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European Journal of Operational Research

1977 - 2025

Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati

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Volume 265, issue 3, 2018

Operations research applications of dichotomous search pp. 795-812 Downloads
Refael Hassin and Anna Sarid
A fitness assignment strategy based on the grey and entropy parallel analysis and its application to MOEAAuthor-Name: Zhu, Guang-Yu pp. 813-828 Downloads
Li-Jun He, Xue-Wei Ju and Wei-Bo Zhang
Logical and inequality implications for reducing the size and difficulty of quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problems pp. 829-842 Downloads
Fred Glover, Mark Lewis and Gary Kochenberger
A simulated annealing algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem with two-dimensional loading constraints pp. 843-859 Downloads
Lijun Wei, Zhenzhen Zhang, Defu Zhang and Stephen C.H. Leung
The weighted independent domination problem: Integer linear programming models and metaheuristic approaches pp. 860-871 Downloads
Pedro Pinacho Davidson, Christian Blum and Jose A. Lozano
Integer programming formulations for three sequential discrete competitive location problems with foresight pp. 872-881 Downloads
José Gentile, Artur Alves Pessoa, Michael Poss and Marcos Costa Roboredo
Minimum energy target tracking with coverage guarantee in wireless sensor networks pp. 882-894 Downloads
Charly Lersteau, André Rossi and Marc Sevaux
The bi-objective critical node detection problem pp. 895-908 Downloads
Mario Ventresca, Kyle Robert Harrison and Beatrice M. Ombuki-Berman
Clicks versus Bricks: The role of durability in marketing channel strategy of durable goods manufacturers pp. 909-918 Downloads
Wei Yan, Yu Xiong, Junhong Chu, Gendao Li and Zhongkai Xiong
Security screening queues with impatient applicants: A new model with a case study pp. 919-930 Downloads
Ali Pala and Jun Zhuang
The Block Retrieval Problem pp. 931-950 Downloads
Marcos de Melo da Silva, Güneş Erdoğan, Maria Battarra and Vitaly Strusevich
Age-based inventory control in a multi-echelon system with emergency replenishments pp. 951-961 Downloads
Lina Johansson and Fredrik Olsson
On the unimodality of the price-setting newsvendor problem with additive demand under risk considerations pp. 962-974 Downloads
Javier Rubio-Herrero and Melike Baykal-Gürsoy
Dynamic appointment scheduling with wait-dependent abandonment pp. 975-984 Downloads
Yuwei Lu, Xiaolan Xie and Zhibin Jiang
k-additive aggregation functions and their characterization pp. 985-992 Downloads
Anna Kolesárová, Jun Li and Radko Mesiar
High dimensional data classification and feature selection using support vector machines pp. 993-1004 Downloads
Bissan Ghaddar and Joe Naoum-Sawaya
A lexicographic radial projection onto the efficient frontier in Data Envelopment Analysis pp. 1005-1012 Downloads
Pekka Korhonen, Akram Dehnokhalaji and Nasim Nasrabadi
The design of a reliable and robust hierarchical health service network using an accelerated Benders decomposition algorithm pp. 1013-1032 Downloads
Naeme Zarrinpoor, Mohammad Saber Fallahnezhad and Mir Saman Pishvaee
A stochastic dynamic programming approach to analyze adaptation to climate change – Application to groundwater irrigation in India pp. 1033-1045 Downloads
Marion Robert, Jacques-Eric Bergez and Alban Thomas
A new epidemics–logistics model: Insights into controlling the Ebola virus disease in West Africa pp. 1046-1063 Downloads
İ. Esra Büyüktahtakın, Emmanuel des-Bordes and Eyyüb Y. Kıbış
Designing humanitarian supply chains by incorporating actual post-disaster decisions pp. 1064-1077 Downloads
Reut Noham and Michal Tzur
The Shared Customer Collaboration Vehicle Routing Problem pp. 1078-1093 Downloads
Elena Fernández, Mireia Roca-Riu and M. Grazia Speranza
An efficient simulation optimization method for the generalized redundancy allocation problem pp. 1094-1101 Downloads
Kuo-Hao Chang and Po-Yi Kuo
Innovation and technology diffusion in competitive supply chains pp. 1102-1114 Downloads
Ayhan Aydin and Rodney P. Parker
On the signature of complex system: A decomposed approach pp. 1115-1123 Downloads
Gaofeng Da, Ping Shing Chan and Maochao Xu
An appointment scheduling framework to balance the production of blood units from donation pp. 1124-1143 Downloads
Seda Baş, Giuliana Carello, Ettore Lanzarone and Semih Yalçındağ
Optimal quality and quantity provisions for centralized vs. decentralized distribution: Market size uncertainty effects pp. 1144-1158 Downloads
Yan Liu, Hongyan Shi and Nicholas C. Petruzzi
Design of discrete Dutch auctions with consideration of time pp. 1159-1171 Downloads
Zhen Li, Jinfeng Yue and Ching-Chung Kuo
Optimal privatization portfolios in the presence of arbitrary risk aversion pp. 1172-1191 Downloads
George Christodoulakis, Abdulkadir Mohamed and Nikolas Topaloglou

Volume 265, issue 2, 2018

Retail store operations: Literature review and research directions pp. 399-422 Downloads
Shandong Mou, David J. Robb and Nicole DeHoratius
On recoverable and two-stage robust selection problems with budgeted uncertainty pp. 423-436 Downloads
André Chassein, Marc Goerigk, Adam Kasperski and Paweł Zieliński
Expected residual minimization formulation for a class of stochastic linear second-order cone complementarity problems pp. 437-447 Downloads
Guoxin Wang, Jin Zhang, Bo Zeng and Gui-Hua Lin
Characterizations of weakly sharp solutions for a variational inequality with a pseudomonotone mapping pp. 448-453 Downloads
Zili Wu
An efficient genetic algorithm to solve the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with transfer times: The single mode case pp. 454-462 Downloads
Roubila Lilia Kadri and Fayez F. Boctor
A node current-based 2-index formulation for the fixed-destination multi-depot travelling salesman problem pp. 463-477 Downloads
M. Burger, Z. Su and B. De Schutter
A two-level solution approach for solving the generalized minimum spanning tree problem pp. 478-487 Downloads
Petrică C. Pop, Oliviu Matei, Cosmin Sabo and Adrian Petrovan
Extended formulation for hop constrained distribution network configuration problems pp. 488-502 Downloads
Jérôme De Boeck and Bernard Fortz
Solving the flexible job shop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times pp. 503-516 Downloads
Liji Shen, Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès and Janis S. Neufeld
Designing sustainable mid-haul logistics networks with intra-route multi-resource facilities pp. 517-532 Downloads
Maximilian Schiffer, Michael Schneider and Gilbert Laporte
Pricing and sourcing strategies for competing retailers in supply chains under disruption riskAuthor-Name: Kumar, Milan pp. 533-543 Downloads
Preetam Basu and Balram Avittathur
The vehicle routing problem with service level constraints pp. 544-558 Downloads
Teobaldo Bulhões, Minh Hoàng Hà, Rafael Martinelli and Thibaut Vidal
Universal recurrence algorithm for computing Nuttall, generalized Marcum and incomplete Toronto functions and moments of a noncentral χ2 random variable pp. 559-570 Downloads
José Carlos Dias and João Pedro Vidal Nunes
Comparing large-sample maximum Sharpe ratios and incremental variable testing pp. 571-579 Downloads
Michael Hanke and Spiridon Penev
On the price of anarchy in a single-server queue with heterogeneous service valuations induced by travel costs pp. 580-588 Downloads
Refael Hassin, Irit Nowik and Yair Y. Shaki
A systematic look at the gamma process capability indices pp. 589-597 Downloads
Piao Chen and Zhi-Sheng Ye
A new decision-making approach for multiple criteria sorting with an imbalanced set of assignment examples pp. 598-620 Downloads
Jiapeng Liu, Xiuwu Liao, Wei Huang and Jian-bo Yang
‘Buy n times, get one free’ loyalty cards: Are they profitable for competing firms? A game theoretic analysis pp. 621-630 Downloads
Amirhossein Bazargan, Salma Karray and Saeed Zolfaghari
Distributionally robust equilibrium for continuous games: Nash and Stackelberg models pp. 631-643 Downloads
Yongchao Liu, Huifu Xu, Shu-Jung Sunny Yang and Jin Zhang
Identification of congestion in data envelopment analysis under the occurrence of multiple projections: A reliable method capable of dealing with negative data pp. 644-654 Downloads
Mahmood Mehdiloozad, Joe Zhu and Biresh K. Sahoo
Comparison of the multicriteria decision-making methods for equity portfolio selection: The U.S. evidence pp. 655-672 Downloads
Eero Pätäri, Ville Karell, Pasi Luukka and Julian S Yeomans
Making OR practice visible: Using ethnomethodology to analyse facilitated modelling workshops pp. 673-684 Downloads
L. Alberto Franco and Christian Greiffenhagen
Estimating stochastic discount factor models with hidden regimes: Applications to commodity pricing pp. 685-702 Downloads
Marta Giampietro, Massimo Guidolin and Manuela Pedio
Optimizing block-based maintenance under random machine usage pp. 703-709 Downloads
Bram de Jonge and Edgars Jakobsons
Finding the right yardstick: Regulation of electricity networks under heterogeneous environments pp. 710-722 Downloads
Endre Bjørndal, Mette Bjørndal, Astrid Cullmann and Maria Nieswand
Branch-and-cut for the forest harvest scheduling subject to clearcut and core area constraints pp. 723-734 Downloads
Miguel Constantino and Isabel Martins
Who should be pricing leader in the presence of customer returns? pp. 735-747 Downloads
Jing Chen, Bintong Chen and Wei Li
Data envelopment analysis, truncated regression and double-bootstrap for panel data with application to Chinese bankingAuthor-Name: Du, Kai pp. 748-764 Downloads
Andrew Worthington and Valentin Zelenyuk
A Multi-Depot Two-Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem with Delivery Options Arising in the Last Mile Distribution pp. 765-778 Downloads
Lin Zhou, Roberto Baldacci, Daniele Vigo and Xu Wang
Gotta (efficiently) catch them all: Pokémon GO meets Orienteering Problems pp. 779-794 Downloads
Eduardo Álvarez-Miranda, Martin Luipersbeck and Markus Sinnl

Volume 265, issue 1, 2018

State of the art in physician scheduling pp. 1-18 Downloads
Melanie Erhard, Jan Schoenfelder, Andreas Fügener and Jens O. Brunner
Constraint qualifications for convex optimization without convexity of constraints: New connections and applications to best approximation pp. 19-25 Downloads
N.H. Chieu, V. Jeyakumar, G. Li and H. Mohebi
A β-accurate linearization method of Euclidean distance for the facility layout problem with heterogeneous distance metrics pp. 26-38 Downloads
Yue Xie, Shenghan Zhou, Yiyong Xiao, Sadan Kulturel-Konak and Abdullah Konak
On nonsmooth robust multiobjective optimization under generalized convexity with applications to portfolio optimization pp. 39-48 Downloads
Majid Fakhar, Mohammad Reza Mahyarinia and Jafar Zafarani
Approximate dynamic programming for lateral transshipment problems in multi-location inventory systems pp. 49-64 Downloads
Joern Meissner and Olga V. Senicheva
A double-loop hybrid algorithm for the traveling salesman problem with arbitrary neighbourhoods pp. 65-80 Downloads
Zhao Yang, Ming-Qing Xiao, Ya-Wei Ge, De-Long Feng, Lei Zhang, Hai-Fang Song and Xi-Lang Tang
Parallel local search algorithms for high school timetabling problems pp. 81-98 Downloads
Landir Saviniec, Maristela O. Santos and Alysson M. Costa
On the decomposition property for a dynamic inventory rationing problem with multiple demand classes and backorder pp. 99-106 Downloads
Lina Bao, Zhiying Liu, Yimin Yu and Wei Zhang
Optimizing stock levels for rental systems with a support warehouse and partial backordering pp. 107-118 Downloads
G. Van der Heide, N.D. Van Foreest and K.J. Roodbergen
Tug scheduling for hinterland barge transport: A branch-and-price approach pp. 119-132 Downloads
Lu Zhen, Kai Wang, Shuaian Wang and Xiaobo Qu
Environmental factors in frontier estimation – A Monte Carlo analysis pp. 133-148 Downloads
Maria Nieswand and Stefan Seifert
Risk tomography pp. 149-168 Downloads
András Prékopa and Jinwook Lee
Dynamic allocation of stochastically-arriving flexible resources to random streams of objects with application to kidney cross-transplantation pp. 169-177 Downloads
Yael Perlman, Amir Elalouf and Uri Yechiali
Are objectives hierarchy related biases observed in practice? A meta-analysis of environmental and energy applications of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis pp. 178-194 Downloads
Mika Marttunen, Valerie Belton and Judit Lienert
Outpatient scheduling with unpunctual patients and no-shows pp. 195-207 Downloads
Matthias Deceuninck, Dieter Fiems and Stijn De Vuyst
A framework for configuring collaborative filtering-based recommendations derived from purchase data pp. 208-218 Downloads
Stijn Geuens, Kristof Coussement and Koen W. De Bock
Profiting from product-harm crises in competitive markets pp. 219-227 Downloads
Olivier Rubel
Meta goal programing approach for solving multi-criteria de Novo programing problemAuthor-Name: Zhuang, Zheng-Yun pp. 228-238 Downloads
Amine Hocine
Jie Ke versus AlphaGo: A ranking approach using decision making method for large-scale data with incomplete information pp. 239-247 Downloads
Xiangrui Chao, Gang Kou, Tie Li and Yi Peng
Interactive algorithms for a broad underlying family of preference functions pp. 248-262 Downloads
G. Karakaya, M. Köksalan and S.D. Ahipaşaoğlu
Predicting adolescent social networks to stop smoking in secondary schools pp. 263-276 Downloads
Angelico Fetta, Paul Harper, Vincent Knight and Janet Williams
A mean-risk mixed integer nonlinear program for transportation network protection pp. 277-289 Downloads
Jie Lu, Akshay Gupte and Yongxi Huang
On Mathematical Optimization for the visualization of frequencies and adjacencies as rectangular maps pp. 290-302 Downloads
Emilio Carrizosa, Vanesa Guerrero and Dolores Romero Morales
Two-dimensional cutting stock problem with sequence dependent setup times pp. 303-315 Downloads
David A. Wuttke and H. Sebastian Heese
The open vehicle routing problem with decoupling points pp. 316-327 Downloads
Reza Atefi, Majid Salari, Leandro C. Coelho and Jacques Renaud
Bayesian learning of dose–response parameters from a cohort under response-guided dosing pp. 328-343 Downloads
Jakob Kotas and Archis Ghate
Privacy and security of electronic patient records – Tailoring multimethodology to explore the socio-political problems associated with Role Based Access Control systems pp. 344-360 Downloads
Adrian Small and David Wainwright
Accelerating Petri-Net simulations using NVIDIA Graphics Processing Units pp. 361-371 Downloads
Panayioti C. Yianni, Luis C. Neves, Dovile Rama and John D. Andrews
Naive versus optimal diversification: Tail risk and performance pp. 372-388 Downloads
Inchang Hwang, Simon Xu and Francis In
Semi-analytical solutions for dynamic portfolio choice in jump-diffusion models and the optimal bond-stock mix pp. 389-398 Downloads
Yi Hong and Xing Jin
Page updated 2025-03-28