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Games and Economic Behavior

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): E. Kalai

From Elsevier
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Volume 77, issue 1, 2013

Optimal allocation without transfer payments pp. 1-20 Downloads
Surajeet Chakravarty and Todd Kaplan
Admissibility and event-rationality pp. 21-40 Downloads
Paulo Barelli and Spyros Galanis
Gift exchange and the separation of ownership and control pp. 41-60 Downloads
Sandra Maximiano, Randolph Sloof and Joep Sonnemans
Brothers in arms – An experiment on the alliance puzzle pp. 61-76 Downloads
Changxia Ke, Kai Konrad and Florian Morath
Coordinating adoption decisions under externalities and incomplete information pp. 77-89 Downloads
Masaki Aoyagi
Choice by sequential procedures pp. 90-99 Downloads
Jose Apesteguia and Miguel Ballester
Unawareness, beliefs, and speculative trade pp. 100-121 Downloads
Aviad Heifetz, Martin Meier and Burkhard Schipper
Enforcement of contribution norms in public good games with heterogeneous populations pp. 122-137 Downloads
Ernesto Reuben and Arno Riedl
To err is human: Implementation in quantal response equilibria pp. 138-152 Downloads
Norovsambuu Tumennasan
The communication burden of payment determination pp. 153-167 Downloads
Moshe Babaioff, Liad Blumrosen and Michael Schapira
Minimax play by teams pp. 168-180 Downloads
Yoshitaka Okano
Why canʼt a woman bid more like a man? pp. 181-213 Downloads
Yan Chen, Peter Katuscak and Emre Ozdenoren
Bribing in first-price auctions pp. 214-228 Downloads
Shiran Rachmilevitch
The effect of link costs on simple buyer–seller networks pp. 229-246 Downloads
Gönül Doğan, Marcel van Assen and Jan Potters
Auctions with a profit sharing contract pp. 247-270 Downloads
Vineet Abhishek, Bruce Hajek and Steven R. Williams
Legitimate punishment, feedback, and the enforcement of cooperation pp. 271-283 Downloads
Marco Faillo, Daniela Grieco and Luca Zarri
Truth, justice, and cake cutting pp. 284-297 Downloads
Yiling Chen, John K. Lai, David C. Parkes and Ariel D. Procaccia
Reversibility in dynamic coordination problems pp. 298-320 Downloads
Eugen Kovac and Jakub Steiner
Profit-seeking punishment corrupts norm obedience pp. 321-344 Downloads
Erte Xiao
Optimal value commitment in bilateral bargaining pp. 345-351 Downloads
Volker Britz
Optimism, delay and (in)efficiency in a stochastic model of bargaining pp. 352-366 Downloads
Juan Ortner
Robustness of intermediate agreements and bargaining solutions pp. 367-376 Downloads
Nejat Anbarci and Ching-jen Sun
Multi-task incentive contract and performance measurement with multidimensional types pp. 377-404 Downloads
Dawen Meng and Guoqiang Tian

Volume 76, issue 2, 2012

On price taking behavior in a nonrenewable resource cartel–fringe game pp. 355-374 Downloads
Hassan Benchekroun and Cees Withagen
Justifiable choice pp. 375-390 Downloads
Yuval Heller
On dynamic compromise pp. 391-419 Downloads
T. Renee Bowen and Zaki Zahran
Smooth multibidding mechanisms pp. 420-438 Downloads
David Perez-Castrillo and Nicolas Querou
Side-communication yields efficiency of ascending auctions: The two-items case pp. 439-456 Downloads
Ron Lavi and Sigal Oren
Digit ratios, the menstrual cycle and social preferences pp. 457-470 Downloads
Thomas Buser
Modelling change in individual characteristics: An axiomatic framework pp. 471-494 Downloads
Franz Dietrich
Bargaining with random implementation: An experimental study pp. 495-514 Downloads
Nejat Anbarci and Nick Feltovich
Coordination need not be a problem pp. 519-534 Downloads
Prajit K. Dutta
Endogenous information and stochastic contracts pp. 535-547 Downloads
Stefan Terstiege
Social norms and trust among strangers pp. 548-555 Downloads
Huan Xie and Yong-Ju Lee
The probability of nontrivial common knowledge pp. 556-570 Downloads
Andrea Collevecchio and Marco LiCalzi
A folk theorem for repeated games with unequal discounting pp. 571-581 Downloads
Bo Chen and Satoru Takahashi
When does aggregation reduce risk aversion? pp. 582-595 Downloads
Christopher Chambers and Federico Echenique
Alternating-offer games with final-offer arbitration pp. 596-610 Downloads
Kang Rong
Efficiency and synergy in a multi-unit auction with and without package bidding: An experimental study pp. 611-635 Downloads
Kirill Chernomaz and Dan Levin
Optimal collusion under imperfect monitoring in multimarket contact pp. 636-647 Downloads
Hajime Kobayashi and Katsunori Ohta
Jump bidding and overconcentration in decentralized simultaneous ascending auctions pp. 648-664 Downloads
Charles Zheng
Consistency of the Harsanyi NTU configuration value pp. 665-677 Downloads
M.A. Hinojosa, E. Romero and José Zarzuelo
Deconstruction and reconstruction of an anomaly pp. 678-689 Downloads
Dirk Engelmann and Martin Strobel
On the effects of joint bidding in independent private value auctions: An experimental study pp. 690-710 Downloads
Kirill Chernomaz
A folk theorem for repeated games played on a network pp. 711-737 Downloads
Marie Laclau
Pragmatic languages with universal grammars pp. 738-752 Downloads
Penelope Hernandez, Amparo Urbano and Jose Vila
Representing equilibrium aggregates in aggregate games with applications to common agency pp. 753-772 Downloads
David Martimort and Lars Stole

Volume 76, issue 1, 2012

Completely uncoupled dynamics and Nash equilibria pp. 1-14 Downloads
Yakov Babichenko
Limited liability and mechanism design in procurement pp. 15-25 Downloads
Roberto Burguet, Juan-José Ganuza and Esther Hauk
Communication and efficiency in competitive coordination games pp. 26-43 Downloads
Timothy Cason, Roman Sheremeta and Jingjing Zhang
Learning in experimental 2×2 games pp. 44-73 Downloads
Thorsten Chmura, Sebastian Goerg and Reinhard Selten
Correlated equilibrium and higher order beliefs about play pp. 74-87 Downloads
Songzi Du
Unbeatable imitation pp. 88-96 Downloads
Peter Duersch, Jörg Oechssler and Burkhard Schipper
Equilibrium selection in static and dynamic entry games pp. 97-116 Downloads
John Duffy and Jack Ochs
Social framing effects: Preferences or beliefs? pp. 117-130 Downloads
Tore Ellingsen, Magnus Johannesson, Johanna Mollerstrom and Sara Munkhammar
Explaining deviations from equilibrium in auctions with avoidable fixed costs pp. 131-159 Downloads
Wedad J. Elmaghraby and Nathan Larson
New characterizations for largeness of the core pp. 160-180 Downloads
Arantza Estévez-Fernández
Incorporating unawareness into contract theory pp. 181-194 Downloads
Emel Filiz-Ozbay
Competition fosters trust pp. 195-209 Downloads
Steffen Huck, Gabriele K. Lünser and Jean-Robert Tyran
Non-Bayesian social learning pp. 210-225 Downloads
Ali Jadbabaie, Pooya Molavi, Alvaro Sandroni and Alireza Tahbaz-Salehi
Favoritism in asymmetric contests: Head starts and handicaps pp. 226-248 Downloads
Rene Kirkegaard
Political competition between differentiated candidates pp. 249-271 Downloads
Stefan Krasa and Mattias K Polborn
Efficiency and stochastic stability in normal form games pp. 272-284 Downloads
Priscilla Man
Strategy-proof partitioning pp. 285-300 Downloads
Debasis Mishra and Souvik Roy
Competing conventions pp. 301-328 Downloads
Philip R. Neary
Existence, incentive compatibility and efficiency of the rational expectations equilibrium pp. 329-339 Downloads
Yeneng Sun, Lei Wu and Nicholas C. Yannelis
A correction to “Large games and the law of large numbers” [Games Econom. Behav. 64 (2008) 1–34] pp. 340-343 Downloads
Juha Tolvanen and Elefterios Soultanis
Efficiency and collusion neutrality in cooperative games and networks pp. 344-348 Downloads
Rene van den Brink
Characterization of the von Neumann–Morgenstern stable set in a non-cooperative model of dynamic policy-making with a persistent agenda setter pp. 349-353 Downloads
Daniel Diermeier and Pohan Fong
Page updated 2025-03-31