Games and Economic Behavior
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): E. Kalai From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 6, issue 3, 1994
- Auctions with Price-Proportional Benefits to Bidders pp. 339-346

- Engelbrecht-Wiggans Richard
- Fairness in Simple Bargaining Experiments pp. 347-369

- Robert Forsythe, Horowitz Joel L., Savin N. E. and Martin Sefton
- Infinite Histories and Steady Orbits in Repeated Games pp. 370-399

- Itzhak Gilboa and David Schmeidler
- On Strictly Perfect Sets pp. 400-415

- Mathijs Jansen, Jurg A. P. and Peter Borm
- Economies with Land--A Game Theoretical Approach pp. 416-430

- Legut J., Potters J. A. M. and Tijs S. H.
- The Inner Core of an n-Person Game pp. 431-444

- Cheng-Zhong Qin
- A Laboratory Investigation of Multiperson Rationality and Presentation Effects pp. 445-468

- Andrew Schotter, Weigelt Keith and Wilson Charles
- A Note on Strongly Renegotiation-Proof Equilibria pp. 469-473

- Christian Schultz
- Undominated Nash Implementation in Bounded Mechanisms pp. 474-501

- Matthew Jackson, Thomas Palfrey and Srivastava Sanjay
- Implementation in Undominated Nash Equilibria without Integer Games pp. 502-511

- Tomas Sjostrom
- A New Bargaining Set of an N-Person Game and Endogenous Coalition Formation pp. 512-526

- Lin Zhou
Volume 6, issue 2, 1994
- Intraplay Communication in Repeated Games pp. 181-211

- Andreas Blume
- Extensive Coverings and Exact Core Bounds pp. 212-219

- Bondareva O. N. and Driessen T. S. H.
- Strongly Symmetric Subgame Perfect Equilibria in Infinitely Repeated Games with Perfect Monitoring and Discounting pp. 220-237

- Cronshaw Mark B. and Luenberger David G.
- Posterior Efficiency pp. 238-261

- Francoise Forges
- Low Discounting and the Upper Long-Run Average Value in Dynamic Programming pp. 262-282

- Ehud Lehrer and Monderer Dov
- On Nash Equilibrium pp. 283-298

- McClendon J. F.
- Rationalizable Conjectural Equilibrium: Between Nash and Rationalizability pp. 299-311

- Ariel Rubinstein and Asher Wolinsky
- Entry Deterrence and Limit Pricing under Asymmetric Information about Common Costs pp. 312-327

- Hannu Salonen
- Prominence, Symmetry, or Other? pp. 328-332

- Martin Shubik
Volume 6, issue 1, 1994
- An Experimental Analysis of Nash Refinements in Signaling Games pp. 1-31

- Jeffrey Banks, Colin Camerer and David Porter
- Game Theory and Literature pp. 32-54

- Steven Brams
- Continuous Reaction Functions in Duopolies pp. 55-82

- James Friedman and Samuelson Larry
- An Extension of the Folk Theorem with Continuous Reaction Functions pp. 83-96

- James Friedman and Samuelson Larry
- Discounting versus Averaging in Dynamic Programming pp. 97-113

- Ehud Lehrer and Monderer Dov
- A Note on the Implications of Common Knowledge of Rationality pp. 114-129

- Barton Lipman
- Stochastic Dynamic Market Share Attraction Games pp. 130-149

- Monahan George E. and Sobel Matthew J.
- The Shapley Value for n-Person Games in Generalized Characteristic Function Form pp. 150-161

- Andrzej Nowak and Tadeusz Radzik
- Internally Renegotiation-Proof Equilibrium Sets: Limit Behavior with Low Discounting pp. 162-177

- Debraj Ray
Volume 5, issue 4, 1993
- Adaptive Dynamics, Part II pp. 509-513

- Vincent Crawford
- Meaning and Credibility in Cheap-Talk Games pp. 514-531

- Joseph Farrell
- Cheap Talk, Coordination, and Evolutionary Stability pp. 532-546

- Karl Wärneryd
- Evolutionary Stability in Games of Communication pp. 547-575

- Andreas Blume, Kim Yong-Gwan and Joel Sobel
- On the Relationship between Mutation Rates and Growth Rates in a Changing Environment pp. 576-603

- Elchanan Ben-Porath, Eddie Dekel and Aldo Rustichini
- Evolution of Smartn Players pp. 604-617

- Dale Stahl
- Competition and Culture in an Evolutionary Process of Equilibrium Selection: A Simple Example pp. 618-631

- Fernando Vega-Redondo
- Rationalizability, Strong Rationality, and Expectational Stability pp. 632-646

- George Evans and Roger Guesnerie
- The Dynamics of Rational Deliberation, By Brian Skyrms, Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1990. 199 pp., $32.50 pp. 647-651

- Cristina Bicchieri
Volume 5, issue 3, 1993
- Learning Mixed Equilibria pp. 320-367

- Drew Fudenberg and David Kreps
- Three Problems in Learning Mixed-Strategy Nash Equilibria pp. 368-386

- James Jordan
- The Statistical Mechanics of Strategic Interaction pp. 387-424

- Lawrence Blume
- An Evolutionary Analysis of Backward and Forward Induction pp. 425-454

- Georg Nöldeke and Samuelson Larry
- Adjustment Dynamics and Rational Play in Games pp. 455-484

- Jeroen Swinkels
- Asset Markets as an Equilibrium Selection Mechanism: Coordination Failure, Game Form Auctions, and Tacit Communication pp. 485-504

- John van Huyck, Raymond Battalio and Richard Beil
Volume 5, issue 2, 1993
- Fictitious Play: A Statistical Study of Multiple Economic Experiments pp. 205-222

- Boylan Richard T. and Mahmoud El-Gamal
- An Example on Quasi-Zero-Monotonic Games pp. 223-226

- Chang Chih and Hsiaq Fu-Chao
- Optimal Auctions Revisited pp. 227-239

- Engelbrecht-Wiggans Richard
- Shapley Value for Multichoice Cooperative Games, I pp. 240-256

- Chih-Ru Hsiao and Raghavan T. E. S.
- On Licensing Policies in Bertrand Competition pp. 257-267

- Muto Shigeo
- Commitment, Reputation, and Entry Deterrence pp. 268-287

- Carolyn Pitchik
- Bargaining Solutions without the Expected Utility Hypothesis pp. 288-306

- Safra Zvi and Itzhak Zilcha
- Stability and Perfection of Nash Equilibria, 2nd, Revised and Enlarged Edition, By Eric van Damme, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1991 pp. 307-310

- Inkoo Cho
Volume 5, issue 1, 1993
- Game-Theoretic Models of Politics pp. 1-2

- Jeffrey Banks and Roger Myerson
- Interested Experts and Policy Advice: Multiple Referrals under Open Rule pp. 3-43

- Austen-Smith David
- A Signaling Theory of Congressional Oversight pp. 44-70

- Cameron Charles M. and B. Rosendorff
- The Impact of Reelection Pressures on the Fulfillment of Campaign Promises pp. 71-97

- Joseph Harrington
- Information Revelation in Repeated Delegation pp. 98-117

- Patrick Legros
- Effectiveness of Electoral Systems for Reducing Government Corruption: A Game-Theoretic Analysis pp. 118-132

- Roger Myerson
- Candidate Positioning and Entry in a Political Competition pp. 133-151

- Martin Osborne
- The Theory of Voting and Equilibria in Noncooperative Games pp. 152-169

- Birgitte Sloth
- Weighted Voting, Multicameral Representation, and Power pp. 170-181

- Taylor Alan and Zwicker William
- The Bipartisan Set of a Tournament Game pp. 182-201

- Laffond G., Jean-François Laslier and Le Breton M.
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