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Games and Economic Behavior

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): E. Kalai

From Elsevier
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Volume 63, issue 2, 2008

Presidential address pp. 421-430 Downloads
Ehud Kalai
2004 World Congress Special Issue pp. 431-434 Downloads
Philip Reny
Convergence to perfect competition of a dynamic matching and bargaining market with two-sided incomplete information and exogenous exit rate pp. 435-467 Downloads
Mark Satterthwaite and Artyom Shneyerov
Efficient communication in the electronic mail game pp. 468-497 Downloads
Kris De Jaegher
When is reputation bad? pp. 498-526 Downloads
Jeffrey Ely, Drew Fudenberg and David Levine
Ex post implementation pp. 527-566 Downloads
Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris
Proportional scheduling, split-proofness, and merge-proofness pp. 567-587 Downloads
Herve Moulin
Computationally-feasible truthful auctions for convex bundles pp. 588-620 Downloads
Moshe Babaioff and Liad Blumrosen
New complexity results about Nash equilibria pp. 621-641 Downloads
Vincent Conitzer and Tuomas Sandholm
Simple search methods for finding a Nash equilibrium pp. 642-662 Downloads
Ryan Porter, Eugene Nudelman and Yoav Shoham
Sequential decisions with tests pp. 663-678 Downloads
David Gill and Daniel Sgroi
The value of a stochastic information structure pp. 679-693 Downloads
Yaron Azrieli and Ehud Lehrer

Volume 63, issue 1, 2008

24. Pricing in Bertrand competition with increasing marginal costs pp. 1-31 Downloads
Klaus Abbink and Jordi Brandts
Proper scoring rules for general decision models pp. 32-40 Downloads
Christopher Chambers
Delegation and commitment in durable goods monopolies pp. 41-55 Downloads
Tarek Coury and Vladimir Petkov
Does monitoring decrease work effort?: The complementarity between agency and crowding-out theories pp. 56-76 Downloads
David Dickinson and Marie Claire Villeval
Asymmetric evolutionary games with non-linear pure strategy payoffs pp. 77-90 Downloads
Michael A. Fishman
License auctions with royalty contracts for (winners and) losers pp. 91-106 Downloads
Thomas Giebe and Elmar Wolfstetter
Case-based learning with different similarity functions pp. 107-132 Downloads
Ani Guerdjikova
A non-cooperative interpretation of the f-just rules of bankruptcy problems pp. 133-144 Downloads
Chih Chang and Cheng-Cheng Hu
Pre-auction offers in asymmetric first-price and second-price auctions pp. 145-165 Downloads
Rene Kirkegaard and Per Overgaard
Adaptation and complexity in repeated games pp. 166-187 Downloads
Eliot Maenner
Group identification pp. 188-202 Downloads
Alan Miller
Why evolution does not always lead to an optimal signaling system pp. 203-226 Downloads
Christina Pawlowitsch
Regret minimization in repeated matrix games with variable stage duration pp. 227-258 Downloads
Shie Mannor and Nahum Shimkin
Fictitious play in 3x3 games: The transition between periodic and chaotic behaviour pp. 259-291 Downloads
Colin Sparrow, Sebastian van Strien and Christopher Harris
Subgame perfection in ultimatum bargaining trees pp. 292-307 Downloads
Dale Stahl and Ernan Haruvy
Coordination cycles pp. 308-327 Downloads
Jakub Steiner
The number of pure Nash equilibria in a random game with nondecreasing best responses pp. 328-340 Downloads
Satoru Takahashi
Noncooperative foundations of bargaining power in committees and the Shapley-Shubik index pp. 341-353 Downloads
Annick Laruelle and Federico Valenciano
Long-run selection and the work ethic pp. 354-365 Downloads
Jens Josephson and Karl Wärneryd
Existence of Nash equilibria in finite extensive form games with imperfect recall: A counterexample pp. 366-369 Downloads
Philipp Wichardt
Evaluating generalizability and parameter consistency in learning models pp. 370-394 Downloads
Eldad Yechiam and Jerome R. Busemeyer
Epistemic conditions for rationalizability pp. 395-405 Downloads
Eduardo Zambrano
Approximate efficiency in repeated games with correlated private signals pp. 406-416 Downloads
Bingyong Zheng
H. Peyton Young, Strategic Learning and Its Limits, Oxford Univ. Press (2004) 165 pages pp. 417-420 Downloads
William Sandholm

Volume 62, issue 2, 2008

Multiperson utility pp. 329-347 Downloads
Manel Baucells and Lloyd Shapley
Consistent representative democracy pp. 348-363 Downloads
Christopher Chambers
Playing the wrong game: An experimental analysis of relational complexity and strategic misrepresentation pp. 364-382 Downloads
Giovanna Devetag and Massimo Warglien
Creating competition out of thin air: An experimental study of right-to-choose auctions pp. 383-416 Downloads
Kfir Eliaz, Theo Offerman and Andrew Schotter
Bargaining, search, and outside options pp. 417-435 Downloads
Anita Gantner
Information acquisition in committees pp. 436-459 Downloads
Dino Gerardi and Leeat Yariv
Stable governments and the semistrict core pp. 460-475 Downloads
Dinko Dimitrov and Claus-Jochen Haake
Information aggregation in auctions with an unknown number of bidders pp. 476-508 Downloads
Ronald Harstad, Aleksandar Sasa Pekec and Ilia Tsetlin
When punishment fails: Research on sanctions, intentions and non-cooperation pp. 509-532 Downloads
Daniel Houser, Erte Xiao, Kevin McCabe and Vernon Smith
Revisiting games of incomplete information with analogy-based expectations pp. 533-557 Downloads
Philippe Jehiel and Frederic Koessler
Profit sharing in unique Nash equilibrium: Characterization in the two-agent case pp. 558-572 Downloads
Justin Leroux
Diffusion in complex social networks pp. 573-590 Downloads
Dunia López-Pintado
Sequential vs. single-round uniform-price auctions pp. 591-609 Downloads
Claudio Mezzetti, Aleksandar Sasa Pekec and Ilia Tsetlin
Dynamically stable sets in infinite strategy spaces pp. 610-627 Downloads
Thomas Norman
Lexicographic composition of simple games pp. 628-642 Downloads
Barry O'Neill and Bezalel Peleg
A game of timing and visibility pp. 643-660 Downloads
Zvi Lotker, Boaz Patt-Shamir and Mark R. Tuttle
A Hotelling-Downs model of electoral competition with the option to quit pp. 661-674 Downloads
Abhijit Sengupta and Kunal Sengupta
Trust and reciprocity behavior and behavioral forecasts: Individuals versus group-representatives pp. 675-696 Downloads
Fei Song
Indicative bidding: An experimental analysis pp. 697-721 Downloads
John Kagel, Svetlana Pevnitskaya and Lixin Ye
Consensus and common knowledge of an aggregate of decisions pp. 722-731 Downloads
Lucie Ménager
Comparison of information structures in zero-sum games pp. 732-735 Downloads
Marcin Peski
Statement of precedence and a comment on IIA terminology pp. 736-738 Downloads
Bernard Monjardet

Volume 62, issue 1, 2008

The effect of bidders' asymmetries on expected revenue in auctions pp. 1-25 Downloads
Estelle Cantillon
Hold-up and the evolution of investment and bargaining norms pp. 26-52 Downloads
Herbert Dawid and W. Bentley Macleod
Universal knowledge-belief structures pp. 53-66 Downloads
Martin Meier
An evolutionary analysis of the volunteer's dilemma pp. 67-76 Downloads
David Myatt and Chris Wallace
The average tree solution for cycle-free graph games pp. 77-92 Downloads
P. Jean-Jacques Herings, Gerard van der Laan and Adolphus Talman
The two-person beauty contest pp. 93-99 Downloads
Brit Grosskopf and Rosemarie Nagel
Cores of convex and strictly convex games pp. 100-105 Downloads
Julio González-Díaz and Estela Sanchez-Rodriguez
Ambiguity aversion, games against nature, and dynamic consistency pp. 106-115 Downloads
Emre Ozdenoren and James Peck
Core stability in chain-component additive games pp. 116-139 Downloads
Bas van Velzen, Herbert Hamers and Tamás Solymosi
Double implementation in a market for indivisible goods with a price constraint pp. 140-154 Downloads
Helmuts Azacis
Auction choice for ambiguity-averse sellers facing strategic uncertainty pp. 155-179 Downloads
Theodore Turocy
Complementarities and macroeconomics: Poisson games pp. 180-189 Downloads
Miltiadis Makris
Reputation and impermanent types pp. 190-210 Downloads
Thomas Wiseman
Prudence in bargaining: The effect of uncertainty on bargaining outcomes pp. 211-231 Downloads
Lucy White
Interactive unawareness revisited pp. 232-262 Downloads
Joseph Halpern and Leandro Chaves Rego
The tree of experience in the forest of information: Overweighing experienced relative to observed information pp. 263-286 Downloads
Uri Simonsohn, Niklas Karlsson, George Loewenstein and Dan Ariely
Testing theories of fairness--Intentions matter pp. 287-303 Downloads
Armin Falk, Ernst Fehr and Urs Fischbacher
A canonical model for interactive unawareness pp. 304-324 Downloads
Aviad Heifetz, Martin Meier and Burkhard Schipper
Erratum to "Partial bandwagon effects and local interactions" [Games Econ. Behav. 61 (2007) 179-197] pp. 324-325 Downloads
Carlos Alós-Ferrer and Simon Weidenholzer
Expanded number of Editors at Games and Economic Behavior pp. 324-326 Downloads
Ehud Kalai
Page updated 2025-03-31