Games and Economic Behavior
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): E. Kalai
From Elsevier
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Volume 74, issue 2, 2012
- The Hotelling–Downs model with runoff voting pp. 447-469

- Sandro Brusco, Marcin Dziubiński and Jaideep Roy
- Buyer groups as strategic commitments pp. 470-485

- James Dana
- Multi-unit auctions with budget limits pp. 486-503

- Shahar Dobzinski, Ron Lavi and Noam Nisan
- Voluntarily separable repeated Prisonerʼs Dilemma with reference letters pp. 504-516

- Takako Fujiwara-Greve, Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara and Nobue Suzuki
- How common are common priors? pp. 517-525

- Ziv Hellman and Dov Samet
- All-pay war pp. 526-540

- Roland Hodler and Hadi Yektas
- Authority and communication in the laboratory pp. 541-560

- Ernest K. Lai and Wooyoung Lim
- Optimal auctions with asymmetric financial externalities pp. 561-575

- Jingfeng Lu
- When too little is as good as nothing at all: Rationing a disposable good among satiable people with acceptance thresholds pp. 576-587

- Vikram Manjunath
- On the invariance of the set of Core matchings with respect to preference profiles pp. 588-600

- Ruth Martínez, Jordi Masso, Alejandro Neme and Jorge Oviedo
- Learning across games pp. 601-619

- Friederike Mengel
- Learning to bid: The design of auctions under uncertainty and adaptation pp. 620-636

- Thomas Noe, Michael Rebello and Jun Wang
- Non-bidding equilibrium in an ascending core-selecting auction pp. 637-650

- Ryuji Sano
- The (sub-)optimality of the majority rule pp. 651-665

- Patrick Schmitz and Thomas Tröger
- Optimal auctions with information acquisition pp. 666-686

- Xianwen Shi
- On the accessibility of core-extensions pp. 687-698

- Yi-You Yang
- A near Pareto optimal auction with budget constraints pp. 699-708

- Isa Hafalir, R. Ravi and Amin Sayedi
- Existence of valuation equilibria when equilibrium strategies cannot differentiate between equal ties pp. 709-713

- Philipp Wichardt
Volume 74, issue 1, 2012
- Property rights and investments: An evolutionary approach pp. 1-11

- Luciano Andreozzi
- Behavioral spillovers and cognitive load in multiple games: An experimental study pp. 12-31

- Jenna Bednar, Yan Chen, Tracy Liu and Scott Page
- Raising juveniles pp. 32-51

- Clive Bell, Hans Gersbach and Maik Schneider
- Priorities in the location of multiple public facilities pp. 52-67

- Olivier Bochet and Sidartha Gordon
- The collective action problem: Within-group cooperation and between-group competition in a repeated rent-seeking game pp. 68-82

- Guillaume Cheikbossian
- Dynamic coordination with individual learning pp. 83-101

- Amil Dasgupta, Jakub Steiner and Colin Stewart
- Signaling without a common prior: Results on experimental equilibrium selection pp. 102-119

- Michalis Drouvelis, Wieland Müller and Alex Possajennikov
- Minimum cost arborescences pp. 120-143

- Bhaskar Dutta and Debasis Mishra
- Bargaining with revoking costs pp. 144-153

- Rohan Dutta
- Nash implementation with partially honest individuals pp. 154-169

- Bhaskar Dutta and Arunava Sen
- When less is more: Rationing and rent dissipation in stochastic contests pp. 170-183

- Marco Faravelli and Luca Stanca
- Iterated regret minimization: A new solution concept pp. 184-207

- Joseph Halpern and Rafael Pass
- Between-game rule learning in dissimilar symmetric normal-form games pp. 208-221

- Ernan Haruvy and Dale Stahl
- Communication, correlation and cheap-talk in games with public information pp. 222-234

- Yuval Heller, Eilon Solan and Tristan Tomala
- Stochastic games with information lag pp. 243-256

- Yehuda Levy
- The fragility of information aggregation in large elections pp. 257-268

- Michael Mandler
- Dynamic group formation in the repeated prisonerʼs dilemma pp. 269-284

- Toshimasa Maruta and Akira Okada
- Whom do you distrust and how much does it cost? An experiment on the measurement of trust pp. 285-298

- Bill McEvily, Joseph R. Radzevick and Roberto Weber
- Transplant quality and patientsʼ preferences in paired kidney exchange pp. 299-310

- Antonio Nicolo' and Carmelo Rodriguez-Alvarez
- Equilibrium selection and the dynamic evolution of preferences pp. 311-320

- Thomas Norman
- On the strategic impact of an event under non-common priors pp. 321-331

- Daisuke Oyama and Olivier Tercieux
- The strategic value of recall pp. 332-351

- Ron Peretz
- The value of information in a principal–agent model with moral hazard: The ex post contracting case pp. 352-365

- Randy Silvers
- Out-of-equilibrium performance of three Lindahl mechanisms: Experimental evidence pp. 366-381

- Matthew Van Essen, Natalia Lazzati and Mark Walker
- Robustness against indirect invasions pp. 382-393

- Matthijs van Veelen
- Group robust stability in matching markets pp. 394-398

- Mustafa Afacan
- The Herodotus paradox pp. 399-406

- Michael Baye, Dan Kovenock and Casper de Vries
- Bargaining with endogenous disagreement: The extended Kalai–Smorodinsky solution pp. 407-417

- Irem Bozbay, Franz Dietrich and Hans Peters
- Ex-post stability of Bayes–Nash equilibria of large games pp. 418-430

- Guilherme Carmona and Konrad Podczeck
- Linear efficient and symmetric values for TU-games: Sharing the joint gain of cooperation pp. 431-433

- Célestin Nembua
- Multiple equilibria and limit cycles in evolutionary games with Logit Dynamics pp. 434-441

- Cars Hommes and Marius I. Ochea
- Agreeing to agree with uncountable information structures pp. 442-446

- Siyang Xiong