Games and Economic Behavior
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): E. Kalai From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 71, issue 2, 2011
- Union-firm bargaining: Order of play and efficiency pp. 235-245

- Elie Appelbaum
- Ambiguous act equilibria pp. 246-260

- Sophie Bade
- Robust implementation in general mechanisms pp. 261-281

- Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris
- Trust and trustworthiness in networked exchange pp. 282-303

- Alessandra Cassar and Mary Rigdon
- On the coincidence property pp. 304-314

- Chih Chang and Ying-Chih Tseng
- Convergence to approximate Nash equilibria in congestion games pp. 315-327

- Steve Chien and Alistair Sinclair
- The reasoning-based expected utility procedure pp. 328-338

- Robin Cubitt and Robert Sugden
- The insider's curse pp. 339-350

- Angel Hernando-Veciana and Michael Tröge
- Feedback spillover and analogy-based expectations: A multi-game experiment pp. 351-365

- Steffen Huck, Philippe Jehiel and Tom Rutter
- Attitudes to ambiguity in one-shot normal-form games: An experimental study pp. 366-394

- Asen Ivanov
- Demand bargaining and proportional payoffs in majority games pp. 395-408

- Maria Montero and Juan Vidal-Puga
- Credibility and determinism in a game of persuasion pp. 409-419

- Itai Sher
- The monoclus of a coalitional game pp. 420-435

- Marco Slikker and Henk Norde
- Correlated equilibria in continuous games: Characterization and computation pp. 436-455

- Noah D. Stein, Pablo A. Parrilo and Asuman Ozdaglar
- Non-parametric test of time consistency: Present bias and future bias pp. 456-478

- Kan Takeuchi
- Two equivalence results for two-person strict games pp. 479-486

- Pingzhong Tang and Fangzhen Lin
- Equilibrium play in matches: Binary Markov games pp. 487-502

- Mark Walker, John Wooders and Rabah Amir
- Optimal bilateral trade of multiple objects pp. 503-512

- Ran Eilat and Ady Pauzner
- Informational size and the incentive compatible coarse core in quasilinear economies pp. 513-520

- Yusuke Kamishiro
- Equilibrium joining probabilities for an M/G/1 queue pp. 521-526

- Yoav Kerner
- Implementation in minimax regret equilibrium pp. 527-533

- Ludovic Renou and Karl Schlag
- Julio González-Díaz, Ignacio García-Jurado and M. Gloria Fiestras-Janeiro, An Introductory Course on Mathematical Game Theory, Graduate Studies in Mathematics vol. 115, American Mathematical Society (2010) ISBN 978-0-8218-5151-7 xiii+324 pages pp. 534-538

- Mark Voorneveld
Volume 71, issue 1, 2011
- Editorial: A special issue dedicated to John Nash pp. 1-1

- Avinash Dixit, Ehud Kalai and Stephen Morris
- Commentary: Nash's work in economics pp. 2-5

- Ken Binmore
- Commentary: Nash equilibrium and dynamics pp. 6-8

- Sergiu Hart
- Commentary: Nash equilibrium and mechanism design pp. 9-11

- Eric Maskin
- Commentary: John Nash and evolutionary game theory pp. 12-13

- H. Young
- Nash demand game and the Kalai-Smorodinsky solution pp. 14-22

- Nejat Anbarci and John Boyd
- On the existence of pure-strategy perfect equilibrium in discontinuous games pp. 23-48

- Oriol Carbonell-Nicolau
- A strategic analysis of the war against transnational terrorism pp. 49-65

- Eva Carceles-Poveda and Yair Tauman
- No trade pp. 66-87

- Juan D. Carrillo and Thomas Palfrey
- Edgar Allan Poe's riddle: Framing effects in repeated matching pennies games pp. 88-99

- Kfir Eliaz and Ariel Rubinstein
- Heterogeneous beliefs and local information in stochastic fictitious play pp. 100-120

- Drew Fudenberg and Satoru Takahashi
- Perfect implementation pp. 121-140

- Sergei Izmalkov, Matt Lepinski and Silvio Micali
- Action-Graph Games pp. 141-173

- Albert Xin Jiang, Kevin Leyton-Brown and Navin A.R. Bhat
- Folk theorems with bounded recall under (almost) perfect monitoring pp. 174-192

- George Mailath and Wojciech Olszewski
- Infection and immunization: A new class of evolutionary game dynamics pp. 193-211

- Samuel Rota Bulò and Immanuel Bomze
- A unified approach to comparative statics puzzles in experiments pp. 212-223

- Armin Schmutzler
- High profit equilibria in directed search models pp. 224-234

- Gábor Virág
Volume 70, issue 2, 2010
- Spread of (mis)information in social networks pp. 194-227

- Daron Acemoglu, Asuman Ozdaglar and Ali ParandehGheibi
- Does information transparency decrease coordination failure? pp. 228-241

- Regina M. Anctil, John Dickhaut, Cathleen Johnson and Chandra Kanodia
- Information feedback in a dynamic tournament pp. 242-260

- Masaki Aoyagi
- Only a dictatorship is efficient pp. 261-270

- Jean-Pierre Benoît and Lewis A. Kornhauser
- Optimal litigation strategies with observable case preparation pp. 271-288

- Philippe Choné and Laurent Linnemer
- Sequential reciprocity in two-player, two-stage games: An experimental analysis pp. 289-303

- Geert Dhaene and Jan Bouckaert
- Paying for confidence: An experimental study of the demand for non-instrumental information pp. 304-324

- Kfir Eliaz and Andrew Schotter
- Credit cards and inflation pp. 325-353

- John Geanakoplos and Pradeep Dubey
- Indirect reciprocity and money pp. 354-374

- Thorsten Hens and Bodo Vogt
- A simple mechanism for resolving conflict pp. 375-391

- Rafael Hortala-Vallve and Aniol Llorente-Saguer
- Monotonicity of social welfare optima pp. 392-402

- Jens Hougaard and Lars Peter Østerdal
- Three minimal market institutions with human and algorithmic agents: Theory and experimental evidence pp. 403-424

- Juergen Huber, Martin Shubik and Shyam Sunder
- On the nature of equilibria in a Downsian model with candidate valence pp. 425-445

- Patrick Hummel
- Decompositions and potentials for normal form games pp. 446-456

- William Sandholm
- A unified analysis of rational voting with private values and group-specific costs pp. 457-471

- Curtis R. Taylor and Huseyin Yildirim
- Modelling equilibrium play as governed by analogy and limited foresight pp. 472-487

- Philipp Wichardt
- Noncooperative foundations of stable sets in voting games pp. 488-493

- Vincent Anesi
- Bidding in a possibly common-value auction pp. 494-501

- Yuk-fai Fong and Daniel Garrett
- Marginal monotonicity solution of NTU games pp. 502-508

- Yan-An Hwang
Volume 70, issue 1, 2010
- Introduction to the special issue in honor of Ehud Kalai pp. 1-3

- Matthew Jackson and Ehud Lehrer
- Imitation games and computation pp. 4-11

- Andrew McLennan and Rabee Tourky
- Club networks with multiple memberships and noncooperative stability pp. 12-20

- Frank Page and Myrna Wooders
- Oligopolistic competition as a common agency game pp. 21-33

- Claude d'Aspremont and Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira
- The myth of the Folk Theorem pp. 34-43

- Christian Borgs, Jennifer Chayes, Nicole Immorlica, Adam Tauman Kalai, Vahab Mirrokni and Christos Papadimitriou
- On the rule of k names pp. 44-61

- Salvador Barberà and Danilo Coelho
- Simplified mechanisms with an application to sponsored-search auctions pp. 62-70

- Paul Milgrom
- A payoff-based learning procedure and its application to traffic games pp. 71-83

- Roberto Cominetti, Emerson Melo and Sylvain Sorin
- Eisenberg-Gale markets: Algorithms and game-theoretic properties pp. 84-106

- Kamal Jain and Vijay V. Vazirani
- An efficient and almost budget balanced cost sharing method pp. 107-131

- Herve Moulin
- Bargaining with a property rights owner pp. 132-145

- Yair Tauman and Andriy Zapechelnyuk
- Hierarchical package bidding: A paper & pencil combinatorial auction pp. 146-169

- Jacob Goeree and Charles Holt
- Social games: Matching and the play of finitely repeated games pp. 170-191

- Matthew Jackson and Alison Watts
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