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Games and Economic Behavior

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): E. Kalai

From Elsevier
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Volume 67, issue 2, 2009

Price signaling and the strategic benefits of price rigidities pp. 335-350 Downloads
Fabrizio Adriani and Luca Deidda
Categorizing others in a large game pp. 351-362 Downloads
Yaron Azrieli
Consistency of beliefs and epistemic conditions for Nash and correlated equilibria pp. 363-375 Downloads
Paulo Barelli
Cooperation through imitation pp. 376-388 Downloads
James Bergin and Dan Bernhardt
Games played in a contracting environment pp. 389-398 Downloads
V Bhaskar
Indirect reciprocity and strategic reputation building in an experimental helping game pp. 399-407 Downloads
Dirk Engelmann and Urs Fischbacher
Subjective states: A more robust model pp. 408-427 Downloads
Larry Epstein and Kyoungwon Seo
Anonymous yes-no voting with abstention and multiple levels of approval pp. 428-444 Downloads
Josep Freixas and William S. Zwicker
In search of stars: Network formation among heterogeneous agents pp. 445-466 Downloads
Jacob Goeree, Arno Riedl and Aljaz Ule
Reciprocity and voting pp. 467-480 Downloads
Volker Hahn
Self-reinforcing market dominance pp. 481-502 Downloads
Daniel Halbheer, Ernst Fehr, Lorenz Goette and Armin Schmutzler
Reasoning about knowledge of unawareness pp. 503-525 Downloads
Joseph Halpern and Leandro C. Rêgo
Farsightedly stable networks pp. 526-541 Downloads
P. Jean-Jacques Herings, Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch
Evolutionary stability of discrimination under observability pp. 542-551 Downloads
Florian Herold and Christoph Kuzmics
Status, affluence, and inequality: Rank-based comparisons in games of status pp. 552-568 Downloads
Ed Hopkins and Tatiana Kornienko
Dynamic stability and reform of political institutions pp. 569-583 Downloads
Roger Lagunoff
Contests with a stochastic number of players pp. 584-597 Downloads
Wooyoung Lim and Alexander Matros
A glove-market partitioned matrix related to the assignment game pp. 598-610 Downloads
Marina Núñez and Carles Rafels
Sequential, nonzero-sum "Blotto": Allocating defensive resources prior to attack pp. 611-615 Downloads
Robert Powell
Stated beliefs versus inferred beliefs: A methodological inquiry and experimental test pp. 616-632 Downloads
Elisabet Rutstrom and Nathaniel Wilcox
On core stability, vital coalitions, and extendability pp. 633-644 Downloads
Evan Shellshear and Peter Sudhölter
Auctions with a buy price: The case of reference-dependent preferences pp. 645-664 Downloads
Nicholas Shunda
Discretionary rewards as a feedback mechanism pp. 665-681 Downloads
Anton Suvorov and Jeroen van de Ven
Perfect communication equilibria in repeated games with imperfect monitoring pp. 682-694 Downloads
Tristan Tomala
Cost sharing with multiple technologies pp. 695-707 Downloads
Christian Trudeau
The target projection dynamic pp. 708-719 Downloads
Elias Tsakas and Mark Voorneveld
Fully sincere voting pp. 720-735 Downloads
Alexander Wolitzky
Reputational cheap talk with misunderstanding pp. 736-744 Downloads
Alexander Guembel and Silvia Rossetto
Group incentive compatibility for matching with contracts pp. 745-749 Downloads
John William Hatfield and Fuhito Kojima
Weighted congestion games with separable preferences pp. 750-757 Downloads
Igal Milchtaich

Volume 67, issue 1, 2009

Special Section of Games and Economic Behavior dedicated to the 8th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce pp. 1-1 Downloads
David C. Parkes and Moshe Tennenholtz
Mediators in position auctions pp. 2-21 Downloads
Itai Ashlagi, Dov Monderer and Moshe Tennenholtz
Congestion games with malicious players pp. 22-35 Downloads
Moshe Babaioff, Robert Kleinberg and Christos H. Papadimitriou
Trading networks with price-setting agents pp. 36-50 Downloads
Lawrence Blume, David Easley, Jon Kleinberg and Éva Tardos
Strong equilibrium in cost sharing connection games pp. 51-68 Downloads
Amir Epstein, Michal Feldman and Yishay Mansour
Worst-case optimal redistribution of VCG payments in multi-unit auctions pp. 69-98 Downloads
Mingyu Guo and Vincent Conitzer
Truthful mechanism design for multidimensional scheduling via cycle monotonicity pp. 99-124 Downloads
Ron Lavi and Chaitanya Swamy
Beyond Moulin mechanisms pp. 125-155 Downloads
Aranyak Mehta, Tim Roughgarden and Mukund Sundararajan
Congestion games with load-dependent failures: Identical resources pp. 156-173 Downloads
Michal Penn, Maria Polukarov and Moshe Tennenholtz
Stackelberg thresholds in network routing games or the value of altruism pp. 174-190 Downloads
Yogeshwer Sharma and David P. Williamson
Elections with platform and valence competition pp. 191-216 Downloads
Scott Ashworth and Ethan Bueno de Mesquita
Membership in citizen groups pp. 217-232 Downloads
Stefano Barbieri and Andrea Mattozzi
Gift giving and worker productivity: Evidence from a firm-level experiment pp. 233-244 Downloads
Charles Bellemare and Bruce Shearer
Competitive environments and protective behavior pp. 245-252 Downloads
Peter Borm, Arantza Estévez-Fernández and M. Gloria Fiestras-Janeiro
Testing static game theory with dynamic experiments: A case study of public goods pp. 253-265.e3 Downloads
Anabela Botelho, Glenn Harrison, Ligia Pinto and Elisabet Rutstrom
Stable allocations of risk pp. 266-276 Downloads
Péter Csóka, P. Jean-Jacques Herings and László Kóczy
The optimal degree of cooperation in the repeated Prisoners' Dilemma with side payments pp. 277-291 Downloads
Yuk-fai Fong and Jay Surti
Private provision of discrete public goods pp. 292-299 Downloads
Miltiadis Makris
Indifference and incompleteness distinguished by rational trade pp. 300-314 Downloads
Michael Mandler
Efficiency and competition in the long run: The survival of the unfit pp. 315-330 Downloads
Gábor Virág
On the superiority of fixed fee over auction in asymmetric markets pp. 331-333 Downloads
Giorgos Stamatopoulos and Tami Tauman
Page updated 2025-03-31