Games and Economic Behavior
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): E. Kalai From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 16, issue 2, 1996
- Bertrand-Edgeworth Duopoly with Buyouts or First Refusal Contracts pp. 153-180

- Patrick Van Cayseele and Dave Furth
- Altruism in Anonymous Dictator Games pp. 181-191

- Catherine Eckel and Philip Grossman
- Convex Games and Stable Sets pp. 192-201

- Ezra Einy and Benyamin Shitovitz
- Non-well-founded-Type Spaces pp. 202-217

- Aviad Heifetz
- Evolutionary Analyses of Tacit Communication in Van Huyck, Battalio, and Beil's Game Experiments pp. 218-237

- Yong-Gwan Kim
- Simple Flow Games pp. 238-260

- Hans Reijnierse, Michael Maschler, Jos Potters and Stef Tijs
- Public Information Quality with Monopolistic Sellers pp. 261-279

- Bharat Sarath
- Abreu-Matsushima Mechanisms: Experimental Evidence pp. 280-302

- Martin Sefton and Abdullah Yavas
- Boundedly Rational Rule Learning in a Guessing Game pp. 303-330

- Dale Stahl
- Quasi-weightings, Trading, and Desirability Relations in Simple Games pp. 331-346

- Alan D. Taylor and William S. Zwicker
- Repeated Games with Incomplete Information.Robert J. Aumann and Michael B. Maschler, with the collaboration of Richard E. Stearns pp. 347-352

- Sylvain Sorin
Volume 16, issue 1, 1996
- Compensation Principle in Repeated Games pp. 1-21

- Kong-Pin Chen
- Perceptrons Play Repeated Games with Imperfect Monitoring pp. 22-53

- Inkoo Cho
- Auctions with Noncompetitive Sales pp. 54-64

- Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans
- Dynamics and Rationality in Ordered Externality Games pp. 65-76

- Eric J. Friedman
- Common Beliefs and the Existence of Speculative Trade pp. 77-96

- Zvika Neeman
- A Noncooperative Coalitional Bargaining Game with Random Proposers pp. 97-108

- Akira Okada
- Competition in Transactions Mechanisms: The Emergence of Price Competition pp. 109-123

- James Peck
- On One-Sided versus Two-Sided Matching Games pp. 124-134

- Thomas Quint
- Continuous and Feasible Implementation of Rational-Expectations Lindahl Allocations pp. 135-151

- Guoqiang Tian
Volume 15, issue 2, 1996
- Continuous Stochastic Games of Capital Accumulation with Convex Transitions pp. 111-131

- Rabah Amir
- Cournot Oligopoly and the Theory of Supermodular Games pp. 132-148

- Rabah Amir
- Reserve Prices without Commitment pp. 149-164

- Roberto Burguet and József Sákovics
- The Split Core for Sequencing Games pp. 165-176

- Herbert Hamers, Jeroen Suijs, Stef Tijs and Peter Borm
- Fictitious Play in Extensive Form Games pp. 177-202

- Ebbe Hendon, Hans Jorgen Jacobsen and Birgitte Sloth
- Equilibrium Selection inn-Person Coordination Games pp. 203-227

- Youngse Kim
- The Evolutionary Stability of Auctions over Bargaining pp. 228-254

- Xiaohua Lu and Randolph McAfee
- Bargaining in the Shadow of Power pp. 255-289

- Robert Powell
- Commitment Robust Equilibria and Endogenous Timing pp. 290-311

- Eric van Damme and Sjaak Hurkens
Volume 15, issue 1, 1996
- Case-Based Optimization pp. 1-26

- Itzhak Gilboa and David Schmeidler
- Virtual Implementation in Backwards Induction pp. 27-32

- Jacob Glazer and Motty Perry
- Reconsideration-Proofness: A Refinement for Infinite Horizon Time Inconsistency pp. 33-54

- Narayana Kocherlakota
- A Note on Reputation: More on the Chain-Store Paradox pp. 55-81

- Jordi Masso
- Reputation in Repeated Games with No Discounting pp. 82-109

- Joel Watson
Volume 14, issue 2, 1996
- Bargaining Economies with Patient and Impatient Agents: Equilibria and Intermediation pp. 149-172

- Gautam Bose
- Bargaining under Uncertainty and the Monotone Path Solutions pp. 173-189

- Walter Bossert, Ed Nosal and Venkatraman Sadanand
- The Evolution of Attitudes to Risk: Lottery Tickets and Relative Wealth pp. 190-207

- Arthur Robson
- On the Existence of Undominated Nash Equilibria in Normal Form Games pp. 208-219

- Hannu Salonen
- Efficient Computation of Behavior Strategies pp. 220-246

- Bernhard von Stengel
- Efficient Computation of Equilibria for Extensive Two-Person Games pp. 247-259

- Daphne Koller, Nimrod Megiddo and Bernhard von Stengel
- Bargaining in Uncertain Environments: A Systematic Distortion of Perfect Equilibrium Demands pp. 260-286

- Eythan Weg, Rami Zwick and Amnon Rapoport
- John Nash's Contribution to Economics pp. 287-295

- Roger Myerson
- John Harsanyi and the Economics of Information pp. 296-298

- Robert Wilson
Volume 14, issue 1, 1996
- Asymmetric All-Pay Auctions with Incomplete Information: The Two-Player Case pp. 1-18

- Erwin Amann and Wolfgang Leininger
- Another Approach to Mutation and Learning in Games pp. 19-43

- Madjid Amir and Siegfried K. Berninghaus
- An Exact Formula for the Lion's Share: A Model of Preplay Negotiation pp. 44-89

- Bernard Bensaid and Robert Gary-Bobo
- Sequential Formation of Coalitions in Games with Externalities and Fixed Payoff Division pp. 90-123

- Francis Bloch
- Potential Games pp. 124-143

- Dov Monderer and Lloyd Shapley
- A2 x 2Game without the Fictitious Play Property pp. 144-148

- Dov Monderer and Aner Sela
Volume 13, issue 2, 1996
- Path Dependence and Learning from Neighbors pp. 141-177

- Luca Anderlini and Antonella Ianni
- Strategic Rationality Orderings and the Best Rationalization Principle pp. 178-200

- Pierpaolo Battigalli
- The Envelope Theorem and Comparative Statics of Nash Equilibria pp. 201-224

- Michael Caputo
- Cost Sharing under Increasing Returns: A Comparison of Simple Mechanisms pp. 225-251

- Herve Moulin
- How Much Common Belief Is Necessary for a Convention? pp. 252-268

- Hyun Song Shin and Timothy Williamson
- On the Uniqueness of Equilibrium in Cournot Oligopoly and Other Games pp. 269-285

- Alison Watts
- On Renegotiation-Proof Equilibria in Finitely Repeated Games pp. 286-300

- Quan Wen
Volume 13, issue 1, 1996
- Editorial pp. 1-1

- Ehud Kalai
- Neighborhood Stability in Sender-Receiver Games pp. 2-25

- Andreas Blume
- An Extension of the Nash Bargaining Solution to Nonconvex Problems pp. 26-38

- John Conley and Simon Wilkie
- Manipulations by Coalitions Under Asymmetric Information: The Case of Groves Mechanisms pp. 39-73

- Jacques Crémer
- Harsanyi Values of Large Economies: Nonequivalence to Competitive Equilibria pp. 74-99

- Sergiu Hart and Andreu Mas-Colell
- Fairness in Ultimatum Games with Asymmetric Information and Asymmetric Payoffs pp. 100-110

- John Kagel, Chung Kim and Donald Moser
- Congestion Games with Player-Specific Payoff Functions pp. 111-124

- Igal Milchtaich
- Issue-by-Issue Negotiations: The Role of Information and Time Preference pp. 125-134

- Mehmet Bac and Horst Raff
- A Non-constructive Elementary Proof of the Existence of Stable Marriages pp. 135-137

- Marilda Sotomayor
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