Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 106, issue C, 2014
- Sustainable harvest of a native species and control of an invasive species: A bioeconomic model of a commercial fishery invaded by a space competitor pp. 1-11

- Marjolaine Frésard and Carole Ropars-Collet
- Who rebounds most? Estimating direct and indirect rebound effects for different UK socioeconomic groups pp. 12-32

- Mona Chitnis, Steve Sorrell, Angela Druckman, Steven K. Firth and Tim Jackson
- Give and take: How the funding of adaptation to climate change can improve the donor's terms-of-trade pp. 44-55

- Oliver Schenker and Gunter Stephan
- Weather conditions and outdoor recreation: A study of New England ski areas pp. 56-68

- Laura Beaudin and Ju-Chin Huang
- Environmental justice and air pollution: A case study on Italian provinces pp. 69-82

- Anna Rita Germani, Piergiuseppe Morone and Giuseppina Testa
- A flexible ecosystem services proto-typology based on public opinion pp. 83-90

- L.M. Stapleton, P. Hanna, N. Ravenscroft and A. Church
- Understanding the heterogeneity of social preferences for fire prevention management pp. 91-104

- Elsa Varela, Jette Bredahl Jacobsen and Mario Soliño
- Nested open systems: An important concept for applying ecological footprint analysis to sustainable development assessment pp. 105-111

- Jiun-Jiun Ferng
- The impact of environmental policy instruments on innovation: A review of energy and automotive industry studies pp. 112-123

- Anna Bergek and Christian Berggren
- Project evaluation with democratic decision-making: What does cost–benefit analysis really measure? pp. 124-131

- Karine Nyborg
- Understanding the shadow impacts of investment and divestment decisions: Adapting economic input–output models to calculate biophysical factors of financial returns pp. 132-140

- J. Ritchie and H. Dowlatabadi
- Towards a more inclusive and precautionary indicator of global sustainability pp. 141-154

- John Pezzey and Paul Burke
- Bioenergy and rural development: The role of agroforestry in a Tanzanian village economy pp. 155-166

- Anja Faße, Etti Winter and Ulrike Grote
- Capitalist diversity and de-growth trajectories to steady-state economies pp. 167-173

- Hubert Buch-Hansen
- A dynamic bio-economic model for community management of goat and oak forests in Zagros, Iran pp. 174-185

- Arezoo Soltani, Prem L. Sankhayan and Ole Hofstad
- Perverse incentives in fishery management: The case of the defeso in the Brazilian Amazon pp. 186-194

- Maria Angélica de Almeida Corrêa, James Kahn and Carlos Edwar de Carvalho Freitas
- Integrating agricultural pest biocontrol into forecasts of energy biomass production pp. 195-203

- T. Skevas, S.M. Swinton, T.D. Meehan, T.N. Kim, C. Gratton and A. Egbendewe-Mondzozo
- Climate change and farm-level adaptation decisions and strategies in drought-prone and groundwater-depleted areas of Bangladesh: an empirical investigation pp. 204-213

- Mohammad Alauddin and Md Abdur Rashid Sarker
Volume 105, issue C, 2014
- Do government ideology and fragmentation matter for reducing CO2-emissions? Empirical evidence from OECD countries pp. 1-10

- Sebastian Garmann
- Ecological economics, Marxism, and technological progress: Some explorations of the conceptual foundations of theories of ecologically unequal exchange pp. 11-18

- Alf Hornborg
- Linkages between landscapes and human well-being: An empirical exploration with short interviews pp. 19-30

- Claudia Bieling, Tobias Plieninger, Heidemarie Pirker and Christian R. Vogl
- Willingness to pay of committed citizens: A field experiment pp. 31-39

- Dominique Ami, Frédéric Aprahamian, Olivier Chanel, Robert-Vincent Joulé and Stéphane Luchini
- Zero discounting can compensate future generations for climate damage pp. 40-47

- Marc D. Davidson
- The impact of changing rainfall variability on resource-dependent wealth dynamics pp. 48-54

- Christopher Barrett and Paulo Santos
- Energy savings and the rebound effect with multiple energy services and efficiency correlation pp. 55-66

- Neal K. Ghosh and Michael F. Blackhurst
- Activism mobilising science pp. 67-77

- Marta Conde
- On the empirical content of carbon leakage criteria in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme pp. 78-88

- Ralf Martin, Mirabelle Muûls, Laure de Preux and Ulrich Wagner
- Smarter than metering? Coupling smart meters and complementary currencies to reinforce the motivation of households for energy savings pp. 89-96

- Helene Joachain and Frédéric Klopfert
- Markets in environmental governance — From theory to practice pp. 97-105

- Arild Vatn
- Product level embodied carbon flows in bilateral trade pp. 106-117

- Misato Sato
- Do conservation auctions crowd out voluntary environmentally friendly activities? pp. 118-123

- Gerda J. Kits, Wiktor Adamowicz and Peter Boxall
- Inequality and rules in the governance of water resources pp. 124-129

- Carmen Marchiori
- Is eco-village/urban village the future of a degrowth society? An urban planner's perspective pp. 130-138

- Jin Xue
- Linking common property resource management to human capital outcomes pp. 139-153

- Ram Ranjan
- Economic drivers of biological invasions: A worldwide, bio-geographic analysis pp. 154-165

- Silvana Dalmazzone and Sergio Giaccaria
- Why do farmers join Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes? An Assessment of PES water scheme participation in Brazil pp. 166-176

- Matheus A. Zanella, Christian Schleyer and Stijn Speelman
- Pluralising climate change solutions? Views held and voiced by participants at the international climate change negotiations pp. 177-184

- Naghmeh Nasiritousi, Mattias Hjerpe and Katarina Buhr
- Negative externalities in cropping decisions: Private versus common land pp. 185-192

- J.M. Benito-Ostolaza, R. Ezcurra and N. Osés-Eraso
- Wind farms — Where and how to place them? A choice experiment approach to measure consumer preferences for characteristics of wind farm establishments in Sweden pp. 193-203

- Kristina Ek and Lars Persson
- Conservation through intensification? The effects of plantations on natural forests pp. 204-210

- Robert Heilmayr
- Patterns of change in material use and material efficiency in the successor states of the former Soviet Union pp. 211-219

- James West, Heinz Schandl, Fridolin Krausmann, Jan Kovanda and Tomas Hak
- Toward a neoclassical theory of sustainable consumption: Eight golden age propositions pp. 220-232

- Harry D. Saunders
- Controlling non-additional credits from nutrient management in water quality trading programs through eligibility baseline stringency pp. 233-239

- Marc Ribaudo and Jeffrey Savage
- Beyond environmental and ecological economics: Proposal for an economic sociology of the environment pp. 240-253

- Corinne Gendron
- The effect of ISO 14001 on environmental regulatory compliance in China pp. 254-264

- William McGuire
- Land-based greenhouse gas emission offset and leakage discounting pp. 265-273

- Man-Keun Kim, Denis Peralta and Bruce McCarl
- The If, How and Where of assessing sustainable resource use pp. 274-283

- Frank Figge, Tobias Hahn and Ralf Barkemeyer
- Valuing tradeoffs between agricultural production and wetland condition in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region pp. 284-291

- Moriah B. Bostian and Alan T. Herlihy
- Wild food in Europe: A synthesis of knowledge and data of terrestrial wild food as an ecosystem service pp. 292-305

- C.J.E. Schulp, W. Thuiller and Peter Verburg
- An Empirical Study of the Determinants of Green Party Voting pp. 306-318

- Ingmar Schumacher
- Prioritizing payment for environmental services: Using nonmarket benefits and costs for optimal selection pp. 319-329

- Joshua Duke, Steven Dundas, Robert Johnston and Kent Messer
- Explaining the rank order of invasive plants by stakeholder groups pp. 330-341

- Julia Touza, Alicia Pérez-Alonso, Maria-Luisa Chas-Amil and Katharina Dehnen-Schmutz
- An updated biodiversity nonuse value function for use in climate change integrated assessment models pp. 342-349

- Wesley R. Brooks and Stephen Newbold
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