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Ecological Economics

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland

From Elsevier
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Volume 2, issue 4, 1990

Environmental significance of development theory pp. 277-286 Downloads
F. E. Trainer
Costs for reducing farmers' use of nitrogen in Gotland, Sweden pp. 287-299 Downloads
Ing-Marie Andreasson
Adaptation and the option value of uncertain environmental resources pp. 301-310 Downloads
Jason Shogren and Thomas D. Crocker
Strategies for sustainable agriculture in the tropics pp. 311-323 Downloads
Nigel J. H. Smith
Chemical emissions from the processing and use of materials: The need for an integrated emissions accounting system pp. 325-341 Downloads
William M. Stigliani
Integration of economy and ecology: An outlook for the eighties: Ann-Mari Jansson (Editor). University of Stockholm, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden, 1984. 240 pp, ISBN 91-85326-24-0 pp. 343-345 Downloads
Robert Goodland
For the common good: Redirecting the economy toward community, the environment, and a sustainable future: Herman E. Daly and John B. Cobb, Jr. Beacon Press, Boston, MA. Hardback, 482 pp., US$24.95. ISBN 0-8070-4702-3 pp. 346-347 Downloads
Lisa M. Daniel and Paul R. Ehrlich
Global ecology: Towards a science of the biosphere: M.B. Rambler, L. Margulis and R. Fester (Editors), Academic Press, London, 1989, 204 pp. ISBN 0-12-576890-7 pp. 348-349 Downloads
Lawrence R. Pomeroy
Economics of the environment: Theory and policy: (second revised and enlarged edition). Horst Siebert. Springer, Heidelberg, 1987. 273 pp. ISBN 0-387-17283-1 pp. 350-352 Downloads
Jeroen van den Bergh
Economic valuation techniques for the environment: A case study workbook: John A. Dixon and Maynard M. Hufschmidt (Editors). The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A, 1986. 203 pp. ISBN 0-8018-3308-6 pp. 353-356 Downloads
Rudolf S. de Groot
Forecasting in the social and natural sciences: Kenneth C. Land and Stephen H. Schneider (Editors). Reidel, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1987. 381 pp. ISBN 90-277-2616-7 pp. 356-359 Downloads
Kennet E. F. Watt

Volume 2, issue 3, 1990

Carrying capacity as a tool of development policy: the Ecuadoran Amazon and the Paraguayan Chaco pp. 187-195 Downloads
Herman Daly
The dilemma of modern man and nature: an exploration of the Faustian imperative pp. 197-223 Downloads
Hans-Christian Binswanger, Malte Faber and Reiner Manstetten
Towards an ecologically-based society: a Rawlsian perspective pp. 225-242 Downloads
James Penn
Carbon fixation in trees as a micro optimization process: an example of combining ecology and economics pp. 243-256 Downloads
John Hof, Doug Rideout and Dan Binkley
Valuation methods and policy making in environmental economics: Henk Folmer and Ekko van Ierland (Editors), Studies in Environmental Science, 36. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1989. 259 pp., Dfl.170.00 ISBN 0-444-87382-1 pp. 257-260 Downloads
John A. Dixon
Environmental policies in East and West: Gyorgy Enyedi, August J. Gijswijt and Barbara Rhode (Editors). Taylor Graham, London, Great Britain, 1987. 401 pp., [UK pound]35.00/US$65.00. ISBN 0-947568-28-X pp. 260-262 Downloads
Rafal Serafin
Energy policies in an uncertain world: Peter Pearson (Editor). The Macmillan Press, Hampshire, Great Britain, 1989. 144 pp. ISBN 0-333-47076-1 pp. 263-264 Downloads
Reiner Kummel
Entropy, environment and resources: An essay in physio-economics: Malte Faber, Horst Niemes and Gunter Stephan. Revised English Edition, Springer, Berlin/New York, 1987. US$47.30. ISBN 3-540-18248-9/0-387- 18248-9 pp. 265-268 Downloads
Martin O'Connor
The preservation of species: The value of biological diversity: Bryan G. Norton (Editor). Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1986. 305 pp., Cloth US$39.50/Paperback US$16.95. ISBN 0-691-02415-4 pp. 269-271 Downloads
Richard B. Norgaard
The value of conserving genetic resources: Margery L. Oldfield. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA, 1989. xvii + 379 pp., Cloth US$40.00/ Paperback US$19.95. ISBN 0-87943-648-3/0-8793-649-1 (paperback) pp. 271-275 Downloads
Clement Tisdell

Volume 2, issue 2, 1990

Consumption patterns of old people - an ecological silver lining on the ageing cloud? pp. 97-107 Downloads
Lincoln H. Day
The Brundtland report: A matter of conflicting goals pp. 109-117 Downloads
Roefie Hueting
Context and hierarchy in Aldo Leopold's theory of environmental management pp. 119-127 Downloads
Bryan G. Norton
Economic value of wetlands-based recreation pp. 129-147 Downloads
John Bergstrom, John R. Stoll, John P. Titre and Vernon L. Wright
Public choice and the improvement of policy instruments for environmental management pp. 149-162 Downloads
John H. Cumberland
Entropy law and exhaustion of natural resources Is Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen's paradigm defensible? pp. 163-178 Downloads
Elias Khalil
The international farm crisis: David Goodman and Michael Redclift. Macmillan Press, Hampshire, Great Britain, 1989, 296 pp. ISBN 0-333- 46947-X pp. 179-182 Downloads
David Pimentel
Sustainable development; Exploring the contradictions: Michael Redclift. Methuen, London, Great Britain, 1987, 217 pp. ISBN 0-416-90250-2 pp. 182-186 Downloads
David J. Rapport

Volume 2, issue 1, 1990

Toward some operational principles of sustainable development pp. 1-6 Downloads
Herman Daly
Alternative approaches to economic-environmental interactions pp. 7-26 Downloads
Edward Barbier
Economy-environment interactions in the long-run: a neo-Austrian approach pp. 27-55 Downloads
Malte Faber, John Proops, Matthias Ruth and Peter Michaelis
A flexible assurance bonding system for improved environmental management pp. 57-75 Downloads
Robert Costanza and Charles Perrings
Economics and the debate about preservation of species, crop varieties and genetic diversity pp. 77-90 Downloads
Clement Tisdell

Volume 1, issue 4, 1989

Can the world be saved? pp. 289-302 Downloads
Gus Speth
Three dilemmas of environmental accounting pp. 303-314 Downloads
Richard B. Norgaard
On the ideological foundations of environmental policy pp. 315-334 Downloads
Daniel A. Underwood and Paul G. King
Valuation and management of wetland ecosystems pp. 335-361 Downloads
Robert Costanza, Stephen C. Farber and Judith Maxwell
Ecology and our endangered life-support systems: Eugene P. Odum. Sinauer, Stanford, CT, 1989. Paperback, 283 pp. ISBN 0-87893-653-1 pp. 363-365 Downloads
Robert E. Ulanowicz

Volume 1, issue 3, 1989

On the use of ecological prices and system-wide indicators derived therefrom to quantify man's impact on the ecosystem pp. 203-231 Downloads
Shmuel Amir
Ecological economic modeling in a pluralistic, participatory society pp. 233-249 Downloads
Judith A. Maxwell and Alan Randall
Okoboji experiment: Comparing non-market valuation techniques in an unusually well-defined market for water quality pp. 251-259 Downloads
Ralph d'Arge and Jason Shogren
The convergence of neo-Ricardian and embodied energy theories of value and price pp. 261-281 Downloads
D. H. Judson
UNEP/world bank expert meeting on environmental accounting and the SNA, Paris, 21-22 November 1988 pp. 283-285 Downloads
Anthony M. Friend

Volume 1, issue 2, 1989

Investment projects and natural resources: Economic rationality in Janus' role pp. 117-135 Downloads
Claude Henry
Intergenerational equity and environmental decisions: A model using Rawls' veil of ignorance pp. 137-159 Downloads
Bryan G. Norton
Energy as a factor of production and entropy as a pollution indicator in macroeconomic modelling pp. 161-180 Downloads
Reiner Kummel
Evidence for the role of energy resources in producing long waves in the United States economy pp. 181-195 Downloads
Kenneth E. F. Watt
Economy and environment: Charles Perrings, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Great Britain, 1987, 179 pp. ISBN 0-521-34081-0 pp. 197-201 Downloads
Silvio O. Funtowicz and Jerome R. Ravetz

Volume 1, issue 1, 1989

What is ecological economics? pp. 1-7 Downloads
Robert Costanza
The limits to substitution: Meta-resource depletion and a new economic-ecological paradigm pp. 9-16 Downloads
Paul R. Ehrlich
Historical roots for ecological economics -- Biophysical versus allocative approaches pp. 17-36 Downloads
Paul P. Christensen
The case for methodological pluralism pp. 37-57 Downloads
Richard B. Norgaard
Ecological economics: Rationale and problem areas pp. 59-76 Downloads
John L. R. Proops
Debt for nature swaps -- Overview and discussion of key issues pp. 77-93 Downloads
Stein Hansen
Environmental bonds and environmental research in innovative activities pp. 95-110 Downloads
Charles Perrings
Page updated 2025-03-28