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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

From Elsevier
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Volume 242, issue 3, 2015

A review on algorithms for maximum clique problems pp. 693-709 Downloads
Qinghua Wu and Jin-Kao Hao
Optimal design of mixed AC–DC distribution systems for commercial buildings: A Nonconvex Generalized Benders Decomposition approach pp. 710-729 Downloads
Stephen M. Frank and Steffen Rebennack
Robust solutions to multi-objective linear programs with uncertain data pp. 730-743 Downloads
M.A. Goberna, V. Jeyakumar, G. Li and J. Vicente-Pérez
Tracking global optima in dynamic environments with efficient global optimization pp. 744-755 Downloads
Sergio Morales-Enciso and Juergen Branke
A hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for the multi-depot covering tour vehicle routing problem pp. 756-768 Downloads
Somayeh Allahyari, Majid Salari and Daniele Vigo
Mathematical programming strategies for solving the minimum common string partition problem pp. 769-777 Downloads
Christian Blum, José A. Lozano and Pinacho Davidson
A Jackson network model and threshold policy for joint optimization of energy and delay in multi-hop wireless networks pp. 778-787 Downloads
Li Xia and Basem Shihada
An exact method for the biobjective shortest path problem for large-scale road networks pp. 788-797 Downloads
Daniel Duque, Leonardo Lozano and Andrés L. Medaglia
Search with evolutionary ruin and stochastic rebuild: A theoretic framework and a case study on exam timetabling pp. 798-806 Downloads
Jingpeng Li, Ruibin Bai, Yindong Shen and Rong Qu
A heuristic for the OD matrix adjustment problem in a congested transport network pp. 807-819 Downloads
Jorgelina Walpen, Elina M. Mancinelli and Pablo A. Lotito
Periodic review and continuous ordering pp. 820-827 Downloads
Dennis Prak, Ruud Teunter and Jan Riezebos
Managing an assemble-to-order system with after sales market for components pp. 828-841 Downloads
Mohsen Elhafsi and Essia Hamouda
The price of reverse factoring: Financing rates vs. payment delays pp. 842-853 Downloads
Kasper van der Vliet, Matthew J. Reindorp and Jan C. Fransoo
Classification, models and exact algorithms for multi-compartment delivery problems pp. 854-864 Downloads
Leandro C. Coelho and Gilbert Laporte
A continuous buffer allocation model using stochastic processes pp. 865-874 Downloads
Oliver Kolb and Simone Göttlich
Stock vs. mutual insurers: Who should and who does charge more? pp. 875-889 Downloads
Alexander Braun, Hato Schmeiser and Przemysław Rymaszewski
A multi-step goal programming approach for group decision making with incomplete interval additive reciprocal comparison matrices pp. 890-900 Downloads
Zhou-Jing Wang and Kevin W. Li
Pricing and assortment decisions for a manufacturer selling through dual channels pp. 901-909 Downloads
Betzabé Rodríguez and Göker Aydın
Behavioral technology credit scoring model with time-dependent covariates for stress test pp. 910-919 Downloads
Yonghan Ju, Song Yi Jeon and So Young Sohn
Application of fuzzy TOPSIS to scoring the negotiation offers in ill-structured negotiation problems pp. 920-932 Downloads
Ewa Roszkowska and Tomasz Wachowicz
A multi-period fuzzy portfolio optimization model with minimum transaction lots pp. 933-941 Downloads
Yong-Jun Liu and Wei-Guo Zhang
Integer programming techniques for solving non-linear workforce planning models with learning pp. 942-950 Downloads
Mike Hewitt, Austin Chacosky, Scott E. Grasman and Barrett W. Thomas
The effect of bi-criteria conflict on matching-elicited preferences pp. 951-959 Downloads
Stéphane Deparis, Vincent Mousseau, Meltem Öztürk and Caroline Huron
Cooperation through social influence pp. 960-974 Downloads
Xavier Molinero, Fabián Riquelme and Maria Serna
Optimizing the re-profiling strategy of metro wheels based on a data-driven wear model pp. 975-986 Downloads
Ling Wang, Hong Xu, Hua Yuan, Wenjie Zhao and Xiai Chen
Waste paper procurement optimization: An agent-based simulation approach pp. 987-998 Downloads
Gabriel Sauvageau and Jean-Marc Frayret
Airport utility stochastic optimization models for air traffic flow management pp. 999-1007 Downloads
Ronald Wesonga
Mathematical formulations for a 1-full-truckload pickup-and-delivery problem pp. 1008-1016 Downloads
Michel Gendreau, Jenny Nossack and Erwin Pesch
The steel industry: A mathematical model under environmental regulations pp. 1017-1027 Downloads
R. Riccardi, F. Bonenti, E. Allevi, C. Avanzi and A. Gnudi
Solving the Aircraft Landing Problem with time discretization approach pp. 1028-1038 Downloads
Alain Faye

Volume 242, issue 2, 2015

A survey on scheduling problems with due windows pp. 347-357 Downloads
Adam Janiak, Władysław A. Janiak, Tomasz Krysiak and Tomasz Kwiatkowski
Approximation algorithms for hard capacitated k-facility location problems pp. 358-368 Downloads
Karen Aardal, Pieter L. van den Berg, Dion Gijswijt and Shanfei Li
A perturbation based variable neighborhood search heuristic for solving the Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery with Time LimitAuthor-Name: Polat, Olcay pp. 369-382 Downloads
Can B. Kalayci, Osman Kulak and Hans-Otto Günther
Time-dependent MEXCLP with start-up and relocation cost pp. 383-389 Downloads
Pieter L. van den Berg and Karen Aardal
Robust transmission expansion planning pp. 390-401 Downloads
C. Ruiz and A.J. Conejo
The optimal replenishment policy for time-varying stochastic demand under vendor managed inventory pp. 402-423 Downloads
Kannan Govindan
Emergency lateral transshipments in a two-location inventory system with positive transshipment leadtimes pp. 424-433 Downloads
Fredrik Olsson
Bricks vs. clicks: Which is better for marketing remanufactured products? pp. 434-444 Downloads
Wei Yan, Yu Xiong, Zhongkai Xiong and Nian Guo
Measuring the bullwhip effect for supply chains with seasonal demand components pp. 445-454 Downloads
C.H. Nagaraja, A. Thavaneswaran and S.S. Appadoo
The intercept term of the asymptotic variance curve for some queueing output processes pp. 455-464 Downloads
Sophie Hautphenne, Yoav Kerner, Yoni Nazarathy and Peter Taylor
Project planning with alternative technologies in uncertain environments pp. 465-476 Downloads
Stefan Creemers, Bert De Reyck and Roel Leus
Which is better for replacement policies with continuous or discrete scheduled times? pp. 477-486 Downloads
Xufeng Zhao, Satoshi Mizutani and Toshio Nakagawa
Integrating dynamic time-to-market, pricing, production and sales channel decisions pp. 487-500 Downloads
Özalp Özer and Onur Uncu
Defense against an opportunistic challenger: Theory and experiments pp. 501-513 Downloads
Cary Deck, Joshua Foster and Hongwei Song
Portfolio selection in a two-regime world pp. 514-524 Downloads
Moshe Levy and Guy Kaplanski
Evaluation of system efficiency using the Monte Carlo DEA: The case of small health areasAuthor-Name: Torres-Jiménez, Mercedes pp. 525-535 Downloads
Carlos R. García-Alonso, Luis Salvador-Carulla and Vicente Fernández-Rodríguez
Calibration of agricultural risk programming models pp. 536-545 Downloads
Athanasios Petsakos and Stelios Rozakis
Assessing financial model risk pp. 546-556 Downloads
Pauline Barrieu and Giacomo Scandolo
Contribution of individual judgments toward inconsistency in pairwise comparisons pp. 557-567 Downloads
Sajid Siraj, Ludmil Mikhailov and John A. Keane
Ranking and selection for multiple performance measures using incomplete preference information pp. 568-579 Downloads
V. Mattila and K. Virtanen
Computationally efficient MIP formulation and algorithms for European day-ahead electricity market auctions pp. 580-593 Downloads
Mehdi Madani and Mathieu Van Vyve
Benchmarking and target setting with expert preferences: An application to the evaluation of educational performance of Spanish universities pp. 594-605 Downloads
José Ruiz, José V. Segura and Inmaculada Sirvent
Supply planning for processors of agricultural raw materials pp. 606-619 Downloads
Susanne Wiedenmann and Jutta Geldermann
Enhancing non-compensatory composite indicators: A directional proposal pp. 620-630 Downloads
Elisa Fusco
An exact solution algorithm for maximizing the fleet availability of a unit of aircraft subject to flight and maintenance requirements pp. 631-643 Downloads
Andreas Gavranis and George Kozanidis
Minimizing costs is easier than minimizing peaks when supplying the heat demand of a group of houses pp. 644-650 Downloads
Jiří Fink and Johann L. Hurink
Impact of compensation structure and managerial incentives on bank risk taking pp. 651-676 Downloads
Bill Francis, Aparna Gupta and Iftekhar Hasan
Multi-period planning for electric car charging station locations: A case of Korean Expressways pp. 677-687 Downloads
Sung Hoon Chung and Changhyun Kwon
Hedging Conditional Value at Risk with options pp. 688-691 Downloads
Maciej J. Capiński

Volume 242, issue 1, 2015

Multi-attribute online reverse auctions: Recent research trends pp. 1-9 Downloads
Long Pham, Jeffrey Teich, Hannele Wallenius and Jyrki Wallenius
Reconfiguration of satellite orbit for cooperative observation using variable-size multi-objective differential evolutionAuthor-Name: Chen, Yingguo pp. 10-20 Downloads
Vladimir Mahalec, Yingwu Chen, Xiaolu Liu, Renjie He and Kai Sun
Construction and improvement algorithms for dispersion problems pp. 21-33 Downloads
Roberto Aringhieri, Roberto Cordone and Andrea Grosso
Complexity results for flow shop problems with synchronous movement pp. 34-44 Downloads
Stefan Waldherr and Sigrid Knust
Scheduling to minimize the maximum total completion time per machine pp. 45-50 Downloads
Long Wan, Zhihao Ding, Yunpeng Li, Qianqian Chen and Zhiyi Tan
Incremental network design with maximum flows pp. 51-62 Downloads
Thomas Kalinowski, Dmytro Matsypura and Martin W.P. Savelsbergh
A bidirectional building approach for the 2D constrained guillotine knapsack packing problem pp. 63-71 Downloads
Lijun Wei and Andrew Lim
Queuing models to analyze dwell-point and cross-aisle location in autonomous vehicle-based warehouse systems pp. 72-87 Downloads
Debjit Roy, Ananth Krishnamurthy, Sunderesh Heragu and Charles Malmborg
Consumer returns policies with endogenous deadline and supply chain coordination pp. 88-99 Downloads
Lei Xu, Yongjian Li, Kannan Govindan and Xiaolin Xu
The modular tool switching problem pp. 100-106 Downloads
Csaba Raduly-Baka and Olli S. Nevalainen
Part logistics in the automotive industry: Decision problems, literature review and research agenda pp. 107-120 Downloads
Nils Boysen, Simon Emde, Michael Hoeck and Markus Kauderer
Average-cost efficiency and optimal scale sizes in non-parametric analysis pp. 121-133 Downloads
Giovanni Cesaroni and Daniele Giovannola
On finite-time ruin probabilities in a generalized dual risk model with dependence pp. 134-148 Downloads
Dimitrina S. Dimitrova, Vladimir K. Kaishev and Shouqi Zhao
City streets parking enforcement inspection decisions: The Chinese postman’s perspective pp. 149-160 Downloads
Nichalin S. Summerfield, Moshe Dror and Morris A. Cohen
Risk-sensitive dividend problems pp. 161-171 Downloads
Nicole Bäuerle and Anna Jaśkiewicz
Induction of ordinal classification rules from decision tables with unknown monotonicity pp. 172-181 Downloads
Hailiang Wang, Mingtian Zhou and Kun She
A new approach to estimating value–income ratios with income growth and time-varying yields pp. 182-187 Downloads
Peijie Wang and Steven Brand
A stochastic dynamic pricing model for the multiclass problems in the airline industry pp. 188-200 Downloads
Daniel F. Otero and Raha Akhavan-Tabatabaei
On the relations between ELECTRE TRI-B and ELECTRE TRI-C and on a new variant of ELECTRE TRI-B pp. 201-211 Downloads
Denis Bouyssou and Thierry Marchant
Critical infrastructure protection using secrecy – A discrete simultaneous game pp. 212-221 Downloads
Chi Zhang, José Emmanuel Ramirez-Marquez and Jianhui Wang
Multi-objective microzone-based vehicle routing for courier companies: From tactical to operational planning pp. 222-231 Downloads
Jochen Janssens, Joos Van den Bergh, Kenneth Sörensen and Dirk Cattrysse
The impact of voluntary disclosure on a firm’s investment policy pp. 232-242 Downloads
Laura Delaney and Jacco J.J. Thijssen
Tackling uncertainty in multi-criteria decision analysis – An application to water supply infrastructure planning pp. 243-260 Downloads
Lisa Scholten, Nele Schuwirth, Peter Reichert and Judit Lienert
Integrated business continuity and disaster recovery planning: Towards organizational resilienceAuthor-Name: Sahebjamnia, N pp. 261-273 Downloads
S.A. Torabi and S.A. Mansouri
Incorporating priorities for waiting customers in the hypercube queuing model with application to an emergency medical service system in Brazil pp. 274-285 Downloads
Regiane Máximo de Souza, Reinaldo Morabito, Fernando Y. Chiyoshi and Ana Paula Iannoni
Bankruptcy prediction using terminal failure processes pp. 286-303 Downloads
Philippe du Jardin
Pricing, market coverage and capacity: Can green and brown products co-exist? pp. 304-315 Downloads
A. Yenipazarli and A. Vakharia
Helping business schools engage with real problems: The contribution of critical realism and systems thinking pp. 316-331 Downloads
John Mingers
Frontier-based vs. traditional mutual fund ratings: A first backtesting analysis pp. 332-342 Downloads
Olivier Brandouy, Kristiaan Kerstens and Ignace Van de Woestyne
On the MILP model for the U-shaped assembly line balancing problems pp. 343-346 Downloads
Ali Fattahi and Metin Turkay
Page updated 2025-03-28