Games and Economic Behavior
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): E. Kalai
From Elsevier
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Volume 112, issue C, 2018
- Time horizons, lattice structures, and welfare in multi-period matching markets pp. 1-20

- Sangram V. Kadam and Maciej Kotowski
- Strategy-proof location of public facilities pp. 21-48

- Jorge Alcalde-Unzu and Marc Vorsatz
- The role of communication content and reputation in the choice of transaction partners pp. 49-66

- Jeannette Brosig-Koch and Timo Heinrich
- Revealed time preference pp. 67-77

- Pawel Dziewulski
- Endogenous incentive contracts and efficient coordination pp. 78-97

- David Cooper, Christos Ioannou and Shi Qi
- Prospect dynamics and loss dominance pp. 98-124

- Ryoji Sawa and Jiabin Wu
- King of the Hill: Giving backward induction its best shot pp. 125-138

- Martin Dufwenberg and Matthew Van Essen
- Communication with evidence in the lab pp. 139-165

- Jeanne Hagenbach and Eduardo Perez
- Bidding games and efficient allocations pp. 166-193

- Reshef Meir, Gil Kalai and Moshe Tennenholtz
- Non-linear pricing and optimal shipping policies pp. 194-218

- Áron Tóbiás
- Financial complexity and trade pp. 219-230

- Spyros Galanis
- Common belief of weak-dominance rationality in strategic-form games: A qualitative analysis pp. 231-241

- Giacomo Bonanno and Elias Tsakas
Volume 111, issue C, 2018
- On competing mechanisms under exclusive competition pp. 1-15

- Andrea Attar, Eloisa Campioni and Gwenaël Piaser
- The conditions in the existence results for discontinuous games by Reny and by Simon and Zame are incomparable pp. 16-19

- Guilherme Carmona and Konrad Podczeck
- A principal-agent model of bidding firms in multi-unit auctions pp. 20-40

- Martin Bichler and Per Paulsen
- A non-parametric approach to testing the axioms of the Shapley value with limited data pp. 41-63

- Victor Aguiar, Roland Pongou and Jean-Baptiste Tondji
- No truthful mechanism can be better than n approximate for two natural problems pp. 64-74

- Stefano Leucci, Akaki Mamageishvili and Paolo Penna
- Free intermediation in resource transmission pp. 75-84

- Lining Han and Ruben Juarez
- Agreements with reciprocity: Co-financing and MOUs pp. 85-99

- Dooseok Jang, Amrish Patel and Martin Dufwenberg
- Goal bracketing and self-control pp. 100-121

- Alice Hsiaw
- Confidence in knowledge or confidence in the ability to learn: An experiment on the causal effects of beliefs on motivation pp. 122-142

- Mira Fischer and Dirk Sliwka
- A window of cognition: Eyetracking the reasoning process in spatial beauty contest games pp. 143-158

- Chun-Ting Chen, Chen-Ying Huang and Joseph Wang
- (Neutrally) Optimal Mechanism under Adverse Selection: The canonical insurance problem pp. 159-186

- Theodoros Diasakos and Kostas Koufopoulos
- Endowments-swapping-proof house allocation pp. 187-202

- Yuji Fujinaka and Takuma Wakayama
- Treading a fine line: (Im)possibilities for Nash implementation with partially-honest individuals pp. 203-216

- Michele Lombardi and Naoki Yoshihara
- A simple characterization of responsive choice pp. 217-221

- Christopher Chambers and M. Bumin Yenmez
- Hotelling competition and the gamma distribution pp. 222-240

- Bassel Tarbush
- On dynamic consistency in ambiguous games pp. 241-249

- Andrew Ellis
- Multilateral limit pricing in price-setting games pp. 250-273

- Eray Cumbul and Gábor Virág
- Lying opportunities and incentives to lie: Reference dependence versus reputation pp. 274-288

- Eberhard Feess and Florian Kerzenmacher
- On pure-strategy equilibria in games with correlated information pp. 289-304

- M. Khan and Yongchao Zhang
- How long is a minute? pp. 305-322

- Isabelle Brocas, Juan D. Carrillo and Jorge Tarrasó
Volume 110, issue C, 2018
- On the tradeoff between efficiency and strategyproofness pp. 1-18

- Haris Aziz, Florian Brandl, Felix Brandt and Markus Brill
- An axiomatization of plays in repeated games pp. 19-31

- Laurent Mathevet
- Beyond the Spanish MIR with consent: (Hidden) cooperation and coordination in matching pp. 32-49

- Jose Alcalde
- Signaling to analogical reasoners who can acquire costly information pp. 50-57

- Ennio Bilancini and Leonardo Boncinelli
- Games for cautious players: The Equilibrium in Secure Strategies pp. 58-70

- M. Iskakov, A. Iskakov and Claude d'Aspremont
- The object allocation problem with random priorities pp. 71-89

- Mustafa Afacan
- Preemptive investment under uncertainty pp. 90-119

- Jan-Henrik Steg
- Why forward induction leads to the backward induction outcome: A new proof for Battigalli's theorem pp. 120-138

- Andrés Perea
- The complexity of optimal multidimensional pricing for a unit-demand buyer pp. 139-164

- Xi Chen, Ilias Diakonikolas, Dimitris Paparas, Xiaorui Sun and Mihalis Yannakakis
- Information acquisition and the value of bad news pp. 165-173

- Alessandro Ispano
- Setting lower bounds on truthfulness pp. 174-193

- Ahuva Mu'alem and Michael Schapira
- Do sellers exploit biased beliefs of buyers? An experiment pp. 194-215

- Lukas M. Wenner
- Note on unique Nash equilibrium in continuous games pp. 216-225

- John Rehbeck
- Price competition in product variety networks pp. 226-247

- Philip Ushchev and Yves Zenou
- Rationalizability and logical inference pp. 248-257

- Dieter Balkenborg
- Keep on fighting: The dynamics of head starts in all-pay auctions pp. 258-272

- Derek J. Clark and Tore Nilssen
- Conventional contracts, intentional behavior and logit choice: Equality without symmetry pp. 273-294

- Sung-Ha Hwang, Wooyoung Lim, Philip Neary and Jonathan Newton
- Matching in the large: An experimental study pp. 295-317

- Yan Chen, Ming Jiang, Onur Kesten, Stéphane Robin and Min Zhu
- To reveal or not to reveal: Privacy preferences and economic frictions pp. 318-329

- Ned Augenblick and Aaron Bodoh-Creed
- Dynamic communication with biased senders pp. 330-339

- Chiara Margaria and Alex Smolin