Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 65, issue 4, 2008
- Designing payments for environmental services in theory and practice: An overview of the issues pp. 663-674

- Stefanie Engel, Stefano Pagiola and Sven Wunder
- Selling two environmental services: In-kind payments for bird habitat and watershed protection in Los Negros, Bolivia pp. 675-684

- Nigel M. Asquith, Maria Teresa Vargas and Sven Wunder
- Decentralized payments for environmental services: The cases of Pimampiro and PROFAFOR in Ecuador pp. 685-698

- Sven Wunder and Montserrat Albán
- China's sloping land conversion program: Institutional innovation or business as usual? pp. 699-711

- Michael T. Bennett
- Payments for environmental services in Costa Rica pp. 712-724

- Stefano Pagiola
- Paying for the hydrological services of Mexico's forests: Analysis, negotiations and results pp. 725-736

- Carlos Muñoz-Piña, Alejandro Guevara, Juan Manuel Torres and Josefina Braña
- Cost-effective design of agri-environmental payment programs: U.S. experience in theory and practice pp. 737-752

- Roger Claassen, Andrea Cattaneo and Robert Johansson
- Agri-environmental policies in the EU and United States: A comparison pp. 753-764

- Kathy Baylis, Stephen Peplow, Gordon Rausser and Leo Simon
- Case study of agri-environmental payments: The United Kingdom pp. 765-775

- Thomas L. Dobbs and Jules Pretty
- The CAMPFIRE programme in Zimbabwe: Payments for wildlife services pp. 776-787

- Peter G.H. Frost and Ivan Bond
- The working for water programme: Evolution of a payments for ecosystem services mechanism that addresses both poverty and ecosystem service delivery in South Africa pp. 788-798

- Jane Turpie, C. Marais and James Blignaut
- Payments for environmental services as an alternative to logging under weak property rights: The case of Indonesia pp. 799-809

- Stefanie Engel and Charles Palmer
- Asymmetric information and contract design for payments for environmental services pp. 810-821

- Paul Ferraro
- Spatial targeting of payments for environmental services: A tool for boosting conservation benefits pp. 822-833

- Tobias Wünscher, Stefanie Engel and Sven Wunder
- Taking stock: A comparative analysis of payments for environmental services programs in developed and developing countries pp. 834-852

- Sven Wunder, Stefanie Engel and Stefano Pagiola
Volume 65, issue 3, 2008
- Economists, value judgments, and climate change: A view from feminist economics pp. 441-447

- Julie Nelson
- Ranking quality of life using subjective well-being data pp. 448-460

- Mirko Moro, Finbarr Brereton, Susana Ferreira and J. Peter Clinch
- World lines: A framework for exploring global pathways pp. 461-470

- Paul D. Raskin
- Global patterns of socioeconomic biomass flows in the year 2000: A comprehensive assessment of supply, consumption and constraints pp. 471-487

- Fridolin Krausmann, Karl-Heinz Erb, Simone Gingrich, Christian Lauk and Helmut Haberl
- Quantifying production-environment tradeoffs for grazing land management -- A case example from the Australian rangelands pp. 488-497

- N.D. MacLeod and J.G. McIvor
- The economic costs to fisheries because of marine sand mining in Ongjin Korea: Concepts, methods, and illustrative results pp. 498-507

- Tae Goun Kim, Thomas A. Grigalunas and Kyung-Nam Han
- Climate change, irrigation, and Israeli agriculture: Will warming be harmful? pp. 508-515

- Aliza Fleischer, Ivgenia Lichtman and Robert Mendelsohn
- The environmental effect of car-free housing: A case in Vienna pp. 516-530

- Michael Ornetzeder, Edgar G. Hertwich, Klaus Hubacek, Katarina Korytarova and Willi Haas
- Do we ecologically model what we economically value? pp. 531-537

- Lee M. Stapleton and Guy D. Garrod
- The environmental performance of firms: The role of foreign ownership, training, and experience pp. 538-546

- Matthew Cole, Robert Elliott and Eric Strobl
- Is it wise to combine environmental and labour market policies? An analysis of a Swedish subsidy programme pp. 547-558

- Johanna Forslund, Eva Samakovlis and Maria Vredin Johansson
- Bioeconomic modeling for control of weeds in natural environments pp. 559-568

- Oscar Cacho, Russell M. Wise, Susan M. Hester and J.A. Sinden
- Efficient decentralized fiscal and environmental policy: A dual purpose Henry George tax pp. 569-573

- Mitch Kunce and Jason Shogren
- Competitive politics, simplified heuristics, and preferences for public goods pp. 574-589

- Felix Schläpfer, Marcel Schmitt and Anna Roschewitz
- Mixed forests and finance -- Methodological approaches pp. 590-601

- Thomas Knoke
- Modeling population dynamics and economic growth as competing species: An application to CO2 global emissions pp. 602-615

- Salvador Enrique Puliafito, José Luis Puliafito and Mariana Conte Grand
- Rural versus urban preferences for renewable energy developments pp. 616-625

- Eric Ariel Bergmann, Sergio Colombo and Nick Hanley
- Assessing information provision and respondent involvement effects on preferences pp. 626-635

- Bradford Shapansky, Wiktor Adamowicz and Peter Boxall
- The rebound effect: Microeconomic definitions, limitations and extensions pp. 636-649

- Steve Sorrell and John Dimitropoulos
- A consumption-based approach to environmental Kuznets curves using the ecological footprint indicator pp. 650-661

- Marco Bagliani, Giangiacomo Bravo and Silvana Dalmazzone
Volume 65, issue 2, 2008
- The fate of the tropical forest: Carbon or cattle? pp. 207-212

- Oliver T. Coomes, Franque Grimard, Catherin Potvin and Philip Sima
- Is there a "true" diversity? pp. 213-215

- Sönke Hoffmann and Andreas Hoffmann
- The incremental cost principle and the conservation of globally important habitats: A critical examination pp. 216-224

- Gabriel Labbate
- Developing post-normal technologies for sustainability pp. 225-241

- Bob Frame and Judy Brown
- Measuring resource inequalities: The concepts and methodology for an area-based Gini coefficient pp. 242-252

- A. Druckman and Thomas Jackson
- Environmental policy in the European Union: Fostering the development of pollution havens? pp. 253-261

- Lisa A. Cave and Glenn Blomquist
- Environmental innovation and the cost of pollution abatement revisited pp. 262-265

- Thierry Bréchet and Pierre-André Jouvet
- The need for combining IEA and IE tools: The potential effects of a global ban on PVC on climate change pp. 266-281

- René Kleijn, Ester van der Voet and Helias A. Udo de Haes
- Valuing the potential economic impact of climate change on the Taiwan trout pp. 282-291

- Wei-Chun Tseng and Chi-Chung Chen
- Policy implications of potential conflicts between short-term and long-term efficiency in CO2 emissions abatement pp. 292-303

- del Rio González, Pablo
- Water allocation by social choice rules: The case of sequential rules pp. 304-314

- Renan Goetz, Yolanda Martinez and Jofre Rodrigo
- Do differences in attitudes explain differences in national climate change policies? pp. 315-324

- Emilia Tjernström and T. Tietenberg
- Multi-attribute preference modelling and regional land-use planning pp. 325-335

- Jayanath Ananda and Gamini Herath
- Harvest and extinction in multi-species ecosystems pp. 336-347

- Matthew D. Potts and Jeffrey Vincent
- Estimating the economic benefits of acidic rock drainage clean up using cost shares pp. 348-355

- Aaron Strong and Nicholas Flores
- A cost-benefit analysis for the economic growth in China pp. 356-366

- Zongguo Wen and Jining Chen
- Does environmental quality influence health expenditures? Empirical evidence from a panel of selected OECD countries pp. 367-374

- Paresh Narayan and Seema Narayan
- Carbon dioxide emission and income: A temporal analysis of cross-country distributional patterns pp. 375-385

- Dipankor Coondoo and Soumyananda Dinda
- Happiness, geography and the environment pp. 386-396

- Finbarr Brereton, J. Peter Clinch and Susana Ferreira
- Natural vs. financial insurance in the management of public-good ecosystems pp. 397-406

- Martin Quaas and Stefan Baumgärtner
- Maximising sustainability of Dutch dairy farming systems for different stakeholders: A modelling approach pp. 407-419

- K.J. van Calker, Paul Berentsen, G.W.J. Giesen and R.B.M. Huirne
- An interdisciplinary model of soybean yield in the Amazon Basin: The climatic, edaphic, and economic determinants pp. 420-431

- Maria del Carmen Vera-Diaz, Robert Kaufmann, Daniel C. Nepstad and Peter Schlesinger
- Environmental productivity and Kuznets curve in India pp. 432-440

- Shunsuke Managi and Pradyot Jena
Volume 65, issue 1, 2008
- Urban and rural attitudes toward municipal water controls: A study of a semi-arid region with limited water supplies pp. 1-12

- R. Gary Pumphrey, Jeffrey Edwards and Klaus Becker
- From production-based to consumption-based national emission inventories pp. 13-23

- Glen Peters
- A coevolutionary model for promoting agricultural sustainability pp. 24-34

- Basim Saifi and Lars Drake
- Estimating worldwide life satisfaction pp. 35-47

- Saamah Abdallah, Sam Thompson and Nic Marks
- Confronting unfamiliarity with ecosystem functions: The case for an ecosystem service approach to environmental valuation with stated preference methods pp. 48-62

- J. Barkmann, Klaus Glenk, A. Keil, C. Leemhuis, N. Dietrich, G. Gerold and R. Marggraf
- Use of system dynamics modelling in design of an environmental restoration banking institution pp. 63-75

- Steve Arquitt and Ron Johnstone
- Accounting for single and aggregated forest incomes: Application to public cork oak forests in Jerez (Spain) and Iteimia (Tunisia) pp. 76-86

- Pablo Campos, Hamed Daly-Hassen, Jose Oviedo, Paola Ovando and Ali Chebil
- The costs and benefits of refuge requirements: The case of Bt cotton pp. 87-97

- George Frisvold and Jeanne M. Reeves
- Shadow prices of environmental outputs and production efficiency of household-level paper recycling units in Vietnam pp. 98-110

- Nguyen Van Ha, Shashi Kant and Virginia Maclaren
- Agricultural intensification, irrigation and the environment in South Asia: Issues and policy options pp. 111-124

- Mohammad Alauddin and John Quiggin
- Eco-social analysis of an East African agro-pastoral system: Management of tsetse and bovine trypanosomiasis pp. 125-135

- Johann Baumgärtner, Gianni Gilioli, Getachew Tikubet and Andrew Paul Gutierrez
- Material implication of Chile's economic growth: Combining material flow accounting (MFA) and structural decomposition analysis (SDA) pp. 136-144

- Pablo Muñoz J. and Klaus Hubacek
- What influences agricultural professionals' views towards organic agriculture? pp. 145-154

- Sarah Wheeler
- Economic valuation of environmental services sustained by water flows in the Yaqui River Delta pp. 155-166

- Monica Ilija Ojeda, Alex S. Mayer and Barry D. Solomon
- Sustainability: The matter of time horizon and semantic closure pp. 167-176

- Horacio Velasco
- Wood and industrialization: Evidence and hypotheses from the case of Spain, 1860-1935 pp. 177-186

- Iñaki Iriarte-Goñi and María-Isabel Ayuda
- Socio-ecological regime transitions in Austria and the United Kingdom pp. 187-201

- Fridolin Krausmann, Heinz Schandl and Rolf Peter Sieferle
- Tim Robinson, Work, Leisure, and the Environment, The Vicious Circle of Overwork and Over Consumption, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham (2006) ISBN 1847201032 124 + 10 pp pp. 202-203

- Inge Røpke
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