European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 281, issue 3, 2020
- Exploring the ethical implications of business analytics with a business ethics canvas pp. 491-501

- Richard Vidgen, Giles Hindle and Ian Randolph
- Who will use augmented reality? An integrated approach based on text analytics and field survey pp. 502-516

- Han Li, Ashish Gupta, Jie Zhang and Nick Flor
- Latent topic ensemble learning for hospital readmission cost optimization pp. 517-531

- Christopher Baechle, C. Derrick Huang, Ankur Agarwal, Ravi S. Behara and Jahyun Goo
- A hybrid model for predicting human physical activity status from lifelogging data pp. 532-542

- Ji Ni, Bowei Chen, Nigel M. Allinson and Xujiong Ye
- Predicting customer demand for remanufactured products: A data-mining approach pp. 543-558

- Truong Van Nguyen, Li Zhou, Alain Yee Loong Chong, Boying Li and Xiaodie Pu
- An analytic infrastructure for harvesting big data to enhance supply chain performance pp. 559-574

- Yuanzhu Zhan and Kim Hua Tan
- Development of a Bayesian Belief Network-based DSS for predicting and understanding freshmen student attrition pp. 575-587

- Dursun Delen, Kazim Topuz and Enes Eryarsoy
- A machine learning framework for customer purchase prediction in the non-contractual setting pp. 588-596

- Andrés Martínez, Claudia Schmuck, Sergiy Pereverzyev, Clemens Pirker and Markus Haltmeier
- Data-driven analytics to support scheduling of multi-priority multi-class patients with wait time targets pp. 597-611

- Yangzi Jiang, Hossein Abouee-Mehrizi and Yuhe Diao
- Predicting product return volume using machine learning methods pp. 612-627

- Hailong Cui, Sampath Rajagopalan and Amy R. Ward
- Deep learning in business analytics and operations research: Models, applications and managerial implications pp. 628-641

- Mathias Kraus, Stefan Feuerriegel and Asil Oztekin
- Actualizing business analytics for organizational transformation: A case study of Rovio Entertainment pp. 642-655

- Yenni Tim, Petri Hallikainen, Shan L Pan and Toomas Tamm
- Using business analytics to enhance dynamic capabilities in operations research: A case analysis and research agenda pp. 656-672

- Kieran Conboy, Patrick Mikalef, Denis Dennehy and John Krogstie
- Understanding the impact of business analytics on innovation pp. 673-686

- Yanqing Duan, Guangming Cao and John S. Edwards
- Merging anomalous data usage in wireless mobile telecommunications: Business analytics with a strategy-focused data-driven approach for sustainability pp. 687-705

- Yi-Ting Chen, Edward W. Sun and Yi-Bing Lin
Volume 281, issue 2, 2020
- Crowdsourcing contests pp. 241-255

- Ella Segev
- A practical dynamic programming based methodology for aircraft maintenance check scheduling optimization pp. 256-273

- Qichen Deng, Bruno F. Santos and Richard Curran
- Determining optimal parameters for expediting policies under service level constraints pp. 274-285

- Simon J. Höller, Raik Özsen and Ulrich W. Thonemann
- An aggregation-based approximate dynamic programming approach for the periodic review model with random yield pp. 286-298

- Michael A. Voelkel, Anna-Lena Sachs and Ulrich W. Thonemann
- A trilevel model for best response in energy demand-side management pp. 299-315

- Didier Aussel, Luce Brotcorne, Sébastien Lepaul and Léonard von Niederhäusern
- A Cost Consensus Metric for Consensus Reaching Processes based on a comprehensive minimum cost model pp. 316-331

- Álvaro Labella, Hongbin Liu, Rosa M. Rodríguez and Luis Martínez
- Bioeconomic modeling of seasonal fisheries pp. 332-340

- Sturla F. Kvamsdal, José M. Maroto, Manuel Morán and Leif K. Sandal
- Optimal investment with S-shaped utility and trading and Value at Risk constraints: An application to defined contribution pension plan pp. 341-356

- Yinghui Dong and Harry Zheng
- Pareto solutions in multicriteria optimization under uncertainty pp. 357-368

- Alexander Engau and Devon Sigler
- Contingent preference disaggregation model for multiple criteria sorting problem pp. 369-387

- Miłosz Kadziński, Mohammad Ghaderi and Maciej Dąbrowski
- A new approach for identifying the Kemeny median ranking pp. 388-401

- Ivano Azzini and Giuseppe Munda
- A hybrid simulation-based optimization framework supporting strategic maintenance development to improve production performance pp. 402-414

- Gary Linnéusson, Amos H.C. Ng and Tehseen Aslam
- On the construction of a feasible range of multidimensional poverty under benchmark weight uncertainty pp. 415-427

- Mehmet Pinar, Thanasis Stengos and Nikolas Topaloglou
- Social collateral, soft information and online peer-to-peer lending: A theoretical model pp. 428-438

- Zhengchi Liu, Jennifer Shang, Shin-yi Wu and Pei-yu Chen
- A coherent approach to Bayesian Data Envelopment Analysis pp. 439-448

- Mike Tsionas
- Capital regulation under price impacts and dynamic financial contagion pp. 449-463

- Zachary Feinstein
- Stratified breast cancer follow-up using a continuous state partially observable Markov decision process pp. 464-474

- Maarten Otten, Judith Timmer and Annemieke Witteveen
- On the integer programming formulation for the relaxed restricted container relocation problem pp. 475-482

- Bo Jin
Volume 281, issue 1, 2020
- Carbon-constrained firm decisions: From business strategies to operations modeling pp. 1-15

- Peng Zhou and Wen Wen
- A polynomial-time approximation scheme for an arbitrary number of parallel two-stage flow-shops pp. 16-24

- Jianming Dong, Ruyan Jin, Taibo Luo and Weitian Tong
- A branch-and-price algorithm for the two-dimensional vector packing problem pp. 25-35

- Lijun Wei, Minghui Lai, Andrew Lim and Qian Hu
- Parametric convex quadratic relaxation of the quadratic knapsack problem pp. 36-49

- M. Fampa, D. Lubke, F. Wang and H. Wolkowicz
- A dynamic network model with persistent links and node-specific latent variables, with an application to the interbank market pp. 50-65

- P. Mazzarisi, P. Barucca, F. Lillo and D. Tantari
- Late-rejection, a strategy to perform an overflow policy pp. 66-76

- Benjamin Legros
- Ranking flexibility structures in queueing systems pp. 77-86

- Sigrún Andradóttir, Hayriye Ayhan and Douglas G. Down
- A critical analysis of multi-criteria models for the prioritisation of health threats pp. 87-99

- Gilberto Montibeller, Pratik Patel and Victor J. del Rio Vilas
- An alternative efficient representation for the project portfolio selection problem pp. 100-113

- Xingmei Li, Yao-Huei Huang, Shu-Cherng Fang and Youzhong Zhang
- The influence of coupon duration on consumers’ redemption behavior and brand profitability pp. 114-128

- Zelin Zhang, Minghui Ma, Peter Popkowski Leszczyc and Hejun Zhuang
- Equilibria in investment and spot electricity markets: A conjectural-variations approach pp. 129-140

- Seyedamirabbas Mousavian, Antonio J. Conejo and Ramteen Sioshansi
- The value of flexible selling: Power production with storage for spinning reserve provision pp. 141-151

- Martin Densing
- Considering short-term and long-term uncertainties in location and capacity planning of public healthcare facilities pp. 152-173

- Alireza Motallebi Nasrabadi, Mehdi Najafi and Hossein Zolfagharinia
- A second-order cone model of transmission planning with alternating and direct current lines pp. 174-185

- Antoine Lesage-Landry and Joshua A. Taylor
- Multi-process production scheduling with variable renewable integration and demand response pp. 186-200

- José Luis Ruiz Duarte, Neng Fan and Tongdan Jin
- A nonlinear multidimensional knapsack problem in the optimal design of mixture experiments pp. 201-221

- Peter Goos, U. Syafitri, B. Sartono and A.R. Vazquez
- Defining a new graph inefficiency measure for the proportional directional distance function and introducing a new Malmquist productivity index pp. 222-230

- Jesus T. Pastor, C. Lovell and Juan Aparicio
- Strategic contracting and hybrid use of agency and wholesale contracts in e-commerce platforms pp. 231-239

- Yusuke Zennyo
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