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Ecological Economics

1989 - 2025

Current editor(s): C. J. Cleveland

From Elsevier
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Volume 21, issue 3, 1997

A constructive approach to environmental valuation pp. 175-181 Downloads
Robin Gregory and Paul Slovic
The sustainability of logging in Indonesia's tropical forests: A dynamic input-output analysis pp. 183-195 Downloads
Clive Hamilton
Limits to substitution and irreversibility in production and consumption: A neoclassical interpretation of ecological economics pp. 197-215 Downloads
David Stern
Green accounting and economic policy pp. 217-229 Downloads
Salah El Serafy
Policy analysis for an amicable, efficient and sustainable inter-country fresh water resource allocation pp. 231-242 Downloads
Dimitrios A. Giannias and Joseph N. Lekakis
The economic valuation of saltwater marsh supporting marine recreational fishing in the southeastern United States pp. 243-254 Downloads
Frederick W. Bell

Volume 21, issue 2, 1997

A neo-Austrian five process model with resource extraction and pollution abatement pp. 91-103 Downloads
Stefan Speck
Willingness-to-pay for Borivli National Park: evidence from a Contingent Valuation pp. 105-122 Downloads
Nandini Hadker, Sudhir Sharma, Ashish David and T. R. Muraleedharan
Managing cattle grazing under degraded forests: An optimal control approach pp. 123-139 Downloads
V. Costanza and C. E. Neuman
Limits to economic growth as shown by a computable general equilibrium model pp. 141-158 Downloads
Martin Ricker
Hampered effluent accumulation process: Phosphorus management and societal structure pp. 159-174 Downloads
Folke Gunther

Volume 21, issue 1, 1997

A dynamic, hierarchical approach to understanding and managing natural economic systems pp. 1-17 Downloads
Roy F. Weston and Matthias Ruth
The index of sustainable economic welfare (ISEW) as an alternative to GDP in measuring economic welfare. The results of the Austrian (revised) ISEW calculation 1955-1992 pp. 19-34 Downloads
Engelbert Stockhammer, Harald Hochreiter, Bernhard Obermayr and Klaus Steiner
An overlapping generations model with exhaustible resources and stock pollution pp. 35-43 Downloads
P. Guruswamy Babu, K.S. Kavi Kumar and N. S. Murthy
The non-use benefits of enhancing forest biodiversity: A contingent ranking study pp. 45-61 Downloads
G. D. Garrod and K. G. Willis
Economic benefits of maintaining ecological integrity of Rio Mameyes, in Puerto Rico pp. 63-75 Downloads
Armando Gonzalez-Caban and John Loomis
A comparison of price, rarity and cost of butterfly specimens: Implications for the insect trade and for habitat conservation pp. 77-85 Downloads
Thomas H. Slone, Larry J. Orsak and Olaf Malver

Volume 20, issue 3, 1997

In memoriam: On the death of the 'market mechanism' pp. 187-197 Downloads
Robert Nelson
The effect of distance on willingness to pay values: a case study of wetlands and salmon in California pp. 199-207 Downloads
Jennifer Pate and John Loomis
Boundary conditions for the sustainable use of major fish stocks in the Baltic Sea pp. 209-220 Downloads
Mikael Hilden
The new frontier of American fisheries governance pp. 221-233 Downloads
Susan S. Hanna
The shading and distancing of commerce: When internalization is not enough pp. 235-253 Downloads
Thomas Princen
Developments in the throughput-income relationship: theoretical and empirical observations pp. 255-268 Downloads
S. M. de Bruyn and J. B. Opschoor

Volume 20, issue 2, 1997

Women, ecology and economics: New models and theories pp. 105-106 Downloads
Ellie Perkins
Making the hidden visible: the importance of caring activities and their principles for any economy pp. 107-112 Downloads
Maren Jochimsen and Ulrike Knobloch
The triangle of the human economy: household - cultivation - industrial production An attempt at making visible the human economy in toto pp. 113-127 Downloads
Hilkka Pietila
Women, nature and the social construction of 'economic man' pp. 129-140 Downloads
Mary Mellor
Toward a sustaining production theory pp. 141-154 Downloads
Sabine U. O'Hara
Feminism, ecology and the philosophy of economics pp. 155-162 Downloads
Julie Nelson
From the ground up: ecofeminism and ecological economics pp. 163-173 Downloads
Martha McMahon
Economy for the Earth: The labour theory of value without the subject/object distinction pp. 175-185 Downloads
Teresa Brennan

Volume 20, issue 1, 1997

On complete recycling, 2 pp. 1-2 Downloads
A. O. Converse
Perceptual and structural barriers to investing in natural capital: Economics from an ecological footprint perspective pp. 3-24 Downloads
Mathis Wackernagel and William E. Rees
Steps towards indicators of sustainable development: Linking economic and ecological concepts pp. 25-36 Downloads
Klaus Rennings and Hubert Wiggering
Ecolocical certification of forest products: Economic challenges pp. 37-51 Downloads
Clyde F. Kiker and Francis E. Putz
Environmental services as a strategy for sustainable development in rural Amazonia pp. 53-70 Downloads
Philip Fearnside
The environment and the ethics of discounting: An empirical analysis pp. 71-82 Downloads
Sarah Lumley
Integrated value theory for natural areas pp. 83-93 Downloads
Michael Lockwood
Climate change research: Evaluation and policy implications. Studies in environmental sciences, Vol. 65: Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1995. Zverver, S., R.S.A.R. van Rompaey, M.T.J. Kok and M.M. Berk (Editors). 1504 pp., Dfl. 490.00, ISBN 0-444-82143-0 pp. 95-97 Downloads
Ulo Mander and Air Kull

Volume 19, issue 3, 1996

Letter to the editor on complete recycling pp. 193-194 Downloads
A. O. Converse
Response The 'recycle of matter' debate. Physical principles versus practical impossibility pp. 195-196 Downloads
C. Bianciardi, E. Tiezzi and S. Ulgiati
Macro changes and micro analysis: methodological issues in ecological economics pp. 197-200 Downloads
David Barkin
Project evaluation and economic development: on using benefit-cost analysis to evaluate Hidrovia pp. 201-203 Downloads
Enrique H. Bucher and Paul C. Huszar
Trade-related intellectual property rights to biological resources: Socioeconomic implications for developing countries pp. 205-217 Downloads
Mahadev G. Bhat
Embodied energy analysis and EMERGY analysis: a comparative view pp. 219-235 Downloads
M. T. Brown and R. A. Herendeen
The value of incorporating bioindicators in economic approaches to water pollution control pp. 237-245 Downloads
Andrew G. Keeler and Donna McLemore
Non-transboundary pollution and the efficiency of international environmental co-operation pp. 247-259 Downloads
Henk Kox and Casper M. Van der Tak
Elicitation and truncation effects in contingent valuation studies: comment pp. 261-264 Downloads
Geoffrey N. Kerr and Andreas W. K. Graham
Elicitation and truncation effects in contingent valuation studies pp. 265-267 Downloads
Ian H. Langford and Ian Bateman
Sustainable development principles and their implications for transport pp. 269-282 Downloads
Henrik Gudmundsson and Mattias Hojer

Volume 19, issue 2, 1996

The great Canadian fishery collapse: some policy lessons pp. 103-106 Downloads
H. Jack Ruitenbeek
The benign effect of some agricultural specialization on the environment pp. 107-111 Downloads
David Wood
Reply to David Wood pp. 113-115 Downloads
Nick Johnstone
Limits to the growth paradigm pp. 117-134 Downloads
Robert U. Ayres
Debt-for-nature swaps as noncooperative outcomes pp. 135-146 Downloads
Paul E. Chambers, Richard Jensen and John Whitehead
The ivory trade ban: Is it effective? pp. 147-155 Downloads
Jyoti Khanna and Jon Harford
Cost-benefit analysis in integrated environmental assessment: some methodological issues pp. 157-168 Downloads
Giuseppe Munda
Discounting and distributional considerations in the context of global warming pp. 169-184 Downloads
Christian Azar and Thomas Sterner
Barriers and bridges to the renewal of ecosystems and institutions: L.H. Gunderson, C.S. Holling and S.S. Light, Eds., 1995. Columbia University Press, New York, NY, xiv + 593 pp. ISBN 0-231-10102-3 pp. 185-188 Downloads
Donald Ludwig
Natural capital and human economic survival: Thomas Prugh, with Robert Costanza, John H. Cumberland, Herman Daly, Robert Goodland and Richard B. Norgaard, ISEE Press, Solomons Island, MD, USA, 1995, 198 pp pp. 189-189 Downloads
Sandra Postel
Agriculture and environmental change: A.M. Mannion, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester pp. 189-191 Downloads
David Pimentel
The future of the environment: Ecological economics and technological change: Faye Duchin and Glenn-Marie Lange, with Knut Thonstad and Annemarth Idenburg, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1994 pp. 191-192 Downloads
John Gowdy

Volume 19, issue 1, 1996

The impact of ecological economics pp. 1-2 Downloads
Robert Costanza
An agenda for the design and study of international environmental agreements pp. 3-9 Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal
Fairness, stewardship and sustainable development pp. 11-17 Downloads
Christopher Barrett
Basic attributes of trade and environment: What do the numbers tell us? pp. 19-33 Downloads
James R. Lee
Pollution added credit trading (PACT): New dimensions in emissions trading pp. 35-53 Downloads
Stefan Schaltegger and Tom Thomas
Regulatory taxation of fossil fuels: Theory and policy pp. 55-65 Downloads
Dirk J. Wolfson and Carl Koopmans
The damage costs of climate change towards a dynamic representation pp. 67-90 Downloads
Richard Tol
The North and South and the environment: Ecological constraints and the global economy: Ed. V. Bhaskar and Andrew Glyn. United Nations University Press, Tokyo, New York, Paris, and Earthscan Publications Ltd, London, xii + 263 pp., 1995. ISBN 1-85383-215-4 (paperback)/1-85383-224-3 (hardback). UK price GBP16.95 (paperback) GBP35.00 (hardback) pp. 91-92 Downloads
John Peet
Dynamic modeling: Eds. Bruce Hannon and Matthias Ruth, 1994. Springer-Verlag; 248 pp. + index. ISBN: 0-387-94287-4 pp. 92-93 Downloads
Jeroen van den Bergh
The causes of tropical deforestation; the economic and statistical analysis of factors giving rise to the loss of the tropical forests: Eds. K. Brown and D. Pearce. UCL Press, London, 1994. 338 pp. ISBN 1-85728-130-6 pp. 93-95 Downloads
Peter H. May
Managing the global common: The economics of climate change: William Nordhaus pp. 96-96 Downloads
Robert Kaufmann
Page updated 2025-03-28