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Games and Economic Behavior

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): E. Kalai

From Elsevier
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Volume 65, issue 2, 2009

Strong price of anarchy pp. 289-317 Downloads
Nir Andelman, Michal Feldman and Yishay Mansour
Stationary equilibria in bargaining with externalities pp. 318-338 Downloads
Jonas Björnerstedt and Andreas Westermark
Aggregation of expert opinions pp. 339-371 Downloads
Dino Gerardi, Richard McLean and Andrew Postlewaite
Information acquisition in auctions: Sealed bids vs. open bids pp. 372-405 Downloads
Angel Hernando-Veciana
Brown-von Neumann-Nash dynamics: The continuous strategy case pp. 406-429 Downloads
Josef Hofbauer, Jörg Oechssler and Frank Riedel
Private value perturbations and informational advantage in common value auctions pp. 430-460 Downloads
Nathan Larson
Imitation and luck: An experimental study on social sampling pp. 461-502 Downloads
Theo Offerman and Andrew Schotter
Nash consistent representation of effectivity functions through lottery models pp. 503-515 Downloads
Bezalel Peleg and Hans Peters
Moderation of an ideological party pp. 516-537 Downloads
Vlasta Pokladniková and Muhamet Yildiz
Choice of routes in congested traffic networks: Experimental tests of the Braess Paradox pp. 538-571 Downloads
Amnon Rapoport, Tamar Kugler, Subhasish Dugar and Eyran J. Gisches
Equilibrium play and best response to (stated) beliefs in normal form games pp. 572-585 Downloads
Pedro Rey-Biel
Contracts with endogenous information pp. 586-625 Downloads
Dezsoe Szalay
Learning by trial and error pp. 626-643 Downloads
H. Young
A note on equivalence of consistency and bilateral consistency through converse consistency pp. 644-648 Downloads
Theo Driessen and Cheng-Cheng Hu
Proposals to host the Fourth World Congress of the Game Theory Society pp. 649-649 Downloads
Sergiu Hart

Volume 65, issue 1, 2009

Introduction to the Special Issue of Games and Economic Behavior in honor of Martin Shubik pp. 1-6 Downloads
Rabah Amir, Robert Aumann, James Peck and Myrna Wooders
Comparative statics in a simple class of strategic market games pp. 7-24 Downloads
Rabah Amir and Francis Bloch
Pure strategy equilibria of single and double auctions with interdependent values pp. 25-48 Downloads
Aloisio Araujo and Luciano de Castro
Outside options, component efficiency, and stability pp. 49-61 Downloads
André Casajus
Price-quantity competition with varying toughness pp. 62-82 Downloads
Claude d'Aspremont and Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira
The strategy structure of some coalition formation games pp. 83-104 Downloads
Gabrielle Demange
Games of status and discriminatory contracts pp. 105-123 Downloads
Amrita Dhillon and Alexander Herzog-Stein
Perfect competition in an oligopoly (including bilateral monopoly) pp. 124-141 Downloads
Pradeep Dubey and Dieter Sondermann
Cournot equilibrium without apology: Existence and the Cournot inverse demand function pp. 142-175 Downloads
Isabel Grilo and Jean-François Mertens
If you are offered the Right of First Refusal, should you accept? An investigation of contract design pp. 176-204 Downloads
Brit Grosskopf and Alvin Roth
Production-inventory games: A new class of totally balanced combinatorial optimization games pp. 205-219 Downloads
Luis A. Guardiola, Ana Meca and Justo Puerto
Walrasian analysis via two-player games pp. 220-233 Downloads
Carlos Hervés-Beloso and Emma Moreno-García
Convergence of strategic behavior to price taking pp. 234-241 Downloads
Leonidas C. Koutsougeras
Cooperative bargaining foundations of the Shapley-Shubik index pp. 242-255 Downloads
Annick Laruelle and Federico Valenciano
First-price auction symmetric equilibria with a general distribution pp. 256-269 Downloads
Paulo Monteiro
Harsh default penalties lead to Ponzi schemes pp. 270-286 Downloads
Mario Pascoa and Abdelkrim Seghir
Proposals to host the Fourth World Congress of the Game Theory Society pp. 287-287 Downloads
Sergiu Hart
A special issue of the IJGT in honor of Michael Maschler pp. 288-288 Downloads
Shmuel Zamir and Salvador Barberà

Volume 64, issue 2, 2008

In memoriam: Michael B. Maschler (1927-2008) pp. 351-351 Downloads
Ehud Kalai
In memory of my father pp. 352-354 Downloads
Yael Maschler
Working with Mike pp. 355-360 Downloads
Robert Aumann
Michael Maschler in Barcelona pp. 361-362 Downloads
Salvador Barberà
The mentor pp. 363-363 Downloads
Louis J. Billera
My referee and collaborator pp. 364-364 Downloads
Daniel Granot
A mathematics teacher pp. 365-366 Downloads
Ein-Ya Gura
Michael's questions pp. 367-367 Downloads
Sergiu Hart
An advocate of cooperative theory pp. 368-368 Downloads
Herve Moulin
Helping young game theorists pp. 369-369 Downloads
Guillermo Owen
My joint work with Michael Maschler pp. 370-371 Downloads
Bezalel Peleg
Michael Maschler in The Netherlands pp. 372-372 Downloads
Jos Potters and S. Tijs
Michael Maschler at the Center for the Study of Rationality pp. 373-373 Downloads
Hana Shemesh
In memory of Michael Maschler pp. 374-374 Downloads
Martin Shubik
Learning from Michael Maschler and working with him pp. 375-375 Downloads
Eilon Solan
Michael Maschler, a special friend pp. 376-377 Downloads
Marilda Sotomayor
Michael Maschler: My lost migration compass pp. 378-379 Downloads
Oded Stark
Michael Maschler in Bilbao pp. 380-380 Downloads
Federico Valenciano
In memory of Michael Maschler pp. 381-381 Downloads
Myrna Wooders
Michael Maschler, game theory, and the Talmud pp. 382-382 Downloads
H. Young
Teacher, colleague and coauthor pp. 383-384 Downloads
Shmuel Zamir
Biographical information: Michael B. Maschler pp. 385-387 Downloads
Shmuel Zamir
Majority rule when voters like to win pp. 393-420 Downloads
Steven Callander
Of mice and men: Within gender variation in strategic behavior pp. 421-432 Downloads
Marco Castillo and Philip J. Cross
Informed principal with correlation pp. 433-456 Downloads
Michela Cella
A geometric approach to the price of anarchy in nonatomic congestion games pp. 457-469 Downloads
José R. Correa, Andreas S. Schulz and Nicolás E. Stier-Moses
The [alpha]-beauty contest: Choosing numbers, thinking intervals pp. 470-486 Downloads
Enrico De Giorgi and Stefan Reimann
Mechanism design with partial state verifiability pp. 487-513 Downloads
Raymond Deneckere and Sergei Severinov
The strategic Marshallian cross pp. 514-532 Downloads
Alex Dickson and Roger Hartley
Arrow's Possibility Theorem for one-dimensional single-peaked preferences pp. 533-547 Downloads
Lars Ehlers and Ton Storcken
Whether to attack a terrorist's resource stock today or tomorrow pp. 548-564 Downloads
Kjell Hausken
The projection dynamic and the geometry of population games pp. 565-590 Downloads
Ratul Lahkar and William Sandholm
Efficient and stable collective choices under gregarious preferences pp. 591-611 Downloads
Jordi Masso and Antonio Nicolo'
Truthful approximation mechanisms for restricted combinatorial auctions pp. 612-631 Downloads
Ahuva Mu'alem and Noam Nisan
Incentives in decentralized random matching markets pp. 632-649 Downloads
Joana Pais
Stochastic stability and time-dependent mutations pp. 650-665 Downloads
Maxwell Pak
The projection dynamic and the replicator dynamic pp. 666-683 Downloads
William Sandholm, Emin Dokumaci and Ratul Lahkar

Volume 64, issue 1, 2008

Large games and the law of large numbers pp. 1-34 Downloads
Nabil I. Al-Najjar
Sharing a river among satiable agents pp. 35-50 Downloads
Stefan Ambec and Lars Ehlers
Nash implementation without no-veto power pp. 51-67 Downloads
Jean-Pierre Benoît and Efe Ok
Advertising, brand loyalty and pricing pp. 68-80 Downloads
Ioana Chioveanu
Experiments with network formation pp. 81-120 Downloads
P. Dean Corbae and John Duffy
Conspicuous consumption dynamics pp. 121-145 Downloads
Daniel Friedman and Daniel N. Ostrov
Obligations and cooperative behaviour in public good games pp. 146-170 Downloads
Roberto Galbiati and Pietro Vertova
Revenue equivalence revisited pp. 171-192 Downloads
Radosveta Ivanova-Stenzel and Tim Salmon
Decentralized matching markets with endogenous salaries pp. 193-218 Downloads
Hideo Konishi and Margarita Sapozhnikov
Job-market signaling and screening: An experimental comparison pp. 219-236 Downloads
Dorothea Kübler, Wieland Müller and Hans-Theo Normann
Aversion to norm-breaking: A model pp. 237-267 Downloads
Raúl López-Pérez
Strategic divide and choose pp. 268-289 Downloads
Antonio Nicolo' and Yan Yu
On the dimension of the core of the assignment game pp. 290-302 Downloads
Marina Núñez and Carles Rafels
School choice and information: An experimental study on matching mechanisms pp. 303-328 Downloads
Joana Pais and Ágnes Pintér
On the use of menus in sequential common agency pp. 329-334 Downloads
Giacomo Calzolari and Alessandro Pavan
Voters' power in voting games with abstention: Influence relation and ordinal equivalence of power theories pp. 335-350 Downloads
Bertrand Tchantcho, Lawrence Diffo Lambo, Roland Pongou and Bertrand Mbama Engoulou
Page updated 2025-03-31