Games and Economic Behavior
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): E. Kalai From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 12, issue 2, 1996
- A Noncooperative Analysis of Hotelling's Location Game pp. 165-186

- Helmut Bester, André de Palma, Wolfgang Leininger, Jonathan Thomas and Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden
- Cooperation without Reputation: Experimental Evidence from Prisoner's Dilemma Games pp. 187-218

- Russell Cooper, Douglas V. DeJong, Robert Forsythe and Thomas Ross
- Equilibrium Selection and Consistency pp. 219-225

- Henk Norde, Jos Potters, Hans Reijnierse and Dries Vermeulen
- Multiperson Bargaining over Two Alternatives pp. 226-244

- Clara Ponsati and József Sákovics
- The Design and Performance of Sharing Rules for a Partnership in Continuous Time pp. 245-265

- Aldo Rustichini and Roy Radner
- A Property of the Core pp. 266-273

- Abhijit Sengupta and Kunal Sengupta
- The One-Shot-Deviation Principle for Sequential Rationality pp. 274-282

- Ebbe Hendon, Hans Jorgen Jacobsen and Birgitte Sloth
- IN MEMORIAM: N. N. Vorob'ev (1925-1995) pp. 283-285

- A. A. Korbut and Elena Yanovskaya
Volume 12, issue 1, 1996
- Multiplayer Bargaining Situations: A Decision Theoretic Approach pp. 1-20

- Murali Agastya
- Efficient Allocation of a "Pie": Divisible Case of King Solomon's Dilemma pp. 21-41

- Parimal Bag
- The Owen Value Applied to Games with Graph-Restricted Communication pp. 42-53

- Margarita Vazquez-Brage, Ignacio Garcia-Jurado and Francesc Carreras
- On the Existence and Formation of Partnerships pp. 54-67

- Francesc Carreras
- Value, Consistency, and Random Coalition Formation pp. 68-80

- Robert Evans
- Endogenous Stackelberg Equilibria with Identical Firms pp. 81-94

- Debashis Pal
- A Theory of Partnership Dynamics pp. 95-112

- David Roth
- Axiomatizations of the Conjunctive Permission Value for Games with Permission Structures pp. 113-126

- Rene van den Brink and Robert P. Gilles
- Pollination and Reward: A Game-Theoretic Approach pp. 127-142

- Fernando Vega-Redondo
- Information Transmission When the Informed Party Is Confused pp. 143-161

- Joel Watson
- Approximating Agreeing to Disagree Results with Commonp-Beliefs pp. 162-164

- Zvika Neeman
Volume 11, issue 2, 1995
- Introduction pp. 103-110

- Sigmund Karl and H. Young
- The Statistical Mechanics of Best-Response Strategy Revision pp. 111-145

- Lawrence Blume
- Stability by Mutation in Evolutionary Games pp. 146-172

- Immanuel Bomze and Burger Reinhard
- Does Neutral Stability Imply Lyapunov Stability? pp. 173-192

- Immanuel Bomze and Jörgen Weibull
- The Finite Horizon War of Attrition pp. 193-236

- Cannings C. and Whittaker J. C.
- Evolutionary Game Theory with Two Groups of Individuals pp. 237-253

- Cressman R.
- Bayesian Learning in Repeated Normal Form Games pp. 254-278

- Jürgen Eichberger
- Fictitious Play, Shapley Polygons, and the Replicator Equation pp. 279-303

- Gaunersdorfer Andrea and Josef Hofbauer
- Learning by Forgetful Players pp. 304-329

- Sjaak Hurkens
- Learning Dynamics in Games with Stochastic Perturbations pp. 330-363

- Kaniovski Yuri M. and H. Young
- Invasion Dynamics of the Finitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma pp. 364-390

- Nowak Martin A. and Sigmund Karl
- Expectations, Drift, and Volatility in Evolutionary Games pp. 391-412

- Fernando Vega-Redondo
Volume 11, issue 1, 1995
- Musical Chairs: Modeling Noisy Evolution pp. 1-35

- Binmore Kenneth G., Samuelson Larry and Vaughan Richard
- Equilibrium Selection in Experimental Games with Recommended Play pp. 36-63

- Jordi Brandts and W. Bentley Macleod
- Fictitious Play by Cases pp. 64-89

- Marco LiCalzi
Volume 10, issue 2, 1995
- Ratifiable Mechanisms: Learning from Disagreement pp. 255-283

- Peter Cramton and Thomas Palfrey
- Credible Equilibria in Games with Utilities Changing during the Play pp. 284-317

- José Luis Ferreira, Itzhak Gilboa and Maschler M.
- A New Theory of Equilibrium Selection for Games with Incomplete Information pp. 318-332

- John Harsanyi
- How to Select a Dual Nash Equilibrium pp. 333-354

- Philippe Jehiel and Bernard Walliser
- A Transfer Property of Equilibrium Payoffs in Economies with Land pp. 355-367

- Legut Jerzy, Potters Jos A. M. and Tijs Stef H.
Volume 10, issue 1, 1995
- Introduction pp. 1-5

- John Ledyard and Thomas Palfrey
- Quantal Response Equilibria for Normal Form Games pp. 6-38

- McKelvey Richard D. and Thomas Palfrey
- Auctions with Artificial Adaptive Agents pp. 39-64

- James Andreoni and Miller John H.
- Outside Options and Social Comparison in Three-Player Ultimatum Game Experiments pp. 65-94

- Knez Marc J. and Camerer Colin F.
- Anonymity versus Punishment in Ultimatum Bargaining pp. 95-121

- Gary Bolton and Rami Zwick
- Trust, Reciprocity, and Social History pp. 122-142

- Berg Joyce, John Dickhaut and Kevin McCabe
- Commitment versus Discretion in the Peasant-Dictator Game pp. 143-170

- John van Huyck, Raymond Battalio and Walters Mary F.
- Common Pool Resource Dilemmas under Uncertainty: Qualitative Tests of Equilibrium Solutions pp. 171-201

- Budescu David V., Amnon Rapoport and Suleiman Ramzi
- Games with Unique, Mixed Strategy Equilibria: An Experimental Study pp. 202-217

- Ochs Jack
- On Players' Models of Other Players: Theory and Experimental Evidence pp. 218-254

- Dale Stahl and Paul Wilson
Volume 9, issue 2, 1995
- Virtual Implementation in Separable Bayesian Environments Using Simple Mechanisms pp. 127-138

- Anil Arya, Glover Jonathan and Young Richard
- Mixed-Strategy Nash Equilibrium Based upon Expected Utility and Quadratic Utility pp. 139-150

- Cheng Leonard K. and Zhu Min
- Lower Hemicontinuity of the Nash Equilibrium Correspondence pp. 151-160

- Engl Greg
- Stochastic Common Learning pp. 161-171

- Monderer Dov and Dov Samet
- Effectivity Functions and Associated Claim Game Correspondences pp. 172-190

- Otten Gert-Jan, Peter Borm, Storcken Ton and Tijs Stef
- Games of Fair Division pp. 191-204

- Tadenuma Koichi and William Thomson
- Bargained-Correlated Equilibria pp. 205-221

- Piero Tedeschi
- On Nash-Implementation in the Presence of Withholding pp. 222-233

- Guoqiang Tian and Qi Li
- Endogenous Timing in Two-Player Games: A Counterexample pp. 234-237

- Rabah Amir
- A Note on the Probability of k Pure Nash Equilibria in Matrix Games pp. 238-246

- Stanford William
- Rationality and Coordination, Cristina Bicchieri, Cambridge University Press, 1993. Part of a series called Cambridge Studies in Probability, Induction, and Decision Theory. Edited by Brian Skyrms. 270 pp. plus preface, ISBN 0-521-38123-1 pp. 247-250

- Cristina Bicchieri
Volume 9, issue 1, 1995
- Unlearning by Not Doing: Repeated Games with Vanishing Actions pp. 1-7

- Joosten Reinoud, Hans Peters and Thuijsman Frank
- Bayesian Learning in Repeated Games pp. 8-20

- James Jordan
- Order Independent Equilibria pp. 21-34

- Benny Moldovanu and Eyal Winter
- Sustainable Matching Plans with Adverse Selection pp. 35-65

- Roger Myerson
- Competitively Sustainable Matching Plans with Discounting pp. 66-78

- Green Gordon R.
- Social Norms and Random Matching Games pp. 79-109

- Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara and Andrew Postlewaite
- Remarks on Infinitely Repeated Extensive-Form Games pp. 110-115

- Ariel Rubinstein and Asher Wolinsky
- A Note on Repeated Extensive Games pp. 116-123

- Sylvain Sorin
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