Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 37, issue 3, 2001

- Robert Walker and William Solecki
- SOUTH FLORIDA: THE REALITY OF CHANGE AND THE PROSPECTS FOR SUSTAINABILITY: The role of global-to-local linkages in land use/land cover change in South Florida pp. 339-356

- William D. Solecki
- SOUTH FLORIDA: THE REALITY OF CHANGE AND THE PROSPECTS FOR SUSTAINABILITY: Urban sprawl and natural areas encroachment: linking land cover change and economic development in the Florida Everglades pp. 357-369

- Robert Walker
- SOUTH FLORIDA: THE REALITY OF CHANGE AND THE PROSPECTS FOR SUSTAINABILITY: Managing surprising ecosystems in southern Florida pp. 371-378

- Lance H. Gunderson
- SOUTH FLORIDA: THE REALITY OF CHANGE AND THE PROSPECTS FOR SUSTAINABILITY: The design of ecological landscape models for Everglades restoration pp. 379-401

- F. H. Sklar, H. C. Fitz, Y. Wu, R. Van Zee and C. McVoy
- SOUTH FLORIDA: THE REALITY OF CHANGE AND THE PROSPECTS FOR SUSTAINABILITY: Adaptive learning for science-based policy: the Everglades restoration pp. 403-416

- Clyde F. Kiker, J. Walter Milon and Alan W. Hodges
- Trade-off analysis for marine protected area management pp. 417-434

- Katrina Brown, W. Neil Adger, Emma Tompkins, Peter Bacon, David Shim and Kathy Young
- Sustainability: an ill-defined concept and its assessment using fuzzy logic pp. 435-456

- Yannis A. Phillis and Luc A. Andriantiatsaholiniaina
- The effects of three categories of technological innovation on the use and price of nonrenewable resources pp. 457-472

- Annababette Wils
- Human Natures: Genes, Cultures, and the Human Prospect: By Paul R. Ehrlich, Island Press, Washington DC, 2000. ISBN 1-55963-779-X; p. 531 pp. 473-475

- Robert Costanza
- Rivers of Gold. Designing Markets to Allocate Water in California: By B.M. Haddad, Island Press, 2000. ISBN 1-55963-712-9; p. 275 pp. 475-476

- Bill Blomquist
- Greeh Households, Domestic Consumers, Environment and Sustainability: Edited by K.J. Noorman and T.S. Uiterkamp Earthscan, 1998. ISBN 1-8538-3-4823; p. 4823 pp. 476-477

- Richard Wilk
- Trade Liberalisation, Economic Growth and the Environment: By M.A. Cole, Edward Elgar, 2000. ISBN 1-84064-1762; xi+144 pp., p. 160, [UK pound]45 pp. 477-478

- John Proops
Volume 37, issue 2, 2001
- Using composition of land multiplier to estimate ecological footprints associated with production activity pp. 159-172

- Jiun-Jiun Ferng
- Trading carbon tradable offsets under Kyoto's clean development mechanism: the economic advantages to buyers and sellers of using call options pp. 173-182

- Michael Tucker
- Least-cost management of nonpoint source pollution: source reduction versus interception strategies for controlling nitrogen loss in the Mississippi Basin pp. 183-197

- Marc Ribaudo, Ralph Heimlich, Roger Claassen and Mark Peters
- Financial sector reform and sustainable development: the case of Costa Rica pp. 199-215

- Don Goldstein
- Strengths and limitations of localizing food production as a sustainability-building strategy -- an analysis of bread production on the island of Gotland, Sweden pp. 217-227

- Asa Sundkvist, AnnMari Jansson and Pia Larsson
- A modified ecological footprint method and its application to Australia pp. 229-255

- Manfred Lenzen and Shauna A. Murray
- The economic value of wetland services: a meta-analysis pp. 257-270

- Richard Woodward and Yong-Suhk Wui
- Can pollution problems be effectively solved by environmental science and technology? An analysis of critical limitations pp. 271-287

- Michael H. Huesemann
- Economic growth and land-use changes: the declining amount of wilderness land in Norway pp. 289-301

- Anders Skonhoft and Havard Solem
- Dynamics of agricultural groundwater extraction pp. 303-311

- Petra Hellegers, David Zilberman and Ekko van Ierland
- Reconsidering agri-environmental policy permitted by the Uruguay round agreement pp. 313-326

- Geoff Edwards and Iain Fraser
- Global change and ecology pp. 327-328

- Janne Bengtsson
- Land Resources Now and for the Future pp. 329-331

- Michael Mortimore
- Structural Economics. Measuring change in technology, lifestyles, and the environment.: Faye Duchin, Island Press, 1998, p. 220, ISBN 155-963-6068 pp. 331-332

- Inge Ropke
Volume 37, issue 1, 2001
- Comments on eco-footprinting pp. 1-2

- Andrew R. B. Ferguson
- Ecological footprints: reply to A.R.B Ferguson pp. 2-3

- Detlef Van Vuuren and Edward Smeets
- Estimating sustainability gaps: methods and preliminary applications for the UK and the Netherlands pp. 5-22

- Paul Ekins and Sandrine Simon
- Complex ecologic-economic dynamics and environmental policy pp. 23-37

- J. Barkley Rosser
- Environmental valuation for long-term strategic planning -- the case of the Brazilian power sector pp. 39-51

- Mauricio Tiomno Tolmasquim, Ronaldo Seroa da Motta, Emilio Lebre La Rovere, Martha Macedo de Lima Barata and Aline Guimaraes Monteiro
- An assessment of the EU proposal for ceilings on the use of Kyoto flexibility mechanisms pp. 53-69

- ZhongXiang Zhang
- Natural versus manufactured capital: win-lose or win-win? A case study of the Finnish pulp and paper industry pp. 71-85

- Minna-Maari Karvonen
- Harvesting and conserving a species when numbers are low: population viability and gambler's ruin in bioeconomic models pp. 87-100

- Erwin Bulte and Gerrit van Kooten
- A consumption-based theory of the environmental Kuznets curve pp. 101-112

- Kishore Gawande, Robert Berrens and Alok Bohara
- Ecologically unsustainable trade pp. 113-122

- Jan Otto Andersson and Mattias Lindroth
- Integrating stakeholder analysis in non-market valuation of environmental assets pp. 123-138

- Areti Kontogianni, Mihalis S. Skourtos, Ian H. Langford, Ian Bateman and Stavros Georgiou
- A preliminary analysis of Texas ranchers' willingness to participate in a brush control cost-sharing program to improve off-site water yields pp. 139-152

- Amy P. Thurow, J. Richard Conner, Thomas L. Thurow and Matthew D. Garriga
- Canals and Communities. Small-scale Irrigation Systems, Edited by J. Mabry, University of Arizona Press, 1996. ISBN 0816515921, pp. 273 pp. 153-154

- Julie Trottier
- Myth and reality in the rain forest: how conservation strategies are failing West Africa By John F. Oates, 1999, University of California Press, 310 pp. ISBN 0-52022-252-0 pp. 154-155

- Katherine Homewood
- Beyond the Land Ethic: More Essays in Environmental Philosophy, Edited by J. Baird Callicott, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1999. ISBN 0-7914-4084-2; 427 pp pp. 155-157

- David J. Rapport
Volume 36, issue 3, 2001
- The concept of joint production and ecological economics pp. 365-372

- Stefan Baumgärtner, Harald Dyckhoff, Malte Faber, John Proops and Johannes Schiller
- Energy limits on recycling pp. 373-384

- Paul P. Craig
- A viability analysis for a bio-economic model pp. 385-396

- C. Bene, Luc Doyen and D. Gabay
- The assumption of equal marginal utility of income: how much does it matter? pp. 397-411

- Hege Medin, Karine Nyborg and Ian Bateman
- Cattle ranching and deforestation in the Brazilian Pantanal pp. 413-425

- Andrew F. Seidl, Joao dos Santos Vila de Silva and Andre Moraes
- Technical coefficients for bio-economic farm household models: a meta-modelling approach with applications for Southern Mali pp. 427-441

- Ruerd Ruben and Arjan van Ruijven
- Energy price disparity and public welfare pp. 443-460

- Paul H. Templet
- Rethinking the optimal level of environmental quality: justifications for strict environmental policy pp. 461-473

- Amy Farmer, James Kahn, Judith A. McDonald and Robert O'Neill
- Perseverance of perverse subsidies and their impact on trade and environment pp. 475-486

- Cees van Beers and Jeroen van den Bergh
- Inspections, pollution prices, and environmental performance: evidence from China pp. 487-498

- Susmita Dasgupta, Benoit Laplante, Nlandu Mamingi and Hua Wang
- The poverty of money:: Marxian insights for ecological economists pp. 499-511

- Anitra Nelson
- Interrelationships between income, health and the environment: extending the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis pp. 513-531

- Lata Gangadharan and Maria Rebecca Valenzuela
- Why Sex Matters. A Darwinian Look at Human Behavior by Bobbi S. Low. Princeton University Press, 2000, 412 pp. ISBN 0691028958 pp. 533-534

- Patrik Lindenfors and Birgitta S. Tullberg
- Agriculture and world trade liberalisation. Socio-environmental perspectives on the common agricultural policy, Edited by M.R. Redclift, J.N. Lekakis and G.P. Zanias, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK, 1999, 269 pp. ISBN 0-85199-297-8 pp. 534-535

- Jan Otto Andersson
- Spatial Optimization for Managed Ecosystems, by John Hof and Michael Bevers. Columbia University Press, New York, 1999, 258 pp. ISBN 0-231-10637-8 (paper), 0-231-10636-X (cloth) pp. 535-536

- C. Martijn van der Heide
- Privileged Goods: Commoditization and its Impact on Environment and Society, Edited by Jack P. Manno, 2000. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 267 pp. ISBN 1-566-70390-5 pp. 536-538

- Karin E. Limburg
Volume 36, issue 2, 2001
- Impact of the ivory trade ban on poaching incentives: a numerical example pp. 189-195

- Rasmus Heltberg
- Economics of transaction costs saving forestry pp. 197-204

- Yue Zhang
- The role of economics in global management of whales: re-forming or re-founding IWC? pp. 205-221

- Massimiliano Mazzanti
- Challenges for economic policy in sustainable management of marine natural resources pp. 223-236

- Derrin Davis and Donald F. Gartside
- Do focus groups and individual interviews reveal the same information for natural resource valuation? pp. 237-247

- Michael D. Kaplowitz and John P. Hoehn
- Employment-based analysis: an alternative methodology for project evaluation in developing regions, with an application to agriculture in Yucatan pp. 249-262

- Davis F. Taylor
- Pesticide taxation and multi-objective policy-making: farm modelling to evaluate profit/environment trade-offs pp. 263-279

- Katherine Falconer and Ian Hodge
- Trade and the environment: from a 'Southern' perspective pp. 281-297

- Roldan Muradian and Joan Martinez-Alier
- The effectiveness of gasoline taxation to manage air pollution pp. 299-309

- Kristin N. Sipes and Robert Mendelsohn
- The effects of ageing and an environmental trust fund in an overlapping generations model on carbon emission reductions pp. 311-326

- Reyer Gerlagh and Bob van der Zwaan
- The role of domestic timber markets in tropical deforestation and forest degradation in Ecuador: Implications for conservation planning and policy pp. 327-340

- Rodrigo Sierra
- Stability and outcomes of common property institutions in forestry: evidence from the Terai region of Nepal pp. 341-353

- Rabindra Nath Chakraborty
- International Organizations and Environmental Policy edited by Robert V. Bartlett, Priya A. Kunian and Madhu Malik. Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, 1995, xiii+280 pp. ISBN 3-132-96235.The Implementation and Effectiveness of International Environmental Commitments edited by David G. Victor, Kal Raustiala and Eugene B. Skolnikoff. The MIT Press, MA, 1998, xviii+737 pp. ISBN 2-622-20571 pp. 355-356

- Said Mahmoudi
- Protection of Global Biodiversity: Converging Strategies, Edited by Lakshman D. Guruswamy and Jeffrey A. McNeely. Duke University Press, Durham, 1998, viii+425 pp. ISBN 8-223-21882 pp. 357-357

- Daniel Bromley
- Erratum to "Use of environmental functions to communicate the values of a mangrove ecosystem under different management regimes. Response to a critique".: [Ecological Economics 35(2) 141-143] pp. 359-359

- Ron Janssen, Alison Gilbert and Joe Padilla
- The 2000 Kenneth Boulding Memorial Award pp. 361-364

- David J. Rapport
Volume 36, issue 1, 2001
- The economic valuation of farm animal genetic resources: a survey of available methods pp. 1-18

- Adam G. Drucker, Veronica Gomez and Simon Anderson
- Ecological pricing and economic efficiency pp. 19-30

- Bruce Hannon
- When green isn't mean: economic theory and the heuristics of the impact of environmental regulations on competitiveness and opportunity cost pp. 31-44

- Morris Altman
- Identification of development indicators in tropical mountainous regions and some implications for natural resource policy designs: an integrated community case study pp. 45-60

- J. Kammerbauer, B. Cordoba, R. Escolan, S. Flores, V. Ramirez and J. Zeledon
- Seeing the trees as a forest: what counts in green accounting pp. 61-69

- Robert Cairns
- Equitable cost-benefit analysis of climate change policies pp. 71-85

- Richard Tol
- Experimenting with multi-attribute utility survey methods in a multi-dimensional valuation problem pp. 87-108

- Clifford Russell, Virginia Dale, Junsoo Lee, Molly Hadley Jensen, Michael Kane and Robin Gregory
- Economic valuation of special forest products: an assessment of methodological shortcomings pp. 109-117

- Soren Gram
- Technological progress and sustainable development: what about the rebound effect? pp. 119-132

- Mathias Binswanger
- Fairness in the contingent valuation of environmental public goods: attitude toward paying for environmental improvements at two levels of scope pp. 133-148

- Bradley S. Jorgensen, Mathew A. Wilson and Thomas A. Heberlein
- Estimating price compensation requirements for eco-certified forestry pp. 149-163

- Brian Murray and Robert C. Abt
- Entropy and economic processes -- physics perspectives pp. 165-179

- Tomas Kaberger and Bengt Mansson
- Susan J. Buck, The Global Commons: An Introduction. London, UK: Earthscan, 1998 pp. 181-182

- William Blomquist
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