Games and Economic Behavior
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): E. Kalai From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 34, issue 2, 2001
- Minimum-Effort Coordination Games: Stochastic Potential and Logit Equilibrium pp. 177-199

- Simon Anderson, Jacob Goeree and Charles Holt
- Evolution and Mixed Strategies pp. 200-226

- Ken Binmore and Larry Samuelson
- Stability and Largeness of the Core pp. 227-237

- Amit K. Biswas, T. Parthasarathy and G. Ravindran
- Ultimatum Bargaining Behavior in Israel, Japan, Slovenia, and the United States: A Social Utility Analysis pp. 238-269

- Miguel Costa-Gomes and Klaus Zauner
- On the Generic Finiteness of Equilibrium Outcomes in Plurality Games pp. 270-286

- Francesco De Sinopoli
- Private Value Allocations in Large Economies with Differential Information pp. 287-311

- Ezra Einy and Benyamin Shitovitz
- Evolution in Finitely Repeated Coordination Games pp. 312-330

- Jack Robles
- A Dynamic Model of Network Formation pp. 331-341

- Alison Watts
- On the Irrelevance of Risk Attitudes in Repeated Two-Outcome Games pp. 342-363

- John Wooders and Jason Shachat
Volume 34, issue 1, 2001
- Minimax Regret and Efficient Bargaining under Uncertainty pp. 1-10

- Walter Bossert and Hans Peters
- An Experiment to Evaluate Bayesian Learning of Nash Equilibrium Play pp. 11-33

- James Cox, Jason Shachat and Mark Walker
- Evolutionary Learning in Signalling Games pp. 34-63

- Hans Jorgen Jacobsen, Mogens Jensen and Birgitte Sloth
- Coalitional Strategy-Proofness in Economies with Single-Dipped Preferences and the Assignment of an Indivisible Object pp. 64-82

- Bettina Klaus
- Job Matching and Coalition Formation with Utility or Disutility of Co-workers pp. 83-103

- Jinpeng Ma
- Predicting How People Play Games: A Simple Dynamic Model of Choice pp. 104-122

- Rajiv Sarin and Farshid Vahid
- Zermelo and the Early History of Game Theory pp. 123-137

- Ulrich Schwalbe and Paul Walker
- Cyclic Games: An Introduction and Some Examples pp. 138-152

- Reinhard Selten and Myrna Wooders
- A One-Stage Model of Link Formation and Payoff Division pp. 153-175

- Marco Slikker and Anne van den Nouweland
Volume 33, issue 2, 2000
- Renegotiation in Repeated Games with Side-Payments pp. 159-176

- Sandeep Baliga and Robert Evans
- Self-Serving Cheap Talk: A Test Of Aumann's Conjecture pp. 177-194

- Gary Charness
- Can a Contract Solve Hold-Up When Investments Have Externalities? A Comment on De Fraja (1999) pp. 195-205

- Yeon-Koo Che
- On the Existence of Stable Roommate Matchings pp. 206-230

- Kim-Sau Chung
- Partial Pooling at the Reserve Price in Auctions with Resale Opportunities pp. 231-248

- Philip Haile
- The Choquet Bargaining Solutions pp. 249-264

- Efe Ok and Lin Zhou
- A Sealed-Bid Auction That Matches the English Auction pp. 265-273

- Motty Perry, Elmar Wolfstetter and Shmuel Zamir
- On the Number of Pure Strategy Nash Equilibria in Random Games pp. 274-293

- Yosef Rinott and Marco Scarsini
- Incentive Mechanism Design for Production Economies with Both Private and Public Ownerships pp. 294-320

- Guoqiang Tian
Volume 33, issue 1, 2000
- An Evolutionary Model of Bertrand Oligopoly pp. 1-19

- Carlos Alós-Ferrer, Ana Ania and Klaus Schenk-Hoppé
- A Model of Stability and Persistence in a Democracy pp. 20-40

- Angelo Artale and Hans Peter Gruner
- Chess-like Games Are Dominance Solvable in at Most Two Steps pp. 41-47

- Christian Ewerhart
- Asymmetric Price-Benefits Auctions pp. 48-71

- Maria-Angeles de Frutos
- Specialization of Labor and the Distribution of Income pp. 72-89

- Akihiko Matsui and Andrew Postlewaite
- An Experiment on the Hypothesis of Involuntary Truth-Signalling in Bargaining pp. 90-116

- Axel Ockenfels and Reinhard Selten
- Privately Observed Time Horizons in Repeated Games pp. 117-125

- Régis Renault
- Coherent Cost-Sharing Rules pp. 126-144

- Yves Sprumont
- In Defense of Lawyers: Moral Hazard as an Aid to Cooperation pp. 145-158

- Karl Wärneryd
Volume 32, issue 2, 2000
- Reciprocity and Cooperation in Repeated Coordination Games: The Principled-Player Approach pp. 157-182

- Alvaro Sandroni
- Subgame Monotonicity in Extensive Form Evolutionary Games pp. 183-205

- R. Cressman
- Is a Unique Cournot Equilibrium Locally Stable? pp. 206-218

- Krishnendu Dastidar
- The 17th Arne Ryde Symposium, "Focal Points--Coordination, Complexity, and Communication in Strategic Contexts" pp. 219-219

- Fredrik Andersson, Hans Carlsson and Hakan Holm
- Variable-Frame Level-n Theory pp. 220-246

- Michael Bacharach and Dale Stahl
- Egalitarianism and Efficiency in Repeated Symmetric Games pp. 247-262

- V Bhaskar
- Focal Points in Framed Strategic Forms pp. 263-291

- Andre Casajus
- Gender-Based Focal Points pp. 292-314

- Hakan Holm
- Strategic Similarity and Emergent Conventions: Evidence from Similar Stag Hunt Games pp. 315-337

- Frederick W. Rankin, John van Huyck and Raymond Battalio
Volume 32, issue 1, 2000
- Neutrally Stable Outcomes in Cheap-Talk Coordination Games pp. 1-24

- Abhijit Banerjee and Jörgen Weibull
- Adaptive Learning and Equilibrium Selection in Experimental Coordination Games: An ARCH(1) Approach pp. 25-50

- Bruno Broseta
- Characterizations of Strategy-Proof Mechanisms for Excludable versus Nonexcludable Public Projects pp. 51-66

- Shinji Ohseto
- The Bilateral Consistent Prekernel for NTU Games pp. 67-84

- Gooni Orshan and José Zarzuelo
- Stability of Equilibria in Games with Procedurally Rational Players pp. 85-104

- Rajiv Sethi
- Rule Learning in Symmetric Normal-Form Games: Theory and Evidence pp. 105-138

- Dale Stahl
- Characterization of the Owen Set of Linear Production Processes pp. 139-156

- J. R. G. van Gellekom, J. A. M. Potters, Hans Reijnierse, M. C. Engel and S. H. Tijs
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