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Games and Economic Behavior

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): E. Kalai

From Elsevier
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Volume 100, issue C, 2016

Uniform folk theorems in repeated anonymous random matching games pp. 1-23 Downloads
Joyee Deb, Julio González-Díaz and Jérôme Renault
The role of verifiability and privacy in the strategic provision of performance feedback: Theory and experimental evidence pp. 24-45 Downloads
Seda Ertac, Levent Kockesen and Duygu Ozdemir
The power of money: Wealth effects in contests pp. 46-68 Downloads
Fred Schroyen and Nicolas Treich
Learning the Krepsian state: Exploration through consumption pp. 69-94 Downloads
Evan Piermont, Norio Takeoka and Roee Teper
Optimal allocation of an indivisible good pp. 95-112 Downloads
Ran Shao and Lin Zhou
Social surplus determines cooperation rates in the one-shot Prisoner's Dilemma pp. 113-124 Downloads
Gary Charness, Luca Rigotti and Aldo Rustichini
Efficient coalitional bargaining with noncontingent offers pp. 125-141 Downloads
Rakesh Chaturvedi
Generalized coarse matching pp. 142-148 Downloads
Ran Shao
Local incentive compatibility with transfers pp. 149-165 Downloads
Debasis Mishra, Anup Pramanik and Souvik Roy
On the operation of multiple matching markets pp. 166-185 Downloads
Hidekazu Anno and Morimitsu Kurino
Spiteful bidding and gaming in combinatorial clock auctions pp. 186-207 Downloads
Maarten Janssen and Vladimir Karamychev
An experimental investigation of stochastic adjustment dynamics pp. 208-219 Downloads
Wooyoung Lim and Philip R. Neary
On the licensing of a technology with unknown use pp. 220-233 Downloads
Bruno Badia and Biligbaatar Tumendemberel
When does restricting your opponent's freedom hurt you? pp. 234-239 Downloads
Harry Di Pei
Reminder game: Indirectness in persuasion pp. 240-256 Downloads
Toru Suzuki
Information aggregation failure in a model of social mobility pp. 257-272 Downloads
Avidit Acharya
Asymmetric employer information, promotions, and the wage policy of firms pp. 273-300 Downloads
Simon Dato, Andreas Grunewald, Matthias Kräkel and Daniel Müller
Vagueness and information-sharing pp. 301-320 Downloads
Marta Troya-Martinez
Fractional matching markets pp. 321-336 Downloads
Vikram Manjunath
Price competition and reputation in credence goods markets: Experimental evidence pp. 337-352 Downloads
Wanda Mimra, Alexander Rasch and Christian Waibel
Boston versus deferred acceptance in an interim setting: An experimental investigation pp. 353-375 Downloads
Clayton Featherstone and Muriel Niederle
On the self-(in)stability of weighted majority rules pp. 376-389 Downloads
Yaron Azrieli and Semin Kim
Political disagreement and information in elections pp. 390-412 Downloads
Ricardo Alonso and Odilon Câmara
Cycles in public opinion and the dynamics of stable party systems pp. 413-430 Downloads
Sandro Brusco and Jaideep Roy

Volume 99, issue C, 2016

Duplicative search pp. 1-22 Downloads
Alexander Matros and Vladimir Smirnov
Overbidding and inefficiencies in multi-unit Vickrey auctions for normal goods pp. 23-35 Downloads
Brian Baisa
Collective action: Experimental evidence pp. 36-55 Downloads
María Victoria Anauati, Brian Feld, Sebastian Galiani and Gustavo Torrens
Welfare criteria from choice: An axiomatic analysis pp. 56-70 Downloads
Sean Horan and Yves Sprumont
The symmetric equilibria of symmetric voter participation games with complete information pp. 71-81 Downloads
Georg Nöldeke and Jorge Peña
Identification of payoffs in repeated games pp. 82-88 Downloads
Byung Soo Lee and Colin Stewart
On the closed-graph property of the Nash equilibrium correspondence in a large game: A complete characterization pp. 89-98 Downloads
Lei Qiao, Haomiao Yu and Zhixiang Zhang
“Giving” in to social pressure pp. 99-116 Downloads
Alvaro J. Name-Correa and Huseyin Yildirim
Ordinal equivalence of values, Pigou–Dalton transfers and inequality in TU-games pp. 117-133 Downloads
C. Chameni Nembua and C. Miamo Wendji
Price controls, non-price quality competition, and the nonexistence of competitive equilibrium pp. 134-163 Downloads
John William Hatfield, Charles Plott and Tomomi Tanaka
On the influence of hard leverage in a soft leverage bargaining game: The importance of credible claims pp. 164-179 Downloads
Gary Bolton and Emin Karagözoğlu
A note on optimal cheap talk equilibria in a discrete state space pp. 180-185 Downloads
Alexander Frug
Complementary institutions and economic development: An experimental study pp. 186-205 Downloads
Andrew Kloosterman and Andrew Schotter
Imitative dynamics for games with continuous strategy space pp. 206-223 Downloads
Man-Wah Cheung
Goodwill Can Hurt: A theoretical and experimental investigation of return policies in auctions pp. 224-238 Downloads
Charles Cadsby, Ninghua Du, Ruqu Wang and Jun Zhang
Auctions with resale: Reserve prices and revenues pp. 239-249 Downloads
Gábor Virág
Reduced form implementation for environments with value interdependencies pp. 250-256 Downloads
Jacob Goeree and Alexey Kushnir
A generalized cognitive hierarchy model of games pp. 257-274 Downloads
Juin-Kuan Chong, Teck Ho and Colin Camerer
Gambler's fallacy and imperfect best response in legislative bargaining pp. 275-294 Downloads
Salvatore Nunnari and Jan Zapal

Volume 98, issue C, 2016

Optimal task assignments pp. 1-18 Downloads
Felipe Balmaceda
On the stability of cooperation under indirect reciprocity with first-order information pp. 19-33 Downloads
Ulrich Berger and Ansgar Grüne
Electoral control and the human capital of politicians pp. 34-55 Downloads
Peter Buisseret and Carlo Prato
Evolution and Kantian morality pp. 56-67 Downloads
Ingela Alger and Jörgen Weibull
Monotone strategyproofness pp. 68-77 Downloads
Guillaume Haeringer and Hanna Halaburda
Behavioral perfect equilibrium in Bayesian games pp. 78-109 Downloads
Elnaz Bajoori, János Flesch and Dries Vermeulen
Evolving influence: Mitigating extreme conflicts of interest in advisory relationships pp. 110-134 Downloads
Raphael Boleslavsky and Tracy Lewis
Fragility of the commons under prospect-theoretic risk attitudes pp. 135-164 Downloads
Ashish R. Hota, Siddharth Garg and Shreyas Sundaram
Nash-implementation of the no-envy solution on symmetric domains of economies pp. 165-171 Downloads
Battal Dogan
Strategy-proof and fair assignment is wasteful pp. 172-179 Downloads
Giorgio Martini
Truncation strategies in two-sided matching markets: Theory and experiment pp. 180-196 Downloads
Marco Castillo and Ahrash Dianat
What is trustworthiness and what drives it? pp. 197-218 Downloads
James Cox, Rudolf Kerschbamer and Daniel Neururer
Private-information group contests: Best-shot competition pp. 219-234 Downloads
Stefano Barbieri and David A. Malueg
Markovian equilibria in dynamic spatial legislative bargaining: Existence with three players pp. 235-242 Downloads
Jan Zapal
Quantal response and nonequilibrium beliefs explain overbidding in maximum-value auctions pp. 243-263 Downloads
Colin Camerer, Salvatore Nunnari and Thomas Palfrey
Procrastination in teams and contract design pp. 264-283 Downloads
Philipp Weinschenk
Page updated 2025-03-31