Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 13, issue 3, 1995
- On Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen's contributions to economics: an obituary essay pp. 149-154

- Herman Daly
- Monitoring the environmental impacts of trade policy reform in Africa: lessons from Chad pp. 155-167

- Joy E. Hecht
- Market and non-market determinants of private consumption and their impacts on the environment pp. 169-180

- Mario Cogoy
- Internalizing externalities: granular carbofuran use on rapeseed in Canada pp. 181-184

- Paul C. James
- Resource degradation, technical change, and the productivity of energy use in U.S. agriculture pp. 185-201

- Cutler J. Cleveland
Volume 13, issue 2, 1995
- Development, trade, and the environment: which way now? pp. 83-88

- Amitrajeet Batabyal
- Energy, entropy, environment: why is protection of the environment objectively difficult? pp. 89-92

- Karl K. Rebane
- Natural history at the cutting edge pp. 93-97

- Andrew J. Beattie
- Information, order and knowledge in economic and ecological systems: implications for material and energy use pp. 99-114

- Matthias Ruth
- Extinction and market forces: two case studies pp. 115-123

- Robert Farrow
- Input management of nitrogen in agriculture pp. 125-140

- Hans Schroder
- The earthscan reader in tropical Forestry: S. Rietbergen (Editor). Earthscan Publications Ltd, London, 1984 pp. 141-142

- Joanne Burgess
- Cost-benefit analysis of environmental change: Per-Olov Johansson. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993, 232 pp., ISBN 0-521-44318-0 0-521-44792-5 (pbk) pp. 142-143

- Anthony C. Fisher
- The environment and free trade: A.M. Bengtsson, A. Hjort-af-Ornas, J. Lundqvist, J. Rudengren (Editors). EPOS, Reseach Programme on Environmental Policy and Society, Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 1994 pp. 143-144

- Inge Ropke
- The world's savannas: Economic Driving Forces, Ecological Constraints and Policy Options for Sustainable Land Use: M.D. Young and O.T. Solbrig (Editors). UNESCO and The Parthenon Publishing Group, 1993, ISBN 92-3-102750-6 pp. 144-146

- Susan Hanna
Volume 13, issue 1, 1995
- The environment as a luxury good or "too poor to be green"? pp. 1-10

- J. Martinez-Alier
- Economic characteristics of chemicals as a basis for pollutants policy pp. 11-26

- Ester van der Voet, Rene Kleijn and Gjalt Huppes
- The environmental cost of sustainable welfare pp. 27-41

- Shmuel Amir
- Valuation of non-priced amenities provided by the biological resources within the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve, Costa Rica pp. 43-52

- Jaime Echeverria, Michael Hanrahan and Raul Solorzano
- The contribution of the mining sector to sustainability in developing countries pp. 53-63

- David Stern
- Allocation of fossil CO2 emission rights quantifying cultural perspectives pp. 65-79

- Marco Janssen and Jan Rotmans
Volume 12, issue 3, 1995
- A tax incentive tool for environmental management: an environmental scorecard pp. 183-189

- Stephen Farber, Robert Moreau and Paul Templet
- Preferences, information and biodiversity preservation pp. 191-208

- Clive Spash and Nick Hanley
- Economic implications of intergenerational equity for biodiversity conservation pp. 209-223

- Luca Tacconi and Jeffrey Bennett
- Economic democracy as an environmental measure pp. 225-236

- Douglas E. Booth
- An economic analysis of ecological agricultural technologies among peasant farmers in Honduras pp. 237-248

- Christopher Mausolff and Stephen Farber
- Ecological integrity and the management of ecosystems: S. Woodley, J. Kay and G. Francis, 1993. St. Lucie Press, 218 pp., ISBN 0-9634030-1-X pp. 249-250

- Sven Erik Jorgensen
- Macroeconomic analysis of environment policy: E.C. van Ierland, 1993. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 298 pp. ISBN 0-444-89998-7, Dfl. 240.00 pp. 250-251

- Scott Barrett
- Development betrayed. The end of progress and a coevolutionary revisioning of the future: Richard B. Norgaard. Routledge, London. Hardback [UK pound]40.00, ISBN 0415 06861 4, Paperback [UK pound]12.99, ISBN 0 415 0682 2 pp. 251-252

- Elinor Ostrom and Arthur F. Bentley
- Comparative analysis of ecosystems: Patterns, mechanisms and theories: J. Cole, G. Lovett and S. Findlay (Editors), 1991. Springer, New York, ISBN 0387 974881 pp. 252-254

- Charles A. S. Hall
- Ecology, policy and politics: Human wellbeing and the natural world: John O'Neill. Routledge, London-New York, 1993, 227 pp. ISBN 0-415-07299-9, 0-415-07300-6 (pbk) pp. 254-256

- Talbot Page
- The green economy: Environment, sustainable development and the politics of the future: Michael Jacobs Pluto Press, Concord, MA, 1991/Westview Press, Boulder CO, 1993. 253 pp., extensive notes, bibliography, index. $49.95 (hc)/18.95 (pb) pp. 256-256

- Hans Opschoor
- Money and magic (A critique of the modern economy in the light of Goethe's Faust): Hans Christoph Binswanger. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, 1994. Translated by J.E. Harrison, postscript by Iring Fetscher pp. 257-258

- Herman Daly
Volume 12, issue 2, 1995
- A framework for scaling and framing policy problems in sustainability pp. 93-106

- Stephen R. Dovers
- Third-world debt and tropical deforestation pp. 107-123

- James Kahn and Judith A. McDonald
- The opportunity costs of biodiversity conservation in Kenya pp. 125-139

- Michael Norton-Griffiths and Clive Southey
- Grazing the commons: an empirical analysis of externalities, subsidies and sustainability pp. 141-159

- Paul H. Templet
- Elicitation and truncation effects in contingent valuation studies pp. 161-179

- Ian Bateman, Ian H. Langford, R. Kerry Turner, Ken G. Willis and Guy D. Garrod
- Investing in natural capital: A video produced by Griesinger Films, 7300 Old Mill Road, Gates Mills, OH, USA pp. 181-182

- David Pimentel
Volume 12, issue 1, 1995
- Letter to the editor pp. 1-3

- Gareth Edwards-Jones and Alan Hern
- Letter to the editor: Response pp. 3-4

- Bruce Hannon
- Recasting alternative agriculture as a management model: The value of adept scaling pp. 5-12

- Steven A. Wolf and T. F. H. Allen
- Sizing the earth: Recognition of economic carrying capacity pp. 13-21

- Kurt R. Wetzel and John F. Wetzel
- Leading issues in domestic environmental regulation: A review essay pp. 23-39

- Amitrajeet Batabyal
- On the conceptual foundations of ecological economics: A teleological approach pp. 41-54

- Malte Faber, Reiner Manstetten and John L. R. Proops
- Four models for determining environmental quality effects on recreational demand and regional economics pp. 55-65

- John Loomis
- The economic multiplier of environmental life support: Can capital substitute for a degraded environment? pp. 67-79

- Robert Kaufmann
- Information, entropy and progress: A new evolutionary paradigm: Robert U. Ayres. American Institute of Physics Press, New York, 1994, US $60, ISBN 0 88318 911 9 pp. 81-82

- Matthias Ruth
- The ecosystem approach: Its use and abuse: Gene E. Likens. Excellence in Ecology, Vol. 3, Ecology Institute, Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany, 1992, 166 pp., US $33.50, DM 59.00, ISSN 0932 2205 pp. 82-84

- W. Michael Kemp
- Clean production strategies: Developing preventive environmental management in the industrial economy: Tim Jackson (Editor). Stockholm Environmental Institute/ Lewis Publishers, Florida, 1993, 448 pp., ISBN 0 87371 884 4 pp. 84-85

- Marjan van den Belt
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