Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 72, issue C, 2011
- Sustainability economics, ontology and the capability approach pp. 1-4

- Nuno Martins
- Evolution of population-resource dynamics models pp. 9-17

- Yoko Nagase and Takuro Uehara
- Modeling the bio-refinery industry in rural areas: A participatory approach for policy options comparison pp. 18-27

- Antonio Lopolito, Gianluca Nardone, Maurizio Prosperi, Roberta Sisto and Antonio Stasi
- The innovation effects of environmental policy instruments — A typical case of the blind men and the elephant? pp. 28-36

- Rene Kemp and Serena Pontoglio
- Reducing protest responses by deliberative monetary valuation: Improving the validity of biodiversity valuation pp. 37-44

- Zoltán Szabó
- Climate change economics and discounted utilitarianism pp. 45-52

- Ulrich Hampicke
- Using an adapted HEP to assess environmental cost pp. 53-59

- Nathalie Dumax and Anne Rozan
- Examining the drivers of total factor productivity change with an illustrative example of 14 EU countries pp. 60-69

- Bernhard Mahlberg, Mikulas Luptacik and Biresh K. Sahoo
- What STIRPAT tells about effects of population and affluence on the environment? pp. 70-74

- Taoyuan Wei
- Are pro-environmental consumption choices utility-maximizing? Evidence from subjective well-being data pp. 75-87

- Heinz Welsch and Jan Kühling
- Trophically balanced sustainable agriculture pp. 88-96

- J.R. Schramski, Z.J. Rutz, D.K. Gattie and K. Li
- Economic development and losses due to natural disasters: The role of hazard exposure pp. 97-105

- Ingmar Schumacher and Eric Strobl
- Valuing scenic amenity using life satisfaction data pp. 106-115

- Christopher L. Ambrey and Christopher Fleming
- Distributing water's bounty pp. 116-128

- Ronald C. Griffin and James W. Mjelde
- Evaluation of welfare functions of environmental amenities: A case of forest biomass fuels in Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania pp. 129-139

- Martin Herbert Kijazi and Shashi Kant
- The willingness to adopt agro-ecological innovations: Application of choice modelling to Caribbean banana planters pp. 140-150

- Jean-Marc Blazy, Alain Carpentier and Alban Thomas
- The paradox of growth critique: Narrative analysis of the Finnish sustainable consumption and production debate pp. 151-160

- Annukka Berg and Janne I. Hukkinen
- Landscape aesthetics: Assessing the general publics' preferences towards rural landscapes pp. 161-169

- Peter Howley
- Humans, environment and economies: From vicious relationships to virtuous responsibility pp. 170-178

- Olivia Bina and Sofia Guedes Vaz
- Historical iron and steel recovery in times of raw material shortage: The case of Austria during World War I pp. 179-187

- Manfred Klinglmair and Johann Fellner
Volume 71, issue C, 2011
- Contribution of wetland agriculture to farmers' livelihood in Rwanda pp. 4-12

- N.L. Nabahungu and S.M. Visser
- Is agriculture compatible with free trade? pp. 13-24

- Wanki Moon
- Compensation for environmental services from artisanal fisheries in SE Brazil: Policy and technical strategies pp. 25-32

- Alpina Begossi, Peter H. May, Priscila F. Lopes, Luiz E.C. Oliveira, Valéria da Vinha and Renato A.M. Silvano
- The evolution of environmentally responsible investment: An Adam Smith perspective pp. 33-41

- Julie Whittaker
- Multi-region input–output analysis of CO2 emissions embodied in trade: The feedback effects pp. 42-53

- Bin Su and B.W. Ang
- Allocating biosecurity resources between preventing, detecting, and eradicating island invasions pp. 54-62

- Tracy M. Rout, Joslin L. Moore, Hugh P. Possingham and Michael A. McCarthy
- Bio-economic modeling of water quality improvements using a dynamic applied general equilibrium approach pp. 63-79

- Rob Dellink, Roy Brouwer, Vincent Linderhof and Karin Stone
- Valuing pollination services to agriculture pp. 80-88

- Rachael Winfree, Brian Gross and Claire Kremen
- Community conservation and a two-stage approach to payments for ecosystem services pp. 89-98

- Matthew Cranford and Susana Mourato
- An aggregate resource efficiency perspective on sustainability: A Sustainable Value application to the EU-15 countries pp. 99-110

- Frederic Ang, Steven Van Passel and Erik Mathijs
- Assessing the compatibility of farmland biodiversity and habitats to the specifications of agri-environmental schemes using a multinomial logit approach pp. 111-121

- Geraldine Murphy, Stephen Hynes, Eithne Murphy, Cathal O'Donoghue and Stuart Green
- Performance of an agro-forestry based Payments-for-Environmental-Services project in Mozambique: A household level analysis pp. 122-130

- Ravi Hegde and Gary Q. Bull
- Ecosystem services in agriculture: Determining suitability for provision by collective management pp. 131-139

- Heidi R. Stallman
- Controlling households' drilling fever in France: An economic modeling approach pp. 140-150

- Marielle Montginoul and Jean-Daniel Rinaudo
- Incentives for cooperation: The effects of institutional controls on common pool resource extraction in Cambodia pp. 151-161

- Henry Travers, Tom Clements, Aidan Keane and E.J. Milner-Gulland
- Low-income fishermen's willingness-to-pay for fisheries and watershed management: An application of choice experiment to Lake Tana, Ethiopia pp. 162-170

- Fitalew Agimass and Alemu Mekonnen
- How does consumer behavior influence regional ecological footprints? An empirical analysis for Chinese regions based on the multi-region input–output model pp. 171-179

- Xin Zhou and Hidefumi Imura
- Barriers to Massachusetts forest landowner participation in carbon markets pp. 180-190

- Marla Markowski-Lindsay, Thomas Stevens, David B. Kittredge, Brett J. Butler, Paul Catanzaro and Brenton J. Dickinson
- Measuring and locating footprints: A case study of Taiwan's rice and wheat consumption footprint pp. 191-201

- Jiun-Jiun Ferng
- Access to benefits from forest commons in the Western Himalayas pp. 202-210

- Sirisha Naidu
- Do people habituate to air pollution? Evidence from international life satisfaction data pp. 211-219

- Tobias Menz
Volume 70, issue 12, 2011
- Amenity driven price effects and conservation reserve site selection: A dynamic linear integer programming approach pp. 2225-2235

- Sahan Dissanayake and Hayri Onal
- Accounting for the ecosystem services of migratory species: Quantifying migration support and spatial subsidies pp. 2236-2242

- Darius J. Semmens, James E. Diffendorfer, Laura López-Hoffman and Carl D. Shapiro
- An operational structure for clarity in ecosystem service values pp. 2243-2249

- Robert Johnston and Marc Russell
- The effect of individual ‘ability to choose’ (scale heterogeneity) on the valuation of environmental goods pp. 2250-2257

- Mike Christie and James Gibbons
- A coevolutionary framework for analysing a transition to a sustainable low carbon economy pp. 2258-2267

- Timothy Foxon
- Operationalising active involvement in the EU Water Framework Directive: Why, when and how? pp. 2268-2274

- Stuart A.L. Wright and Oliver Fritsch
- Biodiversity measures based on species-level dissimilarities: A methodology for assessment pp. 2275-2281

- Nicolas Gerber
- Will nonowners follow pioneer consumers in the adoption of solar thermal systems? Empirical evidence for northwestern Germany pp. 2282-2291

- Julia Sophie Woersdorfer and Wolfhard Kaus
- The importance of the design of market-based instruments for CO2 mitigation: An AGE analysis for Spain pp. 2292-2302

- Mikel González-Eguino
- Anomalies in green national accounting pp. 2303-2307

- Geir Asheim and John M. Hartwick
- Promise and shortcomings of a green turn in recent policy responses to the “double crisis” pp. 2308-2316

- Olivia Bina and Francesco La Camera
- The effect of ambiguous risk, and coordination on farmers' adaptation to climate change — A framed field experiment pp. 2317-2326

- Francisco Alpizar Rodriguez, Fredrik Carlsson and Maria A. Naranjo
- Woodsy the optimal owl: Environmental campaigns, norms, and implications for public goods policy pp. 2327-2333

- Matthew Interis and Tim Haab
- Analysis of changes in Dutch emission trade balance(s) between 1996 and 2007 pp. 2334-2340

- Bram Edens, Roel Delahaye, Maarten van Rossum and Sjoerd Schenau
- EE-IO modeling of the environmental impacts of Finnish imports using different data sources pp. 2341-2349

- Sirkka Koskela, Ilmo Mäenpää, Jyri Seppälä, Tuomas Mattila and Marja-Riitta Korhonen
- Tourists and traditional divers in a common fishing ground pp. 2350-2360

- Joung-Hun Lee and Yoh Iwasa
- Efficiency of Payments for Environmental Services: Equity and additionality in a case study from a Biosphere Reserve in Chiapas, Mexico pp. 2361-2368

- Luis Rico García-Amado, Manuel Ruiz Pérez, Felipe Reyes Escutia, Sara Barrasa García and Elsa Contreras Mejía
- Productivity growth and environmental regulations - accounting for undesirable outputs: Analysis of China's thirty provincial regions using the Malmquist–Luenberger index pp. 2369-2379

- Chunhong Zhang, Haiying Liu, Hans Th.A. Bressers and Karen S. Buchanan
- Long run trends in energy-related external costs pp. 2380-2389

- Roger Fouquet
- Negative externalities on property values resulting from water impairment: The case of the Pigeon River Watershed pp. 2390-2399

- Seong-Hoon Cho, Roland Roberts and SeungGyu Kim
- When does a carbon tax on fossil fuels stimulate biofuels? pp. 2400-2415

- Govinda Timilsina, Stefan Csordas and Simon Mevel
- Water valuation at basin scale with application to western India pp. 2416-2428

- Saket Pande, Bart van den Boom, Hubert H.G. Savenije and Ashvani K. Gosain
- Comparative costs and conservation of wild species in situ, e.g. orangutans pp. 2429-2436

- Clement Tisdell and Hemanath Swarna Nantha
- The impact of climate on life satisfaction pp. 2437-2445

- David Maddison and Katrin Rehdanz
- The economic and environmental performances of rural districts in Italy: Are competitiveness and sustainability compatible targets? pp. 2446-2453

- Luca Salvati and Margherita Carlucci
- Optimal environmental taxes and standards: Implications of the materials balance pp. 2454-2460

- Udo Ebert and Heinz Welsch
- Forests, biomass use and poverty in Malawi pp. 2461-2471

- Sushenjit Bandyopadhyay, Priya Shyamsundar and Alessandro Baccini
- The implications for households of environmental tax reform (ETR) in Europe pp. 2472-2485

- Paul Ekins, Hector Pollitt, Jennifer Barton and Daniel Blobel
- Coexistence of GM and non-GM crops with endogenously determined separation pp. 2486-2493

- Emily Gray, Tiho Ancev and Ross Drynan
- Analyses of water footprint of Beijing in an interregional input–output framework pp. 2494-2502

- Zhuoying Zhang, Hong Yang and Minjun Shi
- Economic cost of deforestation in semi-deciduous forests — A case of two forest districts in Ghana pp. 2503-2510

- Lawrence Damnyag, Tapani Tyynelä, Mark Appiah, Olli Saastamoinen and Ari Pappinen
- Biodiversity conservation, loss of natural capital and interest rates pp. 2511-2515

- Clement Tisdell
- Local environmental regulation and plant-level productivity pp. 2516-2522

- Randy Becker
- Provided and perceived status quo in choice experiments: Implications for valuing the outputs of multifunctional rural areas pp. 2523-2531

- Marcos Domínguez-Torreiro and Mario Soliño
Volume 70, issue 11, 2011
- A note on sustainability economics and the capability approach pp. 1831-1834

- Jerome Ballet, Damien Bazin, Jean-Luc Dubois and François-Régis Mahieu
- Assets and drawbacks of the CA as a foundation for sustainability economics pp. 1835-1836

- Felix Rauschmayer and Ortrud Leßmann
- Payments for agrobiodiversity conservation services for sustained on-farm utilization of plant and animal genetic resources pp. 1837-1845

- Ulf Narloch, Adam G. Drucker and Unai Pascual
- Issues in environmental justice within the European Union pp. 1846-1853

- Eloi Laurent
- Accountability and legitimacy: An analytical challenge for earth system governance pp. 1854-1855

- Frank Biermann and Aarti Gupta
- Accountability and legitimacy in earth system governance: A research framework pp. 1856-1864

- Frank Biermann and Aarti Gupta
- Global democracy and earth system governance pp. 1865-1874

- John S. Dryzek and Hayley Stevenson
- Diversity and pluralism in earth system governance: Contemplating the role for global administrative law pp. 1875-1881

- Francesca Spagnuolo
- Transparency for governance: The mechanisms and effectiveness of disclosure-based and education-based transparency policies pp. 1882-1890

- Ronald B. Mitchell
- Creating legitimacy in global private governance: The case of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil pp. 1891-1899

- Greetje Schouten and Pieter Glasbergen
- From CDM to REDD+ -- What do we know for setting up effective and legitimate carbon governance? pp. 1900-1907

- Markus Lederer
- Institutional design for improved forest governance through REDD: Lessons from the global environment facility pp. 1908-1915

- G. Kristin Rosendal and Steinar Andresen
- CSD water partnerships: Privatization, participation and legitimacy pp. 1916-1923

- Eleni Dellas
- An integrated decision-support approach in prioritizing risks of non-indigenous species in the face of high uncertainty pp. 1924-1930

- Shuang Liu, Michael Hurley, Kim E. Lowell, Abu-Baker M. Siddique, Art Diggle and David C. Cook
- Thermodynamics on Main Street: When entropy really counts in economics pp. 1931-1936

- David Fisk
- Quo Vadis MRIO? Methodological, data and institutional requirements for multi-region input-output analysis pp. 1937-1945

- Thomas Wiedmann, Harry C. Wilting, Manfred Lenzen, Stephan Lutter and Viveka Palm
- Indices of biotic integrity in stated preference valuation of aquatic ecosystem services pp. 1946-1956

- Robert Johnston, Kathleen Segerson, Eric T. Schultz, Elena Y. Besedin and Mahesh Ramachandran
- Addressing leakage in the EU ETS: Border adjustment or output-based allocation? pp. 1957-1971

- Stéphanie Monjon and Philippe Quirion
- A summary of ISEW and GPI studies at multiple scales and new estimates for Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and the State of Maryland pp. 1972-1980

- Stephen M. Posner and Robert Costanza
- On the North-South trade in the Americas and its ecological asymmetries pp. 1981-1990

- Pablo Muñoz, Rita Strohmaier and Jordi Roca
- The economic importance of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) for livelihood maintenance of rural west African communities: A case study from northern Benin pp. 1991-2001

- Katja Heubach, Rüdiger Wittig, Ernst-August Nuppenau and Karen Hahn
- Forest management under fire risk when forest carbon sequestration has value pp. 2002-2011

- Stéphane Couture and Arnaud Reynaud
- Structural decomposition analysis and input-output subsystems: Changes in CO2 emissions of Spanish service sectors (2000-2005) pp. 2012-2019

- Isabela Butnar and Maria Llop
- IT for green and green IT: A proposed typology of eco-innovation pp. 2020-2027

- S. Faucheux and Isabelle Nicolaï
- Multi-scale integrated assessment of soybean biodiesel in Brazil pp. 2028-2038

- Matteo Borzoni
- Dynamic sustainability assessment: The case of Russia in the period of transition (1985-2008) pp. 2039-2049

- Stanislav E. Shmelev
- An options based bioeconomic model for biological and chemical control of invasive species pp. 2050-2061

- Alex Marten and Chris Moore
- Groundwater and ecosystems damages: Questioning the Gisser-Sánchez effect pp. 2062-2069

- Encarna Esteban and José Albiac
- International transmission of environmental policy: A New Keynesian perspective pp. 2070-2082

- Giovanni Ganelli and Juha Tervala
- Motivation crowding in environmental protection: Evidence from an artefactual field experiment pp. 2083-2097

- Giovanna d'Adda
- Markets of concentration permits: The case of manure policy pp. 2098-2104

- Bart Van der Straeten, Jeroen Buysse, Stephan Nolte, Ludwig Lauwers, Dakerlia Claeys and Guido Van Huylenbroeck
- Impact of Bt cotton on pesticide poisoning in smallholder agriculture: A panel data analysis pp. 2105-2113

- Shahzad Kouser and Matin Qaim
- Assessing fishers' empowerment in inland openwater fisheries in Bangladesh pp. 2114-2123

- G.M. Shamsul Kabir, Tai Shzee Yew, Kusairi Mohd. Noh and Law Siong Hook
- An indicator-based integrated assessment of ecosystem change and human-well-being: Selected case studies from Indonesia, China and Japan pp. 2124-2136

- M.S. Suneetha, Joeni S. Rahajoe, Kikuko Shoyama, Xing Lu, Shubhechchha Thapa and Ademola K. Braimoh
- Pitfalls and potential of institutional change: Rain-index insurance and the sustainability of rangeland management pp. 2137-2144

- Birgit Müller, Martin Quaas, Karin Frank and Stefan Baumgärtner
- The value of nonindigenous species risk assessment in international trade pp. 2145-2153

- Michael Springborn, Christina M. Romagosa and Reuben P. Keller
- Emergy evaluation perspectives of an irrigation improvement project proposal in China pp. 2154-2162

- Dan Chen, Michael Webber, Jing Chen and Zhaohui Luo
- Towards a unified scheme for environmental and social protection: Learning from PES and CCT experiences in developing countries pp. 2163-2174

- Luis C. Rodríguez, Unai Pascual, Roldan Muradian, Nathalie Pazmino and Stuart Whitten
- Modeling farmer participation in agri-environmental nitrate pollution reducing schemes pp. 2175-2180

- Eirini Giovanopoulou, Stefanos Nastis and Evagelos Papanagiotou
- A choice experiment on fuel taxation and earmarking in Norway pp. 2181-2190

- Håkon Sclen and Steffen Kallbekken
- Do environmental benefits matter? Evidence from a choice experiment among house owners in Germany pp. 2191-2200

- Martin Achtnicht
- Income inequality and the development of environmental technologies pp. 2201-2213

- Francesco Vona and Fabrizio Patriarca
- Explaining the variation in household recycling rates across the UK pp. 2214-2223

- Andrew Abbott, Shasikanta Nandeibam and Lucy O'Shea
Volume 70, issue 10, 2011
- Sustainability and externalities: Is the internalization of externalities a sufficient condition for sustainability? pp. 1703-1706

- Kostas Bithas
- The economic valuation of biodiversity as an abstract good pp. 1707-1714

- Yves Meinard and Philippe Grill
- Valuing ecosystem and economic services across land-use scenarios in the Prairie Pothole Region of the Dakotas, USA pp. 1715-1725

- William R. Gascoigne, Dana Hoag, Lynne Koontz, Brian A. Tangen, Terry L. Shaffer and Robert A. Gleason
- Intertemporal choice of marine ecosystem exploitation pp. 1726-1734

- Lars Ravn-Jonsen
- Evaluating the effects of area closure for recreational fishing in a coral reef ecosystem: The benefits of an integrated economic and biophysical modeling pp. 1735-1745

- Lei Gao and Atakelty Hailu
- Potential ecological and economic impacts of sea lice from farmed salmon on wild salmon fisheries pp. 1746-1755

- Yajie Liu, Ussif Rashid Sumaila and John Paul Volpe
- Complementarity between water pricing, water rights and local water governance: A Bayesian analysis of choice behaviour of farmers in the Krishna river basin, India pp. 1756-1766

- Prakashan Chellattan Veettil, Stijn Speelman, Aymen Frija, Jeroen Buysse and Guido van Huylenbroeck
- Organic food consumption in Europe: International segmentation based on value system differences pp. 1767-1775

- Salvador Ruiz de Maya, Inés López-López and José Luis Munuera
- Environmental impacts of changes to healthier diets in Europe pp. 1776-1788

- Arnold Tukker, R. Alexandra Goldbohm, Arjan de Koning, Marieke Verheijden, René Kleijn, Oliver Wolf, Ignacio Pérez-Domínguez and José Rueda-Cantuche
- Evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of biodiversity conservation spending pp. 1789-1796

- Helen F. Laycock, Dominic Moran, James C.R. Smart, David G. Raffaelli and Piran C.L. White
- Could society's willingness to reduce pesticide use be aligned with farmers' economic self-interest? pp. 1797-1804

- Jean-Philippe Boussemart, Hervé Leleu and Oluwaseun Ojo
- The Asian clam Corbicula fluminea in the European freshwater-dependent industry: A latent threat or a friendly enemy? pp. 1805-1813

- Inês C. Rosa, Joana L. Pereira, João Gomes, Pedro M. Saraiva, Fernando Gonçalves and Raquel Costa
- Estimating and communicating food system impacts: A case study in Montreal, Quebec pp. 1814-1821

- Joël Thibert and Madhav G. Badami
- Estimating the impacts of eliminating fisheries subsidies on the small island economy of the Azores pp. 1822-1830

- Natacha Carvalho, Sameer Rege, Mário Fortuna, Eduardo Isidro and Gareth Edwards-Jones
Volume 70, issue 9, 2011
- Smallholder timber sales along the Transamazon Highway: a comment pp. 1565-1567

- Robert Walker and Eugenio Arima
- Reply to Walker and Arima pp. 1568-1568

- Gregory S. Amacher, Frank Merry and Maria S. Bowman
- Governing the commons: Learning from field and laboratory experiments pp. 1569-1570

- Marco A. Janssen and John M. Anderies
- The challenge of understanding decisions in experimental studies of common pool resource governance pp. 1571-1579

- John M. Anderies, Marco A. Janssen, François Bousquet, Juan-Camilo Cardenas, Daniel Castillo, Maria Claudia Lopez, Robert Tobias, Björn Vollan and Amber Wutich
- Reprint of: A common-pool resource experiment with postgraduate subjects from 41 countries pp. 1580-1589

- T.K. Ahn, Elinor Ostrom and James Walker
- Head-enders as stationary bandits in asymmetric commons: Comparing irrigation experiments in the laboratory and the field pp. 1590-1598

- Marco A. Janssen, John M. Anderies and Juan-Camilo Cardenas
- The impact of culture and ecology on cooperation in a common-pool resource experiment pp. 1599-1608

- Sebastian Prediger, Björn Vollan and Markus Frölich
- Context matters to explain field experiments: Results from Colombian and Thai fishing villages pp. 1609-1620

- Daniel Castillo, François Bousquet, Marco A. Janssen, Kobchai Worrapimphong and Juan-Camilo Cardenas
- Adapting auctions for the provision of ecosystem services at the landscape scale pp. 1621-1627

- Andrew Reeson, Luis C. Rodriguez, Stuart Whitten, Kristen Williams, Karel Nolles, Jill Windle and John Rolfe
- Are Internet surveys an alternative to face-to-face interviews in contingent valuation? pp. 1628-1637

- Henrik Lindhjem and Stale Navrud
- An economic analysis of the possibility of reducing pesticides in French field crops pp. 1638-1648

- Florence Jacquet, Jean-Pierre Butault and Laurence Guichard
- Valuation of ecosystem services from rural landscapes using agricultural land prices pp. 1649-1659

- Shan Ma and Scott M. Swinton
- Quantification of interdependencies between economic systems and ecosystem services: An input-output model applied to the Seine estuary pp. 1660-1671

- Mateo Cordier, José A. Pérez Agúndez, Martin O'Connor, Sébastien Rochette and Walter Hecq
- Factors determining awareness and knowledge of aquatic invasive species pp. 1672-1679

- Mark E. Eiswerth, Steven T. Yen and Gerrit van Kooten
- Marginal abatement costs of greenhouse gas emissions from European agriculture, cost effectiveness, and the EU non-ETS burden sharing agreement pp. 1680-1690

- Stéphane De Cara and Pierre-Alain Jayet
- How does environmental performance affect financial performance? Evidence from Japanese manufacturing firms pp. 1691-1700

- Hiroki Iwata and Keisuke Okada
- ,The Isis Agreement -- How Sustainability Can Improve Organizational Performance and Transform the World, Alan AtKisson, Earthscan (2008) ISBN 978-1-84407-415-0 322 pp pp. 1701-1702

- Sigrun Maria Kristinsdottir
- Felix Rauschmayer, Ines Omann and Johannes Frühmann, Editors, Sustainable Development: Capabilities, Needs, and Well-Being, Routledge, London and New York (2011) ISBN 978-0-415-58652-8 167 pp pp. 1701-1701

- Dale S. Rothman
Volume 70, issue 8, 2011
- Correcting for the endogeneity of pro-environment behavioral choices in contingent valuation pp. 1435-1439

- Roberto Martinez-Espineira and Nikita Lyssenko
- An exercise in composite indicators construction: Assessing the sustainability of Italian regions pp. 1440-1447

- Matteo Floridi, Simone Pagni, Simone Falorni and Tommaso Luzzati
- Coupled economic-ecological systems with slow and fast dynamics -- Modelling and analysis method pp. 1448-1458

- Anne-Sophie Crépin, Jon Norberg and Karl‑Göran Mäler
- Decomposing the decoupling of CO2 emissions and economic growth in Brazil pp. 1459-1469

- Luciano De Freitas and Shinji Kaneko
- International support of climate change policies in developing countries: Strategic, moral and fairness aspects pp. 1470-1480

- Dirk Rübbelke
- The conservation against development paradigm in protected areas: Valuation of ecosystem services in the Doñana social-ecological system (southwestern Spain) pp. 1481-1491

- Berta Martín-López, Marina García-Llorente, Ignacio Palomo and Carlos Montes
- Spatial patterns and economic contributions of mining and tourism in biodiversity hotspots: A case study in China pp. 1492-1498

- Ganlin Huang, Weiqi Zhou and Saleem Ali
- Agriculture production versus biodiversity protection: The impact of North-South unconditional transfers pp. 1499-1507

- Stéphanie Aulong, Charles Figuieres and Sophie Thoyer
- Scope economies and technical efficiency of cocoa agroforesty systems in Ghana pp. 1508-1518

- Adeline Ofori-Bah and John Asafu-Adjaye
- What will be the environmental effects of new free-floating car-sharing systems? The case of car2go in Ulm pp. 1519-1528

- Jörg Firnkorn and Martin Müller
- Is fairness blind?--The effect of framing on preferences for effort-sharing rules pp. 1529-1535

- Fredrik Carlsson, Mitesh Kataria, Elina Lampi, Åsa Löfgren and Thomas Sterner
- Farmers adoption of integrated crop protection and organic farming: Do moral and social concerns matter? pp. 1536-1545

- Naoufel Mzoughi
- Stimulating different types of eco-innovation in the UK: Government policies and firm motivations pp. 1546-1557

- Pelin Demirel and Effie Kesidou
- Determinants of farmers' willingness to participate in subsidy schemes for pesticide-free buffer zones--A choice experiment study pp. 1558-1564

- Tove Christensen, Anders Branth Pedersen, Helle Oersted Nielsen, Morten Mørkbak, Berit Hasler and Sigrid Denver
Volume 70, issue 7, 2011
- The economic impact of shale gas extraction: A review of existing studies pp. 1243-1249

- Thomas Kinnaman
- Valuing water level changes in reservoirs using two stated preference approaches: An exploration of validity pp. 1250-1258

- Nele Lienhoop and Till Ansmann
- On the merits of plant-based proteins for global food security: Marrying macro and micro perspectives pp. 1259-1265

- Joop de Boer and Harry Aiking
- Ecological Economics and Environmental History pp. 1266-1268

- Jouni Paavola and Evan D.G. Fraser
- Can economic, land use and climatic stresses lead to famine, disease, warfare and death? Using Europe's calamitous 14th century as a parable for the modern age pp. 1269-1279

- Evan D.G. Fraser
- Foreign trade and early industrialisation in the Habsburg Monarchy and the United Kingdom -- Two extremes in comparison pp. 1280-1288

- Simone Gingrich
- Reprint of: Sewage Pollution and Institutional and Technological Change in the United States, 1830-1915 pp. 1289-1296

- Jouni Paavola
- Water scarcity, social power and the production of an elite suburb: The political ecology of water in Matadepera, Catalonia pp. 1297-1308

- Iago Otero, Giorgos Kallis, Raül Aguilar and Vicenç Ruiz
- Energy, property, and the industrial revolution narrative pp. 1309-1315

- Stefania Barca
- Profits and poverty: Certification's troubled link for Nicaragua's organic and fairtrade coffee producers pp. 1316-1324

- Tina D. Beuchelt and Manfred Zeller
- Willingness to pay for other species' well-being pp. 1325-1335

- Brian Vander Naald and Trudy Cameron
- Species diversity, fishing induced change in carrying capacity and sustainable fisheries management pp. 1336-1343

- Wisdom Akpalu and Worku T. Bitew
- The impact of urbanization on CO2 emissions: Evidence from developing countries pp. 1344-1353

- Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso and Antonello Maruotti
- Oil consumption and economic efficiency: A comparative analysis of advanced, developing and emerging economies pp. 1354-1362

- George Halkos and Nickolaos G. Tzeremes
- A nonparametric analysis of the impact of agri-environmental advisory activities on best management practice adoption: A case study of Québec pp. 1363-1374

- Lota Tamini
- Is economic growth for the birds? pp. 1375-1380

- Aaron Strong, John Tschirhart and David Finnoff
- Structuring stakeholder participation in New Zealand's water resource governance pp. 1381-1394

- James Lennox, Wendy Proctor and Shona Russell
- Hot spots regulation and environmental justice pp. 1395-1405

- Rama Mohana R. Turaga, Douglas Noonan and Ann Bostrom
- Adoption of organic farming: Are there differences between early and late adoption? pp. 1406-1414

- Doris Läpple and Tom Van Rensburg
- Adoption of safer irrigation technologies and cropping patterns: Evidence from Southern Ghana pp. 1415-1423

- Awudu Abdulai, Victor Owusu and John-Eudes A. Bakang
- Price discovery and intermediation in linked emissions trading markets: A laboratory study pp. 1424-1433

- Timothy Cason and Lata Gangadharan
Volume 70, issue 6, 2011
- Sustainability economics as a contested concept pp. 1019-1020

- Peter Söderbaum
- A review on cost-effectiveness analysis of agri-environmental measures related to the EU WFD: Key issues, methods, and applications pp. 1021-1031

- Bedru Babulo Balana, Andy Vinten and Bill Slee
- Tracing distant environmental impacts of agricultural products from a consumer perspective pp. 1032-1040

- Thomas Kastner, Michael Kastner and Sanderine Nonhebel
- Matching users' rights to available groundwater pp. 1041-1050

- John F. Raffensperger
- Application of PCA integrated with CA and GIS in eco-economic regionalization of Chinese Loess Plateau pp. 1051-1056

- Qing-feng Zhang, Fa-qi Wu, Li Wang, Lifeng Yuan and Long-shan Zhao
- The rising culture and worldview of contemporary spirituality: A sociological study of potentials and pitfalls for sustainable development pp. 1057-1065

- Annick Hedlund-de Witt
- How well do tree plantations comply with the twin targets of the Clean Development Mechanism? -- The case of tree plantations in Tanzania pp. 1066-1074

- Solveig Glomsrød, Taoyuan Wei, Gang Liu and Jens B. Aune
- The relative influences of land-owner and landscape heterogeneity in an agent-based model of land-use pp. 1075-1087

- Hugh Kelley and Tom Evans
- A new fuzzy multi-criteria framework for measuring sustainability performance of a supply chain pp. 1088-1100

- Ismail Erol, Safiye Sencer and Ramazan Sari
- Distal order effects in stated preference surveys pp. 1101-1108

- Beilei Cai, Trudy Cameron and Geoffrey Gerdes
- Macroeconomic conditions in the U.S. and congressional voting on environmental policy: 1970-2008 pp. 1109-1120

- Shaun Tanger, Peng Zeng, Wayde Morse and David Laband
- The relationship between resilience and sustainability of ecological-economic systems pp. 1121-1128

- Sandra Derissen, Martin Quaas and Stefan Baumgärtner
- Optimal detection strategies for an established invasive pest pp. 1129-1138

- Frances Homans and Tetsuya Horie
- Cost-effective compensation to avoid carbon emissions from forest loss: An approach to consider price-quantity effects and risk-aversion pp. 1139-1153

- Thomas Knoke, Otto-Emmanuel Steinbeis, Matthias Bösch, Rosa María Román-Cuesta and Thomas Burkhardt
- Analysing the profitability of the Spanish fleet after the anchovy moratorium using bootstrap techniques pp. 1154-1161

- M. Dolores Garza-Gil, Manuel Varela-Lafuente, Gonzalo Caballero-Miguez and Marcos Álvarez-Díaz
- The trade-off between agriculture and biodiversity in marginal areas: Can crofting and bumblebee conservation be reconciled? pp. 1162-1169

- Lynne M. Osgathorpe, Kirsty Park, Dave Goulson, Szvetlana Acs and Nick Hanley
- Embedding effects in choice experiment valuations of environmental preservation projects pp. 1170-1177

- Jette Bredahl Jacobsen, Thomas Lundhede, Louise Martinsen, Berit Hasler and Bo Thorsen
- One model fits all? -- On the moderating role of emotional engagement and confusion in the elicitation of preferences for climate change adaptation policies pp. 1178-1188

- Anke Fischer and Klaus Glenk
- Sustainability and the value of the 'regulating' services: Wetlands and water quality in Lake Victoria pp. 1189-1199

- Silvio Simonit and Charles Perrings
- Cooperation and framing effects in provision point mechanisms: Experimental evidence pp. 1200-1210

- Douadia Bougherara, Laurent Denant-Boèmont and David Masclet
- Unsustainable timber harvesting, deforestation and the role of certification pp. 1211-1219

- Olivier Damette and Philippe Delacote
- Eco-labeling in commercial office markets: Do LEED and Energy Star offices obtain multiple premiums? pp. 1220-1230

- Franz Fuerst and Pat McAllister
- Combining ecological and recreational aspects in national park management: A choice experiment application pp. 1231-1239

- Artti Juutinen, Yohei Mitani, Erkki Mäntymaa, Yasushi Shoji, Pirkko Siikamäki and Rauli Svento
- Ernst von Weizsäcker, Karlson Hargroves, Michael H. Smith, Cheryl Desha and Peter Stasinopoulos, Factor Five: Transforming the Global Economy Through 80% Improvements in Resource Productivity, Earthscan (2009) 340 pp., ISBN 978-1844075911 pp. 1240-1241

- John Polimeni
- Collier Paul, The Plundered Planet, Why We Must - and How We Can - Manage Nature for Global Prosperity, Oxford University Press (2010) ISBN 978-0-19-539525-9 271 pp pp. 1240-1240

- Peter Söderbaum
Volume 70, issue 5, 2011
- A bibliometric account of the evolution of EE in the last two decades: Is ecological economics (becoming) a post-normal science? pp. 849-862

- Manuela Castro e Silva and Aurora Teixeira
- Groundwater balance and conservation under different water pricing and agricultural policy scenarios: A case study of the Hamadan-Bahar plain pp. 863-872

- Hamid Balali, Sadegh Khalilian, Davide Viaggi, Fabio Bartolini and Majid Ahmadian
- In defence of degrowth pp. 873-880

- Giorgos Kallis
- Environment versus growth -- A criticism of "degrowth" and a plea for "a-growth" pp. 881-890

- Jeroen van den Bergh
- Farming system modelling for agri-environmental policy design: The case of a spatially non-aggregated allocation of conservation measures pp. 891-899

- Laure Bamière, Petr Havlík, Florence Jacquet, Michel Lherm, Guy Millet and Vincent Bretagnolle
- A dimensionally consistent aggregation framework for biophysical metrics pp. 900-909

- Deepak Malghan
- Biological conservation in dynamic agricultural landscapes: Effectiveness of public policies and trade-offs with agricultural production pp. 910-920

- F. Barraquand and Vincent Martinet
- Net primary production and gross domestic product in China derived from satellite imagery pp. 921-928

- Naizhuo Zhao, Nate Currit and Eric Samson
- Quantitative versus qualitative growth with recyclable resource pp. 929-941

- Jean-François Fagnart and Marc Germain
- Corporate performance implications of extended stakeholder management: New insights on mediation and moderation effects pp. 942-950

- Marcus Wagner
- Endogenous property rights regimes, common-pool resources and trade pp. 951-962

- Gregmar Galinato
- No matter how it is measured, income declines with global warming pp. 963-970

- Pin Ng and Xiaobing Zhao
- When the public good conflicts with an apparent preference for unsustainable behaviour pp. 971-977

- Craig H. Bullock and Marcus Collier
- What really matters: Discounting, technological change and sustainable climate pp. 978-987

- Georg Müller-Fürstenberger and Gunter Stephan
- Biocapacity supply and demand in Northwestern China: A spatial appraisal of sustainability pp. 988-994

- Dongxia Yue, Xiaofeng Xu, Cang Hui, Youcai Xiong, Xuemei Han and Jinhui Ma
- Species preservation versus development: An experimental investigation under uncertainty pp. 995-1005

- Therese Grijalva, Robert Berrens and W. Douglass Shaw
- Opening a policy window for organisational change and full-cost accounting: The creation of BC Hydro's water use planning program pp. 1006-1015

- Lucia Scodanibbio
- S. Latouche, The degrowth proposal, Farewell to Growth, Polity Press (2009) pp. 1016-1017

- Giorgos Kallis
- Mark Everard, The Business of Biodiversity, WIT Press, Southampton and Boston (2009) ISBN 978-1-84564-208-2 240 pp pp. 1016-1016

- Karachepone Ninan
Volume 70, issue 4, 2011
- Property rights and liability for deforestation under REDD+: Implications for 'permanence' in policy design pp. 571-576

- Charles Palmer
- Pursuing self-interest or self-actualization? From capitalism to a steady-state, wisdom economy pp. 577-584

- Niaz Murtaza
- Incentivizing sustainable waste management pp. 585-594

- Jeffrey Wagner
- Significance of environment in the assessment of sustainable development: The case for south west Victoria pp. 595-605

- Anne M. Wallis, Michelle L.M. Graymore and Anneke J. Richards
- The evolutionary approach to entropy: Reconciling Georgescu-Roegen's natural philosophy with the maximum entropy framework pp. 606-616

- Carsten Herrmann-Pillath
- Bio economic modeling for a sustainable management of biodiversity in agricultural lands pp. 617-626

- Lauriane Mouysset, Luc Doyen, F. Jiguet, G. Allaire and F. Leger
- Optimal management of an ecosystem with an unknown threshold pp. 627-640

- Nicholas Brozovic and Wolfram Schlenker
- Public transaction costs of agri-environmental schemes and their determinants--Analysing stakeholders' involvement and perceptions pp. 641-650

- E. Mettepenningen, Volker Beckmann and J. Eggers
- Trust, reputation and relationships in grazing rights markets: An experimental economic study pp. 651-658

- Andrew Reeson, John Tisdell and Ryan McAllister
- A duration analysis of environmental alternative dispute resolution in Japan pp. 659-666

- Shigeru Matsumoto
- Species protection from current reserves: Economic and biological considerations, spatial issues and policy evaluation pp. 667-675

- Bertrand Hamaide and Jack Sheerin
- Biofuel policies and the environment: Do climate benefits warrant increased production from biofuel feedstocks? pp. 676-687

- Jussi Lankoski and Markku Ollikainen
- Management of an annual fishery in the presence of ecological stress: The case of shrimp and hypoxia pp. 688-697

- Ling Huang and Martin D. Smith
- On conflict over natural resources pp. 698-712

- Rafael Reuveny, John Maxwell and Jefferson Davis
- An assessment of the influence of bioenergy and marketed land amenity values on land uses in the Midwestern US pp. 713-720

- Suk-Won Choi, Brent Sohngen and Ralph Alig
- Can domestication of wildlife lead to conservation? The economics of tiger farming in China pp. 721-728

- Brant Abbott and Gerrit van Kooten
- Economic valuation of species loss in the open sea pp. 729-739

- Adriana Ressurreição, James Gibbons, Tomaz Dentinho, Michel Kaiser, Ricardo S. Santos and Gareth Edwards-Jones
- Assessment of net ecosystem services of plastic greenhouse vegetable cultivation in China pp. 740-748

- Jie Chang, Xu Wu, Anqin Liu, Yan Wang, Bin Xu, Wu Yang, Laura A. Meyerson, Baojing Gu, Changhui Peng and Ying Ge
- The blue, green and grey water footprint of rice from production and consumption perspectives pp. 749-758

- A.K. Chapagain and A.Y. Hoekstra
- Environmental regulation and investment: Evidence from European industry data pp. 759-770

- Andrea Leiter, Arno Parolini and Hannes Winner
- Fine-scale conservation planning outside of reserves: Cost-effective selection of retention patches at final harvest pp. 771-777

- Karin Perhans, Dan Glöde, Jessica Gilbertsson, Anette Persson and Lena Gustafsson
- Shared wealth or nobody's land? The worth of natural capital and ecosystem services pp. 778-787

- Sergio Ulgiati, Amalia Zucaro and Pier Paolo Franzese
- Regional development or resource preservation? A perspective from Japanese appliance exports pp. 788-797

- Masaaki Fuse, Eiji Yamasue, Barbara K. Reck and T.E. Graedel
- The effect of climate change on optimal wetlands and waterfowl management in Western Canada pp. 798-805

- Patrick Withey and Gerrit van Kooten
- Group decision-making theory and behavior under performance-based water quality payments pp. 806-812

- Alan R. Collins and Peter Maille
- Using spatial microsimulation to account for demographic and spatial factors in environmental benefit transfer pp. 813-824

- John Cullinan, Stephen Hynes and Cathal O'Donoghue
- An analysis of public adaptation to climate change using agricultural water schemes in South America pp. 825-834

- S. Niggol Seo
- Sustaining sustainability science: The role of established inter-disciplines pp. 835-843

- Karen Kastenhofer, Ulrike Bechtold and Harald Wilfing
- Sustainable Development in Practice: Sustainomics Methodology and Applications, Mohan Munasinghe, Cambridge University Press, 2009, ISBN: 978-0-521-89540-8, 633 pp pp. 844-845

- Peter A. Victor
- R.A. Matthew, J. Barnett, B. McDonald and K.L. O'Brien, Editors, Global Environmental Change and Human Security, MIT Press (2010) ISBN 0262013401 328pp pp. 845-846

- Pablo Suarez
- Thomas E. Graedel and Ester van der Voet, Editors, Linkages of Sustainability, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA (2010) ISBN 978-0-262-01358, 430 pp pp. 845-845

- John R. Ehrenfeld
- Oceans Governance in the Twenty-First Century: Managing the Blue Planet, Marcus Haward and Joanna Vince, 2008, Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-84720-111-9, vii + 240 pp pp. 846-847

- Murray Patterson
Volume 70, issue 3, 2011
- The relationship between externality, and its correction, and sustainability pp. 453-453

- Mick Common
- Management of non-timber forestry products extraction: Local institutions, ecological knowledge and market structure in South-Eastern Zimbabwe pp. 454-461

- M.J. Mutenje, G.F. Ortmann and S.R.D. Ferrer
- Helping "light green" consumers walk the talk: Results of a behavioural intervention survey in the Swiss electricity market pp. 462-474

- Dorian Litvine and Rolf Wüstenhagen
- Comparing region-specific sustainability assessments through indicator systems: Feasible or not? pp. 475-486

- Annemarie van Zeijl-Rozema, Ludovico Ferraguto and Pietro Caratti
- Economic-environmental monitoring indicators for European countries: A disaggregated sector-based approach for monitoring eco-efficiency pp. 487-496

- Sibylle Wursthorn, Witold-Roger Poganietz and Liselotte Schebek
- The quantification and valuation of ecosystem services pp. 497-502

- Mark Sagoff
- Assessing sustainability, a comprehensive wealth accounting prospect: An application to Mozambique pp. 503-512

- Timothée Ollivier and Pierre-Noël Giraud
- The innovation impact of the EU Emission Trading System -- Findings of company case studies in the German power sector pp. 513-523

- Karoline S. Rogge, Malte Schneider and Volker H. Hoffmann
- Governing uncertain and unknown effects of genetically modified crops pp. 524-532

- Valborg Kvakkestad and Arild Vatn
- Conserving biodiversity with tradable permits under changing conservation costs and habitat restoration time lags pp. 533-541

- Martin Drechsler and Florian Hartig
- Sustainability ranking and improvement of countries pp. 542-553

- Yannis A. Phillis, Evangelos Grigoroudis and Vassilis S. Kouikoglou
- Who votes for public environmental goods in California?: Evidence from a spatial analysis of voting for environmental ballot measures pp. 554-563

- Xiaoyu Wu and Bowman Cutter
- D. Armitage, F. Berkes and N. Doubleday, Editors, Adaptive Co-Management: Collaboration, Learning and Multi-Level Governance, UBC Press, Vancouver (2007) ISBN 978-0-7748-1390-7 360 pp pp. 564-564

- Marta Berbés-Blázquez
- Thomas R. Karl, Jerry M. Melillo and Thomas C. Peterson, Editors, Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States, Cambridge University Press (2009) ISBN 978-0-521-14407-0 188 pp pp. 565-565

- Halldór Björnsson
- Clive George, The Truth about Trade: The Real Impact of Liberalization, Zed Books (2010) ISBN 9781848132979 178 pp pp. 565-566

- Brantley Liddle
- Francis Delpeuch, Bernard Maire, Emmanuel Monnier and Michelle Holdsworth, Globesity: A Planet Out of Control?, Earthscan, London, UK and Sterling, VA (2009) ISBN 978-184407667-3 180 pp pp. 566-567

- Tinna Laufey Ásgeirsdóttir
- Yakov Ben-Haim, Info-Gap Economics: An Operational Introduction, Palgrave Macmillan (2010) ISBN: 978-0-230-22804-7, 245 pp pp. 567-568

- Thomas Knoke
- Corrigendum to "Who bears the environment burden in China--An analysis of the distribution of industrial pollution sources?"[Ecological Economics 69 (2010) 1869-1876] pp. 569-569

- Ma Chunbo and Ethan D. Schoolman
Volume 70, issue 2, 2010
- On the natural capital and ecosystem services of soils pp. 137-138

- David A. Robinson and Inma Lebron
- Response to Robinson and Lebron -- Learning from complementary approaches to soil natural capital and ecosystem services pp. 139-140

- Estelle Dominati, Murray Patterson and Alec Mackay
- Landscape amenities and local development: A review of migration, regional economic and hedonic pricing studies pp. 141-152

- Fabian Waltert and Felix Schläpfer
- Social Metabolism, Ecological Distribution Conflicts, and Valuation Languages pp. 153-158

- Joan Martinez-Alier, Giorgos Kallis, Sandra Veuthey, Mariana Walter and Leah Temper
- Biophysical structure of the Ecuadorian economy, foreign trade, and policy implications pp. 159-169

- Maria Cristina Vallejo
- Logging conflicts in Southern Cameroon: A feminist ecological economics perspective pp. 170-177

- Sandra Veuthey and Julien-François Gerber
- Power and contestation in collaborative ecosystem-based management: The case of Haida Gwaii pp. 178-188

- Louise Takeda and Inge Røpke
- Jatropha plantations for biodiesel in Tamil Nadu, India: Viability, livelihood trade-offs, and latent conflict pp. 189-195

- Pere Ariza-Montobbio and Sharachchandra Lele
- Participatory processes in the soy conflicts in Paraguay and Argentina pp. 196-206

- Gustavo A. García-López and Nancy Arizpe
- Oil frontiers and indigenous resistance in the Peruvian Amazon pp. 207-218

- Martí Orta-Martínez and Matt Finer
- A glocal environmental movement against gold mining: Pascua-Lama in Chile pp. 219-227

- Leire Urkidi
- Valuation languages in environmental conflicts: How stakeholders oppose or support gold mining at Mount Ida, Turkey pp. 228-238

- Duygu AvcI, Fikret Adaman and Begüm Özkaynak
- Conflict in Campania: Waste emergency or crisis of democracy pp. 239-249

- Giacomo D'Alisa, David Burgalassi, Hali Healy and Mariana Walter
- Shipbreaking at Alang-Sosiya (India): An ecological distribution conflict pp. 250-260

- Federico Demaria
- Conceptualising environmental responsibility pp. 261-270

- Manfred Lenzen and Joy Murray
- The modest environmental relief resulting from the transition to a service economy pp. 271-282

- Sofia Teives Henriques and Astrid Kander
- Boundary organizations for sustainable land management: The example of Dutch Environmental Co-operatives pp. 283-295

- Jeremy Franks
- Is all space created equal? Uncovering the relationship between competing land uses in subdivisions pp. 296-307

- Joshua K. Abbott and Henry Klaiber
- Conjoint effect of environmental labeling, disclosure of forest of origin and price on consumer preferences for wood products in the US and UK pp. 308-316

- Francisco Aguilar and Zhen Cai
- The social development effects of primary commodity export dependence pp. 317-330

- Fabrizio Carmignani and Desire Avom
- Climate change in a public goods game: Investment decision in mitigation versus adaptation pp. 331-338

- Reviva Hasson, Åsa Löfgren and Martine Visser
- The drawbacks and opportunities of carbon charges in metropolitan areas -- A spatial general equilibrium approach pp. 339-357

- Stefan Tscharaktschiew and Georg Hirte
- Ecuador's Yasuní-ITT Initiative: The old and new values of petroleum pp. 358-365

- Laura Rival
- Determinants of protest responses in environmental valuation: A meta-study pp. 366-374

- Jürgen Meyerhoff and Ulf Liebe
- An entrepreneurial model of economic and environmental co-evolution pp. 375-383

- Jason Potts, John Foster and Anna Straton
- Realising the 'wellbeing dividend': An exploratory study using the Human Scale Development approach pp. 384-393

- Monica Guillen-Royo
- The effect of an aquatic invasive species (Eurasian watermilfoil) on lakefront property values pp. 394-404

- Congwen Zhang and Kevin Boyle
- Performance payments: A new strategy to conserve large carnivores in the tropics? pp. 405-412

- Astrid Zabel and Stefanie Engel
- Valuing the non-use benefits of marine conservation zones: An application to the UK Marine Bill pp. 413-424

- Alistair McVittie and Dominic Moran
- From constraint to sufficiency: The decoupling of energy and carbon from human needs, 1975-2005 pp. 425-433

- Julia K. Steinberger and J. Timmons Roberts
- Does urbanization lead to less energy use and lower CO2 emissions? A cross-country analysis pp. 434-444

- Phetkeo Poumanyvong and Shinji Kaneko
- The pharmaceutical value of marine biodiversity for anti-cancer drug discovery pp. 445-451

- Patrick M. Erwin, Susanna López-Legentil and Peter W. Schuhmann
Volume 70, issue 1, 2010
- Willingness to pay, attitudes and fundamental values -- On the cognitive context of public preferences for diversity in agricultural landscapes pp. 1-9

- Uta Sauer and Anke Fischer
- Input-output analysis of CO2 emissions embodied in trade: The effects of spatial aggregation pp. 10-18

- Bin Su and B.W. Ang
- Cultural bias in contingent valuation of copper mining in the Commonwealth of Dominica pp. 19-23

- Carlisle A. Pemberton, Emaline Harris-Charles and Hazel Patterson-Andrews
- Integrated regulation of nonpoint pollution: Combining managerial controls and economic instruments under multiple environmental targets pp. 24-33

- Ashar Aftab, Nick Hanley and Giovanni Baiocchi
- The impact of discounting emission credits on the competitiveness of different CDM host countries pp. 34-42

- Paula Castro and Axel Michaelowa
- A quantitative minimax regret approach to climate change: Does discounting still matter? pp. 43-51

- Andries F. Hof, Detlef P. van Vuuren and Michel G.J. den Elzen
- Does environmental performance affect financial performance? A meta-analysis pp. 52-59

- Eva Horváthová
- Identifying important characteristics of municipal carbon footprints pp. 60-66

- Hogne N. Larsen and Edgar G. Hertwich
- Separate or mixed production of timber, livestock and biodiversity in the Caspian Forest pp. 67-76

- Frederik A.W. Noack, Michael Manthey, Jack H. Ruitenbeek and M.R. Marvie Mohadjer
- Decomposing the change of CO2 emissions in China: A distance function approach pp. 77-85

- Man Li
- A spatial-dynamic value transfer model of economic losses from a biological invasion pp. 86-95

- Thomas P. Holmes, Andrew M. Liebhold, Kent Kovacs and Betsy Von Holle
- Weak and strong sustainability assessment in fisheries pp. 96-106

- E. Garmendia, R. Prellezo, A. Murillas, Marta Escapa and M. Carmen Gallastegui
- Economic values of species management options in human-wildlife conflicts: Hen Harriers in Scotland pp. 107-113

- Nick Hanley, Mikolaj Czajkowski, Rose Hanley-Nickolls and Steve Redpath
- A common weight MCDA-DEA approach to construct composite indicators pp. 114-120

- S.M. Hatefi and S.A. Torabi
- Markets, pooling and insurance for managing bycatch in fisheries pp. 121-133

- D.S. Holland
- Paul G. Harris, World Ethics and Climate Change: From International to Global Justice, Edinburgh University Press (2010) ISBN 978-0-7486-3910-6 (paperback), x + 214 pages pp. 134-135

- Carlos Amador-Bedolla
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