Games and Economic Behavior
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): E. Kalai From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 27, issue 2, 1999
- Implementation in Economic Environments with Incomplete Information: The Use of Multi-Stage Games pp. 173-183

- Sandeep Baliga
- On Non-Nash Equilibria pp. 184-203

- Mario Gilli
- Finite Horizon Bargaining and the Consistent Field pp. 204-228

- Armando Gomes, Sergiu Hart and Andreu Mas-Colell
- Combinatorial Games under Auction Play pp. 229-264

- Andrew J. Lazarus, Daniel E. Loeb, James G. Propp, Walter R. Stromquist and Daniel H. Ullman
- Unawareness and Partitional Information Structures pp. 265-298

- Salvatore Modica and Aldo Rustichini
- Distributive and Additive Costsharing of an Homogeneous Good pp. 299-330

- Herve Moulin and Scott Shenker
- Stochastic Cooperative Games: Superadditivity, Convexity, and Certainty Equivalents pp. 331-345

- Jeroen Suijs and Peter Borm
Volume 27, issue 1, 1999
- Communication, Computability, and Common Interest Games pp. 1-37

- Luca Anderlini
- Interactive Implementation pp. 38-63

- Sandeep Baliga and Tomas Sjostrom
- A Nonparametric, Efficient Public Good Decision Mechanism: Undominated Bayesian Implementation pp. 64-85

- Jaewon Choi and Taesung Kim
- An Empirical Model of Strategic Choice with an Application to Coordination Games pp. 86-105

- Debra J. Holt
- Equivalence of Auctions and Posted Prices pp. 106-113

- Klaus Kultti
- Ex Post Regret and the Decentralized Sharing of Information pp. 114-131

- Deborah Minehart and Suzanne Scotchmer
- Reexamination of the International Export Quota Game through the Theory of Social Situations pp. 132-152

- Noritsugu Nakanishi
- A [beta]-Core Existence Result and Its Application to Oligopoly Markets pp. 153-168

- Jingang Zhao
Volume 26, issue 2, 1999
- Auctions of Heterogeneous Objects pp. 193-220

- Sushil Bikhchandani
- The Ultimatum Game: Optimal Strategies without Fairness pp. 221-252

- Stephen Burnell, Lewis Evans and Shuntian Yao
- Adaptive Learning and Iterated Weak Dominance pp. 253-278

- Leslie Marx
- A General Solution to King Solomon's Dilemma pp. 279-285

- Motty Perry and Philip Reny
- A Theory of Endogenous Coalition Structures pp. 286-336

- Debraj Ray and Rajiv Vohra
- Undominated Nash Implementation with Collusion and Renegotiation pp. 337-352

- Tomas Sjostrom
- On the Coalition-Proofness of the Pareto Frontier of the Set of Nash Equilibria pp. 353-364

- Sang-Seung Yi
Volume 26, issue 1, 1999
- Stackelberg versus Cournot Equilibrium pp. 1-21

- Rabah Amir and Isabel Grilo
- After You Sir. Hold-Up, Direct Externalities, and Sequential Investment pp. 22-39

- Gianni De Fraja
- Endogenous Formation of Coalitions in Noncooperative Games pp. 40-58

- José Luis Ferreira
- A Value with Incomplete Communication pp. 59-78

- Gerard Hamiache
- Learning, Matching, and Aggregation pp. 79-110

- Ed Hopkins
- Generic 4 x 4 Two Person Games Have at Most 15 Nash Equilibria pp. 111-130

- Andrew McLennan and In-Uck Park
- Social Learning in a Common Interest Voting Game pp. 131-156

- Jorgen Wit
- A Payoff Uncertainty Explanation of Results in Experimental Centipede Games pp. 157-185

- Klaus Zauner
- On Bargaining for an Indivisible Good pp. 186-192

- Rodney Garratt
Volume 25, issue 2, 1998
- Introduction pp. 147-148

- Claude d'Aspremont
- Regulation of a Risk Averse Firm pp. 149-173

- Jean-Jacques Laffont and Jean Rochet
- Contracts and Productive Information Gathering pp. 174-193

- Jacques Crémer, Fahad Khalil and Jean Rochet
- Efficient Private Production of Public Goods under Common Agency pp. 194-218

- Didier Laussel and Michel Le Breton
- A Model of Efficient Discovery pp. 219-250

- Robert Mnookin and Robert Wilson
- Economic Dynasties with Intermissions pp. 251-271

- Louis Gevers and Philippe Michel
- Strategy-Proof Voting on Compact Ranges pp. 272-291

- Salvador Barberà, Jordi Masso and Shigehiro Serizawa
- Self-Fulfilling Mechanisms in Bayesian Games pp. 292-310

- Francoise Forges and Enrico Minelli
- Linear Inequality Methods to Enforce Partnerships under Uncertainty: An Overview pp. 311-336

- Claude d'Aspremont and Louis-André Gérard-Varet
Volume 25, issue 1, 1998
- Reinterpreting Arbitration's Narcotic Effect: An Experimental Study of Learning in Repeated Bargaining pp. 1-33

- Gary Bolton and Elena Katok
- Nonlinear Behavior in Sealed Bid First Price Auctions pp. 34-78

- Kay-Yut Chen and Charles Plott
- On the Nonconvergence of Fictitious Play in Coordination Games pp. 79-96

- Dean Foster and H. Young
- Comparative Statics in First Price Auctions pp. 97-110

- Bernard Lebrun
- Extended Poisson Games and the Condorcet Jury Theorem pp. 111-131

- Roger Myerson
- On the Incentives to Cultivate Favored Minorities: A Note pp. 132-143

- Kaoru Ueda
Volume 24, issue 1-2, 1998
- An Incomplete Cooperation Structure for a Voting Game Can Be Strategically Stable pp. 2-9

- Yossi Feinberg
- Reciprocity, Trust, and Payoff Privacy in Extensive Form Bargaining pp. 10-24

- Kevin McCabe, Stephen Rassenti and Vernon Smith
- Vector Measure Games Based on Measures with Values in an Infinite Dimensional Vector Space pp. 25-46

- Igal Milchtaich
- An Experimental Study of Communication and Coordination in Noncooperative Games pp. 47-76

- Diego Moreno and John Wooders
- The -Nucleolus of TU-Games pp. 77-96

- Hans Reijnierse and Jos Potters
- Naive Adaptive Behavior and the Observability of Gambles pp. 97-108

- Arthur Robson
- The Family of Least Square Values for Transferable Utility Games pp. 109-130

- Luis M. Ruiz, Federico Valenciano and José Zarzuelo
- Iterated Expectations and Common Priors pp. 131-141

- Dov Samet
- Axiomatizations of Game Theoretical Solutions for One-Output Cost Sharing Problems pp. 142-171

- Peter Sudhölter
- Common Priors and Separation of Convex Sets pp. 172-174

- Dov Samet
- Counter-Counterfactuals pp. 175-180

- Itzhak Gilboa
- On the State of the Art in Game Theory: An Interview with Robert Aumann pp. 181-210

- Eric van Damme
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