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Games and Economic Behavior

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): E. Kalai

From Elsevier
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Volume 66, issue 2, 2009

In memoriam: David Gale (1921-2008) pp. 581-581 Downloads
Joel Sobel and Bernhard von Stengel
The Berkeley Memorial pp. 582-593 Downloads
Alan Weinstein, Harold Kuhn, Leo A. Goodman, Daniel McFadden, Joel Sobel, Ilan Adler, Jacob Feldman, Ahmet Alkan, Katharine Gale, Elizabeth Dunning, Samara Watkiss, Roger Gilbert, Jonathan Birt, Graham Ingham and Sandra M. Gilbert
David Gale in Paris pp. 594-597 Downloads
Michel Balinski, Rida Laraki and Sylvain Sorin
The Galetron pp. 598-598 Downloads
Elwyn Berlekamp
More Gale Tales pp. 599-599 Downloads
William Brock
Sex and the mathematician: The High School Prom Theorem pp. 600-600 Downloads
Martin Davis
David in Paris pp. 601-602 Downloads
Gabrielle Demange
Two lemmas that changed general equilibrium theory pp. 603-605 Downloads
Monique Florenzano
My memories of David Gale pp. 606-606 Downloads
Richard Karp
Equilibrium and optimality: Some imprints of David Gale pp. 607-626 Downloads
Mukul Majumdar
Gale at Princeton pp. 627-627 Downloads
John Nash
Remembering David Gale pp. 628-629 Downloads
Robert Osserman
My introduction to top-trading cycles pp. 630-631 Downloads
Herbert Scarf
ReGale: Some memorable results pp. 632-642 Downloads
Joel Sobel
My encounters with David Gale pp. 643-646 Downloads
Marilda Sotomayor
Topological games at Princeton, a mathematical memoir pp. 647-656 Downloads
David Gale
Mechanisms for a spatially distributed market pp. 660-684 Downloads
Moshe Babaioff, Noam Nisan and Elan Pavlov
On the benefits of party competition pp. 685-707 Downloads
Dan Bernhardt, Larissa Campuzano, Francesco Squintani and Odilon Câmara
Commitment and observability in a contracting environment pp. 708-720 Downloads
V Bhaskar
Correlated equilibria, incomplete information and coalitional deviations pp. 721-728 Downloads
Francis Bloch and Bhaskar Dutta
All equilibria of the multi-unit Vickrey auction pp. 729-741 Downloads
Andreas Blume, Paul Heidhues, Jonathan Lafky, Johannes Münster and Meixia Zhang
The aggregate-monotonic core pp. 742-748 Downloads
Pedro Calleja, Carles Rafels and Stef Tijs
Existence of equilibrium in common agency games with adverse selection pp. 749-760 Downloads
Guilherme Carmona and José Fajardo
Endogenous games and equilibrium adoption of social norms and ethical constraints pp. 761-774 Downloads
John Conley and William Neilson
Undominated (and) perfect equilibria in Poisson games pp. 775-784 Downloads
Francesco De Sinopoli and Carlos Pimienta
Cooperative behavior and the frequency of social interaction pp. 785-812 Downloads
John Duffy and Jack Ochs
Equilibrium vengeance pp. 813-829 Downloads
Daniel Friedman and Nirvikar Singh
When curiosity kills the profits: An experimental examination pp. 830-840 Downloads
Julian Jamison and Dean Karlan
Repeated signaling games pp. 841-854 Downloads
Ayça Kaya
Auctions in which losers set the price pp. 855-864 Downloads
Claudio Mezzetti and Ilia Tsetlin
Rapid evolution under inertia pp. 865-879 Downloads
Thomas Norman
A general impossibility result on strategy-proof social choice hyperfunctions pp. 880-892 Downloads
Selcuk Ozyurt and Remzi Sanver
Costly risk verification without commitment in competitive insurance markets pp. 893-919 Downloads
Pierre Picard
Generic determinacy of Nash equilibrium in network-formation games pp. 920-927 Downloads
Carlos Pimienta
Budget-constrained sequential auctions with incomplete information pp. 928-949 Downloads
Carolyn Pitchik
A general structure theorem for the Nash equilibrium correspondence pp. 950-958 Downloads
Arkadi Predtetchinski
Strategic complementarities and search market equilibrium pp. 959-978 Downloads
Michael Rauh
Informational externalities and emergence of consensus pp. 979-994 Downloads
Dinah Rosenberg, Eilon Solan and Nicolas Vieille
Approachability with bounded memory pp. 995-1004 Downloads
Ehud Lehrer and Eilon Solan

Volume 66, issue 1, 2009

Price and capacity competition pp. 1-26 Downloads
Daron Acemoglu, Kostas Bimpikis and Asuman Ozdaglar
Non-hyperbolic time inconsistency pp. 27-38 Downloads
Han Bleichrodt, Kirsten Rohde and Peter Wakker
Communication networks with endogenous link strength pp. 39-56 Downloads
Francis Bloch and Bhaskar Dutta
Disputed lands pp. 57-77 Downloads
Marco Dall'Aglio and Fabio Maccheroni
Bargaining over bets pp. 78-97 Downloads
Kfir Eliaz and Ran Spiegler
Random matching in adaptive dynamics pp. 98-114 Downloads
Glenn Ellison, Drew Fudenberg and Lorens A. Imhof
Efficient graph topologies in network routing games pp. 115-125 Downloads
Amir Epstein, Michal Feldman and Yishay Mansour
Repeated games with voluntary information purchase pp. 126-145 Downloads
János Flesch and Andrés Perea
The beauty of "bigness": On optimal design of multi-winner contests pp. 146-161 Downloads
Qiang Fu and Jingfeng Lu
Tournaments with midterm reviews pp. 162-190 Downloads
Alex Gershkov and Motty Perry
Deterministic approximation of best-response dynamics for the Matching Pennies game pp. 191-201 Downloads
Ziv Gorodeisky
Cooperation in viscous populations--Experimental evidence pp. 202-220 Downloads
Veronika Grimm and Friederike Mengel
Implementing efficient multi-object auction institutions: An experimental study of the performance of boundedly rational agents pp. 221-237 Downloads
John Kagel and Dan Levin
Equilibrium refinement vs. level-k analysis: An experimental study of cheap-talk games with private information pp. 238-255 Downloads
Toshiji Kawagoe and Hirokazu Takizawa
Multi-battle contests pp. 256-274 Downloads
Kai Konrad and Dan Kovenock
Is mandatory voting better than voluntary voting? pp. 275-291 Downloads
Stefan Krasa and Mattias K Polborn
Switching costs in infinitely repeated games pp. 292-314 Downloads
Barton Lipman and Ruqu Wang
Approachability in repeated games: Computational aspects and a Stackelberg variant pp. 315-325 Downloads
Shie Mannor and John N. Tsitsiklis
Multi-item Vickrey-Dutch auctions pp. 326-347 Downloads
Debasis Mishra and David C. Parkes
Network architecture and traffic flows: Experiments on the Pigou-Knight-Downs and Braess Paradoxes pp. 348-372 Downloads
John Morgan, Henrik Orzen and Martin Sefton
Oligopoly limit-pricing in the lab pp. 373-393 Downloads
Wieland Müller, Yossi Spiegel and Yaron Yehezkel
A theory of kindness, reluctance, and shame for social preferences pp. 394-403 Downloads
William Neilson
Growth of strategy sets, entropy, and nonstationary bounded recall pp. 404-425 Downloads
Abraham Neyman and Daijiro Okada
The game motoneurons play pp. 426-461 Downloads
Irit Nowik
Strategic basins of attraction, the path dominance core, and network formation games pp. 462-487 Downloads
Frank Page and Myrna Wooders
Commitment games pp. 488-505 Downloads
Ludovic Renou
Communication, cooperation and collusion in team tournaments--An experimental study pp. 506-525 Downloads
Matthias Sutter and Christina Strassmair
Implementation in economies with non-convex production technologies unknown to the designer pp. 526-545 Downloads
Guoqiang Tian
Random assignment under weak preferences pp. 546-558 Downloads
Özgür Yılmaz
Sequential coalition formation and the core in the presence of externalities pp. 559-565 Downloads
László Kóczy
Hiring mechanisms, application costs and stability pp. 566-575 Downloads
Matteo Triossi
Page updated 2025-03-31