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Games and Economic Behavior

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): E. Kalai

From Elsevier
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Volume 61, issue 2, 2007

Partial bandwagon effects and local interactions pp. 179-197 Downloads
Carlos Alós-Ferrer and Simon Weidenholzer
The envelope theorem for locally differentiable Nash equilibria of finite horizon differential games pp. 198-224 Downloads
Michael Caputo
Public decisions: Solidarity and the status quo pp. 225-241 Downloads
Sidartha Gordon
Efficiency in coalition games with externalities pp. 242-258 Downloads
Isa Hafalir
Transient and asymptotic dynamics of reinforcement learning in games pp. 259-276 Downloads
Luis Izquierdo, Segismundo Izquierdo, Nicholas M. Gotts and J. Gary Polhill
The minimal dominant set is a non-empty core-extension pp. 277-298 Downloads
László Kóczy and Luc Lauwers
Iterated strict dominance in general games pp. 299-315 Downloads
Yi-Chun Chen, Ngo Long and Xiao Luo
Serial dictatorship and Pareto optimality pp. 316-330 Downloads
Mihai Manea
Bribe-proof rules in the division problem pp. 331-343 Downloads
Jordi Masso and Alejandro Neme
Weak monotonicity and Bayes-Nash incentive compatibility pp. 344-358 Downloads
Rudolf Müller, Andrés Perea and Sascha Wolf
Corrigendum to "Alternative characterizations of three bargaining solutions for nonconvex problems" [Games Econ. Behav. 57 (2006) 86-92] pp. 358-359 Downloads
Yongsheng Xu and Naoki Yoshihara

Volume 61, issue 1, 2007

Payoff-dependent balancedness and cores pp. 1-26 Downloads
Jean-Marc Bonnisseau and Vincent Iehlé
Perfect public equilibrium when players are patient pp. 27-49 Downloads
Drew Fudenberg, David Levine and Satoru Takahashi
The strong sequential core for stationary cooperative games pp. 50-66 Downloads
Arkadi Predtetchinski
Continuous ascending vs. pooled multiple unit auctions pp. 67-85 Downloads
Tim Salmon and Michael Iachini
An experimental study of truth-telling in a sender-receiver game pp. 86-112 Downloads
Santiago Sánchez-Pagés and Marc Vorsatz
Fairness and the roads not taken: An experimental test of non-reciprocal set-dependence in distributive preferences pp. 113-130 Downloads
Martin Eiliv Sandbu
Core, equilibria and incentives in large asymmetric information economies pp. 131-155 Downloads
Yeneng Sun and Nicholas C. Yannelis
Repeated common value auctions with asymmetric bidders pp. 156-177 Downloads
Gábor Virág

Volume 60, issue 2, 2007

Optimality and renegotiation in dynamic contracting pp. 213-246 Downloads
Marco Battaglini
Two more classes of games with the continuous-time fictitious play property pp. 247-261 Downloads
Ulrich Berger
Lies, damned lies, and political campaigns pp. 262-286 Downloads
Steven Callander and Simon Wilkie
Endogenous transfers in the Prisoner's Dilemma game: An experimental test of cooperation and coordination pp. 287-306 Downloads
Gary Charness, Guillaume Frechette and Cheng-Zhong Qin
Dominant strategy implementation in economic environments pp. 307-325 Downloads
Hideki Mizukami and Takuma Wakayama
The value of commitment in contests and tournaments when observation is costly pp. 326-338 Downloads
John Morgan and Felix Vardy
Compensating for the winner's curse: Experimental evidence pp. 339-356 Downloads
Christine A. Parlour, Vesna Prasnikar and Uday Rajan
Core structure and comparative statics in a hybrid matching market pp. 357-380 Downloads
Marilda Sotomayor
The effects of risk preferences in mixed-strategy equilibria of 2x2 games pp. 381-388 Downloads
Dirk Engelmann and Jakub Steiner

Volume 60, issue 1, 2007

Cheap talk, efficiency and egalitarian cost sharing in joint projects pp. 1-19 Downloads
Murali Agastya, Flavio Menezes and Kunal Sengupta
On combining implementable social choice rules pp. 20-30 Downloads
Jean Pierre Benoit, Efe Ok and Remzi Sanver
Punishing free-riders: How group size affects mutual monitoring and the provision of public goods pp. 31-51 Downloads
Jeffrey Carpenter
Equilibrium existence for zero-sum games and spatial models of elections pp. 52-74 Downloads
John Duggan
Participation in auctions pp. 75-103 Downloads
Shmuel Gal, Michael Landsberger and Arkadi Nemirovski
Sequential equilibria in Bayesian games with communication pp. 104-134 Downloads
Dino Gerardi and Roger Myerson
Global Nash convergence of Foster and Young's regret testing pp. 135-154 Downloads
Fabrizio Germano and Gabor Lugosi
A global game with strategic substitutes and complements pp. 155-175 Downloads
Larry Karp, In Ho Lee and Robin Mason
Sharing a polluted river pp. 176-186 Downloads
Debing Ni and Yuntong Wang
Efficient dissolution of partnerships and the structure of control pp. 187-199 Downloads
Emanuel Ornelas and John Turner
Impact of higher-order uncertainty pp. 200-212 Downloads
Jonathan Weinstein and Muhamet Yildiz

Volume 59, issue 2, 2007

Competitive burnout: Theory and experimental evidence pp. 213-239 Downloads
J. Atsu Amegashie, Charles Cadsby and Yang Song
Asymmetric information about rivals' types in standard auctions: An experiment pp. 240-259 Downloads
James Andreoni, Yeon-Koo Che and Jinwoo Kim
Reduced game and converse consistency pp. 260-278 Downloads
Chih Chang and Cheng-Cheng Hu
Budget processes: Theory and experimental evidence pp. 279-295 Downloads
Karl-Martin Ehrhart, Roy Gardner, Juergen von Hagen and Claudia Keser
Secrecy, two-sided bias and the value of evidence pp. 296-315 Downloads
Francesco Giovannoni and Daniel Seidmann
A theory of natural addiction pp. 316-344 Downloads
Trenton Smith and Attila Tasnádi
Batch queues with choice of arrivals: Equilibrium analysis and experimental study pp. 345-363 Downloads
William E. Stein, Amnon Rapoport, Darryl A. Seale, Hongtao Zhang and Rami Zwick
Trust and trustworthiness across different age groups pp. 364-382 Downloads
Matthias Sutter and Martin Kocher
Ratifiability of efficient collusive mechanisms in second-price auctions with participation costs pp. 383-396 Downloads
Guofu Tan and Okan Yilankaya
The replicator dynamics does not lead to correlated equilibria pp. 397-407 Downloads
Yannick Viossat
George J. Mailath and Larry Samuelson, Repeated Games and Reputations: Long-Run Relationships, Oxford University Press, New York, NY (2006) ISBN 978-0-19-530079-6 pages i-xviii and 1-645 pp. 408-410 Downloads
Wojciech Olszewski
Ken Binmore, Playing for Real: A Text on Game Theory, Oxford University Press (2007) ISBN 978-0-19-530057-4 639 pp pp. 411-412 Downloads
H. Young

Volume 59, issue 1, 2007

A random matching theory pp. 1-16 Downloads
C.D. Aliprantis, Gabriele Camera and Daniela Puzzello
A tractable model of reciprocity and fairness pp. 17-45 Downloads
James Cox, Daniel Friedman and Steven Gjerstad
A solution to matching with preferences over colleagues pp. 46-71 Downloads
Federico Echenique and M. Bumin Yenmez
Appeals immune bargaining solution with variable alternative sets pp. 72-84 Downloads
Eran Hanany
The socially stable core in structured transferable utility games pp. 85-104 Downloads
P. Jean-Jacques Herings, Gerard van der Laan and Adolphus Talman
Equilibrium learning in simple contests pp. 105-131 Downloads
Daniel Krahmer
Efficient and strategy-proof voting rules: A characterization pp. 132-153 Downloads
Klaus Nehring and Clemens Puppe
Simple formulas for stationary distributions and stochastically stable states pp. 154-162 Downloads
William Sandholm
General licensing schemes for a cost-reducing innovation pp. 163-186 Downloads
Debapriya Sen and Yair Tauman
Learning correlated equilibria in games with compact sets of strategies pp. 187-208 Downloads
Gilles Stoltz and Gabor Lugosi
Acknowledgment pp. 209-211 Downloads
The Editorial Board
Page updated 2025-03-31