Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 211, issue C, 2023
- Macro level matters: Advancing circular economy in different business systems within Europe

- Melissa Gutberlet, Lutz Preuss and Andrea Stevenson Thorpe
- Environmental change and ecosystem functioning drive transitions in social-ecological systems: A stylized modelling approach

- Maarten B. Eppinga, Hugo J. de Boer, Martin O. Reader, John M. Anderies and Maria J. Santos
- Nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation: Assessing the Scottish Public's preferences for saltmarsh carbon storage

- Simone Riegel, Laure Kuhfuss and Timothy Stojanovic
- How do nature governance rules affect compliance decisions? An experimental analysis

- Suzanne Kingston and Zizhen Wang
- Rethinking Economic Practices and Values As Assemblages of More-Than-Human Relations

- Stefan Ortiz-Przychodzka, Camila Benavides-Frías, Christopher M. Raymond, Isabel Díaz-Reviriego and Jan Hanspach
- Ethical underpinnings for the economy of the Anthropocene: Sustainability ethics as key to a sustainable economy

- Christian U. Becker
- Self-image and the stability of international environmental agreements

- Michèle Breton and Lucia Sbragia
- Targeting socioeconomic transformations to achieve global sustainability

- Teemu Koskimäki
- Factors influencing the realisation of the social impact of urban nature in inner-city environments: A systematic review of complex evidence

- Meri Juntti and Sevda Ozsezer-Kurnuc
- Genetically engineered varieties and applied pesticide toxicity in U.S. maize and soybeans: Heterogeneous and evolving impacts

- Seungki Lee, GianCarlo Moschini and Edward D. Perry
- The risks of the wrong climate policy for developing countries: Scenarios for South Africa

- Ozlem Omer and Jeronim Capaldo
- Optimal R&D investment in the management of invasive species

- William Haden Chomphosy, Dale T. Manning, Stephanie Shwiff and Stephan Weiler
- Can contract farming support sustainable intensification in agri-food value chains?

- Chiara Sophia Weituschat, Stefano Pascucci, Valentina Cristiana Materia and Francesco Caracciolo
- Tropical mixed-species plantations can outperform monocultures in terms of carbon sequestration and economic return

- Arne Pinnschmidt, Rasoul Yousefpour, Anja Nölte and Marc Hanewinkel
- Assessing the impact of waste separation on system transition and environmental performance through a city-scale life cycle assessment

- Junting Zhang, Quande Qin, Guangming Li, Chao-Heng Tseng and Guohao Fang
- Climate change impacts on Mediterranean fisheries: A sensitivity and vulnerability analysis for main commercial species

- Shekoofeh Farahmand, Nathalie Hilmi, Mine Cinar, Alain Safa, Vicky W.Y. Lam, Salpie Djoundourian, Wassim Shahin, Emna Ben Lamine, Alexandre Schickele, Paolo Guidetti, Denis Allemand and Virginie Raybaud
- Climate change, international migration, and interstate conflicts

- Cristina Cattaneo and Timothy Foreman
- Community-based climate adaption: A perspective on the interface between a common pool resource system and an individual-based market transaction system

- Yingjun Qi, Gongbu Zeren and Wenjun Li
- Climate change, income sources, crop mix, and input use decisions: Evidence from Nigeria

- Mulubrhan Amare and Bedru Balana
- Mediation and moderation roles of resilience capacity in the shock–food-security nexus in northern Ghana

- Isaac Gershon K. Ansah, Bekele Hundie Kotu, Julius Manda, Francis Muthoni and Carlo Azzarri
- Understanding citizen investment in renewable energy communities

- Marie-Charlotte Guetlein and Joachim Schleich
- Are greenspaces too green? Landscape preferences and water use in urban parks

- Claire A. Doll, Michael P. Burton, David Pannell and Curtis L. Rollins
- Macroeconomic impacts of water allocation under droughts. Accounting for global supply chains in a multiregional context

- Iban Ortuzar, Ana Serrano and Àngels Xabadia
Volume 210, issue C, 2023
- The power of wind: The global wind energy industry's successes and failures

- Oliver Summerfield-Ryan and Susan Park
- An energy system model to study the impact of combining carbon pricing with direct support for renewable gases

- Martin Roach and Leonardo Meeus
- Drivers of PES effectiveness: Some evidence from a quantitative meta-analysis

- Legrand D.F. Saint-Cyr, Lionel Védrine, Sophie Legras, Julie Le Gallo and Valentin Bellassen
- Exploring economy-wide sustainable conditions for EU bio-chemical activities

- George Philippidis, Robert M'Barek, Kirsten Urban-Boysen and Willem-Jan Van Zeist
- Unpacking the urban virtual water of the Global South: Lessons from 181 cities

- Mohamed Hachaichi
- The effects of environmental performance and green innovation on corporate venture capital

- Ramzi Benkraiem, Emmanuelle Dubocage, Yann Lelong and Fatima Shuwaikh
- Understanding the dynamics of human appropriation on ecosystems via an exergy-based net primary productivity indicator: A case study in south-central Chile

- Yannay Casas-Ledón, Cinthya Andrade, Camila Salazar, Yenisleidy Martínez-Martínez and Mauricio Aguayo
- Trends in private sector engagement with biodiversity: EU listed companies' disclosure and indicators

- Miguel Marco-Fondevila and Igor Álvarez-Etxeberría
- The role of hybrid governance in supporting deforestation-free trade

- Romain Pirard, Pablo Pacheco and Claudia Romero
- Environmental credit constraints and pollution reduction: Evidence from China's blacklisting system for environmental fraud

- Danyang Di, Guoxiang Li, Zhiyang Shen, Malin Song and Michael Vardanyan
Volume 209, issue C, 2023
- Investigating the role of passive funds in carbon-intensive capital markets: Evidence from U.S. bonds

- Christian Wilson and Ben Caldecott
- The effect of pests and pathogens on forest harvesting regimes: A bioeconomic model

- Ewan McTaggart, Itamar Megiddo and Adam Kleczkowski
- Mindfulness and green purchase intention: A mediated moderation model uncovering the role of ethical self-identity

- Carole Daniel, Elodie Gentina and Tavleen Kaur
- Quantifying trade-offs for the spatial allocation of onshore wind generation capacity – A case study for Germany

- Philip Tafarte and Paul Lehmann
- Global patterns of collective payments for ecosystem services and their degrees of commodification

- Josef Kaiser, Tobias Krueger and Dagmar Haase
- Exploring the environmental impact associated with the abandonment of the Mediterranean Diet, and how to reduce it with alternative sustainable diets

- Alessia Cavaliere, Elisa De Marchi, Enrica Nadia Frola, Alessandro Benfenati, Giacomo Aletti, Jacopo Bacenetti and Alessandro Banterle
- Policy and political challenges for a better world: The United States and China pathways towards the 2030 Agenda

- Mario Biggeri, Luca Bortolotti, Donatella Saccone and Mattia Tassinari
- A blueprint for addressing conflicts between ecotourism and farming from an economic perspective: The case of wintering crane conservation in the Hula Valley in Israel

- Nir Becker, Yanay Farja, Asael Greenfeld, Nonka Markova-Nenova and Frank Wätzold
- Robust management strategies promoting ecological resilience and economic efficiency of a mixed conifer-broadleaf forest in Southwest Germany under the risk of severe drought

- Juan Carlos Zamora-Pereira, Marc Hanewinkel and Rasoul Yousefpour
- Will adoption occur if a practice is win-win for profit and the environment? An application to a rancher's grazing practice choices

- Yuyuan Che, Hongli Feng and David Hennessy
- Does forest access reduce reliance on costly shock-coping strategies? Evidence from Malawi

- Kelvin Mulungu and Nicholas Kilimani
- Do ecological protection approaches affect total factor productivity change of cropland production in Sweden?

- Subrata Koiry and Wei Huang
- An Indian Green Deal

- Rohit Azad and Shouvik Chakraborty
- Orbital debris and the market for satellites

- Anelí Bongers and Jose Torres
- Assessing the economic consequences of an energy transition through a biophysical stock-flow consistent model

- Pierre Jacques, Louis Delannoy, Baptiste Andrieu, Devrim Yilmaz, Hervé Jeanmart and Antoine Godin
- The impact of tropical cyclones on income inequality in the U.S.: An empirical analysis

- Eric Kulanthaivelu
- Environmental regulation with preferences for social status

- Eftichios Sartzetakis, Anastasios Xepapadeas and Athanasios N. Yannacopoulos
- Global and Local Spatial Spill-Overs: What Matters Most for the Diffusion of Organic Agriculture in Australia?

- Maksuda Mannaf, Sarah Wheeler and Alec Zuo
- Green securities policy and the environmental performance of firms: Assessing the impact of China's pre-IPO environmental inspection policy

- Shanshan Wu, Jing Zhang and Robert Elliott
- Toward the carbon neutrality: Forest carbon sinks and its spatial spillover effect in China

- Na Zhao, Keqing Wang and Yongna Yuan
- Exploring public opposition and support across different climate policies: Poles apart?

- Håkon Grøn Sælen and Marianne Aasen
- How to achieve emission reduction without hindering economic growth? The role of judicial quality

- Huaxi Yuan, Longhui Zou and Yidai Feng
- Payment for environmental services to reduce deforestation: Do the positive effects last?

- Esther Kemigisha, Fred Babweteera, Johnny Mugisha and Arild Angelsen
- The implementation of green transformation through clusters

- Anna Maria Lis and Marta Mackiewicz
- Can a European wealth tax close the green investment gap?

- Jakob Kapeller, Stuart Leitch and Rafael Wildauer
- The economic cost of a 130 kph speed limit in Germany

- Stefan Gössling, Jessica Kees, Todd Litman and Andreas Humpe
- Changes in inequality for solar panel uptake by Australian homeowners

- Rohan Best, Andrea Chareunsy and Madeline Taylor
- Consumers' willingness to pay for an animal welfare food label

- Matthew Gorton, Ching-Hua Yeh, Elena Chatzopoulou, John White, Barbara Tocco, Carmen Hubbard and Fiona Hallam
- Are German farmers ready for a ‘warm restructuring’ of the pig sector?

- Insa Thiermann, Daniel Schröer and Uwe Latacz-Lohmann
- Agricultural systems and biodiversity: evidence from European borders and bird populations

- Dennis Engist, Robert Finger, Peter Knaus, Jérôme Guélat and David Wuepper
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