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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

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Volume 289, issue 3, 2021

A satisfiability and workload-based exact method for the resource constrained project scheduling problem with generalized precedence constraints pp. 809-824 Downloads
Guilherme Henrique Ismael de Azevedo, Artur Alves Pessoa and Anand Subramanian
Mathematical formulations for scheduling jobs on identical parallel machines with family setup times and total weighted completion time minimization pp. 825-840 Downloads
Arthur Kramer, Manuel Iori and Philippe Lacomme
A combinatorial analysis of the permutation and non-permutation flow shop scheduling problems pp. 841-854 Downloads
Daniel A. Rossit, Óscar C. Vásquez, Fernando Tohmé, Mariano Frutos and Martín D. Safe
A personalized walking bus service requiring optimized route decisions: A real case pp. 855-866 Downloads
Emanuele Tresoldi, Federico Malucelli and Maddalena Nonato
Prioritized single nurse routing and scheduling for home healthcare services pp. 867-878 Downloads
Ahmet Cinar, F. Sibel Salman and Burcin Bozkaya
A branch and cut algorithm for the time-dependent profitable tour problem with resource constraints pp. 879-896 Downloads
Gonzalo Lera-Romero and Juan José Miranda-Bront
A route decomposition approach for the single commodity Split Pickup and Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem pp. 897-911 Downloads
Marco Casazza, Alberto Ceselli and Roberto Wolfler Calvo
Simulation-based optimisation for stochastic maintenance routing in an offshore wind farm pp. 912-926 Downloads
Chandra Ade Irawan, Majid Eskandarpour, Djamila Ouelhadj and Dylan Jones
Bunkering policies for a fuel bunker management problem for liner shipping networks pp. 927-939 Downloads
Arijit De, Alok Choudhary, Metin Turkay and Manoj K. Tiwari
Multi-objective optimization of a two-echelon vehicle routing problem with vehicle synchronization and ‘grey zone’ customers arising in urban logistics pp. 940-958 Downloads
Alexandra Anderluh, Pamela C. Nolz, Vera C. Hemmelmayr and Teodor Gabriel Crainic
On single-source capacitated facility location with cost and fairness objectives pp. 959-974 Downloads
C. Filippi, G. Guastaroba and M.G. Speranza
A new extended formulation with valid inequalities for the Capacitated Concentrator Location Problem pp. 975-986 Downloads
Massimo Di Francesco, Manlio Gaudioso, Enrico Gorgone and Ishwar Murthy
The Multiple Multidimensional Knapsack with Family-Split Penalties pp. 987-998 Downloads
Simona Mancini, Michele Ciavotta and Carlo Meloni
The assignment and loading transportation problem pp. 999-1007 Downloads
Gabriel Homsi, Jeremy Jordan, Silvano Martello and Michele Monaci
Provision-after-wait with preferences ordered by difference: Tighter complexity and better approximation pp. 1008-1012 Downloads
Mikhail Y. Kovalyov, Erwin Pesch and Alain Quilliot
The Generalized Reserve Set Covering Problem with Connectivity and Buffer Requirements pp. 1013-1029 Downloads
Eduardo Álvarez-Miranda, Marcos Goycoolea, Ivana Ljubić and Markus Sinnl
A parametric approach to integer linear fractional programming: Newton’s and Hybrid-Newton methods for an optimal road maintenance problem pp. 1030-1039 Downloads
Chong Hyun Park and Heejong Lim
Multi-warehouse package consolidation for split orders in online retailing pp. 1040-1055 Downloads
Yuankai Zhang, Wei-Hua Lin, Minfang Huang and Xiangpei Hu
Tailored heuristics in adaptive large neighborhood search applied to the cutwidth minimization problem pp. 1056-1066 Downloads
Vinícius Gandra Martins Santos and Marco Antonio Moreira de Carvalho
Neighborhood decomposition based variable neighborhood search and tabu search for maximally diverse grouping pp. 1067-1086 Downloads
Xiangjing Lai, Jin-Kao Hao, Zhang-Hua Fu and Dong Yue
Stochastic single-allocation hub location pp. 1087-1106 Downloads
Borzou Rostami, Nicolas Kämmerling, Joe Naoum-Sawaya, Christoph Buchheim and Uwe Clausen
Capacitated multi-period maximal covering location problem with server uncertainty pp. 1107-1126 Downloads
Amit Kumar Vatsa and Sachin Jayaswal
Time (in)consistency of multistage distributionally robust inventory models with moment constraints pp. 1127-1141 Downloads
Linwei Xin and David A. Goldberg
Optimal warranty policy with inspection for heterogeneous, stochastically degrading items pp. 1142-1152 Downloads
Ji Hwan Cha, Maxim Finkelstein and Gregory Levitin
Pickup and delivery problem with recharging for material handling systems utilising autonomous mobile robots pp. 1153-1168 Downloads
Sungbum Jun, Seokcheon Lee and Yuehwern Yih
Incentive rate determination in viral marketing pp. 1169-1187 Downloads
Ali Tavasoli, Heman Shakeri, Ehsan Ardjmand and William A. Young
Performance assessment of upper secondary schools in Italian regions using a circular pseudo-Malmquist index pp. 1188-1208 Downloads
Ana S. Camanho, Luisa Varriale, Flávia Barbosa and Thiago Sobral
Incorporating decision-maker’s preferences into the automatic configuration of bi-objective optimisation algorithms pp. 1209-1222 Downloads
Juan Esteban Diaz and Manuel López-Ibáñez

Volume 289, issue 2, 2021

Exact solution techniques for two-dimensional cutting and packing pp. 399-415 Downloads
Manuel Iori, Vinícius L. de Lima, Silvano Martello, Flávio K. Miyazawa and Michele Monaci
A bi-objective heuristic approach for green identical parallel machine scheduling pp. 416-434 Downloads
Davide Anghinolfi, Massimo Paolucci and Roberto Ronco
A new combinatorial branch-and-bound algorithm for the Knapsack Problem with Conflicts pp. 435-455 Downloads
Stefano Coniglio, Fabio Furini and Pablo San Segundo
A polynomial algorithm for balanced clustering via graph partitioning pp. 456-469 Downloads
Luis Evaristo Caraballo, José-Miguel Díaz-Báñez and Nadine Kroher
The Pickup and Delivery Problem with Split Loads and Transshipments: A Branch-and-Cut Solution Approach pp. 470-484 Downloads
David Wolfinger and Juan-José Salazar-González
Weak flow cover inequalities for the capacitated facility location problem pp. 485-494 Downloads
P. Avella, M. Boccia, S. Mattia and F. Rossi
High multiplicity asymmetric traveling salesman problem with feedback vertex set and its application to storage/retrieval system pp. 495-507 Downloads
Amir Gharehgozli, Chao Xu and Wenda Zhang
The binary knapsack problem with qualitative levels pp. 508-514 Downloads
Luca E. Schäfer, Tobias Dietz, Maria Barbati, José Rui Figueira, Salvatore Greco and Stefan Ruzika
Measuring diversity. A review and an empirical analysis pp. 515-532 Downloads
Francisco Parreño, Ramón Álvarez-Valdés and Rafael Martí
Planning capacity and safety stocks in a serial production–distribution system with multiple products pp. 533-552 Downloads
Foad Ghadimi and Tarik Aouam
Technology improvement strategy for green products under competition: The role of government subsidy pp. 553-568 Downloads
Rui Yang, Wansheng Tang and Jianxiong Zhang
Coalition formation in collaborative production and transportation with competing firms pp. 569-581 Downloads
Franco Basso, Leonardo J. Basso, Mikael Rönnqvist and Andres Weintraub
Analysis of a dyadic sustainable supply chain under asymmetric information pp. 582-594 Downloads
Alok Raj, Nikunja Mohan Modak, Peter Kelle and Bharati Singh
Probabilistic sensitivity measures as information value pp. 595-610 Downloads
Emanuele Borgonovo, Gordon B. Hazen, Victor Richmond R. Jose and Elmar Plischke
A unified approach to non-radial graph models in data envelopment analysis: common features, geometry, and duality pp. 611-627 Downloads
Margaréta Halická and Maria Trnovska
Optimal expansion paths for hospitals of different types: Viewpoint of scope economies and evidence from Chinese hospitals pp. 628-638 Downloads
Chiang Kao, Rui-Zhi Pang, Shiang-Tai Liu and Xue-Jie Bai
The optimal combination between selling mode and logistics service strategy in an e-commerce market pp. 639-651 Downloads
Xuelian Qin, Zhixue Liu and Lin Tian
EOQ-based pricing and customer credit decisions under general supplier payments pp. 652-665 Downloads
Ruihai Li, Hui-Ling Yang, Yan Shi, Jinn-Tsair Teng and Kuei-Kuei Lai
Shadow prices and marginal abatement costs: Convex quantile regression approach pp. 666-675 Downloads
Timo Kuosmanen and Xun Zhou
Advertising, goodwill, and the Veblen effect pp. 676-682 Downloads
Régis Chenavaz and Amit Eynan
Addressing state space multicollinearity in solving an ozone pollution dynamic control problem pp. 683-695 Downloads
Bancha Ariyajunya, Ying Chen, Victoria C.P. Chen, Seoung Bum Kim and Jay Rosenberger
A real options based decision support tool for R&D investment: Application to CO2 recycling technology pp. 696-711 Downloads
Peter Deeney, Mark Cummins, Katharina Heintz and Mary T. Pryce
Investment effects of pricing schemes for non-convex markets pp. 712-726 Downloads
Jacob Mays, David P. Morton and O’Neill, Richard P.
Queue-constrained packing: A vehicle ferry case study pp. 727-741 Downloads
Christopher Bayliss, Christine S.M. Currie, Julia A. Bennell and Antonio Martinez-Sykora
A parallelised large neighbourhood search heuristic for the asymmetric two-echelon vehicle routing problem with swap containers for cargo-bicycles pp. 742-757 Downloads
Ferdinand Mühlbauer and Pirmin Fontaine
Building a dynamic theory of citizens’ awareness of European Cohesion Policy interventions pp. 758-773 Downloads
Giovanni Cunico, Eirini Aivazidou and Edoardo Mollona
The surprising robustness of dynamic Mean-Variance portfolio optimization to model misspecification errors pp. 774-792 Downloads
Pieter M. van Staden, Duy-Minh Dang and Peter A. Forsyth
Indifference pricing of insurance-linked securities in a multi-period model pp. 793-805 Downloads
Haibo Liu, Qihe Tang and Zhongyi Yuan

Volume 289, issue 1, 2021

Retail shelf space planning problems: A comprehensive review and classification framework pp. 1-16 Downloads
Teresa Bianchi-Aguiar, Alexander Hübner, Maria Antónia Carravilla and José Fernando Oliveira
The Multi-Parent Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm with Implicit Path-Relinking and its real-world applications pp. 17-30 Downloads
Carlos E. Andrade, Rodrigo F. Toso, José F. Gonçalves and Mauricio G.C. Resende
Optimizing facility location and design pp. 31-43 Downloads
Robert Aboolian, Oded Berman and Dmitry Krass
Covering problems with polyellipsoids: A location analysis perspective pp. 44-58 Downloads
Víctor Blanco and Justo Puerto
Finding the root graph through minimum edge deletion pp. 59-74 Downloads
Martine Labbé, Alfredo Marín and Mercedes Pelegrín
Compact formulations and an iterated local search-based matheuristic for the minimum weighted feedback vertex set problem pp. 75-92 Downloads
Rafael A. Melo, Michell F. Queiroz and Celso C. Ribeiro
Vehicle routing with endogenous learning: Application to offshore plug and abandonment campaign planning pp. 93-106 Downloads
Steffen J. Bakker, Akang Wang and Chrysanthos E. Gounaris
Superforecasting reality check: Evidence from a small pool of experts and expedited identification pp. 107-117 Downloads
Ilias Katsagounos, Dimitrios Thomakos, Konstantia Litsiou and Konstantinos Nikolopoulos
Forward Buying and Strategic Stockouts pp. 118-131 Downloads
Çerağ Pinçe
An analysis of technology licensing and parallel importation under different market structures pp. 132-143 Downloads
Hai Li, Qiankai Qing, Juan Wang and Xianpei Hong
Large-scale influence maximization via maximal covering location pp. 144-164 Downloads
Evren Güney, Markus Leitner, Mario Ruthmair and Markus Sinnl
Lead-time quotations in unobservable make-to-order systems with strategic customers: Risk aversion, load control and profit maximization pp. 165-176 Downloads
Myron Benioudakis, Apostolos Burnetas and George Ioannou
Some robust approaches based on copula for monitoring bivariate processes and component-wise assessment pp. 177-196 Downloads
Zhi Song, Amitava Mukherjee and Jiujun Zhang
Facets of trust in simulation studies pp. 197-213 Downloads
Alison Harper, Navonil Mustafee and Mike Yearworth
Simultaneous feature selection and clustering based on square root optimization pp. 214-231 Downloads
He Jiang, Shihua Luo and Yao Dong
An operational test for the existence of a consistent increasing quasi-concave value function pp. 232-239 Downloads
Majid Soleimani-damaneh, Latif Pourkarimi, Pekka Korhonen and Jyrki Wallenius
Accelerating Benders decomposition for short-term hydropower maintenance scheduling pp. 240-253 Downloads
Jesús A. Rodríguez, Miguel F. Anjos, Pascal Côté and Guy Desaulniers
Orientational variable-length strip covering problem: A branch-and-price-based algorithm pp. 254-269 Downloads
Xiaoxuan Hu, Waiming Zhu, Huawei Ma, Bo An, Yanling Zhi and Yi Wu
Models and algorithms for optimising two-dimensional LEGO constructions pp. 270-284 Downloads
Torkil Kollsker and Enrico Malaguti
A balanced evacuation algorithm for facilities with multiple exits pp. 285-296 Downloads
Heba Kurdi, Asma Almulifi, Shiroq Al-Megren and Kamal Youcef-Toumi
Interdependent integrated network design and scheduling problems with movement of machines pp. 297-327 Downloads
Aniela Garay-Sianca and Sarah G. Nurre Pinkley
Dual productivity analysis: A Konüs/Shephard approach pp. 328-337 Downloads
Emili Grifell-Tatje and C. Lovell
Weighted network search games with multiple hidden objects and multiple search teams pp. 338-349 Downloads
Abdolmajid Yolmeh and Melike Baykal-Gürsoy
Option pricing with conditional GARCH models pp. 350-363 Downloads
Marcos Escobar-Anel, Javad Rastegari and Lars Stentoft
Limited-trust equilibria pp. 364-380 Downloads
Timothy Murray, Jugal Garg and Rakesh Nagi
A data-driven framework for consistent financial valuation and risk measurement pp. 381-398 Downloads
Zhenyu Cui, J. Lars Kirkby and Duy Nguyen
Page updated 2025-03-28