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Ecological Economics

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland

From Elsevier
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Volume 200, issue C, 2022

Is it a green or brown job? A Taxonomy of Sustainable Employment Downloads
Katharina Bohnenberger
Needs must? Fair allocation of personal carbon allowances in mobility Downloads
Tuuli von Wright, Janne Kaseva and Helena Kahiluoto
Hot in Twitter: Assessing the emotional impacts of wildfires with sentiment analysis Downloads
Maria Loureiro, Maria Alló and Pablo Coello
How do tourism sustainability and nature affinity affect social engagement propensity? The central roles of nature conservation attitude and personal tourist experience Downloads
Mbaye Fall Diallo, Fatou Diop-Sall, Erick Leroux and Marc-Antoine Vachon
Rethinking work for a just and sustainable future Downloads
Erik Gomez-Baggethun
Do social norms trump rational choice in voluntary climate change mitigation? Multi-country evidence of social tipping points Downloads
Heinz Welsch
Improving acceptance of natural capital accounting in land use decision making: Barriers and opportunities Downloads
Aysha Fleming, Anthony P. O'Grady, Cara Stitzlein, Sue Ogilvy, Daniel Mendham and Matthew T. Harrison
How much infrastructure is required to support decent mobility for all? An exploratory assessment Downloads
Doris Virág, Dominik Wiedenhofer, André Baumgart, Sarah Matej, Fridolin Krausmann, Jihoon Min, Narasimha D. Rao and Helmut Haberl
The effect of deliberate ignorance and choice procedure on pro-environmental decisions Downloads
Adiel Moyal and Amos Schurr
The role of public agricultural extension services in driving fertilizer use in rice production in China Downloads
Yang Lin, Ruifa Hu, Chao Zhang and Kevin Chen
Kantians defy the economists’ mantra of uniform Pigovian emissions taxes Downloads
Thomas Eichner and Rüdiger Pethig
Would energy poverty affect the wellbeing of senior citizens? Evidence from China Downloads
Yunwei Li, Xiao Ning, Zijie Wang, Jingyu Cheng, Fumeng Li and Yu Hao
A microeconometric analysis of wildfire suppression decisions in the Western United States Downloads
David Rossi, Olli-Pekka Kuusela and Christopher Dunn
Valuing Recreation in Italy's Protected Areas Using Spatial Big Data Downloads
Michael Sinclair, Andrea Ghermandi, Giovanni Signorello, Laura Giuffrida and Maria De Salvo
Are citizens willing to accept changes in public lighting for biodiversity conservation? Downloads
Chloé Beaudet, Léa Tardieu and Maia David
Decision tools for adaptation to climate change: Portfolio analysis of tea plantation investments in Rwanda Downloads
Filippo Fraschini, Alistair Hunt and Roberto Zoboli
Representing human decision-making in agent-based simulation models: Agroforestry adoption in rural Rwanda Downloads
Beatrice Noeldeke, Etti Winter and Elisée Bahati Ntawuhiganayo
What are the banks doing in managing climate risk? Empirical evidence from a position map Downloads
Pierluigi Toma and Valeria Stefanelli
Payments for environmental services and coffee production in Colombia: Technical efficiency across the world heritage status borders Downloads
Orlando Rodríguez, Maria Vrachioli and Johannes Sauer
Sustainability and development through the humanistic lens of Schumacher and Sen Downloads
Nuno Ornelas Martins
Is it just the distance? Consumer preference for geographical and social proximity of food production Downloads
Vüsal Hasanzade, Ossama Elshiewy and Waldemar Toporowski
Fisher preferences for marine litter interventions in Vietnam Downloads
Bui Bich Xuan, Quach Thi Khanh Ngoc and Tobias Börger
Light-duty vehicle fleet electrification in the United States and its effects on global agricultural markets Downloads
Jerome Dumortier, Amani Elobeid and Miguel Carriquiry
Provincial environmental inequality in China: Measurement, influence, and policy instrument choice Downloads
Shiming Zheng, Rongrong Yao and Ke Zou
Material governance and circularity policies: How waste policies and innovation affect household appliances' accumulation Downloads
Matteo Mazzarano
Economic aspects of fish stock accounting as a renewable marine natural capital: The Eastern Mediterranean continental shelf ecosystem as a case study Downloads
Geula Michael-Bitton, Gideon Gal, Xavier Corrales, Eyal Ofir, Mordechai Shechter and Shiri Zemah-Shamir
The lack of property rights can make natural disasters worse: The case of small-scale fisheries in Chile Downloads
Renato Molina
The foundational economy-as-an-organism assumption of ecological economics: Is it scientifically useful? Downloads
Christos Makriyannis
Taking climate change seriously: Time to credibly communicate on corporate climate performance Downloads
Mickaele Le Ravalec, Alexandre Rambaud and Véronique Blum
Resilience of Ethiopian Agropastoral Households in the Presence of Large-Scale Land Investments Downloads
Adugna Eneyew Bekele, Dusan Drabik, Liesbeth Dries and Wim Heijman
From participation to commitment in silvopastoral programmes: Insights from Chiapas, Mexico Downloads
Aiora Zabala, Luis Enrique García Barrios and Unai Pascual
Sufficiency without regret Downloads
Anne Baumgartner, Frank C. Krysiak and Florian Kuhlmey
Water quality trading markets – Integrating land and marine based measures under a smart market approach Downloads
Raphael Filippelli, Mette Termansen, Syezlin Hasan, Berit Hasler, Line Hansen and James C.R. Smart

Volume 199, issue C, 2022

Economic growth as a double-edged sword: The pollution-adjusted Kaldor-Verdoorn effect Downloads
Guilherme de Oliveira and Gilberto Lima
Renewal of waterways in a dense city creates value for residents Downloads
Maksym Polyakov, Md Sayed Iftekhar, James Fogarty and Joost Buurman
Solar collective self-consumption: Economic analysis of a policy mix Downloads
Idiano D'Adamo, Massimo Gastaldi and Piergiuseppe Morone
Property values and cyanobacterial algal blooms: Evidence from satellite monitoring of Inland Lakes Downloads
Jiarui Zhang, Daniel J. Phaneuf and Blake A. Schaeffer
Time is money: Water quality's impact on home liquidity and property values Downloads
Nicholas Irwin and David Wolf
Global asymmetries in the rise of solar power: An LCA-based account of ecologically unequal exchange between Germany and China 2002–2018 Downloads
Andreas Roos
Crop selection as climate change adaptation: A study on Koyra Upazila of Bangladesh Downloads
Md. Hafiz Iqbal and Ahsan Aziz
Coping with policy errors in an era of chronic socio-environmental crises Downloads
Janne I. Hukkinen, Jussi T. Eronen, Nina Janasik, Paavo Järvensivu and Roope O. Kaaronen
Economics without ecology: How the SDGs fail to align socioeconomic development with environmental sustainability Downloads
Markus Hametner
Payment for CO2 sequestration affects the Faustmann rotation period in Norway more than albedo payment does Downloads
Per Kristian Rørstad
The politics of green infrastructure: A discrete choice experiment with Flemish local decision-makers Downloads
Wito Van Oijstaeijen, Steven Van Passel, Phil Back and Jan Cools
Impacts of nature reserves on local residents' income in China Downloads
Zhe Yang, Qingqing Li, Wenhao Xue and Zhihua Xu
Carbon footprint analysis of household consumption in greater Guadalajara reveal stark socio-spatial inequalities Downloads
Christian Hernández and Gibran Vita
The circular economy and the optimal recycling rate: A macroeconomic approach Downloads
Anelí Bongers and Pablo Casas
Harnessing natural attenuation to reduce CAFOs nitrate emissions: An integrated modeling approach Downloads
Jingjing Wang
Climate concern and policy acceptance before and after COVID-19 Downloads
Stefan Drews, Ivan Savin, Jeroen van den Bergh and Sergio Villamayor-Tomás

Volume 198, issue C, 2022

What is a lion worth to local people – Quantifying of the costs of living alongside a top predator Downloads
Kim S. Jacobsen, Erlend Dancke Sandorf, Andrew J. Loveridge, Amy J. Dickman, Paul J. Johnson, Susana Mourato, Davide Contu and David W. Macdonald
Why does France not meet its pesticide reduction targets? Farmers' socio-economic trade-offs when adopting agro-ecological practices Downloads
Amalie Bjørnåvold, Maia David, David A. Bohan, Caroline Gibert, Jean-Marc Rousselle and Steven Van Passel
A bargaining experiment under weak property rights, with implications for indigenous title claims Downloads
Kevin Berry, Anthony Delmond, Rémi Morin Chassé, John C. Strandholm and Jason Shogren
Implicit incentives in green public procurement: Good intentions versus rigid regulations Downloads
Elena V. Shadrina, Dmitri V. Vinogradov and Dmitry V. Kashin
Cooperation and sales revenue of fisheries: Evidence from France Downloads
Victor Vasse and François-Charles Wolff
Do plastic warning labels reduce consumers' willingness to pay for plastic egg packaging? – Evidence from a choice experiment Downloads
Joanna Van Asselt, Yefan Nian, Moonwon Soh, Stephen Morgan and Zhifeng Gao
How do environmental policies affect capital market reactions? Evidence from China's construction waste treatment policy Downloads
Haiyue Liu, Yile Wang, Xiaoshuang Shi and Lina Pang
Risk-based benefit-cost analysis of ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction with considerations of co-benefits, equity, and sustainability Downloads
Meenakshi Chabba, Mahadev G. Bhat and Juan Pablo Sarmiento
The adoption of pesticide-free wheat production and farmers' perceptions of its environmental and health effects Downloads
Robert Finger and Niklas Möhring
The impact of cooling energy needs on subjective well-being: Evidence from Japan Downloads
Moegi Igawa, Xiangdan Piao and Shunsuke Managi
Farm performance and input self-sufficiency increases with functional crop diversity on Swedish farms Downloads
Pia Nilsson, Riccardo Bommarco, Helena Hansson, Brian Kuns and Henning Schaak
The economic value of the Glass Beach: Contingent valuation and life satisfaction approaches Downloads
Vladimir Otrachshenko, Elena Tyurina and Artur Nagapetyan
Do improved biomass cookstoves reduce fuelwood consumption and carbon emissions? Evidence from a field experiment in rural Ethiopia Downloads
Alemu Mekonnen, Abebe Beyene, Randy Bluffstone, Zenebe Gebreegziabher, Peter Martinsson, Michael Toman and Ferdinand Vieider
Sustainability and Human Development Indicators: A Poset Analysis Downloads
Flavio Comim and Tadashi Hirai
Can self-governance tackle the water commons? — Causal evidence of the effect of rural water pollution treatment on farmers' health in China Downloads
Yaping Luo, Jianxian Wu and Ying Xu
The impact of international rare earth trade competition on global value chain upgrading from the industrial chain perspective Downloads
Hongwei Zhang, Xinyi Wang, Jing Tang and Yaoqi Guo
How does the use of industrial robots affect the ecological footprint? International evidence Downloads
Yang Chen, Liang Cheng and Chien-Chiang Lee
Page updated 2025-03-28