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Ecological Economics

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland

From Elsevier
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Volume 128, issue C, 2016

Pollination service delivery for European crops: Challenges and opportunities pp. 1-7 Downloads
Sandra Nogué, Peter R. Long, Amy E. Eycott, Lea de Nascimento, José María Fernández-Palacios, Gillian Petrokofsky, Vigdis Vandvik and Kathy J. Willis
What is a “meal”? Comparative methods of auditing carbon offset compliance for fuel-efficient cookstoves pp. 8-16 Downloads
Stephen Harrell, Theresa Beltramo, Garrick Blalock, Juliet Kyayesimira, David Levine and Andrew Simons
Plausible responsiveness to scope in contingent valuation pp. 17-22 Downloads
John Whitehead
A practice approach to the institutionalization of economic degrowth pp. 23-32 Downloads
Maria Joutsenvirta
Impacts of climate change and ocean acidification on coral reef fisheries: An integrated ecological–economic model pp. 33-43 Downloads
Ann E. Speers, Elena Y. Besedin, James E. Palardy and Chris Moore
The value of environment across efficiency quantiles: A conditional regression quantiles analysis of rangelands beef production in north Eastern Australia pp. 44-54 Downloads
Daniel Gregg and John Rolfe
Processes for the sustainable stewardship of marine environments pp. 55-67 Downloads
Henrik Scharin, Siv Ericsdotter, Michael Elliott, R. Kerry Turner, Susa Niiranen, Thorsten Blenckner, Kari Hyytiäinen, Lassi Ahlvik, Heini Ahtiainen, Janne Artell, Linus Hasselström, Tore Söderqvist and Johan Rockström
The implicit value of tree cover in the U.S.: A meta-analysis of hedonic property value studies pp. 68-76 Downloads
Shyamani D. Siriwardena, Kevin Boyle, Thomas P. Holmes and P. Eric Wiseman
Household carbon inequality in urban China, its sources and determinants pp. 77-86 Downloads
Xinkuo Xu, Liyan Han and Xiaofeng Lv
A socio-ecological exploration into urban form: The environmental costs of travel pp. 87-98 Downloads
Zeenat Kotval-K and Igor Vojnovic
To buy or not to buy: The roles of self-identity, attitudes, perceived behavioral control and norms in organic consumerism pp. 99-105 Downloads
Miles H. Johe and Navjot Bhullar
The rise and fall of the sand monopoly in colonial Hong Kong pp. 106-116 Downloads
Lawrence W.C. Lai, K.W. Chau and Frank T. Lorne
Efficient water-using technologies and habits: A disaggregated analysis in the water sector pp. 117-129 Downloads
María Pérez-Urdiales and María Ángeles García-Valiñas
The social metabolism of biomass in Spain, 1900–2008: From food to feed-oriented changes in the agro-ecosystems pp. 130-138 Downloads
David Soto, Juan Infante-Amate, Gloria I. Guzmán, Antonio Cid, Eduardo Aguilera, Roberto García and Manuel González de Molina
Predicting the total economic impacts of invasive species: The case of B. rubostriata(red streaked leafhopper) pp. 139-146 Downloads
Lirong Liu and Brian Piper
‘Environmental load displacement’ from the North to the South: A consumption-based perspective with a focus on China pp. 147-158 Downloads
Shuijun Peng, Wencheng Zhang and Chuanwang Sun
Transferring Williamson's discriminating alignment to the analysis of environmental governance of social-ecological interdependence pp. 159-168 Downloads
Andreas Thiel, Christian Schleyer, Jochen Hinkel, Maja Schlüter, Konrad Hagedorn, Sandy Bisaro, Ihtiyor Bobojonov and Ahmad Hamidov
Application of the ecosystem services concept in environmental policy—A systematic empirical analysis of national level policy documents in Poland pp. 169-176 Downloads
Krzysztof Maczka, Piotr Matczak, Agata Pietrzyk-Kaszyńska, Marcin Rechciński, Agnieszka Olszańska, Joanna Cent and Małgorzata Grodzińska-Jurczak
Consumption-based material flow indicators — Comparing six ways of calculating the Austrian raw material consumption providing six results pp. 177-186 Downloads
Nina Eisenmenger, Dominik Wiedenhofer, Anke Schaffartzik, Stefan Giljum, Martin Bruckner, Heinz Schandl, Thomas O. Wiedmann, Manfred Lenzen, Arnold Tukker and Arjan Koning
External validity of artefactual field experiments: A study on cooperation, impatience and sustainability in an artisanal fishery in Colombia pp. 187-201 Downloads
Luz Torres-Guevara and Achim Schlüter
Divers' willingness to pay for improved coral reef conditions in Guam: An untapped source of funding for management and conservation? pp. 202-213 Downloads
Shanna Grafeld, Kirsten Oleson, Michele Barnes, Marcus Peng, Catherine Chan and Mariska Weijerman
Optimizing intermediate ecosystem services in agriculture using rules based on landscape composition and configuration indices pp. 214-223 Downloads
Rong-Gang Cong, Johan Ekroos, Henrik G. Smith and Mark Brady
Additionality and reverse crowding out for pollution offsets in water quality trading pp. 224-231 Downloads
Richard Woodward, David Newburn and Mariano Mezzatesta
Psychographic profile affects willingness to pay for ecosystem services provided by Mediterranean high nature value farmland pp. 232-245 Downloads
Tamara Rodríguez-Ortega, Alberto Bernués and Frode Alfnes
Mitigation of adverse effects on competitiveness and leakage of unilateral EU climate policy: An assessment of policy instruments pp. 246-259 Downloads
Alessandro Antimiani, Valeria Costantini, Onno Kuik and Elena Paglialunga

Volume 127, issue C, 2016

A review and comparative assessment of existing approaches to calculate material footprints pp. 1-10 Downloads
Stephan Lutter, Stefan Giljum and Martin Bruckner
Stated preference methods and landscape ecology indicators: An example of transdisciplinarity in landscape economic valuation pp. 11-22 Downloads
C. Tagliafierro, Marco Boeri, A. Longo and W.G. Hutchinson
Wind power externalities: A meta-analysis pp. 23-36 Downloads
Matteo Mattmann, Ivana Logar and Roy Brouwer
Modeling individual preferences for energy sources: The case of IV generation nuclear energy in Italy pp. 37-58 Downloads
Davide Contu, Elisabetta Strazzera and Susana Mourato
Pay the farmer, or buy the land?—Cost-effectiveness of payments for ecosystem services versus land purchases or easements in Central Kenya pp. 59-67 Downloads
Michael Curran, Boniface Kiteme, Tobias Wünscher, Thomas Koellner and Stefanie Hellweg
Labor as a driver of changes in herd feeding patterns: Evidence from a diachronic approach in Mediterranean France and lessons for agroecology pp. 68-79 Downloads
C. Aubron, L. Noël and J. Lasseur
Linking individuals' ecological footprint to their subjective well-being pp. 80-89 Downloads
Elsy Verhofstadt, L. Van Ootegem, B. Defloor and Brent Bleys
The value of whale watching to local communities in Baja, Mexico: A case study using applied economic rent theory pp. 90-101 Downloads
Tobias Schwoerer, Duncan Knowler and Salvador Garcia-Martinez
Land use and general equilibrium implications of a forest-based carbon sequestration policy in the United States pp. 102-120 Downloads
Juan J. Monge, Henry L. Bryant, Jianbang Gan and James Richardson
Estimating the demand curve for sustainable use of pesticides from contingent-valuation data pp. 121-128 Downloads
Cristina Amaro da Costa and José Lima Santos
A qualitative meta-synthesis of the benefits of eco-labeling in developing countries pp. 129-145 Downloads
Anna Carlson and Charles Palmer
A proposed framework to systematically design and objectively evaluate non-dominated restoration tradeoffs for watershed planning and management pp. 146-155 Downloads
David M. Martin, Virgilio Hermoso, Francis Pantus, Jon Olley, Simon Linke and N. LeRoy Poff
Casting a long shadow: Demand-based accounting of Canada's greenhouse gas emissions responsibility pp. 156-164 Downloads
Brett Dolter and Peter A. Victor
Tracking cultural ecosystem services: water chasing the Colorado River restoration pulse flow pp. 165-172 Downloads
Rosalind H. Bark, Catherine J. Robinson and Karl W. Flessa
Evading invasives: How Eurasian watermilfoil affects the development of lake properties pp. 173-184 Downloads
James S. Goodenberger and Henry Klaiber
Exploring the role of economic incentives and spillover effects in biodiversity conservation policies in sub-Saharan Africa pp. 185-191 Downloads
Ariane Amin

Volume 126, issue C, 2016

The macroeconomic cost of catastrophic pollinator declines pp. 1-13 Downloads
Dana Marie Bauer and Ian Sue Wing
Sustainability in a post-Keynesian growth model for an open economy pp. 14-22 Downloads
Giulio Guarini and Gabriel Porcile
Linkage between crop diversity and agro-ecosystem resilience: Nonmonotonic agricultural response under alternate regimes pp. 23-31 Downloads
Kyohei Matsushita, Fumihiro Yamane and Kota Asano
Scaling up pro-environmental agricultural practice using agglomeration payments: Proof of concept from an agent-based model pp. 32-41 Downloads
Andrew Bell, Gregory Parkhurst, Klaus Droppelmann and Tim G. Benton
Ecological sufficiency, individual liberties, and distributive justice: Implications for policy making pp. 42-50 Downloads
Peter Heindl and Philipp Kanschik
Floods and happiness: Empirical evidence from Bulgaria pp. 51-57 Downloads
Filka Sekulova and Jeroen van den Bergh
Farmer perceptions of wetlands and waterbodies: Using social metrics as an alternative to ecosystem service valuation pp. 58-69 Downloads
Simon Greenland-Smith, John Brazner and Kate Sherren
The value of endangered forest elephants to local communities in a transboundary conservation landscape pp. 70-86 Downloads
Jonas Ngouhouo Poufoun, Jens Abildtrup, Dénis Jean Sonwa and Philippe Delacote
Distributive fairness in paying for clean energy infrastructure pp. 87-97 Downloads
Harry Granqvist and David Grover
Measuring nuclear power plant externalities using life satisfaction data: A spatial analysis for Switzerland pp. 98-111 Downloads
Heinz Welsch and Philipp Biermann
Forest clearing, livelihood strategies and welfare: Evidence from the Tsimane' in Bolivia pp. 112-124 Downloads
Emilie Perge and Andy McKay
Public willingness to pay for carbon farming and its co-benefits pp. 125-131 Downloads
Marit Kragt, F.L. Gibson, F. Maseyk and K.A. Wilson
Evaluating conceptual definitions of ecosystem services and their implications pp. 132-138 Downloads
Brian Danley and Camilla Widmark
A framework of attitudes towards technology in theory and practice pp. 139-151 Downloads
Christian Kerschner and Melf-Hinrich Ehlers
Why are grain-legumes rarely present in cropping systems despite their environmental and nutritional benefits? Analyzing lock-in in the French agrifood system pp. 152-162 Downloads
Marie-Benoit Magrini, Marc Anton, Célia Cholez, Guenaelle Corre-Hellou, Gérard Duc, Marie-Hélène Jeuffroy, Jean-Marc Meynard, Elise Pelzer, Anne-Sophie Voisin and Stéphane Walrand
Ecological monetary economics: A post-Keynesian critique pp. 163-168 Downloads
Louison Cahen-Fourot and Marc Lavoie
Tracing the impacts of a northern open economy on the global environment pp. 169-181 Downloads
Eneko Garmendia, Leire Urkidi, Iñaki Arto, Iñaki Barcena, Roberto Bermejo, David Hoyos and Rosa Lago
Degrowth: A “missile word” that backfires? pp. 182-187 Downloads
Stefan Drews and Miklós Antal
Page updated 2025-03-28