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Games and Economic Behavior

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): E. Kalai

From Elsevier
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Volume 46, issue 2, 2004

Does observation influence learning? pp. 221-239 Downloads
Olivier Armantier
Learning to communicate in cheap-talk games pp. 240-259 Downloads
Andreas Blume and Tone Arnold
How to identify trust and reciprocity pp. 260-281 Downloads
James Cox
Learning to play Bayesian games pp. 282-303 Downloads
Eddie Dekel, Drew Fudenberg and David Levine
Learning with perfect information pp. 304-324 Downloads
Pradeep Dubey and Ori Haimanko
A characterization of strategic complementarities pp. 325-347 Downloads
Federico Echenique
Extensive-form games and strategic complementarities pp. 348-364 Downloads
Federico Echenique
A model of noisy introspection pp. 365-382 Downloads
Jacob Goeree and Charles Holt
Asymmetric information about rivals' types in standard auctions pp. 383-397 Downloads
Jinwoo Kim and Yeon-Koo Che
Learning by matching patterns pp. 398-409 Downloads
Val Lambson and Daniel A. Probst
The averaging mechanism pp. 410-424 Downloads
E. Naeve-Steinweg
A note on one-shot public mediated talk pp. 425-433 Downloads
Alfredo Di Tillio

Volume 46, issue 1, 2004

Word-of-mouth learning pp. 1-22 Downloads
Abhijit Banerjee and Drew Fudenberg
Risk, pre-play communication and equilibrium pp. 23-40 Downloads
Anthony Burton and Martin Sefton
A note on forward induction in a model of representative democracy pp. 41-54 Downloads
Francesco De Sinopoli
When are plurality rule voting games dominance-solvable? pp. 55-75 Downloads
Amrita Dhillon and Ben Lockwood
Ordinal invariance in multicoalitional bargaining pp. 76-87 Downloads
Özgür Kıbrıs
Coalition strategy-proof mechanisms for provision of excludable public goods pp. 88-114 Downloads
Wojciech Olszewski
On the irrelevance of the maturity structure of government debt without commitment pp. 115-128 Downloads
Christopher Phelan
An ordinal solution to bargaining problems with many players pp. 129-142 Downloads
Zvi Safra and Dov Samet
Unmediated communication in repeated games with imperfect monitoring pp. 143-173 Downloads
Amparo Urbano and Jose Vila
The effect of false-name bids in combinatorial auctions: new fraud in internet auctions pp. 174-188 Downloads
Makoto Yokoo, Yuko Sakurai and Shigeo Matsubara
The possibility of speculative trade between dynamically consistent agents pp. 189-198 Downloads
Yoram Halevy
Implementation in the many-to-many matching market pp. 199-212 Downloads
Marilda Sotomayor
Honor, Symbols, and War: By Barry O'Neill, University of Michigan Press, 1999 pp. 213-214 Downloads
Itzhak Gilboa
Handbook of Game Theory, Vol. 3: Edited by Robert Aumann and Sergiu Hart, Elsevier, New York, 2002 pp. 215-218 Downloads
Barry O'Neill
Erratum to "Networks of collaboration in oligopoly": [Games Econ. Behav. 43 (1) (2003) 57-85] pp. 219-219 Downloads
Sanjeev Goyal and Sumit Joshi

Volume 45, issue 2, 2003

Introduction to the special issue in memory of Robert W. Rosenthal pp. 271-277 Downloads
Andrew Postlewaite and Robert Wilson
Beyond chopsticks: Symmetric equilibria in majority auction games pp. 278-295 Downloads
Balazs Szentes and Robert Rosenthal
Equilibrium selection in bargaining models pp. 296-328 Downloads
Ken Binmore, Larry Samuelson and H. Young
Bayesian learning in social networks pp. 329-346 Downloads
Douglas Gale and Shachar Kariv
Bargaining under a deadline: evidence from the reverse ultimatum game pp. 347-368 Downloads
Uri Gneezy, Ernan Haruvy and Alvin Roth
A short proof of Harsanyi's purification theorem pp. 369-374 Downloads
Srihari Govindan, Philip Reny and Arthur Robson
Regret-based continuous-time dynamics pp. 375-394 Downloads
Sergiu Hart and Andreu Mas-Colell
Uniqueness of equilibrium in sealed high-bid auctions pp. 395-409 Downloads
Eric Maskin and John Riley
Informational size and incentive compatibility with aggregate uncertainty pp. 410-433 Downloads
Richard McLean and Andrew Postlewaite
Sampling equilibrium, with an application to strategic voting pp. 434-441 Downloads
Martin Osborne and Ariel Rubinstein
Monopolists and viscous demand pp. 442-464 Downloads
Roy Radner and Thomas J. Richardson
Walrasian bargaining pp. 465-487 Downloads
Muhamet Yildiz
Auction Theory: By Vijay Krishna. Academic Press, 2002 pp. 488-497 Downloads
Robert Weber

Volume 45, issue 1, 2003

Introduction to the Games 2000 Special Issue pp. 1-1 Downloads
Ehud Kalai
Presidential address pp. 2-14 Downloads
Robert Aumann
Introductory remarks on the history of game theory pp. 15-18 Downloads
Kenneth Arrow
How to play (3 x 3)-games.: A strategy method experiment pp. 19-37 Downloads
Reinhard Selten, Klaus Abbink, Joachim Buchta and Abdolkarim Sadrieh
Rationalizable bidding in first-price auctions pp. 38-72 Downloads
Pierpaolo Battigalli and Marciano Siniscalchi
Learning, hypothesis testing, and Nash equilibrium pp. 73-96 Downloads
Dean Foster and H. Young
Risk averse behavior in generalized matching pennies games pp. 97-113 Downloads
Jacob Goeree, Charles Holt and Thomas Palfrey
A computer scientist looks at game theory pp. 114-131 Downloads
Joseph Halpern
On authority distributions in organizations: equilibrium pp. 132-152 Downloads
Xingwei Hu and Lloyd Shapley
On authority distributions in organizations: controls pp. 153-170 Downloads
Xingwei Hu and Lloyd Shapley
Costly Nash paths pp. 171-180 Downloads
Yakar Kannai
Multi-agent influence diagrams for representing and solving games pp. 181-221 Downloads
Daphne Koller and Brian Milch
Informational size, incentive compatibility, and the core of a game with incomplete information pp. 222-241 Downloads
Richard McLean and Andrew Postlewaite
Filling a multicolor urn: an axiomatic analysis pp. 242-269 Downloads
Herve Moulin and Richard Stong
Page updated 2025-03-31