Games and Economic Behavior
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): E. Kalai
From Elsevier
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Volume 23, issue 2, 1998
- Rubinstein Auctions: On Competition for Bargaining Partners pp. 119-145

- Kalyan Chatterjee and Bhaskar Dutta
- Coordination, "Magic," and Reinforcement Learning in a Market Entry Game pp. 146-175

- Ido Erev and Amnon Rapoport
- Games with Partially Enforceable Agreements pp. 176-200

- James Friedman and Claudio Mezzetti
- On Some Myths about Sequenced Common-Value Auctions pp. 201-221

- Maria-Angeles de Frutos and Robert Rosenthal
- Delegation and the Regulation of Risk pp. 222-246

- Susanne Lohmann and Hugo Hopenhayn
- More Is Better, But Fair Is Fair: Tipping in Dictator and Ultimatum Games pp. 247-265

- Bradley Ruffle
- Delegation and Threat in Bargaining pp. 266-283

- Bjorn Segendorff
- Strategy-Specific Barriers to Learning and Nonmonotonic Selection Dynamics pp. 284-304

- Rajiv Sethi
Volume 23, issue 1, 1998
- Tight and Effectively Rectangular Game Forms: A Nash Solvable Class pp. 1-11

- Joseph Abdou
- A Characterization of the Nucleolus for Convex Games pp. 12-24

- Javier Arin and Elena Inarra
- Multi-Unit Pay-Your-Bid Auctions with Variable Awards pp. 25-42

- Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans and Charles Kahn
- Creative Bargaining pp. 43-53

- David Frankel
- Imperfectly Observable Commitments inn-Player Games pp. 54-74

- Werner Guth, Georg Kirchsteiger and Klaus Ritzberger
- The Interaction of Implicit and Explicit Contracts in Repeated Agency pp. 75-96

- David G. Pearce and Ennio Stacchetti
- On the Centipede Game pp. 97-105

- Robert Aumann

- James Friedman
Volume 22, issue 2, 1998
- Communication, Risk, and Efficiency in Games pp. 171-202

- Andreas Blume
- Bargaining and Search with Incomplete Information about Outside Options pp. 203-237

- Kalyan Chatterjee and Ching Chyi Lee
- On the Rate of Convergence of Continuous-Time Fictitious Play pp. 238-259

- Christopher Harris
- Knowledge Spaces with Arbitrarily High Rank pp. 260-273

- Aviad Heifetz and Dov Samet
- Learning to Play Limited Forecast Equilibria pp. 274-298

- Philippe Jehiel
- The Network of Weighted Majority Rules and Weighted Majority Games pp. 299-315

- Drora Karotkin
- A Pie Allocation Among Sharing Groups pp. 316-330

- Anat Lerner
- Perfect and Proper Equilibria of Large Games pp. 331-342

- Kali Rath
- The Three-Legged Race: Cooperating to Compete pp. 343-363

- Roberto Serrano and Inigo Zapater
- Rational Choice and the Condorcet Jury Theorem pp. 364-376

- Jorgen Wit
- Extending Nash's Axioms to Nonconvex Problems pp. 377-383

- Marco Mariotti
Volume 22, issue 1, 1998
- Price Formation in Double Auctions pp. 1-29

- Steven Gjerstad and John Dickhaut
- Bandwagon Effects and Long Run Technology Choice pp. 30-60

- Michihiro Kandori and Rafael Rob
- Equitable Nonlinear Price Regulation: An Alternative Approach to Serial Cost Sharing pp. 61-83

- Van Kolpin
- Evolution, Population Growth, and History Dependence pp. 84-120

- William Sandholm and Ady Pauzner
- Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Convergence to Nash Equilibrium: The Almost Absolute Continuity Hypothesis pp. 121-147

- Alvaro Sandroni
- Tie-Breaking in Games of Perfect Information pp. 148-161

- Torben Tranaes
- "Nice" Trivial Equilibria in Strategic Market Games pp. 162-169

- Tito Cordella and Jean Gabszewicz
Volume 21, issue 1-2, 1997
- EDITOR'S NOTE pp. 1-1

- Ehud Kalai
- Rationality and Bounded Rationality pp. 2-14

- Robert Aumann
- Optimal Contracting of Separable Production Technologies pp. 15-39

- Peter S. Faynzilberg and Praveen Kumar
- Calibrated Learning and Correlated Equilibrium pp. 40-55

- Dean Foster and Rakesh V. Vohra
- Selection in Dynamic Entry Games pp. 62-84

- Denis Gromb, Jean-Pierre Ponssard and David Sevy
- Strong Equilibrium in Congestion Games pp. 85-101

- Ron Holzman and Nissan Law-Yone
- Social Learning in Recurring Games pp. 102-134

- Matthew Jackson and Ehud Kalai
- Extending Invariant Solutions pp. 135-147

- Dries Vermeulen and Mathijs Jansen
- On the Maximal Number of Nash Equilibria in ann x nBimatrix Game pp. 148-160

- Hans Keiding
- Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium in a Group Formation Game with Positive Externalities pp. 161-182

- Hideo Konishi, Michel Le Breton and Shlomo Weber
- Dual Reduction and Elementary Games pp. 183-202

- Roger Myerson
- An Evolutionary Interpretation of Mixed-Strategy Equilibria pp. 203-237

- Jörg Oechssler
- Characterization of Consistent Assessments in Extensive Form Games pp. 238-252

- Andrés Perea, Mathijs Jansen and Hans Peters
- Evolutionary Stability of Pure-Strategy Equilibria in Finite Games pp. 253-265

- E. Somanathan
- On Nash's Hidden Assumption pp. 266-281

- Federico Valenciano and José Zarzuelo
- Games with Imperfectly Observable Commitment pp. 282-308

- Eric van Damme and Sjaak Hurkens
- Team-Maxmin Equilibria pp. 309-321

- Bernhard von Stengel and Daphne Koller

- Robert Wilson