Games and Economic Behavior
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): E. Kalai From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 69, issue 2, 2010
- Present-bias, quasi-hyperbolic discounting, and fixed costs pp. 205-223

- Jess Benhabib, Alberto Bisin and Andrew Schotter
- On obligation rules for minimum cost spanning tree problems pp. 224-237

- Gustavo Bergantiños and Anirban Kar
- Sharing a minimal cost spanning tree: Beyond the Folk solution pp. 238-248

- Anna Bogomolnaia and Herve Moulin
- Altruism and social integration pp. 249-257

- Pablo Brañas-Garza, Ramon Cobo-Reyes, Maria Paz Espinosa, Natalia Jiménez, Jaromír Kovářík and Giovanni Ponti
- Equilibria in first price auctions with participation costs pp. 258-273

- Xiaoyong Cao and Guoqiang Tian
- Gaining power through enlargement: Strategic foundations and experimental evidence pp. 274-292

- Michalis Drouvelis, Maria Montero and Martin Sefton
- Social interaction, co-worker altruism, and incentives pp. 293-301

- Robert Dur and Joeri Sol
- Manipulation via capacities revisited pp. 302-311

- Lars Ehlers
- Optimal incentive contracts under inequity aversion pp. 312-328

- Florian Englmaier and Achim Wambach
- Minority voting and long-term decisions pp. 329-345

- Theresa Fahrenberger and Hans Gersbach
- Fairness and desert in tournaments pp. 346-364

- David Gill and Rebecca Stone
- Unravelling in two-sided matching markets and similarity of preferences pp. 365-393

- Hanna Halaburda
- Minority-proof cheap-talk protocol pp. 394-400

- Yuval Heller
- Flexible network rules for identified externalities pp. 401-410

- Noemí Navarro
- Status quo bias, multiple priors and uncertainty aversion pp. 411-424

- Pietro Ortoleva
- House allocation with existing tenants: A characterization pp. 425-445

- Tayfun Sönmez and Utku Unver
- Leadership games with convex strategy sets pp. 446-457

- Bernhard von Stengel and Shmuel Zamir
- Why income comparison is rational pp. 458-474

- David H. Wolpert
- The probabilistic serial mechanism with private endowments pp. 475-491

- Özgür Yılmaz
- Costly network formation and regular equilibria pp. 492-497

- Francesco De Sinopoli and Carlos Pimienta
- A theory of hung juries and informative voting pp. 498-502

- Fuhito Kojima and Yuki Takagi
- Too much investment? A problem of endogenous outside options pp. 503-511

- David de Meza and Ben Lockwood
- Follower payoffs in symmetric duopoly games pp. 512-516

- Bernhard von Stengel
- Annick Laruelle and Federico Valenciano, Voting and Collective Decision Making: Bargaining and Power, Cambridge University Press (2008) 184 pages pp. 517-522

- William S. Zwicker
Volume 69, issue 1, 2010
- A celebration of Robert Aumann's achievements on the occasion of his 80th birthday pp. 1-1

- Pradeep Dubey, Eric Maskin and Yair Tauman
- Location choice in two-sided markets with indivisible agents pp. 2-23

- Robert M. Anderson, Glenn Ellison and Drew Fudenberg
- Split-award procurement auctions with uncertain scale economies: Theory and data pp. 24-41

- James Anton, Sandro Brusco and Giuseppe (Pino) Lopomo
- Price dynamics on a stock market with asymmetric information pp. 42-71

- Bernard De Meyer
- Grading exams: 100,99,98,... or A,B,C? pp. 72-94

- Pradeep Dubey and John Geanakoplos
- Ability and knowledge pp. 95-106

- Olivier Gossner
- How long to equilibrium? The communication complexity of uncoupled equilibrium procedures pp. 107-126

- Sergiu Hart and Yishay Mansour
- A commitment folk theorem pp. 127-137

- Adam Tauman Kalai, Ehud Kalai, Ehud Lehrer and Dov Samet
- Simple collusive agreements in one-shot first-price auctions pp. 138-149

- Gil Kivetz and Yair Tauman
- The singleton core in the college admissions problem and its application to the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) pp. 150-164

- Jinpeng Ma
- Complexity and effective prediction pp. 165-168

- Abraham Neyman and Joel Spencer
- Agreeing to disagree: The non-probabilistic case pp. 169-174

- Dov Samet
- The relationship between quantum and classical correlation in games pp. 175-183

- Adam Brandenburger
- All-stage strong correlated equilibrium pp. 184-188

- Yuval Heller
- A difficulty in implementing correlated equilibrium distributions pp. 189-193

- Anirban Kar, Indrajit Ray and Roberto Serrano
- On the accessibility of the core pp. 194-199

- Yi-You Yang
Volume 68, issue 2, 2010
- The logit-response dynamics pp. 413-427

- Carlos Alós-Ferrer and Nick Netzer
- Constrainedly fair job assignments under minimum wages pp. 428-442

- Tommy Andersson, Lars-Gunnar Svensson and Zaifu Yang
- Preference reversals: The impact of truth-revealing monetary incentives pp. 443-468

- Joyce E. Berg, John Dickhaut and Thomas A. Rietz
- Peace agreements without commitment pp. 469-487

- Carmen Bevia and Luis Corchon
- Cognitive forward induction and coordination without common knowledge: An experimental study pp. 488-511

- Andreas Blume and Uri Gneezy
- On effectivity functions of game forms pp. 512-531

- Endre Boros, Khaled Elbassioni, Vladimir Gurvich and Kazuhisa Makino
- Clock games: Theory and experiments pp. 532-550

- Markus Brunnermeier and John Morgan
- On the conjunction fallacy in probability judgment: New experimental evidence regarding Linda pp. 551-556

- Gary Charness, Edi Karni and Dan Levin
- Multi-object auctions with package bidding: An experimental comparison of Vickrey and iBEA pp. 557-579

- Yan Chen and Kan Takeuchi
- Sharing information in Web communities pp. 580-601

- Gabrielle Demange
- Partial exposure in large games pp. 602-613

- Ronen Gradwohl and Omer Reingold
- Self-serving interpretations of ambiguity in other-regarding behavior pp. 614-625

- Emily C. Haisley and Roberto Weber
- The average tree solution for cooperative games with communication structure pp. 626-633

- P. Jean-Jacques Herings, Gerard van der Laan, Adolphus Talman and Zaifu Yang
- Multi-dimensional reference-dependent preferences in sealed-bid auctions - How (most) laboratory experiments differ from the field pp. 634-645

- Andreas Lange and Anmol Ratan
- Optimal collusion with internal contracting pp. 646-669

- Gea M. Lee
- Signaling and mediation in games with common interests pp. 670-682

- Ehud Lehrer, Dinah Rosenberg and Eran Shmaya
- Simple complexity from imitation games pp. 683-688

- Andrew McLennan and Rabee Tourky
- Feedback, punishment and cooperation in public good experiments pp. 689-702

- Nikos Nikiforakis
- Contests with three or more heterogeneous agents pp. 703-715

- Sérgio O. Parreiras and Anna Rubinchik
- Meaningful learning and transfer of learning in games played repeatedly without feedback pp. 716-730

- Scott Rick and Roberto Weber
- Experimental comparison of multi-stage and one-stage contests pp. 731-747

- Roman Sheremeta
- Bilateral matching and bargaining with private information pp. 748-762

- Artyom Shneyerov and Chi Leung Wong
- On the uniqueness of Groves mechanisms and the payoff equivalence principle pp. 763-772

- Juan Carlos Carbajal
- Matching with preferences over colleagues solves classical matching pp. 773-780

- Scott Kominers
- The role of the agent's outside options in principal-agent relationships pp. 781-788

- Imran Rasul and Silvia Sonderegger
- Games and science pp. 789-792

- Aviad Heifetz
Volume 68, issue 1, 2010
- A sequential selection game with vetoes pp. 1-14

- Steve Alpern, Shmuel Gal and Eilon Solan
- Simple games with many effective voters pp. 15-22

- Eyal Beigman
- Pre-match investment with frictions pp. 23-34

- Chris Bidner
- Secure implementation in allotment economies pp. 35-49

- Olivier Bochet and Toyotaka Sakai
- Discrimination in the lab: Does information trump appearance? pp. 50-59

- Marco Castillo and Ragan Petrie
- Uniform vs. discriminatory auctions with variable supply - experimental evidence pp. 60-76

- Damian Damianov, Jörg Oechssler and Johannes Gerd Becker
- On the existence of Bayesian Cournot equilibrium pp. 77-94

- Ezra Einy, Ori Haimanko, Diego Moreno and Benyamin Shitovitz
- Testing guilt aversion pp. 95-107

- Tore Ellingsen, Magnus Johannesson, Sigve Tjøtta and Gaute Torsvik
- When do type structures contain all hierarchies of beliefs? pp. 108-129

- Amanda Friedenberg
- Perception of probabilities in situations of risk: A case based approach pp. 130-143

- Gabrielle Gayer
- Efficient sequential assignment with incomplete information pp. 144-154

- Alex Gershkov and Benny Moldovanu
- Lexicographic probability, conditional probability, and nonstandard probability pp. 155-179

- Joseph Halpern
- Contractual incompleteness as a signal of trust pp. 180-191

- Florian Herold
- Signaling quality through prices in an oligopoly pp. 192-207

- Maarten Janssen and Santanu Roy
- Risk aversion and expected utility of consumption over time pp. 208-219

- Olof Johansson-Stenman
- Characterizations of Pareto-efficient, fair, and strategy-proof allocation rules in queueing problems pp. 220-232

- Cagatay Kayi and Eve Ramaekers
- Bargaining with nonanonymous disagreement: Monotonic rules pp. 233-241

- Özgür Kıbrıs and Ipek Gursel Tapki
- Long-run equilibria with dominated strategies pp. 242-254

- Chongmin Kim and Kam-Chau Wong
- Moral norms in a partly compliant society pp. 255-274

- Sebastian Kranz
- Sharing the cost of a public good: An incentive-constrained axiomatic approach pp. 275-302

- Francois Maniquet and Yves Sprumont
- Fictitious play in an evolutionary environment pp. 303-324

- Michal Ramsza and Robert M. Seymour
- Truth and trust in communication: Experiments on the effect of a competitive context pp. 325-338

- Julian Rode
- Attribution and reciprocity pp. 339-352

- Alexander Sebald
- Public information and electoral bias pp. 353-375

- Curtis R. Taylor and Huseyin Yildirim
- On multiple-principal multiple-agent models of moral hazard pp. 376-380

- Andrea Attar, Eloisa Campioni, Gwenael Piaser and Uday Rajan
- Polytopes and the existence of approximate equilibria in discontinuous games pp. 381-388

- Guilherme Carmona
- Universality of the Epstein-Wang type structure pp. 389-402

- Yi-Chun Chen
- The possibility of impossible stairways: Tail events and countable player sets pp. 403-410

- Mark Voorneveld
- Behavioral & Quantitative Game Theory Conference on Future Directions May 14-16, 2010, Fairmont Hotel, Newport Beach, CA pp. 411-411

- Moshe Dror and Greys Sosic
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