Games and Economic Behavior
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): E. Kalai From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 8, issue 2, 1995
- Commitment and observability in games pp. 271-280

- Kyle Bagwell
- Protective behavior in matching models pp. 281-296

- Salvador Barberà and Bhaskar Dutta
- On the dominance solvability of large cournot games pp. 297-321

- Tilman Börgers and Maarten Janssen
- Vertigo: Comparing structural models of imperfect behavior in experimental games pp. 322-348

- Mahmoud El-Gamal and Thomas Palfrey
- Coalitional manipulation in a quasilinear economy pp. 349-363

- Andrew N. Ermolov
- Cooperation in a one-shot Prisoners' Dilemma pp. 364-377

- Joseph Harrington
- Two examples of strategic equilibrium pp. 378-388

- Jean-François Mertens
- On axiomatizations of the weighted Shapley values pp. 389-405

- Andrzej Nowak and T. Radzik
- "Impossibility of speculation" theorems with noisy information pp. 406-423

- Doron Sonsino
- A note on non-essential players in multi-choice cooperative games pp. 424-432

- Chih-Ru Hsiao
Volume 8, issue 1, 1995
- Editor's note pp. 1-2

- Ehud Kalai
- Nobel symposium on game theory: Rationality and equilibrium in strategic interaction pp. 3-5

- Brian Skyrms
- Backward induction and common knowledge of rationality pp. 6-19

- Robert Aumann
- Learning in extensive-form games I. Self-confirming equilibria pp. 20-55

- Drew Fudenberg and David Kreps
- Learning to be imperfect: The ultimatum game pp. 56-90

- John Gale, Kenneth G. Binmore and Larry Samuelson
- A new theory of equilibrium selection for games with complete information pp. 91-122

- John Harsanyi
- Subjective games and equilibria pp. 123-163

- Ehud Kalai and Ehud Lehrer
- Learning in extensive-form games: Experimental data and simple dynamic models in the intermediate term pp. 164-212

- Alvin Roth and Ido Erev
- An axiomatic theory of a risk dominance measure for bipolar games with linear incentives pp. 213-263

- Reinhard Selten
- The 50th anniversary of TGEB pp. 264-268

- William Lucas
Volume 7, issue 3, 1994
- The Value of Large Extensive Form Games pp. 309-317

- Jacques Crémer
- Bottom-Fishing and Declining Prices in Sequential Auctions pp. 318-331

- Gale Ian L. and Hausch Donald B.
- Learning, Tracing, and Risk Dominance pp. 332-345

- Hendon Ebbe, Jacobsen Hans Jorgen, Nielsen Michael Teit and Birgitte Sloth
- Preferences, Property Rights, and Anonymity in Bargaining Games pp. 346-380

- Elizabeth Hoffman, Kevin McCabe, Shachat Keith and Smith Vernon
- Computable Strategies for Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma pp. 381-389

- Vicki Knoblauch
- Finitely Many Players with Bounded Recall in Infinitely Repeated Games pp. 390-405

- Ehud Lehrer
- Dynamic Rent-Seeking Games pp. 406-427

- Leininger Wolfgang and Yang Chun-Lei
- Cooperative Outcomes through Noncooperative Games pp. 428-440

- David Perez-Castrillo
- Ratio-Lindahl and Ratio Equilibria with Many Goods pp. 441-460

- Guoqiang Tian and Qi Li
- On the Interpretation of Nonsymmetric Bargaining Solutions and Their Extension to Nonexpected Utility Preferences pp. 461-472

- Federico Valenciano and José Zarzuelo
- Set-Valued Analysis, Systems & Control Series, Vol. 2. By Jean-Paul Aubin and Helene Frankowska, Birkhauser, Boston, 1990 pp. 473-475

- Nowakowska-Rozploch Danuta
Volume 7, issue 2, 1994
- Option Values and Bargaining Delays pp. 139-153

- Avery Christopher and Zemsky Peter B.
- Money Burning and Multiple Equilibria in Bargaining pp. 154-168

- Avery Christopher and Zemsky Peter B.
- Bargaining and Commitment in a Permanent Relationship pp. 169-176

- Steinar Holden
- A Condition for the Existence of a Nash Equilibrium in Games with Public and Private Objectives pp. 177-192

- Nikolai Kukushkin
- Numerical Analysis of Asymmetric First Price Auctions pp. 193-220

- Marshall Robert C., Meurer Michael J., Jean-Francois Richard and Stromquist Walter
- Zero-Sum Average Payoff Stochastic Games with General State Space pp. 221-232

- Andrzej Nowak
- An Informationally Robust Equilibrium for Two-Person Nonzero-Sum Games pp. 233-245

- Arthur Robson
- Nonzero-Sum Two-Person Repeated Games with Incomplete Information and Known-Own Payoffs pp. 246-259

- Jonathan Shalev
- Cooperation in the Infinitely Repeated Prisoners' Dilemma with Perturbations pp. 260-285

- Joel Watson
- Equilibrium in Non-partitioning Strategies pp. 286-294

- Robert Weber
- The Set of Nash Equilibria of a Supermodular Game Is a Complete Lattice pp. 295-300

- Lin Zhou
- Sharkey's Example pp. 301-307

- Telser Lester C.
Volume 7, issue 1, 1994
- Group Rationality, Utilitarianism, and Escher's Waterfall pp. 1-9

- Kaushik Basu
- Evolutionary Equilibria Resistant to Mutation pp. 10-34

- Boylan Richard T.
- A Study on Decomposable Convex Games pp. 35-38

- Chang Chih and Kan Ching-Yu
- Equilibrium Cooperation in Three-Person, Choice-of-Partner Games pp. 39-53

- Douglas Davis and Charles Holt
- A Simple Noncooperative Core Story pp. 54-61

- Roger Lagunoff
- Learning Behavior in an Experimental Matching Pennies Game pp. 62-91

- Dilip Mookherjee and Barry Sopher
- Some Refinements of Nash Equilibria of Large Games pp. 92-103

- Kali Rath
- Understanding When Agents Are Fairmen or Gamesmen pp. 104-115

- Spiegel Matthew, Janet Currie, Hugo Sonnenschein and Arunava Sen
- Organizations as Teams of Automata pp. 116-138

- Stephen Turnbull
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