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Games and Economic Behavior

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): E. Kalai

From Elsevier
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Volume 41, issue 2, 2002

The game of negotiations: ordering issues and implementing agreements pp. 169-191 Downloads
Lutz-Alexander Busch and Ignatius Horstmann
Welfare reducing licensing pp. 192-205 Downloads
Ramon Fauli-Oller and Joel Sandonis
How to play with a biased coin? pp. 206-226 Downloads
Olivier Gossner and Nicolas Vieille
Evolutionary dynamics and backward induction pp. 227-264 Downloads
Sergiu Hart
On the formation of interaction networks in social coordination games pp. 265-291 Downloads
Matthew Jackson and Alison Watts
Subgame-perfect implementation of bargaining solutions pp. 292-308 Downloads
Eiichi Miyagawa
Non-cooperative bargaining in apex games and the kernel pp. 309-321 Downloads
Maria Montero
A dual description of the class of games with a population monotonic allocation scheme pp. 322-343 Downloads
Henk Norde and Hans Reijnierse
Rent, risk, and replication: Preference adaptation in winner-take-all markets pp. 344-364 Downloads
Karl Wärneryd

Volume 41, issue 1, 2002

The effect of intergroup competition on group coordination: an experimental study pp. 1-25 Downloads
Gary Bornstein, Uri Gneezy and Rosemarie Nagel
Fairness and learning: an experimental examination pp. 26-45 Downloads
David Cooper and Carol Kraker Stockman
On (un)knots and dynamics in games pp. 46-60 Downloads
Stefano Demichelis and Fabrizio Germano
Probabilistic choice and procedurally bounded rationality pp. 61-78 Downloads
Lars-Göran Mattsson and Jörgen Weibull
Separation of joint plan equilibrium payoffs from the min-max functions pp. 79-102 Downloads
Robert Samuel Simon
Calibration and Bayesian learning pp. 103-119 Downloads
Nurlan Turdaliev
On risk aversion and bargaining outcomes pp. 120-140 Downloads
Oscar Volij and Eyal Winter
Eliciting information from multiple experts pp. 141-160 Downloads
Asher Wolinsky
A note on k-price auctions with complete information pp. 161-164 Downloads
Yair Tauman
Corrigendum to "Bargaining and boldness": [Games Econ. Behav. 38 (2002) 28-51] pp. 165-168 Downloads
Albert Burgos, Simon Grant and Atsushi Kajii

Volume 40, issue 2, 2002

An evolutionary analysis of insurance markets with adverse selection pp. 153-184 Downloads
Ana Ania, Thomas Troger and Achim Wambach
Cooperative vs non-cooperative truels: little agreement, but does that matter? pp. 185-202 Downloads
Walter Bossert, Steven Brams and D. Marc Kilgour
Altruism, equity, and reciprocity in a gift-exchange experiment: an encompassing approach pp. 203-231 Downloads
Gary Charness and Ernan Haruvy
Endogenous fluctuations under evolutionary pressure in Cournot competition pp. 232-269 Downloads
Edward Droste, Cars Hommes and Jan Tuinstra
A myopic adjustment process leading to best-reply matching pp. 270-298 Downloads
Michael Kosfeld, Edward Droste and Mark Voorneveld
Existence of nontrivial equilibria in repeated games with imperfect private monitoring pp. 299-321 Downloads
Tadashi Sekiguchi
A note on the one-deviation property in extensive form games pp. 322-338 Downloads
Andrés Perea

Volume 40, issue 1, 2002

What Makes an Allocation Fair? Some Experimental Evidence pp. 1-24 Downloads
James Andreoni, Paul M. Brown and Lise Vesterlund
The Converse Consistency Principle in Bargaining pp. 25-43 Downloads
Youngsub Chun
Sluggish Consumers: An Evolutionary Solution to the Bertrand Paradox pp. 44-76 Downloads
Burkhard Hehenkamp
Contractual Signaling in a Market Environment pp. 77-98 Downloads
Roman Inderst
The Maximum Efficient Equilibrium Payoff in the Repeated Prisoners' Dilemma pp. 99-122 Downloads
George Mailath, Ichiro Obara and Tadashi Sekiguchi
An Experimental Investigation of Unprofitable Games pp. 123-146 Downloads
John Morgan and Martin Sefton
A Challenge to Formal Modeling of Poker and Bridge pp. 147-149 Downloads
Fredrik A. Dahl
In Memoriam: John C. Harsanyi: Memory from China pp. 150-152 Downloads
Fang-Fang Tang

Volume 39, issue 2, 2002

Conventions and Local Interaction Structures: Experimental Evidence pp. 177-205 Downloads
Siegfried K. Berninghaus, Karl-Martin Ehrhart and Claudia Keser
Backward Induction and the Game-Theoretic Analysis of Chess pp. 206-214 Downloads
Christian Ewerhart
Equilibrium of Affiliated Value Second Price Auctions with Financially Constrained Bidders: The Two-Bidder Case pp. 215-236 Downloads
Hanming Fang and Sergio O. Parreiras
Chores pp. 237-281 Downloads
Chantale LaCasse, Clara Ponsati and Vicky Barham
Endogenous Timing with Incomplete Information and with Observable Delay pp. 282-291 Downloads
Hans-Theo Normann
Bargaining and Bargaining Sets pp. 292-308 Downloads
Roberto Serrano and Rajiv Vohra
In Defense of DEFECT pp. 309-321 Downloads
Oscar Volij

Volume 39, issue 1, 2002

Do Actions Speak Louder Than Words? An Experimental Comparison of Observation and Cheap Talk pp. 1-27 Downloads
John Duffy and Nick Feltovich
Does Evolution Solve the Hold-Up Problem? pp. 28-53 Downloads
Tore Ellingsen and Jack Robles
(Sophisticated) Stable Sets in Exchange Economies pp. 54-70 Downloads
Joseph Greenberg, Xiao Luo, Reza Oladi and Benyamin Shitovitz
Rule Evolution and Equilibrium Selection pp. 71-90 Downloads
Wei-Torng Juang
Misrepresentation of Utilities in Bargaining: Pure Exchange and Public Good Economies pp. 91-110 Downloads
Özgür Kıbrıs
Coordination and Learning Behavior in Large Groups with Asymmetric Players pp. 111-136 Downloads
Amnon Rapoport, Darryl A. Seale and Eyal Winter
Optimizing Information in the Herd: Guinea Pigs, Profits, and Welfare pp. 137-166 Downloads
Daniel Sgroi
Violations of Belief Persistence in Dempster-Shafer Equilibrium pp. 167-174 Downloads
Matthew J. Ryan

Volume 38, issue 2, 2002

The Stability of Hedonic Coalition Structures pp. 201-230 Downloads
Anna Bogomolnaia and Matthew Jackson
Assignment Games Satisfy the CoMa-Property pp. 231-239 Downloads
Herbert Hamers, Flip Klijn, Tamás Solymosi, Stef Tijs and Joan Pere Villar
To Commit or Not to Commit: Endogenous Timing in Experimental Duopoly Markets pp. 240-264 Downloads
Steffen Huck, Wieland Müller and Hans-Theo Normann
Axiomatization of the Shapley Value on Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Games pp. 265-277 Downloads
Anirban Kar
Minimum Memory for Equivalence between Ex Ante Optimality and Time-Consistency pp. 278-305 Downloads
Jeffrey Kline
Perfect Information and Potential Games pp. 306-317 Downloads
Nikolai Kukushkin
Stability and Segregation in Group Formation pp. 318-346 Downloads
Igal Milchtaich and Eyal Winter
Strategy-Proofness and the Core in House Allocation Problems pp. 347-361 Downloads
Eiichi Miyagawa
Correlated Equilibrium in Stochastic Games pp. 362-399 Downloads
Eilon Solan and Nicolas Vieille

Volume 38, issue 1, 2002

The Scholarship Assignment Problem pp. 1-18 Downloads
Pablo Amoros, Luis Corchon and Bernardo Moreno
Symmetric Separating Equilibria in English Auctions pp. 19-27 Downloads
Sushil Bikhchandani, Philip Haile and John Riley
Bargaining and Boldness pp. 28-51 Downloads
Albert Burgos, Simon Grant and Atsushi Kajii
Coordination through Reputations: A Laboratory Experiment pp. 52-88 Downloads
Donald J. Dale, John Morgan and Robert Rosenthal
Computation of the Nash Equilibrium Selected by the Tracing Procedure in N-Person Games pp. 89-117 Downloads
P. Jean-Jacques Herings and Antoon van den Elzen
The Newsvendor Game Has a Nonempty Core pp. 118-126 Downloads
Alfred Müller, Marco Scarsini and Moshe Shaked
How Communication Improves Efficiency in Bargaining Games pp. 127-155 Downloads
Kathleen Valley, Leigh Thompson, Robert Gibbons and Max H. Bazerman
Tacit Cooperation, Strategic Uncertainty, and Coordination Failure: Evidence from Repeated Dominance Solvable Games pp. 156-175 Downloads
John van Huyck, John M. Wildenthal and Raymond Battalio
Starting Small and Commitment pp. 176-199 Downloads
Joel Watson
In Memoriam: John C. Harsanyi (1920-2000) pp. 200-200 Downloads
Martin Shubik
Page updated 2025-03-31