Games and Economic Behavior
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): E. Kalai
From Elsevier
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Volume 37, issue 2, 2001
- Prices in Mixed Cost Allocation Problems pp. 243-258

- Emilio Calvo Ramón and Juan Carlos Santos
- A Bayesian Model of Voting in Juries pp. 259-294

- John Duggan and Cesar Martinelli
- Monotone Games with Positive Spillovers pp. 295-320

- Douglas Gale
- Alternative Semantics for Unawareness pp. 321-339

- Joseph Halpern
- A Behavioral Learning Process in Games pp. 340-366

- Jean-François Laslier, Richard Topol and Bernard Walliser
- Maximal Domain of Preferences in the Division Problem pp. 367-387

- Jordi Masso and Alejandro Neme
- Player Types and Self-Impression Management in Dictatorship Games: Two Experiments pp. 388-414

- John Murnighan, John M. Oesch and Madan Pillutla
- Game Theory via Revealed Preferences pp. 415-424

- Indrajit Ray and Lin Zhou
- Substantive Rationality and Backward Induction pp. 425-435

- Joseph Halpern
- Coalition Formation and Potential Games pp. 436-448

- Marco Slikker
Volume 37, issue 1, 2001
- Adaptive Learning versus Punishment in Ultimatum Bargaining pp. 1-25

- Klaus Abbink, Gary Bolton, Abdolkarim Sadrieh and Fang-Fang Tang
- Large Nonanonymous Repeated Games pp. 26-39

- Nabil I. Al-Najjar and Rann Smorodinsky
- Voting for Voters: A Model of Electoral Evolution pp. 40-78

- Salvador Barberà, M. Maschler and Jonathan Shalev
- Evolution of Communication with Partial Common Interest pp. 79-120

- Andreas Blume, Douglas V. DeJong, Yong-Gwan Kim and Geoffrey B. Sprinkle
- On Money Pumps pp. 121-160

- Robin Cubitt and Robert Sugden
- The Relevance of Equal Splits in Ultimatum Games pp. 161-169

- Werner Guth, Steffen Huck and Wieland Müller
- Perfect Equilibria in a Model of Bargaining with Arbitration pp. 170-195

- Paola Manzini and Marco Mariotti
- Manipulation of Preferences and Relative Utilitarianism pp. 196-215

- Joel Sobel
- Cooperation, Secret Handshakes, and Imitation in the Prisoners' Dilemma pp. 216-242

- Thomas Wiseman and Okan Yilankaya
Volume 36, issue 2, 2001
- Cycles of Aggregate Behavior in Theory and Experiment pp. 105-137

- Antoni Bosch-Domènech and Maria Saez-Marti
- Reference Points and Negative Reciprocity in Simple Sequential Games pp. 138-157

- Jordi Brandts and Carles Sola
- Debates and Decisions: On a Rationale of Argumentation Rules pp. 158-173

- Jacob Glazer and Ariel Rubinstein
- Average Monotonic Cooperative Games pp. 174-192

- Josep M. Izquierdo and Carles Rafels
- Epsilon Cores of Games with Limited Side Payments: Nonemptiness and Equal Treatment pp. 193-218

- Alexander Kovalenkov and Myrna Wooders
- Optimality and Robustness of the English Auction pp. 219-240

- Giuseppe (Pino) Lopomo
- Some Surprising Properties of Power Indices pp. 241-263

- Donald G. Saari and Katri K. Sieberg
- Cooperation in an Overlapping Generations Experiment pp. 264-275

- Theo Offerman, Jan Potters and Harrie A. A. Verbon
Volume 36, issue 1, 2001
- In Memoriam: John C. Harsanyi 1920-2000 pp. 1-1

- Ehud Kalai
- Eulogy to My Father: John C. Harsanyi, 1920-2000 pp. 2-4

- Tom Harsanyi
- In Memoriam: John C. Harsanyi pp. 5-6

- Kenneth Arrow
- Harsanyi's Sweater pp. 7-8

- Robert Aumann
- Creativity and Acclaim pp. 9-10

- Ken Binmore
- Sociological Thinking pp. 11-11

- Laszlo Cseh-Szombathy
- Homage from a Student pp. 12-12

- Mary Macgregor
- My Encounters with John Harsanyi pp. 13-14

- Michael Maschler
- Achievement Against Odds pp. 15-18

- C. Bart McGuire
- Harsanyi's Intellectual Legacy pp. 19-19

- Simona Morini
- Learning Game Theory from John Harsanyi pp. 20-25

- Roger Myerson
- A Friend and Colleague pp. 26-27

- Nelson N. Polsby
- A Personal Tribute to John Harsanyi pp. 28-29

- Paul Samuelson
- A Letter to the Editor pp. 30-30

- Tibor Scitovsky
- John C. Harsanyi, System Builder and Conceptual Innovator pp. 31-46

- Reinhard Selten
- Postscript pp. 47-50

- Reinhard Selten
- Branching Time, Perfect Information Games, and Backward Induction pp. 57-73

- Giacomo Bonanno
- Sequential Auctions of Endogenously Valued Objects pp. 74-103

- Ian L. Gale and Mark Stegeman
Volume 35, issue 1-2, 2001
- Economics and Artificial Intelligence pp. 1-5

- Dov Monderer, Moshe Tennenholtz and Hal Varian
- Coordinated Action in the Electronic Mail Game pp. 6-30

- Ken Binmore and Larry Samuelson
- Probability Logic for Type Spaces pp. 31-53

- Aviad Heifetz and Philippe Mongin
- Expected Qualitative Utility Maximization pp. 54-79

- Daniel Lehmann
- Learning in Network Contexts: Experimental Results from Simulations pp. 80-123

- Amy Greenwald, Eric J. Friedman and Scott Shenker
- Multiagent Cooperative Search for Portfolio Selection pp. 124-165

- David C. Parkes and Bernardo A. Huberman
- Algorithmic Mechanism Design pp. 166-196

- Noam Nisan and Amir Ronen
- On Rational Computability and Communication Complexity pp. 197-211

- Yoav Shoham and Moshe Tennenholtz
- Leveled Commitment Contracts and Strategic Breach pp. 212-270

- Tuomas W. Sandholm and Victor R. Lesser
- Auction Protocols for Decentralized Scheduling pp. 271-303

- Michael Wellman, William E. Walsh, Peter R. Wurman and Jeffrey Mackie-Mason
- A Parametrization of the Auction Design Space pp. 304-338

- Peter R. Wurman, Michael Wellman and William E. Walsh
- Equilibria in Automated Interactions pp. 339-348

- Nir Vulkan