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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

From Elsevier
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Volume 261, issue 3, 2017

A hybrid breakout local search and reinforcement learning approach to the vertex separator problem pp. 803-818 Downloads
Una Benlic, Michael G. Epitropakis and Edmund K. Burke
A hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization – Variable Neighborhood Search algorithm for Constrained Shortest Path problems pp. 819-834 Downloads
Yannis Marinakis, Athanasios Migdalas and Angelo Sifaleras
Extended GRASP for the job shop scheduling problem with total weighted tardiness objective pp. 835-848 Downloads
C. Bierwirth and J. Kuhpfahl
Classifying and modeling setups and cleanings in lot sizing and scheduling pp. 849-865 Downloads
Bryndis Stefansdottir, Martin Grunow and Renzo Akkerman
Assemble-to-order systems: A review pp. 866-879 Downloads
Zümbül Atan, Taher Ahmadi, Clara Stegehuis, Ton de Kok and Ivo Adan
Optimizing (s, S) policies for multi-period inventory models with demand distribution uncertainty: Robust dynamic programing approaches pp. 880-892 Downloads
Ruozhen Qiu, Minghe Sun and Yun Fong Lim
The Repair Kit Problem with positive replenishment lead times and fixed ordering costs pp. 893-902 Downloads
Dennis Prak, Nicola Saccani, Aris Syntetos, Ruud Teunter and Filippo Visintin
Asymmetric retailers with different moving sequences: Group buying vs. individual purchasing pp. 903-917 Downloads
Yingchen Yan, Ruiqing Zhao and Yanfei Lan
An efficient algorithm for the 2-level capacitated lot-sizing problem with identical capacities at both levels pp. 918-928 Downloads
Guillaume Goisque and Christophe Rapine
Robust production capacity planning under uncertain wafer lots transfer probabilities for semiconductor automated material handling systems pp. 929-940 Downloads
Wenliang Chen, Zheng Wang and Felix T.S. Chan
Locating alternative-fuel refueling stations on a multi-class vehicle transportation network pp. 941-957 Downloads
Seong Wook Hwang, Sang Jin Kweon and Jose A. Ventura
Performance assessment in homogeneous/heterogeneous collaborative enterprise networks with inventory adjustment pp. 958-970 Downloads
Benjamin Rafael Schleich, Hyesung Seok and Sang Won Yoon
Uniqueness of market equilibrium on a network: A peak-load pricing approach pp. 971-983 Downloads
Veronika Grimm, Lars Schewe, Martin Schmidt and Gregor Zöttl
Higher-degree stochastic dominance optimality and efficiency pp. 984-993 Downloads
Yi Fang and Thierry Post
Behavioral models for first-price sealed-bid auctions with the one-shot decision theory pp. 994-1000 Downloads
Chao Wang and Peijun Guo
Generic negotiation mechanisms with side payments – Design, analysis and application for decentralized resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problems pp. 1001-1012 Downloads
Jörg Homberger and Andreas Fink
Dynamic theory of losses in wars and conflicts pp. 1013-1027 Downloads
Romney B Duffey
A coevolutionary technique based on multi-swarm particle swarm optimization for dynamic multi-objective optimization pp. 1028-1051 Downloads
Ruochen Liu, Jianxia Li, Jing Fan, Caihong Mu and Licheng Jiao
Improving fleet management in mines: The benefit of heterogeneous match factor pp. 1052-1065 Downloads
Patarawan Chaowasakoo, Heikki Seppälä, Heikki Koivo and Quan Zhou
A parallel multi-objective scatter search for optimising incentive contract design in projects pp. 1066-1084 Downloads
L.-P. Kerkhove and Mario Vanhoucke
Work-education mismatch: An endogenous theory of professionalization pp. 1085-1097 Downloads
Navid Ghaffarzadegan, Yi Xue and Richard C. Larson
The impact of design uncertainty in engineer-to-order project planning pp. 1098-1109 Downloads
Hajnalka Vaagen, Michal Kaut and Stein Wallace
Fluid approximations and control of queues in emergency departments pp. 1110-1124 Downloads
Jerome Niyirora and Jun Zhuang
Estimating Malmquist productivity indexes using probabilistic directional distances: An application to the European banking sector pp. 1125-1140 Downloads
Ilias S. Kevork, Jenny Pange, Panayiotis Tzeremes and Nickolaos G. Tzeremes
Automatic synthesis of constraints from examples using mixed integer linear programming pp. 1141-1157 Downloads
Tomasz P. Pawlak and Krzysztof Krawiec
Capacity decisions with debt financing: The effects of agency problem pp. 1158-1169 Downloads
Jian Ni, Lap Keung Chu and Qiang Li
Bank branch efficiency under environmental change: A bootstrap DEA on monthly profit and loss accounting statements of Greek retail branches pp. 1170-1188 Downloads
Eleftherios Aggelopoulos and Antonios Georgopoulos
A real options game of alliance timing decisions in biopharmaceutical research and development pp. 1189-1202 Downloads
Azzurra Morreale, Serena Robba, Giovanna Lo Nigro and Paolo Roma

Volume 261, issue 2, 2017

Condition-based maintenance policies for systems with multiple dependent components: A review pp. 405-420 Downloads
Minou C.A. Olde Keizer, Simme Douwe P. Flapper and Ruud H. Teunter
A biobjective approach to recoverable robustness based on location planning pp. 421-435 Downloads
Emilio Carrizosa, Marc Goerigk and Anita Schöbel
Alternative models for markets with nonconvexities pp. 436-449 Downloads
J. David Fuller and Emre Çelebi
Polynomial optimization for water networks: Global solutions for the valve setting problem pp. 450-459 Downloads
Bissan Ghaddar, Mathieu Claeys, Martin Mevissen and Bradley J. Eck
A population-based fast algorithm for a billion-dimensional resource allocation problem with integer variables pp. 460-474 Downloads
Kalyanmoy Deb and Christie Myburgh
Exact algorithms for the Equitable Traveling Salesman Problem pp. 475-485 Downloads
Joris Kinable, Bart Smeulders, Eline Delcour and Frits C.R. Spieksma
The resource dependent assignment problem with a convex agent cost function pp. 486-502 Downloads
Liron Yedidsion and Dvir Shabtay
Shared multi-processor scheduling pp. 503-514 Downloads
Dariusz Dereniowski and Wiesław Kubiak
The single machine weighted mean squared deviation problem pp. 515-529 Downloads
Jordi Pereira and Óscar C. Vásquez
Asymmetry matters: Dynamic half-way points in bidirectional labeling for solving shortest path problems with resource constraints faster pp. 530-539 Downloads
Christian Tilk, Ann-Kathrin Rothenbächer, Timo Gschwind and Stefan Irnich
Strategic procurement in spot and forward markets considering regulation and capacity constraints pp. 540-548 Downloads
Fernando S. Oliveira
The directed profitable rural postman problem with incompatibility constraints pp. 549-562 Downloads
Marco Colombi, Ángel Corberán, Renata Mansini, Isaac Plana and José M. Sanchis
Loss aversion and rationality in the newsvendor problem under recourse option pp. 563-571 Downloads
B. Vipin and R.K. Amit
Investigating sustained oscillations in nonlinear production and inventory control models pp. 572-583 Downloads
Virginia L.M. Spiegler and Mohamed M. Naim
Optimal spares allocation to an exchangeable-item repair system with tolerable wait pp. 584-594 Downloads
Michael Dreyfuss and Yahel Giat
Equilibrium arrival times to queues with general service times and non-linear utility functions pp. 595-605 Downloads
Jesper Breinbjerg
A stein type lemma for the multivariate generalized hyperbolic distribution pp. 606-612 Downloads
Steven Vanduffel and Jing Yao
A control-chart-based queueing approach for service facility maintenance with energy-delay tradeoff pp. 613-625 Downloads
Wenhui Zhou, Zhibin Zheng and Wei Xie
Management challenges in creating value from business analytics pp. 626-639 Downloads
Richard Vidgen, Sarah Shaw and David B. Grant
Efficiency measures and computational approaches for data envelopment analysis models with ratio inputs and outputs pp. 640-655 Downloads
Ole Bent Olesen, Niels Christian Petersen and Victor V. Podinovski
Cost-based feature selection for Support Vector Machines: An application in credit scoring pp. 656-665 Downloads
Sebastián Maldonado, Juan Pérez and Cristián Bravo
Stochastic dominance via quantile regression with applications to investigate arbitrage opportunity and market efficiency pp. 666-678 Downloads
Pin Ng, Wing-Keung Wong and Zhijie Xiao
Efficiency measurement and frontier projection identification for general two-stage systems in data envelopment analysis pp. 679-689 Downloads
Chiang Kao
Dominance-based rough fuzzy set approach and its application to rule induction pp. 690-703 Downloads
Wen Sheng Du and Bao Qing Hu
Evaluation functions and decision conditions of three-way decisions with game-theoretic rough sets pp. 704-714 Downloads
Nouman Azam, Yan Zhang and JingTao Yao
Electricity forward curves with thin granularity: Theory and empirical evidence in the hourly EPEXspot market pp. 715-734 Downloads
Ruggero Caldana, Gianluca Fusai and Andrea Roncoroni
Modeling the Steering of International Roaming Traffic pp. 735-754 Downloads
Carlos Lúcio Martins, Maria da Conceição Fonseca and Margarida Vaz Pato
Generation flexibility in ramp rates: Strategic behavior and lessons for electricity market design pp. 755-771 Downloads
Ekaterina Moiseeva, Sonja Wogrin and Mohammad Reza Hesamzadeh
Optimization approaches to Supervised Classification pp. 772-788 Downloads
A. Pedro Duarte Silva
On the inefficiency of the merit order in forward electricity markets with uncertain supply pp. 789-799 Downloads
Juan M. Morales and Salvador Pineda
A note on “Cooperative interconnection settlement among ISPs through NAP” pp. 800-802 Downloads
Leo Van Hove

Volume 261, issue 1, 2017

Mathematical optimization approaches for facility layout problems: The state-of-the-art and future research directions pp. 1-16 Downloads
Miguel F. Anjos and Manuel V.C. Vieira
Improved local search approaches to solve the post enrolment course timetabling problem pp. 17-29 Downloads
Say Leng Goh, Graham Kendall and Nasser R. Sabar
Models for the piecewise linear unsplittable multicommodity flow problems pp. 30-42 Downloads
Bernard Fortz, Luís Gouveia and Martim Joyce-Moniz
Clustering data that are graph connected pp. 43-53 Downloads
Stefano Benati, Justo Puerto and Antonio M. Rodríguez-Chía
An algorithmic framework for the exact solution of tree-star problems pp. 54-66 Downloads
Markus Leitner, Ivana Ljubić, Juan-José Salazar-González and Markus Sinnl
Anchored reactive and proactive solutions to the CPM-scheduling problem pp. 67-74 Downloads
Pascale Bendotti, Philippe Chrétienne, Pierre Fouilhoux and Alain Quilliot
An iterated greedy heuristic for a market segmentation problem with multiple attributes pp. 75-87 Downloads
Diana L. Huerta-Muñoz, Roger Z. Ríos-Mercado and Rubén Ruiz
Risk-cost optimization for procurement planning in multi-tier supply chain by Pareto Local Search with relaxed acceptance criterion pp. 88-96 Downloads
Masakatsu Mori, Ryoji Kobayashi, Masaki Samejima and Norihisa Komoda
Capacity allocation under downstream competition and bargaining pp. 97-107 Downloads
Qiankai Qing, Tianhu Deng and Hongwei Wang
A simulation study of the performance of twin automated stacking cranes at a seaport container terminal pp. 108-128 Downloads
Amir Hossein Gharehgozli, Floris Gerardus Vernooij and Nima Zaerpour
Environmental implications of transport contract choice - capacity investment and pricing under volume and capacity contracts pp. 129-142 Downloads
Peter Berling and Fredrik Eng-Larsson
Flexible contract design for VMI supply chain with service-sensitive demand: Revenue-sharing and supplier subsidy pp. 143-153 Downloads
Jianhu Cai, Xiaoqing Hu, Pandu R. Tadikamalla and Jennifer Shang
A routing and scheduling approach to rail transportation of hazardous materials with demand due dates pp. 154-168 Downloads
Kan Fang, Ginger Y. Ke and Manish Verma
An improved method for forecasting spare parts demand using extreme value theory pp. 169-181 Downloads
Sha Zhu, Rommert Dekker, Willem van Jaarsveld, Rex Wang Renjie and Alex J. Koning
Enriching demand forecasts with managerial information to improve inventory replenishment decisions: Exploiting judgment and fostering learning pp. 182-194 Downloads
Yacine Rekik, Christoph H. Glock and Aris A. Syntetos
Inventory disclosure in online retailing pp. 195-204 Downloads
Tolga Aydinliyim, Michael S. Pangburn and Elliot Rabinovich
Self-interest and equity concerns: A behavioural allocation rule for operational problems pp. 205-213 Downloads
António Osório
Investigation on irreducible cost vectors in minimum cost arborescence problems pp. 214-221 Downloads
Yoshifumi Kusunoki and Tetsuzo Tanino
Undominated nonnegative excesses and core extensions of transferable utility games pp. 222-233 Downloads
Haoxun Chen
Joint pricing and location decisions in a heterogeneous market pp. 234-246 Downloads
Nafiseh Sedghi, Hassan Shavandi and Hossein Abouee-Mehrizi
A stabilised scenario decomposition algorithm applied to stochastic unit commitment problems pp. 247-259 Downloads
Tim Schulze, Andreas Grothey and Ken McKinnon
Different stakeholders’ perspectives for a surgical case assignment problem: Deterministic and robust approaches pp. 260-278 Downloads
Inês Marques and M. Eugénia Captivo
Comparison of Kriging-based algorithms for simulation optimization with heterogeneous noise pp. 279-301 Downloads
Hamed Jalali, Inneke Van Nieuwenhuyse and Victor Picheny
An integrated assortment and shelf-space optimization model with demand substitution and space-elasticity effects pp. 302-316 Downloads
Alexander Hübner and Kai Schaal
Decision rule approximations for the risk averse reservoir management problem pp. 317-336 Downloads
Charles Gauvin, Erick Delage and Michel Gendreau
Link-based multi-class hazmat routing-scheduling problem: A multiple demon approach pp. 337-354 Downloads
W.Y. Szeto, R.Z. Farahani and Agachai Sumalee
Optimal service order for mass-casualty incident response pp. 355-367 Downloads
Behrooz Kamali, Douglas Bish and Roger Glick
Flexible decision making in the wake of large scale nuclear emergencies: Long-term response pp. 368-389 Downloads
Dmitry Yumashev and Paul Johnson
Optimal operation of a CHP plant participating in the German electricity balancing and day-ahead spot market pp. 390-404 Downloads
Nadine Kumbartzky, Matthias Schacht, Katrin Schulz and Brigitte Werners
Page updated 2025-03-28