European Journal of Operational Research
1977 - 2025
Current editor(s): Roman Slowinski, Jesus Artalejo, Jean-Charles. Billaut, Robert Dyson and Lorenzo Peccati From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 231, issue 3, 2013
- Mathematical optimization ideas for biodiversity conservation pp. 514-534

- Alain Billionnet
- Combining very large scale and ILP based neighborhoods for a two-level location problem pp. 535-546

- Bernardetta Addis, Giuliana Carello and Alberto Ceselli
- An exact algorithm to minimize mean squared deviation of job completion times about a common due date pp. 547-556

- B. Srirangacharyulu and G. Srinivasan
- Mathematical programming time-based decomposition algorithm for discrete event simulation pp. 557-566

- Arianna Alfieri and Andrea Matta
- Cooperation and game-theoretic cost allocation in stochastic inventory models with continuous review pp. 567-576

- Judith Timmer, Michela Chessa and Richard J. Boucherie
- Finite and infinite-horizon single vehicle routing problems with a predefined customer sequence and pickup and delivery pp. 577-586

- D.G. Pandelis, C.C. Karamatsoukis and E.G. Kyriakidis
- Bundling decisions in supply chains pp. 617-630

- A. Chakravarty, A. Mild and A. Taudes
- Specifying measurement errors for required lifetime estimation performance pp. 631-644

- Xiao-Sheng Si, Mao-Yin Chen, Wenbin Wang, Chang-Hua Hu and Dong-Hua Zhou
- Algorithmic aspects of mean–variance optimization in Markov decision processes pp. 645-653

- Shie Mannor and John N. Tsitsiklis
- A novel group ranking model for revealing sequence and quantity knowledge pp. 654-666

- Tony Cheng-Kui Huang
- Static search games played over graphs and general metric spaces pp. 667-689

- Thomas P. Oléron Evans and Steven R. Bishop
- Recent developments on Reactivity: Theoretical conceptualization and empirical verification pp. 690-701

- Pietro De Giovanni, Alfio Cariola and Mariacarmela Passarelli
- Competition among non-life insurers under solvency constraints: A game-theoretic approach pp. 702-711

- Christophe Dutang, Hansjoerg Albrecher and Stéphane Loisel
- Distributing inspections in space and time – Proposed solution of a difficult problem pp. 712-719

- Rudolf Avenhaus and Thomas Krieger
- Rethinking Soft OR interventions: Models as boundary objects pp. 720-733

- L. Alberto Franco
- A competitive hub location and pricing problem pp. 734-744

- Armin Lüer-Villagra and Vladimir Marianov
- Adaptive and robust radiation therapy optimization for lung cancer pp. 745-756

- Timothy C.Y. Chan and Velibor V. Mišić
- A new approach for sheet nesting problem using guided cuckoo search and pairwise clustering pp. 757-769

- Ahmed Elkeran
- A linear model for surface mining haul truck allocation incorporating shovel idle probabilities pp. 770-778

- Chung H. Ta, Armann Ingolfsson and John Doucette
Volume 231, issue 2, 2013
- A review of trade credit literature: Opportunities for research in operations pp. 245-256

- Daniel Seifert, Ralf W. Seifert and Margarita Protopappa-Sieke
- Surrogate duality for robust optimization pp. 257-262

- Satoshi Suzuki, Daishi Kuroiwa and Gue Myung Lee
- Improving an interior-point approach for large block-angular problems by hybrid preconditioners pp. 263-273

- Silvana Bocanegra, Jordi Castro and Aurelio R.L. Oliveira
- On the convergence of inexact block coordinate descent methods for constrained optimization pp. 274-281

- A. Cassioli, D. Di Lorenzo and M. Sciandrone
- New complexity results for parallel identical machine scheduling problems with preemption, release dates and regular criteria pp. 282-287

- D. Prot, O. Bellenguez-Morineau and C. Lahlou
- Heuristic for the rectangular two-dimensional single stock size cutting stock problem with two-staged patterns pp. 288-298

- Yaodong Cui and Zhigang Zhao
- A reduction dynamic programming algorithm for the bi-objective integer knapsack problem pp. 299-313

- Aiying Rong and José Rui Figueira
- Strategic response to pollution taxes in supply chain networks: Dynamic, spatial, and organizational dimensions pp. 314-327

- Sung H. Chung, Robert Weaver and Terry L. Friesz
- The risk-averse newsvendor problem with random capacity pp. 328-336

- Meng Wu, Stuart X. Zhu and Ruud H. Teunter
- Joint control of production, remanufacturing, and disposal activities in a hybrid manufacturing–remanufacturing system pp. 337-348

- Eungab Kim, Soroush Saghafian and Mark P. Van Oyen
- Discrete Malliavin calculus and computations of greeks in the binomial tree pp. 349-361

- Yoshifumi Muroi and Shintaro Suda
- A computationally efficient state-space partitioning approach to pricing high-dimensional American options via dimension reduction pp. 362-370

- Xing Jin, Xun Li, Hwee Huat Tan and Zhenyu Wu
- Implementation strategies of a contract-based MRI examination reservation process for stroke patients pp. 371-380

- Na Geng, Xiaolan Xie and Zhibin Jiang
- Stochastic competitive entries and dynamic pricing pp. 381-392

- Olivier Rubel
- Cross-efficiency aggregation in DEA models using the evidential-reasoning approach pp. 393-404

- Guo-liang Yang, Jian-bo Yang, Wen-bin Liu and Xiao-xuan Li
- DEA production games pp. 405-413

- S. Lozano
- Operational issues and network effects in vaccine markets pp. 414-427

- Elodie Adida, Debabrata Dey and Hamed Mamani
- Macroscopic attraction-based simulation of pedestrian mobility: A dynamic individual route-choice approach pp. 428-442

- David Canca, Alejandro Zarzo, Encarnación Algaba and Eva Barrena
- Accounting for slacks to measure and decompose revenue efficiency in the Spanish Designation of Origin wines with DEA pp. 443-451

- Juan Aparicio, Fernando Borras, Jesus Pastor and Fernando Vidal Giménez
- A hybrid metaheuristic method for the Maximum Diversity Problem pp. 452-464

- Qinghua Wu and Jin-Kao Hao
- Specification and estimation of multiple output technologies: A primal approach pp. 465-473

- Subal Kumbhakar
- Shadow pricing of undesirable outputs in nonparametric analysis pp. 474-480

- Hervé Leleu
- Stochastic non-convex envelopment of data: Applying isotonic regression to frontier estimation pp. 481-491

- Abolfazl Keshvari and Timo Kuosmanen
- Pricing and advertisement in a manufacturer–retailer supply chain pp. 492-502

- Jinfeng Yue, Jill Austin, Zhimin Huang and Bintong Chen
- Endogenous production capacity investment in natural gas market equilibrium models pp. 503-506

- Daniel Huppmann
- Short communication: DEA based auctions simulations pp. 507-511

- Athanasios Papakonstantinou and Peter Bogetoft
Volume 231, issue 1, 2013
- Heuristics for multi-attribute vehicle routing problems: A survey and synthesis pp. 1-21

- Thibaut Vidal, Teodor Gabriel Crainic, Michel Gendreau and Christian Prins
- An efficient evolutionary algorithm for the ring star problem pp. 22-33

- Herminia I. Calvete, Carmen Galé and José A. Iranzo
- Iterative approaches for a dynamic memory allocation problem in embedded systems pp. 34-42

- María Soto, André Rossi and Marc Sevaux
- A tabu search for Time-dependent Multi-zone Multi-trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows pp. 43-56

- Phuong Khanh Nguyen, Teodor Gabriel Crainic and Michel Toulouse
- New insights on integer-programming models for the kidney exchange problem pp. 57-68

- Miguel Constantino, Xenia Klimentova, Ana Viana and Abdur Rais
- The two-machine flowshop scheduling problem with sequence-independent setup times: New lower bounding strategies pp. 69-78

- Anis Gharbi, Talel Ladhari, Mohamed Kais Msakni and Mehdi Serairi
- Order sequencing on a unidirectional cyclical picking line pp. 79-87

- Jason Matthews and Stephan Visagie
- The role of store brand positioning for appropriating supply chain profit under shelf space allocation pp. 88-97

- Chia-Wei Kuo and Shu-Jung Sunny Yang
- Joint-optimization of inventory policies on a multi-product multi-echelon pharmaceutical system with batching and ordering constraints pp. 98-108

- W.J. Guerrero, T.G. Yeung and C. Guéret
- An integrated guaranteed- and stochastic-service approach to inventory optimization in supply chains pp. 109-119

- Steffen T. Klosterhalfen, Daniel Dittmar and Stefan Minner
- A new mixed integer program and extended look-ahead heuristic algorithm for the block relocation problem pp. 120-130

- Matthew E.H. Petering and Mazen I. Hussein
- Decision tree analysis for a risk averse decision maker: CVaR Criterion pp. 131-140

- Saman Eskandarzadeh and Kourosh Eshghi
- Preference Programming with incomplete ordinal information pp. 141-150

- Antti Punkka and Ahti Salo
- The uses of qualitative data in multimethodology: Developing causal loop diagrams during the coding process pp. 151-161

- Mike Yearworth and Leroy White
- Information granulation and uncertainty measures in interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy information systems pp. 162-170

- Bing Huang, Yu-liang Zhuang and Hua-xiong Li
- Multi-criteria semantic dominance: A linguistic decision aiding technique based on incomplete preference information pp. 171-181

- Wu-E Yang and Jian-Qiang Wang
- A real options approach to labour shifts planning under different service level targets pp. 182-189

- Rui Fernandes, Borges Gouveia and Carlos Pinho
- A fuzzy set-based approach to origin–destination matrix estimation in urban traffic networks with imprecise data pp. 190-201

- Les R. Foulds, Hugo A.D. do Nascimento, Iacer C.A.C. Calixto, Bryon R. Hall and Humberto Longo
- A new method to solve the fully connected Reserve Network Design Problem pp. 202-209

- Nahid Jafari and John Hearne
- Workforce routing and scheduling for electricity network maintenance with downtime minimization pp. 210-228

- Asvin Goel and Frank Meisel
- Lifetime maximization in wireless directional sensor network pp. 229-241

- André Rossi, Alok Singh and Marc Sevaux
- On ratio-based RTS determination: An extension pp. 242-243

- Pekka Korhonen, Majid Soleimani-damaneh and Jyrki Wallenius
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