Games and Economic Behavior
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): E. Kalai From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 114, issue C, 2019
- The problem of multiple commons: A market design approach pp. 1-27

- Ryan Tierney
- Coalition preclusion contracts and moderate policies pp. 28-46

- Hans Gersbach, Maik Schneider and Oriol Tejada
- A variational inequality framework for network games: Existence, uniqueness, convergence and sensitivity analysis pp. 47-82

- Francesca Parise and Asuman Ozdaglar
- Bargaining with private information and the option of a compulsory license pp. 83-100

- Eric Bond and Larry Samuelson
- Rationalizability and epistemic priority orderings pp. 101-117

- Emiliano Catonini
- The evolution of collaboration in symmetric 2×2-games with imperfect recognition of types pp. 118-127

- Hannes Rusch
- Individual versus group choices of repeated game strategies: A strategy method approach pp. 128-145

- Timothy Cason and Vai-Lam Mui
- Political rents and voter information in search equilibrium pp. 146-168

- Jørgen Andersen and Tom-Reiel Heggedal
- Endogenous institutional selection, building trust, and economic growth pp. 169-176

- Aaron L. Bodoh-Creed
- Comparative statics in the multiple-partners assignment game pp. 177-192

- David Perez-Castrillo and Marilda Sotomayor
- Focal points and payoff information in tacit bargaining pp. 193-214

- Andrea Isoni, Anders Poulsen, Robert Sugden and Kei Tsutsui
- Designing mechanisms to focalize welfare-improving strategies pp. 232-252

- Daniel E. Fragiadakis and Peter Troyan
- An experiment on the efficiency of bilateral exchange under incomplete markets pp. 253-267

- Olga Rud, Jean Paul Rabanal and Manizha Sharifova
- The market for talent: Competition for resources and self-governance in teams pp. 268-284

- Abhijit Ramalingam, Brock Stoddard and James Walker
- Recursive non-expected utility: Connecting ambiguity attitudes to risk preferences and the level of ambiguity pp. 285-307

- Ozgur Evren
- Welfare maximization entices participation pp. 308-314

- Florian Brandl, Felix Brandt and Johannes Hofbauer
- A note on “Renegotiation in repeated games” [Games Econ. Behav. 1 (1989) 327–360] pp. 318-323

- Michael Günther, Christoph Kuzmics and Antoine Salomon
Volume 113, issue C, 2019
- A universally-truthful approximation scheme for multi-unit auctions pp. 4-16

- Berthold Vöcking
- Black-box reductions for cost-sharing mechanism design pp. 17-37

- Konstantinos Georgiou and Chaitanya Swamy
- Beyond myopic best response (in Cournot competition) pp. 38-57

- Amos Fiat, Elias Koutsoupias, Katrina Ligett, Yishay Mansour and Svetlana Olonetsky
- Competitive contagion in networks pp. 58-79

- Sanjeev Goyal, Hoda Heidari and Michael Kearns
- Optimal crowdsourcing contests pp. 80-96

- Shuchi Chawla, Jason D. Hartline and Balasubramanian Sivan
- Matroid prophet inequalities and applications to multi-dimensional mechanism design pp. 97-115

- Robert Kleinberg and S. Matthew Weinberg
- Dynamic quality signaling with hidden actions pp. 116-136

- Francesc Dilme
- Promises, expectations & causation pp. 137-146

- Giovanni Di Bartolomeo, Martin Dufwenberg, Stefano Papa and Francesco Passarelli
- Static versus dynamic deferred acceptance in school choice: Theory and experiment pp. 147-163

- Flip Klijn, Joana Pais and Marc Vorsatz
- On equilibria in games with imperfect recall pp. 164-185

- Nicolas Lambert, Adrian Marple and Yoav Shoham
- Hodge decomposition and the Shapley value of a cooperative game pp. 186-198

- Ari Stern and Alexander Tettenhorst
- Welfare and incentives in partitioned school choice markets pp. 199-208

- Bertan Turhan
- Simultaneous vs. sequential auctions with risk averse bidders pp. 209-222

- Indranil Chakraborty
- Coevolution of deception and preferences: Darwin and Nash meet Machiavelli pp. 223-247

- Yuval Heller and Erik Mohlin
- Solving Becker's assortative assignments and extensions pp. 248-261

- F. Javier Martínez-de-Albéniz, Carlos Rafels and Neus Ybern
- Regime change in large information networks pp. 262-284

- Joan de Martí Beltran and Pau Milán
- Truth-revealing voting rules for large populations pp. 285-305

- Matias Nuñez and Marcus Pivato
- Manipulated news model: Electoral competition and mass media pp. 306-338

- Shintaro Miura
- Polyequilibrium pp. 339-355

- Igal Milchtaich
- Eliciting private information with noise: The case of randomized response pp. 356-380

- Andreas Blume, Ernest K. Lai and Wooyoung Lim
- Coordination and evolutionary dynamics: When are evolutionary models reliable? pp. 381-395

- Daniel Stephenson
- The instability of matching with overconfident agents pp. 396-415

- Siqi Pan
- Credit auctions and bid caps pp. 416-422

- David Lagziel
- Knowing me, imagining you: Projection and overbidding in auctions pp. 423-447

- Yves Breitmoser
- Gossip and the efficiency of interactions pp. 448-460

- Dietmar Fehr and Matthias Sutter
- The dark side of the vote: Biased voters, social information, and information aggregation through majority voting pp. 461-481

- Rebecca Morton, Marco Piovesan and Jean-Robert Tyran
- How to choose your victim pp. 482-496

- Klaus Abbink and Gönül Doğan
- Citizens or lobbies: Who controls policy? pp. 497-514

- Paolo Roberti
- Relations among the central rules in bankruptcy problems: A strategic perspective pp. 515-532

- Min-Hung Tsay and Chun-Hsien Yeh
- Exclusive intermediation in unobservable networks pp. 533-548

- Itay Fainmesser
- Testing models of belief bias: An experiment pp. 549-565

- Alexander Coutts
- Testing the level of consistency between choices and beliefs in games using eye-tracking pp. 566-586

- Luca Polonio and Giorgio Coricelli
- The strategic environment effect in beauty contest games pp. 587-610

- Nobuyuki Hanaki, Yukio Koriyama, Angela Sutan and Marc Willinger
- Sequential second-price auctions with private budgets pp. 611-632

- Gagan Ghosh and Heng Liu
- Stochastic stability under logit choice in coalitional bargaining problems pp. 633-650

- Ryoji Sawa
- Communication is more than information sharing: The role of status-relevant knowledge pp. 651-672

- Michael Kurschilgen and Isabel Marcin
- Efficiency and budget balance in general quasi-linear domains pp. 673-693

- Swaprava Nath and Tuomas Sandholm
- Voting with public information pp. 694-719

- Shuo Liu
- A continuous-time model of bilateral bargaining pp. 720-733

- Juan Ortner
- The degree and cost adjusted folk solution for minimum cost spanning tree games pp. 734-742

- Henk Norde
- The informativeness principle without the first-order approach pp. 743-755

- Pierre Chaigneau, Alex Edmans and Daniel Gottlieb
- Contests between groups of unknown size pp. 756-769

- Luke Boosey, Philip Brookins and Dmitry Ryvkin
- Belief-updating rule and sequential reciprocity pp. 770-780

- Lianjie Jiang and Jiabin Wu
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