Games and Economic Behavior
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): E. Kalai From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 58, issue 2, 2007
- Coordination and cooperation in local, random and small world networks: Experimental evidence pp. 209-230

- Alessandra Cassar
- Counting combinatorial choice rules pp. 231-245

- Federico Echenique
- Money illusion and coordination failure pp. 246-268

- Ernst Fehr and Jean-Robert Tyran
- Naive learning and cooperation in network experiments pp. 269-292

- Oliver Kirchkamp and Rosemarie Nagel
- The evolution of cooperation through imitation pp. 293-315

- David Levine and Wolfgang Pesendorfer
- Large newsvendor games pp. 316-337

- Luigi Montrucchio and Marco Scarsini
- Strategic managerial incentives in a two-period Cournot duopoly pp. 338-353

- Sudesh Mujumdar and Debashis Pal
- Fair allocation in networks with externalities pp. 354-364

- Noemí Navarro
- Advice and behavior in intergenerational ultimatum games: An experimental approach pp. 365-393

- Andrew Schotter and Barry Sopher
- Commuters route choice behaviour pp. 394-406

- Reinhard Selten, Thorsten Chmura, T. Pitz, Sebastian Kube and M. Schreckenberg
Volume 58, issue 1, 2007
- Electoral competition with privately-informed candidates pp. 1-29

- Dan Bernhardt, John Duggan and Francesco Squintani
- Anti-coordination and social interactions pp. 30-49

- Yann Bramoullé
- Entry decisions and bidding behavior in sequential first-price procurement auctions: An experimental study pp. 50-74

- Jeannette Brosig-Koch and Rei[ss], J. Philipp
- Hard evidence and mechanism design pp. 75-93

- Jesse Bull and Joel Watson
- Competition and confidentiality: Signaling quality in a duopoly when there is universal private information pp. 94-120

- Andrew Daughety and Jennifer Reinganum
- Market design with endogenous preferences pp. 121-153

- Aviad Heifetz, Ella Segev and Eric Talley
- Paths to stability for matching markets with couples pp. 154-171

- Bettina Klaus and Flip Klijn
- Collective choice with endogenous reference outcome pp. 172-180

- Hannu Vartiainen
- Indicative bidding and a theory of two-stage auctions pp. 181-207

- Lixin Ye
Volume 57, issue 2, 2006
- Information revelation in auctions pp. 181-205

- Jean-Pierre Benoit and Juan Dubra
- Secure implementation experiments: Do strategy-proof mechanisms really work? pp. 206-235

- Timothy Cason, Tatsuyoshi Saijo, Tomas Sjostrom and Takehiko Yamato
- Benchmarking real-valued acts pp. 236-253

- Erio Castagnoli and Marco LiCalzi
- Achieving efficiency with manipulative bargainers pp. 254-263

- Juan Gomez
- Averting economic collapse and the solipsism bias pp. 264-285

- Antonio Guarino, Steffen Huck and Thomas Jeitschko
- Stochastic uncoupled dynamics and Nash equilibrium pp. 286-303

- Sergiu Hart and Andreu Mas-Colell
- Efficient bidding with externalities pp. 304-320

- Ines Macho-Stadler, David Perez-Castrillo and David Wettstein
- Network topology and the efficiency of equilibrium pp. 321-346

- Igal Milchtaich
- Behavioral conformity in games with many players pp. 347-360

- Myrna Wooders, Edward Cartwright and Reinhard Selten
- Correlated quantal responses and equilibrium selection pp. 361-369

- Takashi Ui
Volume 57, issue 1, 2006
- Configuration values: Extensions of the coalitional Owen value pp. 1-17

- M.J. Albizuri, J. Aurrecoechea and José Zarzuelo
- Credible implementation pp. 18-36

- Bhaskar Chakravorty, Luis Corchon and Simon Wilkie
- Noisy leadership: An experimental approach pp. 37-62

- Werner Guth, Wieland Müller and Yossi Spiegel
- Cost allocation schemes: An asymptotic approach pp. 63-72

- Mª Concepción Larrea and Juan Carlos Santos
- Universal possibility and impossibility results pp. 73-85

- Urs Schweizer
- Alternative characterizations of three bargaining solutions for nonconvex problems pp. 86-92

- Yongsheng Xu and Naoki Yoshihara
- An initial implementation of the Turing tournament to learning in repeated two-person games pp. 93-122

- Jasmina Arifovic, Richard D. McKelvey and Svetlana Pevnitskaya
- An experimental study of storable votes pp. 123-154

- Alessandra Casella, Andrew Gelman and Thomas Palfrey
- A theory of voting in large elections pp. 155-180

- Richard D. McKelvey and John W. Patty
Volume 56, issue 2, 2006
- A contract-based model for directed network formation pp. 201-224

- Ramesh Johari, Shie Mannor and John N. Tsitsiklis
- Auction and the informed seller problem pp. 225-258

- Bruno Jullien and Thomas Mariotti
- Individual or team decision-making--Causes and consequences of self-selection pp. 259-270

- Martin Kocher, Strau[ss], Sabine and Matthias Sutter
- Correlated equilibrium in evolutionary models with subpopulations pp. 271-284

- Justin Lenzo and Todd Sarver
- Generalised weakened fictitious play pp. 285-298

- David S. Leslie and E.J. Collins
- Rationalizable foresight dynamics pp. 299-322

- Akihiko Matsui and Daisuke Oyama
- Capacity precommitment and price competition yield the Cournot outcome pp. 323-332

- Diego Moreno and Luis Ubeda
- Volunteering for heterogeneous tasks pp. 333-349

- Nicolas Sahuguet
- Multiple equilibrium overnight rates in a dynamic interbank market game pp. 350-370

- Jens Tapking
- p-Best response set and the robustness of equilibria to incomplete information pp. 371-384

- Olivier Tercieux
Volume 56, issue 1, 2006
- Irrational behavior in the Brown-von Neumann-Nash dynamics pp. 1-6

- Ulrich Berger and Josef Hofbauer
- Overcommunication in strategic information transmission games pp. 7-36

- Hongbin Cai and Joseph Wang
- Mechanism design with weaker incentive compatibility constraints pp. 37-44

- Gorkem Celik
- Small- and large-stakes risk aversion: Implications of concavity calibration for decision theory pp. 45-60

- James Cox and Vjollca Sadiraj
- Indifference or indecisiveness? Choice-theoretic foundations of incomplete preferences pp. 61-86

- Kfir Eliaz and Efe Ok
- Can anticipatory feelings explain anomalous choices of information sources? pp. 87-104

- Kfir Eliaz and Ran Spiegler
- The positive foundation of the common prior assumption pp. 105-120

- Aviad Heifetz
- Markets versus negotiations: An experimental investigation pp. 121-134

- Tamar Kugler, Zvika Neeman and Nir Vulkan
- Approachable sets of vector payoffs in stochastic games pp. 135-147

- Emanuel Milman
- Aggregating disparate estimates of chance pp. 148-173

- Daniel Osherson and Moshe Y. Vardi
- Sunspots, correlation and competition pp. 174-184

- Herakles M. Polemarchakis and Indrajit Ray
- Locating public facilities by majority: Stability, consistency and group formation pp. 185-200

- Salvador Barberà and Carmen Bevia
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