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Games and Economic Behavior

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): E. Kalai

From Elsevier
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Volume 87, issue C, 2014

Dynamic beliefs pp. 1-18 Downloads
Rosario Macera
Contractual signaling, relationship-specific investment and exclusive agreements pp. 19-33 Downloads
Luis Vasconcelos
Ethics, welfare, and capital markets pp. 34-49 Downloads
George Kanatas and Christodoulos Stefanadis
Staying ahead and getting even: Risk attitudes of experienced poker players pp. 50-69 Downloads
David Eil and Jaimie W. Lien
Variable temptations and black mark reputations pp. 70-90 Downloads
Christina Aperjis, Richard Zeckhauser and Yali Miao
A foundation for strategic agenda voting pp. 91-99 Downloads
Jose Apesteguia, Miguel Ballester and Yusufcan Masatlioglu
Intrinsic and instrumental reciprocity: An experimental study pp. 100-121 Downloads
Luis Cabral, Erkut Ozbay and Andrew Schotter
Preferences and beliefs in a sequential social dilemma: a within-subjects analysis pp. 122-135 Downloads
Mariana Blanco, Dirk Engelmann, Alexander Koch and Hans-Theo Normann
Communication in repeated network games with imperfect monitoring pp. 136-160 Downloads
Marie Laclau
Price formation in a matching market with targeted offers pp. 161-177 Downloads
József Sákovics
A generalized approach to belief learning in repeated games pp. 178-203 Downloads
Christos Ioannou and Julian Romero
Learning with bounded memory in games pp. 204-223 Downloads
Daniel Monte
Overbidding and overspreading in rent-seeking experiments: Cost structure and prize allocation rules pp. 224-238 Downloads
Subhasish Chowdhury, Roman Sheremeta and Theodore Turocy
Coalition formation in general apex games under monotonic power indices pp. 239-252 Downloads
Dominik Karos
Conditional belief types pp. 253-268 Downloads
Alfredo Di Tillio, Joseph Halpern and Dov Samet
On the existence of a strictly strong Nash equilibrium under the student-optimal deferred acceptance algorithm pp. 269-287 Downloads
Keisuke Bando
Probabilistic dominance and status quo bias pp. 288-304 Downloads
Gil Riella and Roee Teper
On fair division of a homogeneous good pp. 305-321 Downloads
Uriel Feige and Moshe Tennenholtz
Identities, selection, and contributions in a public-goods game pp. 322-338 Downloads
Gary Charness, Ramon Cobo-Reyes and Natalia Jiménez
Sharing the cost of redundant items pp. 339-352 Downloads
Jens Hougaard and Herve Moulin
Tough negotiations: Bilateral bargaining with durable commitments pp. 353-366 Downloads
Tore Ellingsen and Topi Miettinen
An experimental study on the incentives of the probabilistic serial mechanism pp. 367-380 Downloads
David Hugh-Jones, Morimitsu Kurino and Christoph Vanberg
Learning in society pp. 381-396 Downloads
Braz Camargo
Imitation and the role of information in overcoming coordination failures pp. 397-411 Downloads
Carlos Alós-Ferrer and Simon Weidenholzer
The efficiency of bonus-or-terminate incentive schemes under subjective evaluations pp. 412-418 Downloads
Lucas Maestri
Multidimensional cheap talk with sequential messages pp. 419-441 Downloads
Shintaro Miura
From Custer to Thermopylae: Last stand behavior in multi-stage contests pp. 442-466 Downloads
Alan Gelder
Premium auctions and risk preferences: An experimental study pp. 467-484 Downloads
Christoph Brunner, Audrey Hu and Jörg Oechssler
Strategic obscurity in the forecasting of disasters pp. 485-496 Downloads
Masaki Aoyagi
Drugs, guns, and targeted competition pp. 497-507 Downloads
Andrei Dubovik and Alexei Parakhonyak
A natural mechanism for eliciting rankings when jurors have favorites pp. 508-518 Downloads
Tsuyoshi Adachi
Congested observational learning pp. 519-538 Downloads
Erik Eyster, Andrea Galeotti, Navin Kartik and Matthew Rabin
Assigning agents to a line pp. 539-553 Downloads
Jens Hougaard, Juan Moreno-Ternero and Lars Peter Østerdal
Why do people rate? Theory and evidence on online ratings pp. 554-570 Downloads
Jonathan Lafky
Judgment aggregation in search for the truth pp. 571-590 Downloads
İrem Bozbay, Franz Dietrich and Hans Peters
Optimal truncation in matching markets pp. 591-615 Downloads
Peter Coles and Ran Shorrer
Mixed equilibria in runoff elections pp. 619-623 Downloads
Dimitrios Xefteris
Non-revelation mechanisms in many-to-one markets pp. 624-630 Downloads
Antonio Romero-Medina and Matteo Triossi
Robustness of simple menus of contracts in cost-based procurement pp. 631-641 Downloads
Daniel Garrett
Asking questions pp. 642-650 Downloads
Nenad Kos

Volume 86, issue C, 2014

Wealth effects and agency costs pp. 1-11 Downloads
Hector Chade and Virginia N. Vera de Serio
Incentives and group identity pp. 12-25 Downloads
Paolo Masella, Stephan Meier and Philipp Zahn
Impossibility results for parametrized notions of efficiency and strategy-proofness in exchange economies pp. 26-39 Downloads
Wonki Cho
On the escalation and de-escalation of conflict pp. 40-57 Downloads
Juan A. Lacomba, Francisco Lagos, Ernesto Reuben and Frans van Winden
A folk theorem for stochastic games with private almost-perfect monitoring pp. 58-66 Downloads
Katsuhiko Aiba
Universality of Nash components pp. 67-76 Downloads
Dieter Balkenborg and Dries Vermeulen
Strategies and evolution in the minority game: A multi-round strategy experiment pp. 77-95 Downloads
Jona Linde, Joep Sonnemans and Jan Tuinstra
Robust and secure implementation: equivalence theorems pp. 96-101 Downloads
Tsuyoshi Adachi
On the beliefs off the path: Equilibrium refinement due to quantal response and level-k pp. 102-125 Downloads
Yves Breitmoser, Jonathan Tan and Daniel Zizzo
Epistemic equivalence of extended belief hierarchies pp. 126-144 Downloads
Elias Tsakas
Coexistence of long-term and short-term contracts pp. 145-164 Downloads
Ines Macho-Stadler, David Perez-Castrillo and Nicolás Porteiro
A competitive partnership formation process pp. 165-177 Downloads
Tommy Andersson, Jens Gudmundsson, Adolphus Talman and Zaifu Yang
On the convergence to the Nash bargaining solution for action-dependent bargaining protocols pp. 178-183 Downloads
Volker Britz, P. Jean-Jacques Herings and Arkadi Predtetchinski
The crowding-out effect of formal insurance on informal risk sharing: An experimental study pp. 184-211 Downloads
Wanchuan Lin, Yiming Liu and Juanjuan Meng
Random dictatorship domains pp. 212-236 Downloads
Shurojit Chatterji, Arunava Sen and Huaxia Zeng
Impulse balance in the newsvendor game pp. 237-247 Downloads
Axel Ockenfels and Reinhard Selten
Optimality versus practicality in market design: A comparison of two double auctions pp. 248-263 Downloads
Mark A. Satterthwaite, Steven R. Williams and Konstantinos Zachariadis
The effect of endogenous timing on coordination under asymmetric information: An experimental study pp. 264-281 Downloads
Francesco Brindisi, Boğaçhan Çelen and Kyle Hyndman
Information transmission and inefficient lobbying pp. 282-307 Downloads
Rafael Lima and Humberto Moreira
Level-k reasoning in a generalized beauty contest pp. 308-329 Downloads
Dmitry Shapiro, Xianwen Shi and Arthur Zillante
The value of information in asymmetric all-pay auctions pp. 330-338 Downloads
Christian Seel
Truthful germs are contagious: A local-to-global characterization of truthfulness pp. 340-366 Downloads
Aaron Archer and Robert Kleinberg
Auctions for social lending: A theoretical analysis pp. 367-391 Downloads
Ning Chen, Arpita Ghosh and Nicolas Lambert
Destroy to save pp. 392-404 Downloads
Geoffroy de Clippel, Victor Naroditskiy, Maria Polukarov, Amy Greenwald and Nicholas R. Jennings
Strategy-proof contract auctions and the role of ties pp. 405-420 Downloads
Mathijs M. de Weerdt, Paul Harrenstein and Vincent Conitzer
Bayes–Nash equilibria of the generalized second-price auction pp. 421-437 Downloads
Renato Gomes and Kane Sweeney
Fault tolerance in large games pp. 438-457 Downloads
Ronen Gradwohl and Omer Reingold
Designing incentives for online question-and-answer forums pp. 458-474 Downloads
Shaili Jain, Yiling Chen and David C. Parkes
Pricing traffic in a spanning network pp. 475-490 Downloads
Herve Moulin
Optimal collusion-resistant mechanisms with verification pp. 491-509 Downloads
Paolo Penna and Carmine Ventre
Page updated 2025-03-31