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Games and Economic Behavior

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): E. Kalai

From Elsevier
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Volume 85, issue C, 2014

Secure message transmission on directed networks pp. 1-18 Downloads
Jérôme Renault, Ludovic Renou and Tristan Tomala
On the communication complexity of approximate Nash equilibria pp. 19-31 Downloads
Paul W. Goldberg and Arnoud Pastink
Robustness of intermediate agreements for the discrete Raiffa solution pp. 32-36 Downloads
Walter Trockel
Cournot games with biconcave demand pp. 37-47 Downloads
Christian Ewerhart
Pairwise epistemic conditions for Nash equilibrium pp. 48-59 Downloads
Christian Bach and Elias Tsakas
Ranking asymmetric auctions: Filling the gap between a distributional shift and stretch pp. 60-69 Downloads
Rene Kirkegaard
On the limit perfect public equilibrium payoff set in repeated and stochastic games pp. 70-83 Downloads
Johannes Hörner, Satoru Takahashi and Nicolas Vieille
On the continuous equilibria of affiliated-value, all-pay auctions with private budget constraints pp. 84-108 Downloads
Maciej Kotowski and Fei Li
Strategy-proof preference aggregation: Possibilities and characterizations pp. 109-126 Downloads
Walter Bossert and Yves Sprumont
Imperfect memory and choice under risk pp. 127-158 Downloads
Daniel Gottlieb
Communication in bargaining over decision rights pp. 159-179 Downloads
Wooyoung Lim
A matter of interpretation: Ambiguous contracts and liquidated damages pp. 180-187 Downloads
Simon Grant, J. Jude Kline and John Quiggin
Social preferences? Google Answers! pp. 188-209 Downloads
Tobias Regner
Ascending prices and package bidding: Further experimental analysis pp. 210-231 Downloads
John Kagel, Yuanchuan Lien and Paul Milgrom
Implementing quotas in university admissions: An experimental analysis pp. 232-251 Downloads
Sebastian Braun, Nadja Dwenger, Dorothea Kübler and Alexander Westkamp
Beliefs and rationalizability in games with complementarities pp. 252-271 Downloads
Laurent Mathevet
Robustness to strategic uncertainty pp. 272-288 Downloads
Ola Andersson, Cédric Argenton and Jörgen Weibull
Monitored by your friends, not your foes: Strategic ignorance and the delegation of real authority pp. 289-305 Downloads
Silvia Dominguez-Martinez, Randolph Sloof and Ferdinand von Siemens

Volume 84, issue C, 2014

Equilibrium selection in common-value second-price auctions pp. 1-6 Downloads
Heng Liu
The geometry of voting power: Weighted voting and hyper-ellipsoids pp. 7-16 Downloads
Nicolas Houy and William S. Zwicker
Why votes have value: Instrumental voting with overconfidence and overestimation of others' errors pp. 17-38 Downloads
Ingolf Dittmann, Dorothea Kübler, Ernst Maug and Lydia Mechtenberg
Out of your mind: Eliciting individual reasoning in one shot games pp. 39-57 Downloads
Konrad Burchardi and Stefan P. Penczynski
Which hat to wear? Impact of natural identities on coordination and cooperation pp. 58-86 Downloads
Yan Chen, Sherry Li, Tracy Liu and Margaret Shih
Asymmetric parametric division rules pp. 87-110 Downloads
John Stovall
Compulsory versus voluntary voting: An experimental study pp. 111-131 Downloads
Sourav Bhattacharya, John Duffy and Sun-Tak Kim
Stability and trembles in extensive-form games pp. 132-136 Downloads
Yuval Heller
Minimum cost spanning tree problems with indifferent agents pp. 137-151 Downloads
Christian Trudeau
Dynamic market for lemons with endogenous quality choice by the seller pp. 152-162 Downloads
Keiichi Kawai
Pandering and electoral competition pp. 163-179 Downloads
Gabriele Gratton
Sustaining cooperation in social dilemmas: Comparison of centralized punishment institutions pp. 180-195 Downloads
Yoshio Kamijo, Tsuyoshi Nihonsugi, A. Takeuchi and Yukihiko Funaki
Matching mechanisms and matching quality: Evidence from a top university in China pp. 196-215 Downloads
Binzhen Wu and Xiaohan Zhong

Volume 83, issue C, 2014

How do judgmental overconfidence and overoptimism shape innovative activity? pp. 1-23 Downloads
Holger Herz, Daniel Schunk and Christian Zehnder
Markets for information: Of inefficient firewalls and efficient monopolies pp. 24-44 Downloads
Antonio Cabrales and Piero Gottardi
Strategic complexity in repeated extensive games pp. 45-52 Downloads
Nozomu Muto
Price competition, free entry, and welfare in congested markets pp. 53-72 Downloads
Emerson Melo
The minimum approval mechanism implements the efficient public good allocation theoretically and experimentally pp. 73-85 Downloads
Takehito Masuda, Yoshitaka Okano and Tatsuyoshi Saijo
Political motivations and electoral competition: Equilibrium analysis and experimental evidence pp. 86-115 Downloads
Michalis Drouvelis, Alejandro Saporiti and Nicolaas Vriend
Lottery versus all-pay auction contests: A revenue dominance theorem pp. 116-126 Downloads
Jörg Franke, Christian Kanzow, Wolfgang Leininger and Alexandra Schwartz
Entry and espionage with noisy signals pp. 127-146 Downloads
Alex Barrachina, Yair Tauman and Amparo Urbano
Cheap talk with multiple audiences: An experimental analysis pp. 147-164 Downloads
Marco Battaglini and Uliana Makarov
Belief consistency and trade consistency pp. 165-177 Downloads
Ehud Lehrer and Dov Samet
Market share dynamics in a duopoly model with word-of-mouth communication pp. 178-206 Downloads
Eugen Kovac and Robert Schmidt
Imperfect competition in two-sided matching markets pp. 207-223 Downloads
Eduardo Azevedo
First-best collusion without communication pp. 224-230 Downloads
Shiran Rachmilevitch
Belief in the opponentsʼ future rationality pp. 231-254 Downloads
Andrés Perea
Universal type structures with unawareness pp. 255-266 Downloads
Sander Heinsalu
Analogies and theories: The role of simplicity and the emergence of norms pp. 267-283 Downloads
Gabrielle Gayer and Itzhak Gilboa
Simple mechanisms and preferences for honesty pp. 284-290 Downloads
Navin Kartik, Olivier Tercieux and Richard Holden

Volume 82, issue C, 2013

Efficient resource allocation under multi-unit demand pp. 1-14 Downloads
Fuhito Kojima
Optimal delegation via a strategic intermediary pp. 15-30 Downloads
Pinghan Liang
On games of strategic experimentation pp. 31-51 Downloads
Dinah Rosenberg, Antoine Salomon and Nicolas Vieille
Evaluating case-based decision theory: Predicting empirical patterns of human classification learning pp. 52-65 Downloads
Andreas Pape and Kenneth J. Kurtz
Dynamics in near-potential games pp. 66-90 Downloads
Ozan Candogan, Asuman Ozdaglar and Pablo A. Parrilo
Punishment strategies in repeated games: Evidence from experimental markets pp. 91-102 Downloads
Julian Wright
Dress to impress: Brands as status symbols pp. 103-131 Downloads
Rogério Mazali and José Rodrigues-Neto
Spectrum value for coalitional games pp. 132-142 Downloads
Mikel Álvarez-Mozos, Ziv Hellman and Eyal Winter
Disclosure of information in matching markets with non-transferable utility pp. 143-156 Downloads
Ennio Bilancini and Leonardo Boncinelli
A characterization of a family of rules for the adjudication of conflicting claims pp. 157-168 Downloads
William Thomson
Costly information acquisition. Is it better to toss a coin? pp. 169-191 Downloads
Matteo Triossi
The Dynamic Vickrey Auction pp. 192-204 Downloads
Konrad Mierendorff
Revenue and efficiency in multi-unit uniform-price auctions pp. 205-217 Downloads
Michal Bresky
Group strategyproof cost sharing: The role of indifferences pp. 218-239 Downloads
Ruben Juarez
The effect of environmental uncertainty on the tragedy of the commons pp. 240-253 Downloads
Sam Aflaki
Choosing a licensee from heterogeneous rivals pp. 254-268 Downloads
Anthony Creane, Chiu Yu Ko and Hideo Konishi
Theoretical and experimental analysis of auctions with negative externalities pp. 269-291 Downloads
Youxin Hu, John Kagel, Xiaoshu Xu and Lixin Ye
Strategic nonlinear income tax competition with perfect labor mobility pp. 292-311 Downloads
Felix Bierbrauer, Craig Brett and John Weymark
Bidding in private-value auctions with uncertain values pp. 312-326 Downloads
Peter McGee
Finite supermodular design with interdependent valuations pp. 327-349 Downloads
Laurent Mathevet and Ina Taneva
Bilateral k+1-price auctions with asymmetric shares and values pp. 350-368 Downloads
Cédric Wasser
A Solomonic solution to the problem of assigning a private indivisible good pp. 369-387 Downloads
Efthymios Athanasiou
Licensing process innovations when losersʼ messages determine royalty rates pp. 388-402 Downloads
Cuihong Fan, Byoung Jun and Elmar Wolfstetter
Understanding the reference effect pp. 403-423 Downloads
Yusufcan Masatlioglu and Neslihan Uler
Mechanism design with a restricted action space pp. 424-443 Downloads
Liad Blumrosen and Michal Feldman
Strategic information exchange pp. 444-467 Downloads
Dinah Rosenberg, Eilon Solan and Nicolas Vieille
Minimum payments and induced effort in moral hazard problems pp. 468-489 Downloads
Ohad Kadan and Jeroen M. Swinkels
Perfect equilibrium in games with compact action spaces pp. 490-502 Downloads
Elnaz Bajoori, János Flesch and Dries Vermeulen
Asymmetric awareness and moral hazard pp. 503-521 Downloads
Sarah Auster
Sequential negotiations with costly information acquisition pp. 522-543 Downloads
Romans Pancs
Similar bidders in takeover contests pp. 544-561 Downloads
Yun Dai, Sebastian Gryglewicz, Han T.J. Smit and Wouter De Maeseneire
Pareto optimality in coalition formation pp. 562-581 Downloads
Haris Aziz, Felix Brandt and Paul Harrenstein
Market and non-market mechanisms for the optimal allocation of scarce resources pp. 582-591 Downloads
Daniele Condorelli
On the acceptance of apologies pp. 592-608 Downloads
Urs Fischbacher and Verena Utikal
The nonatomic supermodular game pp. 609-620 Downloads
Jian Yang and Xiangtong Qi
Anonymous social influence pp. 621-635 Downloads
Manuel Förster, Michel Grabisch and Agnieszka Rusinowska
Strategic learning in teams pp. 636-657 Downloads
Nicolas Klein
Who acts more like a game theorist? Group and individual play in a sequential market game and the effect of the time horizon pp. 658-674 Downloads
Wieland Müller and Fangfang Tan
Confidence and decision pp. 675-692 Downloads
Brian Hill
Equilibria under deferred acceptance: Dropping strategies, filled positions, and welfare pp. 693-701 Downloads
Paula Jaramillo, Cagatay Kayi and Flip Klijn
Information-sharing in social networks pp. 702-716 Downloads
Jon Kleinberg and Katrina Ligett
Page updated 2025-03-31