Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 223, issue C, 2024
- Do you perceive interdependencies among human activities related to water? Drivers and effects on preferences for participation and regulation

- Thomas Bolognesi and Géraldine Pflieger
- Climate change and reindeer herding – A bioeconomic model on the impact of climate change on harvesting profits for Saami reindeer herders in Norway and Sweden

- Irmelin Slettemoen Helgesen, Anne Borge Johannesen, Göran Bostedt and Erlend Dancke Sandorf
- Understanding and valuing human connections to deep-sea methane seeps off Costa Rica

- Olívia S. Pereira, Mark Jacobsen, Richard Carson, Jorge Cortés and Lisa A. Levin
- Ratcheting up private standards by exploiting coopetition: The curious case of RSPO’s adoption of zero-deforestation criteria

- Kristjan Jespersen, Janina Grabs and Caleb Gallemore
- Impact of time-saving technology on household electricity consumption: An automatic vacuum cleaner distribution experiment in Japan

- Kenichi Mizobuchi and Hiroaki Yamagami
- Preferences for dynamic electricity tariffs: A comparison of households in Germany and Japan

- Miwa Nakai, Victor von Loessl and Heike Wetzel
- Framing effects in expert assessments of optimal GDP development

- Manuel Suter, Noel Strahm, Till Bundeli, Kaja Kaessner, Viktoria Cologna and Sebastian Berger
- The impact of cereal crop diversification on farm labor productivity under changing climatic conditions

- Andreas Eder, Klaus Salhofer and Abdul Quddoos
- Carrot and stick incentive policies for climate change mitigation: A survey experiment on crowding out of public support

- Maoliang Ling, Chutian Liu, Lin Xu and Haimi Yang
- Spaceship Earth. A total institution

- Steffen Roth
- Return on investments in restoration and fuel treatments in frequent-fire forests of the American west: A meta-analysis

- Evan E. Hjerpe, Melanie M. Colavito, Amy E.M. Waltz and Andrew Sánchez Meador
- Biodiversity loss and financial stability as a new frontier for central banks: An exploration for France

- Paul Hadji-Lazaro, Mathilde Salin, Romain Svartzman, Etienne Espagne, Julien Gauthey, Joshua Berger, Julien Calas, Antoine Godin and Antoine Vallier
- Does corruption pollute the wheel? An analysis for OECD countries

- Juan Román-Aso, Héctor Bellido and Lorena Olmos
- Problematising degrowth strategising: On the role of compromise, material interests, and coercion

- Richard Bärnthaler
- Blended academic insights for biodiversity and conservation finance

- Eli P. Fenichel and Monica F. Dean
Volume 222, issue C, 2024
- Strategic information avoidance, belief manipulation and the effectiveness of green nudges

- d’Adda, Giovanna, Yu Gao, Russell Golman and Massimo Tavoni
- Climate change and its impact on home insurance uptake in Australia

- Daniel Melser, Trinh Le and Ummul Ruthbah
- On the inference about a willingness-to-pay distribution using contingent valuation data

- Mikolaj Czajkowski, Ewa Zawojska, Norman Meade, Ronaldo Seroa da Motta, Mike Welsh and Ramon Arigoni Ortiz
- Beyond the haze: Decomposing the effect of economic inequality on global air quality from 2000 to 2020

- Ella Henninger and E. Keith Smith
- Sustainable practices in cocoa production. The role of certification schemes and farmer cooperatives

- Katharina Krumbiegel and Pascal Tillie
- Ecological footprint, resource security and semi-autarky

- Miroslav Syrovátka
- Virtual water trade: Does bilateral tariff matter?

- Rui Chen, Derick T. Adu, Wenying Li and Norbert L.W. Wilson
- Economic evaluations of urban green and blue space interventions: A scoping review

- Christopher Tate, Ngan Tran, Alberto Longo, John Barry, Tim Taylor, Ciaran O'Neill and Ruth Hunter
- Omitted downstream attributes and the benefits of nutrient reductions: Implications for choice experiments

- Shr, Yau-Huo (Jimmy) and Wendong Zhang
- Renewable energy and well-being in remote Indigenous communities of Canada: A panel analysis

- Oscar Zapata
- The effect of the economic cycles on material requirements: Analysing the dematerialization in developed countries

- Pablo Alonso-Fernández and Rosa María Regueiro-Ferreira
- An assessment of the distributional impacts of autonomous adaptation to climate change from European agriculture

- Maxime Ollier, Pierre-Alain Jayet and Pierre Humblot
- Frugal abundance: Conceptualisation for degrowth

- Adrien Plomteux
- Possible carbon circular pathway exploration for oil transition under the consideration of energy supply constraint and uncertainty

- Chuxiao Yang, Haitao Wu, Yunxia Guo and Yu Hao
- Assessment of the effects of extreme temperature on economic activity

- Fanglin Chen, Jie Zhang and Zhongfei Chen
- Energy, urbanization, and complexity: Towards a multi-scale ecological economic theory of innovation

- Stefano Menegat
- Overhauling multinationals for the Anthropocene: How a rogue subsidiary offers a blueprint for sustainable development

- Alejandro Agafonow and Marybel Perez
Volume 221, issue C, 2024
- Enhancing the face validity of choice experiments: A simple diagnostic check

- Klaus Glenk, Jürgen Meyerhoff, Sergio Colombo and Michela Faccioli
- How close are European countries to the doughnut-shaped safe and just space? Evidence from 26 EU countries

- M. Rosario Gómez-Alvarez Díaz, Víctor Ernesto Pérez León and Patricia Fuentes Saguar
- Methodological choices for reflecting strong sustainability in composite indices

- Arkaitz Usubiaga-Liaño and Paul Ekins
- Comparative analysis of Rights of Nature (RoN) case studies worldwide: Features of emergence and design

- Viktoria Kahui, Claire W. Armstrong and Margrethe Aanesen
- Maintaining human wellbeing as socio-environmental systems undergo regime shifts

- Andrew R. Tilman, Elisabeth H. Krueger, Lisa C. McManus and James R. Watson
- Ecological-behavioral economics: Impact of information on energy-renovation decision through third-party investing

- Belaid Fateh and Véronique Flambard
- Recreation in coastal environments: Estimating the non-market value of fishing harbors

- Alberto Ceccacci, Ana Faria Lopes, Luca Mulazzani and Giulio Malorgio
- What does degrowth do in/to empirical research? Methodological deliberations on placing degrowth ‘in the world’

- James Scott Vandeventer and Benedikt Schmid
- Integrating modelling-based and stakeholder-focused scenario approaches to close the planning gap and accelerate low-carbon transitions

- James Derbyshire
- Toxic pollution and poverty: Economic impacts of lead (Pb) exposure on household welfare in Zambia

- Masato Hiwatari, Daichi Yamada, Daiju Narita, Peter Hangoma and Bona Chitah
- Quantifying the impact: Are coastal areas impoverished by marine pollution?

- Genoveva Aparicio, Maximo Camacho and Mariluz Maté-Sánchez-Val
Volume 220, issue C, 2024
- Challenges in measuring the distribution of carbon footprints: The role of product and price heterogeneity

- Mathias André, Alexandre Bourgeois, Emmanuel Combet, Matthieu Lequien and Antonin Pottier
- African Rhino Conservation and the Interacting Influences of Property, Prices, and Policy

- ’t Sas-Rolfes, Michael and Richard Emslie
- Synergistic effect of environmental governance instruments embedded in social contexts: A case study of China

- Yang Liu, Yuchen Zhang, Xiaoli Zhao, Arash Farnoosh and Ruoran Ma
- The value of failure: The effect of an expired REDD+ conservation program on residents’ willingness for future participation

- Jeffrey Andrews and Monique Borgerhoff Mulder
- Land manager preferences for outcome-based payments for environmental services in oak savannahs

- Rubén Granado-Díaz, Anastasio J. Villanueva and Sergio Colombo
- Growth dependency in the welfare state – An analysis of drivers in the UK's adult social care sector and proposals for change

- Christine Corlet Walker, Angela Druckman and Tim Jackson
- Decent living standards, prosperity, and excessive consumption in the Lorenz curve

- Stefan Pauliuk
- Re-investigating the shared responsibility for trade-embodied carbon emissions

- Jiayu Wang, Changjing Ji, Yu Liu, Yuli Shan, Klaus Hubacek, Yi-Ming Wei and Ke Wang
- Can carbon tariffs based on domestic embedded carbon emissions reduce more carbon leakages?

- Zhijie Jia, Rongxin Wu, Yu Liu, Shiyan Wen and Boqiang Lin
- The sustainability of development pathways and climate change vulnerability in the Americas

- José Maria Cardoso Silva, Leonardo Schultz Araujo, Roger Rodrigues Torres and Luis Claudio Fernandes Barbosa
- Material services in an emerging economy: Tracking resource utilization in Vietnam's shelter, thermal comfort, and road transportation

- Thi Cuc Nguyen, Alessio Miatto and Junbeum Kim
- Damage costs from invasive species exceed management expenditure in nations experiencing lower economic activity

- Corey J.A. Bradshaw, Philip E. Hulme, Emma J. Hudgins, Brian Leung, Melina Kourantidou, Pierre Courtois, Anna J. Turbelin, Shana M. McDermott, Katherine Lee, Danish A. Ahmed, Guillaume Latombe, Alok Bang, Thomas W. Bodey, Phillip J. Haubrock, Frédérik Saltré and Franck Courchamp
- Mixed farmers' perception of the ecological-economic performance of diversified farming

- Julia Rosa-Schleich, Jacqueline Loos, Marco Ferrante, Oliver Musshoff and Teja Tscharntke
- Ecosystem service values provided by National Parks to residential property owners

- John Loomis, Leslie Richardson, Putri Komala Dara, Julie Mueller, Jeffrey Zabel, Paige Smalley, Ryan Fitch, Christoph Nolte and Robert Paterson
- Adaptation and operationalisation of sustainable degrowth for policy: Why we need to translate research papers into legislative drafts?

- Andrzej Strzałkowski
- Natural habitat vs human in competition for breathing space: Need for restructuring clean energy infrastructure

- Noman Arshed, Aftab Anwar, Manzir Abbas and Waheed Mughal
- Conversion to organic farming: Does it change the economic and environmental performance of fruit farms?

- Jaime Martín-García, José A. Gómez-Limón and Manuel Arriaza
- Inflation dynamics under different weather regimes: Evidence from Mexico

- Daniel Ventosa-Santaulària, Edwin Tapia and Anna Karina Pérez-Peña
- What drives businesses to transact with complementary currencies?

- Ariane Reyns
- Multidimensional welfare indices and the IPCC 6th Assessment Report scenarios

- Johannes Emmerling, Ulrike Kornek and Stéphane Zuber
- Analysis of the environmental and economic performance of common agricultural policy eco-schemes in soil organic carbon sequestration

- Sergio Colombo, Juan Castro-Rodríguez, Daniel Peréz-Pérez and María Almagro
- Are environmental concerns deterring people from having children? Longitudinal evidence on births in the UK

- Nattavudh Powdthavee, Andrew J. Oswald and Ben Lockwood
- Economic inequality and the ecological footprint: Time-varying estimates for four developed economies, 1962–2021

- Fredrik Andersson
- Global value chains participation and trade-induced carbon inequality: A comparative analysis of developed and developing economies

- Long Wei, Wenjing Li and Zhida Jin
- Peatland restoration in Germany: A dynamic general equilibrium analysis

- Dirk Willenbockel
- Institutional quality and bioeconomy performance in European countries: Unveiling the evidence

- Cristian Barra and Pasquale Marcello Falcone
- To spend or to avoid? A critical review on the role of money in aiming for sufficiency

- Fatemeh Jouzi, Jarkko Levänen, Mirja Mikkilä and Lassi Linnanen
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