Ecological Economics
1989 - 2025
Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 135, issue C, 2017
- Using neuroeconomics to understand environmental valuation pp. 1-9

- Nik Sawe
- Business Strategy Under Institutional Constraints: Evidence From China's Energy Efficiency Regulations pp. 10-21

- Junming Zhu and Marian R. Chertow
- A Cost-effectiveness Analysis for Incineration or Recycling of Dutch Household Plastic Waste pp. 22-28

- Raymond Gradus, Paul H.L. Nillesen, Elbert Dijkgraaf and Rick J. van Koppen
- Using Game Theory to Resolve the “Chicken and Egg” Situation in Promoting Cellulosic Bioenergy Development pp. 29-41

- Yi Luo and Shelie A. Miller
- Multiple Policy Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in Crop Production - A Modeling Study for the Chinese Aksu-Tarim Region pp. 42-54

- Til Feike and Martin Henseler
- How Social Footprints of Nations Can Assist in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals pp. 55-65

- Yanyan Xiao, Catherine Benoît Norris, Manfred Lenzen, Gregory Norris and Joy Murray
- Pricing Future Nature Reserves Through Contingent Valuation Data pp. 66-75

- Louinord Voltaire
- Modelling Land Use, Deforestation, and Policy: A Hybrid Optimisation-Heterogeneous Agent Model with Application to the Bolivian Amazon pp. 76-90

- Lykke Andersen, Ben Groom, Evan Killick, Juan Carlos Ledezma, Charles Palmer and Diana Weinhold
- Green Public Procurement of Certified Wood: Spatial Leverage Effect and Welfare Implications pp. 91-102

- Jan Brusselaers, Guido Van Huylenbroeck and Jeroen Buysse
- Modeling the Property Price Impact of Water Quality in 14 Chesapeake Bay Counties pp. 103-113

- Patrick Walsh, Charles Griffiths, Dennis Guignet and Heather Klemick
- The Impact of Land Use Change on Carbon Stored in Mountain Grasslands and Shrublands pp. 114-124

- Adrian Ward, Kwong-sang Yin, Paul Dargusch, Elizabeth A. Fulton and Ammar Abdul Aziz
- Impacts of Land Change on Ecosystem Services in the San Antonio River Basin, Texas, from 1984 to 2010 pp. 125-135

- Hoonchong Yi, Burak Güneralp, Anthony M. Filippi, Urs P. Kreuter and İnci Güneralp
- Should We Be Wary of Mitigation Banking? Evidence Regarding the Risks Associated with this Wetland Offset Arrangement in Florida pp. 136-149

- Harold Levrel, Pierre Scemama and Anne-Charlotte Vaissière
- Reviewing, Reforming, and Rethinking Global Energy Subsidies: Towards a Political Economy Research Agenda pp. 150-163

- Benjamin K. Sovacool
- Whose Equity Matters? National to Local Equity Perceptions in Vietnam's Payments for Forest Ecosystem Services Scheme pp. 164-175

- Lasse Loft, Dung Ngoc Le, Thuy Thu Pham, Anastasia Lucy Yang, Januarti Sinarra Tjajadi and Grace Yee Wong
- Tenure Security, Human Capital and Soil Conservation in an Overlapping Generation Rural Economy pp. 176-185

- Shaikh Eskander and Edward Barbier
- Culture, Conservation and Crime: Regulating Ivory Markets for Antiques and Crafts pp. 186-194

- Alan Collins, Caroline Cox and Nick Pamment
- Regional Net Impacts and Social Distribution Effects of Promoting Renewable Energies in Germany pp. 195-208

- Johannes Többen
- Bloom and bust: Toxic algae's impact on nearby property values pp. 209-221

- David Wolf and Henry Klaiber
- Economic implications of agricultural reuse of treated wastewater in Israel: A statewide long-term perspective pp. 222-233

- Ami Reznik, Eli Feinerman, Israel Finkelshtain, Franklin Fisher, Annette Huber-Lee, Brian Joyce and Iddo Kan
- Payments for Pioneers? Revisiting the Role of External Rewards for Sustainable Innovation under Heterogeneous Motivations pp. 234-245

- Aiora Zabala, Unai Pascual and Luis García-Barrios
- Using Adaptation Insurance to Incentivize Climate-change Mitigation pp. 246-258

- C. Patrick Doncaster, Alessandro Tavoni and James G. Dyke
- The Importance of Learning for Achieving the UK's Targets for Offshore Wind pp. 259-268

- Patrizio Lecca, Peter McGregor, Kim J. Swales and Marie Tamba
- Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Economic Growth: An Assessment Based on Production and Consumption Emission Inventories pp. 269-279

- Octavio Fernández-Amador, Joseph Francois, Doris Oberdabernig and Patrick Tomberger
- Urban commons service generation, delivery, and management: A conceptual framework pp. 280-287

- Arpit Shah and Amit Garg
- Causes and Impacts of Deficient Liability for Climate Change Damage, and an Economic Conception for Climate Change Liability That Supports Appropriate Action: DRaCULA pp. 288-298

- Sacha Rene Meckler
- Payment Vs. Compensation For Ecosystem Services: Do Words Have A Voice In The Design of Environmental Conservation Programs? pp. 299-303

- Sophie Clot, Gilles Grolleau and Philippe Méral
Volume 134, issue C, 2017
- How Countries' Resource Use History Matters for Human Well-being – An Investigation of Global Patterns in Cumulative Material Flows from 1950 to 2010 pp. 1-10

- Andreas Mayer, Willi Haas and Dominik Wiedenhofer
- Transferability of Policies to Control Agricultural Nonpoint Pollution in Relatively Similar Catchments pp. 11-21

- Ashar Aftab, Nick Hanley and Giovanni Baiocchi
- Economic Water Productivities Along the Dairy Value Chain in South Africa: Implications for Sustainable and Economically Efficient Water-use Policies in the Dairy Industry pp. 22-28

- Enoch Owusu-Sekyere, Morné Erwin Scheepers and Henry Jordaan
- Crop Production and Crop Diversity in France: A Spatial Analysis pp. 29-39

- Hermann Donfouet, Aleksandra Barczak, Cecile Detang-Dessendre and Elise Maigné
- Income Inequality and Carbon Emissions in the United States: A State-level Analysis, 1997–2012 pp. 40-48

- Andrew Jorgenson, Juliet Schor and Xiaorui Huang
- Performance of Input- and Output-based Payments for the Conservation of Mobile Species pp. 49-56

- Martin Drechsler
- Potential Consequences on the Economy of Low or No Growth - Short and Long Term Perspectives pp. 57-64

- J. Mikael Malmaeus and Eva C. Alfredsson
- The State-contingent Approach to the Noah's Ark Problem pp. 65-72

- Neil Perry and Sriram Shankar
- Estimating a Total Demand Function for Sea Angling Pursuits pp. 73-81

- Stephen Hynes, Rainey Gaeven and Paul O'Reilly
- Payment for multiple forest benefits alters the effect of tree disease on optimal forest rotation length pp. 82-94

- Morag F. Macpherson, Adam Kleczkowski, John R. Healey and Nick Hanley
- Governmentality, Development and the Violence of Natural Resource Extraction in Peru pp. 95-103

- Diego Andreucci and Giorgos Kallis
- Choosing a Functional Form for an International Benefit Transfer: Evidence from a Nine-country Valuation Experiment pp. 104-113

- Mikolaj Czajkowski, Heini Ahtiainen, Janne Artell and Jürgen Meyerhoff
- Determinants of Consumers' Green Purchase Behavior in a Developing Nation: Applying and Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior pp. 114-122

- Rambalak Yadav and Govind S. Pathak
- Competitive Lobbying over Common Pool Resource Regulations pp. 123-129

- Matthew A. Freeman and Christopher M. Anderson
- Equity-based Natural Resource Allocation for Infrastructure Development: Evidence From Large Hydropower Dams in Africa and Asia pp. 130-139

- Giuseppina Siciliano and Frauke Urban
- Caloric unequal exchange in Latin America and the Caribbean pp. 140-149

- Fander Falconí, Jesus Ramos-Martin and Pedro Cango
- The Panda's Pawprint: The Environmental Impact of the China-led Re-primarization in Latin America and the Caribbean pp. 150-159

- Rebecca Ray
- Monetary Valuation of Natural Predators for Biological Pest Control in Pear Production pp. 160-173

- Silvie Daniels, Nele Witters, Tim Beliën, Kristof Vrancken, Jaco Vangronsveld and Steven Van Passel
- The inequality-emissions nexus in the context of trade and development: A quantile regression approach pp. 174-185

- Michael Hübler
- Is It Possible to Make Rubber Extraction Ecologically and Economically Viable in the Amazon? The Southern Acre and Chico Mendes Reserve Case Study pp. 186-197

- Carolina Jaramillo-Giraldo, Britaldo Soares Filho, Sónia M. Carvalho Ribeiro and Rivadalve Coelho Gonçalves
- Ecological Macroeconomic Models: Assessing Current Developments pp. 198-211

- Lukas Hardt and Daniel W. O'Neill
- When Does Public Information Undermine the Efficiency of Reverse Auctions for the Purchase of Ecosystem Services? pp. 212-226

- Kent Messer, Joshua Duke, Lori Lynch and Tongzhe Li
- Determinants of Motives for Land Use Decisions at the Margins of the Corn Belt pp. 227-237

- Tong Wang, Moses Luri, Larry Janssen, David Hennessy, Hongli Feng, Michael C. Wimberly and Gaurav Arora
- Evaluating Revealed Preferences for Street Tree Cover Targets: A Business Case for Collaborative Investment in Leafier Streetscapes in Brisbane, Australia pp. 238-249

- Lyndal Plant, Alicia Rambaldi and Neil Sipe
- Invasive Species Impacts on Human Well-being Using the Life Satisfaction Index pp. 250-257

- Benjamin Jones
- Behavioral Insights for the Analysis of Green Tips pp. 258-262

- Gilles Grolleau, Estelle Midler and Naoufel Mzoughi
- Revisiting Pesticide Taxation Schemes pp. 263-266

- Robert Finger, Niklas Möhring, Tobias Dalhaus and Thomas Böcker
- Dealing with Cultural Differences in Environmental Management: Exploring the CEP-CFP Relationship pp. 267-275

- Vincenzo Vastola, Angeloantonio Russo and Clodia Vurro
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