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Games and Economic Behavior

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): E. Kalai

From Elsevier
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Volume 73, issue 2, 2011

Dominance-solvable common-value large auctions pp. 301-309 Downloads
Yaron Azrieli and Dan Levin
Uncertainty aversion and equilibrium existence in games with incomplete information pp. 310-317 Downloads
Yaron Azrieli and Roee Teper
Match-fixing under competitive odds pp. 318-344 Downloads
Parimal Bag and Bibhas Saha
Top monotonicity: A common root for single peakedness, single crossing and the median voter result pp. 345-359 Downloads
Salvador Barberà and Bernardo Moreno
Implementation in adaptive better-response dynamics: Towards a general theory of bounded rationality in mechanisms pp. 360-374 Downloads
Antonio Cabrales and Roberto Serrano
Equilibrium rejection of a mechanism pp. 375-387 Downloads
Gorkem Celik and Michael Peters
Ex-ante licensing in sequential innovations pp. 388-401 Downloads
Stefano Comino, Fabio Manenti and Antonio Nicolo'
Noisy signaling: Theory and experiment pp. 402-428 Downloads
Thomas de Haan, Theo Offerman and Randolph Sloof
Overconfidence and moral hazard pp. 429-451 Downloads
Leonidas de la Rosa
Generalized Raiffa solutions pp. 452-458 Downloads
A. Diskin, M. Koppel and Dov Samet
The framing of games and the psychology of play pp. 459-478 Downloads
Martin Dufwenberg, Simon Gächter and Heike Hennig-Schmidt
Numerical simulations of asymmetric first-price auctions pp. 479-495 Downloads
Gadi Fibich and Nir Gavish
Second best efficiency and the English auction pp. 496-506 Downloads
Angel Hernando-Veciana and Fabio Michelucci
Extreme equilibria in the negotiation model with different time preferences pp. 507-516 Downloads
Harold Houba and Quan Wen
Voronoi languages pp. 517-537 Downloads
Gerhard Jäger, Lars P. Metzger and Frank Riedel
Investment incentives in bilateral trading pp. 538-552 Downloads
Stephanie Lau
Assignment markets with the same core pp. 553-563 Downloads
Javier Martínez-de-Albéniz, Marina Núñez and Carles Rafels
The optimal sorting of players in contests between groups pp. 564-572 Downloads
Dmitry Ryvkin
The interaction between explicit and relational incentives: An experiment pp. 573-594 Downloads
Randolph Sloof and Joep Sonnemans
Indeterminacy of reputation effects in repeated games with contracts pp. 595-607 Downloads
Alexander Wolitzky
Sequentially rationalizable choice with transitive rationales pp. 608-614 Downloads
Pak Hung Au and Keiichi Kawai
Characterization of the Shapley–Shubik power index without the efficiency axiom pp. 615-621 Downloads
Ezra Einy and Ori Haimanko

Volume 73, issue 1, 2011

Exchange of indivisible goods and indifferences: The Top Trading Absorbing Sets mechanisms pp. 1-16 Downloads
Jorge Alcalde-Unzu and Elena Molis
Strategic network formation through peering and service agreements pp. 17-38 Downloads
Elliot Anshelevich, F.B. Shepherd and Gordon Wilfong
Non-cooperative solutions for estate division problems pp. 39-51 Downloads
Murat Atlamaz, Caroline Berden, Hans Peters and Dries Vermeulen
Core-stable rings in auctions with independent private values pp. 52-64 Downloads
Omer Biran and Francoise Forges
Uniqueness of stationary equilibria in bargaining one-dimensional policies under (super) majority rules pp. 65-75 Downloads
Daniel Cardona and Clara Ponsati
Network architecture, salience and coordination pp. 76-90 Downloads
Syngjoo Choi, Douglas Gale, Shachar Kariv and Thomas Palfrey
Misery loves company: Social regret and social interaction effects in choices under risk and uncertainty pp. 91-110 Downloads
David Cooper and Mari Rege
Voting blocs, party discipline and party formation pp. 111-135 Downloads
Jon Eguia
Error cascades in observational learning: An experiment on the Chinos game pp. 136-146 Downloads
Francesco Feri, Miguel Meléndez-Jiménez, Giovanni Ponti and Fernando Vega-Redondo
English auctions with resale: An experimental study pp. 147-166 Downloads
Sotiris Georganas
Aggregate information cascades pp. 167-185 Downloads
Antonio Guarino, Heike Harmgart and Steffen Huck
Can contracts solve the hold-up problem? Experimental evidence pp. 186-199 Downloads
Eva Hoppe and Patrick Schmitz
The high/low divide: Self-selection by values in auction choice pp. 200-214 Downloads
Radosveta Ivanova-Stenzel and Tim Salmon
Inequality and network structure pp. 215-226 Downloads
Willemien Kets, Garud Iyengar, Rajiv Sethi and Samuel Bowles
Coalitional bargaining games with random proposers: Theory and application pp. 227-235 Downloads
Akira Okada
Sequential auctions with randomly arriving buyers pp. 236-243 Downloads
Maher Said
Hiding an inconvenient truth: Lies and vagueness pp. 244-261 Downloads
Marta Serra-Garcia, Eric van Damme and Jan Potters
Fictitious play in 3x3 games: Chaos and dithering behaviour pp. 262-286 Downloads
Sebastian van Strien and Colin Sparrow
On the folk theorem with one-dimensional payoffs and different discount factors pp. 287-295 Downloads
Yves Guéron, Thibaut Lamadon and Caroline Thomas
Choosing and sharing pp. 296-300 Downloads
Jérémy Laurent-Lucchetti and Justin Leroux

Volume 72, issue 2, 2011

A within-subject analysis of other-regarding preferences pp. 321-338 Downloads
Mariana Blanco, Dirk Engelmann and Hans-Theo Normann
Social interactions and spillovers pp. 339-360 Downloads
Antonio Cabrales, Antoni Calvó-Armengol and Yves Zenou
Trust and trustworthiness reputations in an investment game pp. 361-375 Downloads
Gary Charness, Ninghua Du and Chun-Lei Yang
Bargaining or searching for a better price? - An experimental study pp. 376-399 Downloads
Francesco Feri and Anita Gantner
Social distance in a virtual world experiment pp. 400-426 Downloads
Marina Fiedler, Ernan Haruvy and Sherry Li
On Chinese postman games where residents of each road pay the cost of their road pp. 427-438 Downloads
Daniel Granot, Herbert Hamers, Jeroen Kuipers and Michael Maschler
Framing effects in public goods: Prospect Theory and experimental evidence pp. 439-447 Downloads
Inigo Iturbe-Ormaetxe, Giovanni Ponti, Josefa Tomás and Luis Ubeda
Auction choice for ambiguity-averse sellers facing strategic uncertainty: Comment pp. 448-451 Downloads
Maciej Kotowski
On the elimination of dominated strategies in stochastic models of evolution with large populations pp. 452-466 Downloads
Christoph Kuzmics
On strategy-proofness and symmetric single-peakedness pp. 467-484 Downloads
Jordi Masso and Inés Moreno de Barreda
Let the experts decide? Asymmetric information, abstention, and coordination in standing committees pp. 485-509 Downloads
Rebecca Morton and Jean-Robert Tyran
An algorithm for proper rationalizability pp. 510-525 Downloads
Andrés Perea
One-dimensional bargaining pp. 526-543 Downloads
Arkadi Predtetchinski
Bilateral trading with naive traders pp. 544-557 Downloads
Rene Saran
An experimental study of auctions with a buy price under private and common values pp. 558-573 Downloads
Quazi Shahriar and John Wooders
Identification in first-price and Dutch auctions when the number of potential bidders is unobservable pp. 574-582 Downloads
Artyom Shneyerov and Chi Leung Wong
On auction protocols for decentralized scheduling pp. 583-585 Downloads
Nicholas G. Hall and Zhixin Liu
Abstention and signaling in large repeated elections pp. 586-593 Downloads
Patrick Hummel
Auctions with flexible entry fees: A note pp. 594-601 Downloads
Maarten Janssen, Vladimir Karamychev and Emiel Maasland
Incentives in core-selecting auctions with single-minded bidders pp. 602-606 Downloads
Ryuji Sano

Volume 72, issue 1, 2011

Derandomization of auctions pp. 1-11 Downloads
Gagan Aggarwal, Amos Fiat, Andrew V. Goldberg, Jason D. Hartline, Nicole Immorlica and Madhu Sudan
Electoral competition with uncertainty averse parties pp. 12-29 Downloads
Sophie Bade
Learning to cooperate via indirect reciprocity pp. 30-37 Downloads
Ulrich Berger
Noncooperative oligopoly in markets with a continuum of traders pp. 38-45 Downloads
Francesca Busetto, Giulio Codognato and Sayantan Ghosal
Agenda control as a cheap talk game: Theory and experiments with Storable Votes pp. 46-76 Downloads
Alessandra Casella
Gender differences in cooperation with group membership pp. 77-85 Downloads
Gary Charness and Aldo Rustichini
Repeated games with asynchronous monitoring of an imperfect signal pp. 86-99 Downloads
Drew Fudenberg and Wojciech Olszewski
How to talk to multiple audiences pp. 100-122 Downloads
Maria Goltsman and Gregory Pavlov
Influence functions, followers and command games pp. 123-138 Downloads
Michel Grabisch and Agnieszka Rusinowska
The effects of statistically dependent values on equilibrium strategies of bilateral k-double auctions pp. 139-148 Downloads
Thomas Gresik
Centralizing information in networks pp. 149-162 Downloads
Jeanne Hagenbach
Iterated expectations, compact spaces, and common priors pp. 163-171 Downloads
Ziv Hellman
Competition and resource sensitivity in marriage and roommate markets pp. 172-186 Downloads
Bettina Klaus
Preference aggregation theory without acyclicity: The core without majority dissatisfaction pp. 187-201 Downloads
Masahiro Kumabe and H. Reiju Mihara
Networks of relations and Word-of-Mouth Communication pp. 202-217 Downloads
Steffen Lippert and Giancarlo Spagnolo
Near-optimality of second price mechanisms in a class of asymmetric auctions pp. 218-241 Downloads
Vlad Mares and Jeroen M. Swinkels
Group strategyproofness in queueing models pp. 242-254 Downloads
Manipushpak Mitra and Suresh Mutuswami
Intertemporal choice and the magnitude effect pp. 255-270 Downloads
Jawwad Noor
Potential games in volatile environments pp. 271-287 Downloads
Mathias Staudigl
Sensitivity of equilibrium behavior to higher-order beliefs in nice games pp. 288-300 Downloads
Jonathan Weinstein and Muhamet Yildiz
A robustness result for rationalizable implementation pp. 301-305 Downloads
Alfredo Di Tillio
Collusion, agglomeration, and heterogeneity of firms pp. 306-313 Downloads
Toshihiro Matsumura and Noriaki Matsushima
Equal-need sharing of a network under connectivity constraints pp. 314-320 Downloads
Herve Moulin and Francois Laigret
Page updated 2025-03-31