Games and Economic Behavior
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): E. Kalai From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 55, issue 2, 2006
- Mini special issue: Electronic Market Design pp. 213-214

- Eric van Damme, Rudolf Müller and Rakesh V. Vohra
- Ascending price Vickrey auctions pp. 215-241

- Sushil Bikhchandani and Joseph Ostroy
- Competitive auctions pp. 242-269

- Andrew V. Goldberg, Jason D. Hartline, Anna R. Karlin, Michael Saks and Andrew Wright
- Combinatorial auctions with decreasing marginal utilities pp. 270-296

- Benny Lehmann, Daniel Lehmann and Noam Nisan
- Late and multiple bidding in second price Internet auctions: Theory and evidence concerning different rules for ending an auction pp. 297-320

- Axel Ockenfels and Alvin Roth
- Side constraints and non-price attributes in markets pp. 321-330

- Tuomas Sandholm and Subhash Suri
- Maskin's Theorem with limited veto power pp. 331-339

- Jean-Pierre Benoit and Efe Ok
- A learning-based model of repeated games with incomplete information pp. 340-371

- Juin-Kuan Chong, Colin F. Camerer and Teck Ho
- Efficient priority rules pp. 372-384

- Lars Ehlers and Bettina Klaus
- Overcoming free riding in multi-party computations--The anonymous case pp. 385-406

- Rann Smorodinsky and Moshe Tennenholtz
Volume 55, issue 1, 2006
- Second-mover advantage and price leadership in Bertrand duopoly pp. 1-20

- Rabah Amir and Anna Stepanova
- The evolution of focal points pp. 21-42

- Ken Binmore and Larry Samuelson
- Second-price common-value auctions under multidimensional uncertainty pp. 43-71

- Maria-Angeles de Frutos and Lambros Pechlivanos
- Axiomatic characterizations of probabilistic and cardinal-probabilistic interaction indices pp. 72-99

- Katsushige Fujimoto, Ivan Kojadinovic and Jean-Luc Marichal
- Finitely repeated games: A generalized Nash folk theorem pp. 100-111

- Julio González-Díaz
- Endogenous networks, social games, and evolution pp. 112-130

- Daniel Hojman and Adam Szeidl
- Uniqueness of the equilibrium in first-price auctions pp. 131-151

- Bernard Lebrun
- Responsibility and cross-subsidization in cost sharing pp. 152-188

- Herve Moulin and Yves Sprumont
- Behavior in all-pay auctions with incomplete information pp. 189-206

- Charles Noussair and Jonathon Silver
Volume 54, issue 2, 2006
- Asymmetric rules for claims problems without homogeneity pp. 241-260

- Christopher Chambers
- Better-reply dynamics and global convergence to Nash equilibrium in aggregative games pp. 261-292

- Martin Dindos and Claudio Mezzetti
- A theory of reciprocity pp. 293-315

- Armin Falk and Urs Fischbacher
- Dynamic yardstick mechanisms pp. 316-335

- A. Faure-Grimaud and S. Reiche
- Markov equilibria in dynamic matching and bargaining games pp. 336-352

- Douglas Gale and Hamid Sabourian
- Network formation with heterogeneous players pp. 353-372

- Andrea Galeotti, Sanjeev Goyal and Jurjen Kamphorst
- The vector lattice structure of the n-person TU games pp. 373-379

- Francesc Llerena and Carles Rafels
- Noncooperative foundations of the nucleolus in majority games pp. 380-397

- Maria Montero
- Allocation problems among sharing groups pp. 398-418

- Sangkyu Rhee
- A note on a value with incomplete communication pp. 419-429

- J.M. Bilbao, N. Jimenez and J.J. Lopez
- Preference aggregation under uncertainty: Savage vs. Pareto pp. 430-440

- Christopher Chambers and Takashi Hayashi
Volume 54, issue 1, 2006
- Do non-strategic sanctions obey the law of demand? The demand for punishment in the voluntary contribution mechanism pp. 1-24

- Christopher M. Anderson and Louis Putterman
- The core as the set of eventually stable outcomes: A note pp. 25-30

- Anindya Bhattacharya and Abderrahmane Ziad
- Bundle and separate sales in auctions with entry pp. 31-46

- Indranil Chakraborty
- Approval voting with endogenous candidates pp. 47-76

- Arnaud Dellis and Mandar Oak
- Strategic complements and substitutes, and potential games pp. 77-94

- Pradeep Dubey, Ori Haimanko and Andriy Zapechelnyuk
- Learning to trust in indefinitely repeated games pp. 95-114

- Jim Engle-Warnick and Robert Slonim
- Parametric rationing methods pp. 115-133

- Marek M. Kaminski
- An experimental study of price dispersion pp. 134-158

- John Morgan, Henrik Orzen and Martin Sefton
- Recombinant estimation for normal-form games, with applications to auctions and bargaining pp. 159-182

- Charles H. Mullin and David Reiley
- Individual behavior of first-price auctions: The importance of information feedback in computerized experimental markets pp. 183-204

- Tibor Neugebauer and Reinhard Selten
- The nucleolus of balanced simple flow networks pp. 205-225

- Jos Potters, Hans Reijnierse and Amit Biswas
- The effect of exit on entry deterrence strategies pp. 226-240

- Abraham L. Wickelgren
Volume 53, issue 2, 2005
- Expressed preferences and behavior in experimental games pp. 151-169

- Gary Charness and Matthew Rabin
- Multi-unit demand auctions with synergies: behavior in sealed-bid versus ascending-bid uniform-price auctions pp. 170-207

- John Kagel and Dan Levin
- A folk theorem for minority games pp. 208-230

- Jérôme Renault, Sergio Scarlatti and Marco Scarsini
- Infinite horizon common interest games with perfect information pp. 231-247

- Satoru Takahashi
- Axiomatization of the core of assignment games pp. 248-261

- Manabu Toda
- Testable implications of subjective expected utility theory pp. 262-268

- Eduardo Zambrano
- B. Peleg and P. Sudholter, Introduction to the Theory of Cooperative Games, Kluwer Academic, Boston (2003) ISBN 1-4020-7410-7 378 pages pp. 269-270

- Michael Maschler
Volume 53, issue 1, 2005
- Ordinal versus cardinal complementarity: The case of Cournot oligopoly pp. 1-14

- Rabah Amir
- Sequential and quasi-perfect rationalizability in extensive games pp. 15-42

- Geir Asheim and Andrés Perea
- Distributing awards efficiently: More on King Solomon's problem pp. 43-58

- Parimal Bag and Hamid Sabourian
- Finite memory and imperfect monitoring pp. 59-72

- Harold Cole and Narayana Kocherlakota
- Values for cooperative games with incomplete information: An eloquent example pp. 73-82

- Geoffroy de Clippel
- Evolution in Bayesian games I: Theory pp. 83-109

- Jeffrey Ely and William Sandholm
- Attainability of boundary points under reinforcement learning pp. 110-125

- Ed Hopkins and Martin Posch
- Contemporaneous perfect epsilon-equilibria pp. 126-140

- George Mailath, Andrew Postlewaite and Larry Samuelson
- Fee versus royalty reconsidered pp. 141-147

- Debapriya Sen
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