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Games and Economic Behavior

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): E. Kalai

From Elsevier
Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ().

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Volume 120, issue C, 2020

A dominant-strategy asset market mechanism pp. 1-15 Downloads
Simon Loertscher and Leslie M. Marx
Identifiable information structures pp. 16-27 Downloads
Itai Arieli, Yakov Babichenko and Rann Smorodinsky
Epistemic game theory without types structures: An application to psychological games pp. 28-57 Downloads
Pierpaolo Battigalli, Roberto Corrao and Federico Sanna
On the optimal entry fee and reserve price for auctions with selective entry: A comment on Gentry, Li, Lu (2017) pp. 58-66 Downloads
Nicola Doni and Domenico Menicucci
Bubbles and persuasion with uncertainty over market sentiment pp. 67-85 Downloads
Sara Negrelli
A sandwich theorem for generic n × n two person games pp. 86-95 Downloads
Ching-jen Sun
Payoff information and learning in signaling games pp. 96-120 Downloads
Drew Fudenberg and Kevin He
Innovation adoption and collective experimentation pp. 121-131 Downloads
Evan Sadler
The evolution of choice and learning in the two-person beauty contest game from kindergarten to adulthood pp. 132-143 Downloads
Isabelle Brocas and Juan D. Carrillo
Assortative multisided assignment games: The extreme core points pp. 144-153 Downloads
F. Javier Martínez-de-Albéniz, Carlos Rafels and Neus Ybern
Weak belief and permissibility pp. 154-179 Downloads
Emiliano Catonini and Nicodemo De Vito
A market design approach to job rotation pp. 180-192 Downloads
Jingsheng Yu and Jun Zhang
Accuracy and retaliation in repeated games with imperfect private monitoring: Experiments pp. 193-208 Downloads
Yutaka Kayaba, Hitoshi Matsushima and Tomohisa Toyama
On non-monotonic strategic reasoning pp. 209-224 Downloads
Emiliano Catonini
Learning by similarity-weighted imitation in winner-takes-all games pp. 225-245 Downloads
Erik Mohlin, Robert Östling and Joseph Wang
What you don't know can help you in school assignment pp. 246-256 Downloads
Umut Dur and Thayer Morrill
An epistemic analysis of dynamic games with unawareness pp. 257-288 Downloads
Pierfrancesco Guarino
Dynamic consistency and ambiguity: A reappraisal pp. 289-310 Downloads
Brian Hill
Bribing the Self pp. 311-324 Downloads
Uri Gneezy, Silvia Saccardo, Marta Serra-Garcia and Roel van Veldhuizen
Fairness and partial coercion in land assembly pp. 325-335 Downloads
Rakesh Chaturvedi
On the non-existence of stable matches with incomplete information pp. 336-344 Downloads
Max Alston
Limited cognitive ability and selective information processing pp. 345-369 Downloads
Benson Tsz Kin Leung
Essentially stable matchings pp. 370-390 Downloads
Peter Troyan, David Delacretaz and Andrew Kloosterman
Non-equilibrium play in centipede games pp. 391-433 Downloads
Bernardo García-Pola, Nagore Iriberri and Jaromír Kovářík
Self-rejecting mechanisms pp. 434-457 Downloads
Joao Correia-da-Silva

Volume 119, issue C, 2020

Myopic perception in repeated games pp. 1-14 Downloads
Miguel Aramendia and Quan Wen
The impossibility of strategy-proof, Pareto efficient, and individually rational rules for fractional matching pp. 15-29 Downloads
Samson Alva and Vikram Manjunath
Games played through agents in the laboratory — a test of Prat & Rustichini's model pp. 30-55 Downloads
Ludwig Ensthaler, Steffen Huck and Johannes Leutgeb
Competitive information disclosure by multiple senders pp. 56-78 Downloads
Pak Hung Au and Keiichi Kawai
Agency, potential and contagion pp. 79-97 Downloads
Jonathan Newton and Damian Sercombe
Positive and negative campaigning in primary and general elections pp. 98-104 Downloads
Dan Bernhardt and Meenakshi Ghosh
On the roots of the intrinsic value of decision rights: Experimental evidence pp. 110-122 Downloads
João V. Ferreira, Nobuyuki Hanaki and Benoît Tarroux
The attraction effect and its explanations pp. 123-147 Downloads
Geoffrey Castillo
Rehabilitation and social behavior: Experiments in prison pp. 148-171 Downloads
Loukas Balafoutas, Aurora García-Gallego, Nikolaos Georgantzís, Tarek Jaber-Lopez and Evangelos Mitrokostas
Entry-deterring agency pp. 172-188 Downloads
Simon Loertscher and Andras Niedermayer
Dominance rationality: A unified approach pp. 189-196 Downloads
John Hillas and Dov Samet
Strategic cautiousness as an expression of robustness to ambiguity pp. 197-215 Downloads
Gabriel Ziegler and Peio Zuazo-Garin
Compromise and coordination: An experimental study pp. 216-233 Downloads
Simin He and Jiabin Wu
Learning and payoff externalities in an investment game pp. 234-250 Downloads
Chiara Margaria
When are efficient and fair assignment mechanisms group strategy-proof? pp. 251-266 Downloads
Jun Zhang
The effect of collusion on efficiency in experimental auctions pp. 267-287 Downloads
Charles Noussair and Gyula Seres
Perfect and proper equilibria in large games pp. 288-308 Downloads
Xiang Sun and Yishu Zeng
Rational altruism? On preference estimation and dictator game experiments pp. 309-338 Downloads
Philip D. Grech and Heinrich H. Nax
Present-bias, procrastination and deadlines in a field experiment pp. 339-357 Downloads
Alberto Bisin and Kyle Hyndman
Multilateral interactions improve cooperation under random fluctuations pp. 358-382 Downloads
Jin Li and Michael Powell
Jointly controlled lotteries with biased coins pp. 383-391 Downloads
Eilon Solan, Omri N. Solan and Ron Solan

Volume 118, issue C, 2019

On the topology of the set of Nash equilibria pp. 1-6 Downloads
Dieter Balkenborg and Dries Vermeulen
Tick size, price grids and market performance: Stable matches as a model of market dynamics and equilibrium pp. 7-28 Downloads
Charles Plott, Richard Roll, Han Seo and Hao Zhao
Group targeting under networked synergies pp. 29-46 Downloads
Mohamed Belhaj and Frédéric Deroïan
Endogenous price leadership with an essential input pp. 47-59 Downloads
Paul Madden and Mario Pezzino
Competitive equilibrium as a bargaining solution: An axiomatic approach pp. 60-71 Downloads
Shiri Alon and Ehud Lehrer
Global games with strategic complements and substitutes pp. 72-93 Downloads
Eric J. Hoffmann and Tarun Sabarwal
On comparison of experts pp. 94-109 Downloads
Itay Kavaler and Rann Smorodinsky
Rationalizable strategies in random games pp. 110-125 Downloads
Ting Pei and Satoru Takahashi
Solidarity and efficiency in preference aggregation: A tale of two rules pp. 126-140 Downloads
Stergios Athanasoglou
Farsighted stability in patent licensing: An abstract game approach pp. 141-160 Downloads
Toshiyuki Hirai, Naoki Watanabe and Shigeo Muto
Recognition without replacement in legislative bargaining pp. 161-175 Downloads
Duk Gyoo Kim
The endgame pp. 176-192 Downloads
Anurag N. Banerjee, Sarit Markovich and Giulio Seccia
Lying and reciprocity pp. 193-218 Downloads
Simon Dato, Eberhard Feess and Petra Nieken
Diffusion of multiple information: On information resilience and the power of segregation pp. 219-240 Downloads
Nicole Tabasso
The swing voter's curse in social networks pp. 241-268 Downloads
Berno Buechel and Lydia Mechtenberg
Let me, or let George? Motives of competing altruists pp. 269-283 Downloads
Ted Bergstrom, Rodney Garratt and Greg Leo
Should straw polls be banned? pp. 284-294 Downloads
S. Nageeb Ali and Aislinn Bohren
Information choice in a social learning experiment pp. 295-315 Downloads
John Duffy, Ed Hopkins, Tatiana Kornienko and Mingye Ma
Cooperation through indirect reciprocity: The impact of higher-order history pp. 316-341 Downloads
Binglin Gong and Chun-Lei Yang
Balanced implementability of sequencing rules pp. 342-353 Downloads
Parikshit De and Manipushpak Mitra
Watercooler chat, organizational structure and corporate culture pp. 354-365 Downloads
Jonathan Newton, Andrew Wait and Simon Angus
Unified versus divided enrollment in school choice: Improving student welfare in Chicago pp. 366-373 Downloads
Battal Dogan and M. Bumin Yenmez
Obvious belief elicitation pp. 374-381 Downloads
Elias Tsakas
Group contests with private information and the “Weakest Link” pp. 382-411 Downloads
Stefano Barbieri, Dan Kovenock, David A. Malueg and Iryna Topolyan
Incentive-compatibility, limited liability and costly liquidation in financial contracting pp. 412-433 Downloads
Zhengqing Gui, Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden and Xiaojian Zhao
An introduction to ABED: Agent-based simulation of evolutionary game dynamics pp. 434-462 Downloads
Luis Izquierdo, Segismundo Izquierdo and William Sandholm
A model of pre-electoral coalition formation pp. 463-485 Downloads
Euncheol Shin
A characterization of the symmetrically balanced VCG rule in the queueing problem pp. 486-490 Downloads
Youngsub Chun, Manipushpak Mitra and Suresh Mutuswami
Optimal auctions vs. anonymous pricing pp. 494-510 Downloads
Saeed Alaei, Jason Hartline, Rad Niazadeh, Emmanouil Pountourakis and Yang Yuan
Prior independent mechanisms via prophet inequalities with limited information pp. 511-532 Downloads
Pablo Azar, Robert Kleinberg and S. Matthew Weinberg
Achieving target equilibria in network routing games without knowing the latency functions pp. 533-569 Downloads
Umang Bhaskar, Katrina Ligett, Leonard J. Schulman and Chaitanya Swamy
Perfect Bayesian Equilibria in repeated sales pp. 570-588 Downloads
Nikhil R. Devanur, Yuval Peres and Balasubramanian Sivan
Economic efficiency requires interaction pp. 589-608 Downloads
Shahar Dobzinski, Noam Nisan and Sigal Oren
On the hardness of designing public signals pp. 609-625 Downloads
Shaddin Dughmi
A stable marriage requires communication pp. 626-647 Downloads
Yannai A. Gonczarowski, Noam Nisan, Rafail Ostrovsky and Will Rosenbaum
Welfare maximization with production costs: A primal dual approach pp. 648-667 Downloads
Zhiyi Huang and Anthony Kim
Page updated 2025-03-31