

- Baichun Xiao and Wei Yang
- A new measure of technical efficiency in data envelopment analysis based on the maximization of hypervolumes: Benchmarking, properties and computational aspects pp. 263-275

- Juan Aparicio, Juan F. Monge and Nuria Ramón
- Towards understanding socially influenced vaccination decision making: An integrated model of multiple criteria belief modelling and social network analysis pp. 276-289

- Lei Ni, Yu-wang Chen and Oscar de Brujin
- Modeling and solving the multimodal car- and ride-sharing problem pp. 290-303

- Miriam Enzi, Sophie N. Parragh, David Pisinger and Matthias Prandtstetter
- Optimal investment under ambiguous technology shocks pp. 304-311

- Takao Asano and Yusuke Osaki
- Impact of timing in post-warning prepositioning decisions on performance measures of disaster management: A real-life application pp. 312-335

- Shabnam Rezapour, Reza Zanjirani Farahani and Nazanin Morshedlou
- The complete Gaussian kernel in the multi-factor Heston model: Option pricing and implied volatility applications pp. 336-360

- Maria Cristina Recchioni, Giulia Iori, Gabriele Tedeschi and Michelle S. Ouellette
- Option valuation under no-arbitrage constraints with neural networks pp. 361-374

- Yi Cao, Xiaoquan Liu and Jia Zhai
- Economic measures of capacity utilization: A nonparametric short-run cost function analysis pp. 375-387

- Subhash Ray, John Walden and Lei Chen
- Parameter-free robust optimization for the maximum-Sharpe portfolio problem pp. 388-399

- Deepayan Chakrabarti
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