Games and Economic Behavior
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): E. Kalai From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 20, issue 2, 1997
- One-Shot Public Mediated Talk pp. 131-148

- Ehud Lehrer and Sylvain Sorin
- Risk-Sensitive Dynamic Market Share Attraction Games pp. 149-160

- George E. Monahan and Matthew J. Sobel
- Balanced Contributions Axiom in the Solution of Cooperative Games pp. 161-168

- Francisco Sanchez S.
- Games of Manipulation in Marriage Problems pp. 169-176

- Tayfun Sönmez
- Learning from Others: A Welfare Analysis pp. 177-200

- Xavier Vives
- Stable Coalition Structures with Externalities pp. 201-237

- Sang-Seung Yi
- Pure-Strategy [epsiv]-Nash Equilibrium inn-Person Nonzero-Sum Discontinuous Games pp. 238-249

- Abderrahmane Ziad
Volume 20, issue 1, 1997
- On the Interpretation of Decision Problems with Imperfect Recall pp. 3-24

- Michele Piccione and Ariel Rubinstein
- A Comment on the Absent-Minded Driver Paradox pp. 25-30

- Itzhak Gilboa
- Dynamic Consistency and Imperfect Recall pp. 31-50

- Pierpaolo Battigalli
- On the Expected Value of Games with Absentmindedness pp. 51-65

- Adam J. Grove and Joseph Halpern
- On Ambiguities in the Interpretation of Game Trees pp. 66-96

- Joseph Halpern
- More Absentmindedness pp. 97-101

- Barton Lipman
- The Absent-Minded Driver pp. 102-116

- Robert Aumann, Sergiu Hart and Motty Perry
- The Forgetful Passenger pp. 117-120

- Robert Aumann, Sergiu Hart and Motty Perry
- The Absent-Minded Driver's Paradox: Synthesis and Responses pp. 121-130

- Michele Piccione and Ariel Rubinstein
Volume 19, issue 2, 1997
- Multilateral Bargaining Problems pp. 151-179

- Elaine Bennett
- Learning from Personal Experience: One Rational Guy and the Justification of Myopia pp. 180-210

- Glenn Ellison
- Coalitional Bargaining with Competition to Make Offers pp. 211-220

- Robert Evans
- On the Relationship between Risk-Dominance and Stochastic Stability pp. 221-234

- Toshimasa Maruta
- A Characterization of Ordinal Potential Games pp. 235-242

- Mark Voorneveld and Henk Norde
- Elaine Bennett pp. 243-248

- Michael Maschler
Volume 19, issue 1, 1997
- The Variable Frame Theory of Focal Points: An Experimental Study pp. 1-45

- Michael Bacharach and Michele Bernasconi
- Individual Learning in Normal Form Games: Some Laboratory Results pp. 46-76

- Yin-Wong Cheung and Daniel Friedman
- An Experimental Study of Time-Independent and Time-Dependent Externalities in the Commons pp. 77-96

- Andrew Herr, Roy Gardner and James Walker
- Learning and Decision Costs in Experimental Constant Sum Games pp. 97-132

- Dilip Mookherjee and Barry Sopher
- Common Belief of Rationality in the Finitely Repeated Prisoners' Dilemma pp. 133-143

- Harborne Stuart
- A Comment on Issue-by-Issue Negotiations pp. 144-148

- Lutz-Alexander Busch and Ignatius Horstmann
Volume 18, issue 2, 1997
- Reputation and Perfection in Repeated Common Interest Games pp. 141-158

- Martin Cripps and Jonathan Thomas
- A Property of Nash Equilibria in Repeated Games with Incomplete Information pp. 159-175

- Francoise Forges and Enrico Minelli
- An Optimal Auction for Complements pp. 176-192

- Jonathan Levin
- How Proper Is Sequential Equilibrium? pp. 193-218

- George Mailath, Larry Samuelson and Jeroen Swinkels
- Order Independence for Iterated Weak Dominance pp. 219-245

- Leslie Marx and Jeroen Swinkels
- Sequentially Optimal Auctions pp. 246-276

- Randolph McAfee and Daniel Vincent
- An Axiomatization of Nash Equilibria in Economic Situations pp. 277-285

- Bezalel Peleg and Peter Sudhölter
- Learning to Learn, Pattern Recognition, and Nash Equilibrium pp. 286-331

- Doron Sonsino
Volume 18, issue 1, 1997
- Strategy-Proof Allotment Rules pp. 1-21

- Salvador Barberà, Matthew Jackson and Alejandro Neme
- The Multilinear Extension of the Quotient Game pp. 22-31

- F. Carreras and A. Magana
- Boundedly Rational Nash Equilibrium: A Probabilistic Choice Approach pp. 32-54

- Hsiao-Chi Chen, James Friedman and Jacques Thisse
- A Noncooperative View of Consistent Bankruptcy Rules pp. 55-72

- Nir Dagan, Roberto Serrano and Oscar Volij
- Commonp-Belief: The General Case pp. 73-82

- Atsushi Kajii and Stephen Morris
- Cooperative Games with Hedonic Coalitions pp. 83-97

- Laurence Kranich
- Undominated Equilibria in Games with Strategic Complementarities pp. 98-115

- Klaus Kultti and Hannu Salonen
- Repeated Large Games with Incomplete Information pp. 116-134

- Ehud Lehrer and Rann Smorodinsky
- On the Existence and Uniqueness of Pure Nash Equilibrium in Rent-Seeking Games pp. 135-140

- Ferenc Szidarovszky and Koji Okuguchi
Volume 17, issue 2, 1996
- Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection in Procurement Contracting pp. 147-176

- James Cox, R. Mark Isacc, Paula-Ann Cech and David Conn
- Markov Equilibria of Stochastic Games with Complementarities pp. 177-199

- Laurent O. Curtat
- Cooperative Production: A Comparison of Welfare Bounds pp. 200-208

- Marc Fleurbaey and Francois Maniquet
- A Spatial Theory of Positive and Negative Campaigning pp. 209-229

- Joseph Harrington and Gregory Hess
- Hypothetical Knowledge and Games with Perfect Information pp. 230-251

- Dov Samet
Volume 17, issue 1, 1996
- Simultaneous Auctions with Synergies pp. 1-31

- Vijay Krishna and Robert Rosenthal
- Simultaneous Auctions with Synergies and Common Values pp. 32-55

- Robert Rosenthal and Ruqu Wang
- Coalition-Proof Correlated Equilibrium: A Definition pp. 56-79

- Indrajit Ray
- Coalition-Proof Equilibrium pp. 80-112

- Diego Moreno and John Wooders
- Coalition-Proofness and Correlation with Arbitrary Communication Possibilities pp. 113-128

- Paul Milgrom and John Roberts
- On the Computation of Randomized Markov Equilibria pp. 129-134

- Olivier Cadot and Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné
- A Note on Backward Induction pp. 135-137

- Ken Binmore
- Reply to Binmore pp. 138-146

- Robert Aumann
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